3,143 research outputs found

    Liberalizing air cargo services in APEC

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    This study aims at assessing the link between a more liberal air cargo regime and increased bilateral merchandise trade in the Asia Pacific region, under the auspices of APEC. Using the gravity model and employing the Air Liberalisation Index (ALI) developed by the WTO Secretariat, this paper finds strong support for two hypotheses. First, more liberal air services policies are positively, significantly and robustly associated with higher bilateral trade in merchandise. The results also show that air transport policy matters more for some sectors than for others. A particularly strong relationship is found between bilateral liberalisation and trade in manufactured goods, time sensitive products, and parts and components. Considering the sector found to be most sensitive to the degree of aviation liberalisation, the estimates imply that a one point increase in the ALI is associated with an increase of 4% in bilateral parts and components trade, prior to taking account of general equilibrium effects. These findings have important policy implications. In particular, economies actively seeking greater integration in international production networks could greatly benefit from a more liberal aviation policy regime.Aviation; international trade in services; liberalization; international trade in goods; parts and components trade; production networks; APEC.

    Operations Research for Green Logistics – An Overview of Aspects, Issues, Contributions and Challenges

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    The worldwide economic growth of the last century has given rise to a vast consumption of goods while globalization has led to large streams of goods all over the world. The production, transportation, storage and consumption of all these goods, however, have created large environmental problems. Today, global warming, created by large scale emissions of greenhouse gasses, is a top environmental concern. Governments, action groups and companies are asking for measures to counter this threat. Operations research has a long tradition in improving operations and especially in reducing costs. In this paper, we present a review that highlights the contribution of operations research to green logistics, which involves the integration of environmental aspects in logistics. We give a sketch of the present and possible developments, focussing on design, planning and control in a supply chain for transportation, inventory of products and facility decisions. While doing this, we also indicate several areas where environmental aspects could be included in OR models for logistics

    Risks in global transport

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    Abstract. The background of this project is that the case company delivers its products to customer all over the world using different supply chains. Currently, the products are packed and shipped in relatively similar packages without considering the specific requirements of the various supply chains, which raises the concern of poor packaging performance. Meaning that the packaging system was not designed to meet the supply chain requirements which ultimately leads to product damage or quality deterioration. The purpose of this thesis is to define the conditions that the product and the industrial package are exposed to in the various supply chains, as they flow from the Alfa Laval facility in Lund to the customers. The identification of the supply chain conditions will provide essential data that can be used as a foundation to enhance the industrial package’s performance and increase the protection of products during transport. The methodology used is an abductive research using systems thinking, in which theoretical knowledge was combined with empirical data collected through various methods to answer the research questions and provide suggestions for improvements. The data collection methods were interviews, observations, internal documents examination, data loggers and GPS trackers. The Conclusions were that the product and the industrial package are exposed to various risks that can be classified as mechanical, chemical & biological or miscellaneous risks. The occurrence of risks and the extent of damage they can cause are influenced by factors related to the product & its package, the communication between the forwarders, the climatic conditions, the human factor and finally factors related to activities of transport, handling & storage. The shipped cargo was exposed to high humidity shocks throughout the different supply chains. The cargo was not exposed to more damaging conditions in developing countries, as high humidity levels and shocks were also recorded within the production facility in Lund and during handling in EU countries (e.g. at ports)

    Significance of Trans-European Transport Networks for Logistics Centre Localization as Exemplified by the Łódź Region

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    This work complements and structures knowledge in the field of logistics centres (with focus on the Łódź region). It presents a thorough analysis of strategic documents of the European Union in reference to the functioning of international transport networks. It also provides a detailed description of logistics facilities operations from the theoretical standpoint and definition of relations in points where logistics centres and TEN-T networks overlap. The result of this work is a set of recommendations referring to effective development of logistics centres on the background of transport corridors


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    Based on a review of scientific literature, as well as a detailed analysis of business processes, it should be stated that the increase in the volume of sales on a global scale generates not only the need to analyse the development of business, but above all the need to conduct scientific research in the field of improving logistics processes and information flow in the supply chain. The relatively long time of delivery of ordered goods, the complexity of customs processes and logistic service make it necessary to apply innovative digitalization solutions in order to be able to monitor and react quickly to disruptions. These analyses are most noticeable in global supply chains, which is why the New Silk Road became the research area. In this paper, the authors focused on conducting a review of digitalisation solutions that improve the efficiency in supply chains. The review was conducted both in the research aspect, by verifying knowledge on the subject in the scientific literature available on the Web of Science and Scopus databases, but also in the practical aspect, by analysing needs and trends in the use of supply chain digitalisation in business practice. The research aspect was based on the application of the CANVAS model for the identification of business needs in the supply chain digitalisation aspect and on surveys for importance degree analysis for the identified needs in business practice. The research carried out in this area is the result of cooperation between Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology and Poznan School of Logistics. The research was conducted in 2021 and the first half of 2022 among Polish logistic companies.Proučavanjem znanstvene literature, uz detaljnu analizu poslovnih procesa, utvrđeno je da povećanje ukupne prodaje na globalnoj razini stvara ne samo potrebu za analizom razvoja poslovanja, nego iznad svega potrebu za provođenjem znanstvenog istraživanja u području poboljšanja logističkih procesa i protoka informacija u opskrbnom lancu. Relativno dugo vrijeme potrebno za isporuku naručene robe, složenost carinskih procesa i logističkog servisa stvaraju potrebu za primjenom inovativnih digitaliziranih rješenja da bi se moglo pratiti i brzo reagirati na zastoje. Ove analize najuočljivije su u globalnim opskrbnim lancima, zbog čega je Novi put svile postao područje istraživanja. U ovome radu autori su se usredotočili na pregled digitalizacijskih rješenja kojima se poboljšava učinkovitost opskrbnih lanaca. Pregled je proveden u istraživačkom aspektu verificiranjem znanja o predmetu istraživanja u znanstvenoj literaturi dostupnoj na Web of Science i Scopus bazama podataka, ali također i praktičnom aspektu, analizom potreba i trendova u uporabi digitalizacije opskrbnih lanaca u poslovnoj praksi. Istraživački aspekt temeljio se na primjeni CANVAS modela za identifikaciju poslovnih potreba u polju digitalizacije opskrbnog lanca na istraživanjima analize stupnja značajnosti identificiranih potreba u poslovnoj praksi. Istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovome području rezultat je suradnje između Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology i Poznan School of Logistics. Istraživanje je provedeno 2021. u prvoj polovini 2022. među poljskim logističkim tvrtkama

    The impact of alternative routeing and packaging scenarios on carbon and sulphate emissions in international wine distribution.

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    There is a large body of research related to carbon footprint reduction in supply chains and logistics from a wide range of sectors; however the decarbonisation of freight transport is mostly explored from a single mode perspective and at a domestic/regional level. This paper takes into account a range of alternative transport modes, routes and methods with particular reference to UK wine imports from two regions: northern Italy and Southeast Australia. The research examines supply chain structures, costs and the environmental impact of international wine distribution to the UK. A number of options are evaluated to calculate the carbon footprint and sulphate emissions of alternative route, mode, method of carriage, and packaging combinations. The estimation of CO2e emissions incor- porates three main elements - cargo mass, distance and method of carriage; sulphate emis- sions are derived from actual ship routes, engine power and operational speeds. The bottling of wine either at source or close to destination is also taken into consideration. The key findings are: there are major differences between the environmental footprint of different routeing and packaging scenarios; the international shipping leg almost always has a much larger footprint than inland transport within the UK except in the hypothetical case of the rail shipments from Italy using flexitanks. With reference to sulphate, the low- est cost scenario among the sea maximizing options is also the sulphate minimising solution

    Proactive economic policy and logistics : Quebec and continental supply chains : a discussion

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    Eager to capitalize on the experience that proved so positive in the Netherlands, now the main hub in European logistics largely owing to a proactive governmental policy, the Québec government decided in 1995 to set up a policy to attract continental distribution centers (DCs) from European manufacturing firms in Montreal. This decision seemed logical inasmuch as the market trend was in favor of the consolidation of one or two continental DCs as against the former logistics trend to disseminate several regional DCs. Good geographical and economic advantages also hinted to a sound governmental endeavor. However, the implementation of this policy stumbled on conceptual problems as regards the new expectations from logistical chains from manufacturing firms