46 research outputs found

    High speed directly modulated III-V-on-silicon DFB lasers

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    200 Gbps/lane IM/DD Technologies for Short Reach Optical Interconnects

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    Client-side optics are facing an ever-increasing upgrading pace, driven by upcoming 5G related services and datacenter applications. The demand for a single lane data rate is soon approaching 200 Gbps. To meet such high-speed requirement, all segments of traditional intensity modulation direct detection (IM/DD) technologies are being challenged. The characteristics of electrical and optoelectronic components and the performance of modulation, coding, and digital signal processing (DSP) techniques are being stretched to their limits. In this context, we witnessed technological breakthroughs in several aspects, including development of broadband devices, novel modulation formats and coding, and high-performance DSP algorithms for the past few years. A great momentum has been accumulated to overcome the aforementioned challenges. In this article, we focus on IM/DD transmissions, and provide an overview of recent research and development efforts on key enabling technologies for 200 Gbps per lane and beyond. Our recent demonstrations of 200 Gbps short-reach transmissions with 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and discrete multitone signals are also presented as examples to show the system requirements in terms of device characteristics and DSP performance. Apart from digital coherent technologies and advanced direct detection systems, such as Stokes–vector and Kramers–Kronig schemes, we expect high-speed IM/DD systems will remain advantageous in terms of system cost, power consumption, and footprint for short reach applications in the short- to mid- term perspective

    Development of high capacity transmission systems for future optical access networks

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    The cost-sensitivity of NG-PON2 and future optical access networks, employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology, may preclude the use of conventional LiNbO3-based intensity and I/Q modulators, as they are currently too expensive for use in the access domain. Cost-effective directly modulated lasers (DMLs) and electro-absorption modulated lasers (EMLs) will need to be employed and, thus, are expected to be integral components in the realisation of tunable laser sources for future optical access networks. The limitations of DMLs and EMLs as transmitters merit thorough investigation to further understand how these devices can be adapted or optimised for use as tunable laser sources in future optical access networks. In this thesis, the transmission performance of a directly modulated DFB laser (DML) and an externally modulated DFB laser monolithically integrated with an EAM (EML), are investigated. The performance of both devices under 12.5 Gbit/s NRZ-OOK modulation are evaluated for transmission over standard single-mode fibre (SSMF) in an IM/DD test-bed, with a view to further understanding the limitations of DMLs and EMLs in 10 Gbit/s IM/DD systems. Particular attention is given to the frequency chirp of the devices and how the chirp affects the performances of the devices for transmission over SSMF up to 50 km in length. Numerical models, which were developed in MATLAB, are utilised to simulate the characteristics and transmission performances of both the DML and EML. The latter half of this thesis is focused on the development of a self-seeded Fabry-Pérot (SS-FP) laser. The SS-FP laser is optimised and characterised, and the transmission performance of the directly modulated SS-FP laser over SSMF is evaluated in an IM/DD test-bed. Two intensity modulation (IM) formats are assessed, 12.5 Gbit/s NRZ-OOK and 12.5 Gbaud/s (25 Gbit/s) multilevel PAM-4, both IM formats are compatible with 10G class optical components and legacy PON deployments. The SS-FP laser holds potential for photonic integration, justifying its consideration as a candidate tunable laser source for next generation PONs and future optical access networks

    InAs/InP Quantum Dash Semiconductor Coherent Comb Lasers and their Applications in Optical Networks

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    We report on the design, growth, and fabrication of InAs/InP quantum dash (QD) gain materials and their use in lasers for optical network applications. A noise performance comparison between QD and quantum well (QW) Fabry–Perot (F-P) lasers has been made. By using the QD gain material we have successfully developed and assembled C-band coherent comb laser (CCL) modules with an electrical fast feedback loop control system to ensure a targeted mode frequency spacing. The frequency spacing was maintained within ±100 ppm and the operation wavelengths locked on the desired ITU grid within 0.01 nm over a period of several months. We also investigated a 25-GHz C-band QD CCL with an external cavity self-injection feedback locking (SIFL) system to reduce the optical linewidth of each individual channel to below 200 kHz in the wavelength range from 1537.55 nm to 1545.14 nm. The RF mode beating signal 3-dB bandwidth was also reduced from 9 kHz to approximately 500 Hz with this SIFL system. These QD CCLs with ultra-low relative intensity noise (RIN), ultra-narrow optical linewidth, and ultra-low timing jitter are excellent laser sources for multi-terabit optical networks. Using a 34.2 GHz QD CCL we demonstrate 10.8 Tbit/s (16QAM 48 × 28 GBaud PDM) coherent data transmission over 100 km of standard single mode fiber (SSMF) and 5.4 Tbit/s (PAM-4 48 × 28 GBaud PDM) aggregate data transmission capacity over 25 km of SSMF with error-free operation

    Equalizer State Caching for Fast Data Recovery in Optically-Switched Data Center Networks

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    Optical switching offers the potential to significantly scale the capacity of data center networks (DCN) with a simultaneous reduction in switching time and power consumption. Previous research has shown that end-to-end switching time, which is the sum of the switch configuration time and the clock and data recovery (CDR) locking time, should be kept within a few nanoseconds for high network throughput. This challenge of low switching time has motivated research into fast optical switches, ultra-fast clock and amplitude recovery techniques. Concurrently, the data rate between server-to-server and server-to-switch interconnect is increasing drastically from the current 100 Gb/s (4×25 Gb/s) to 400 Gb/s and beyond, motivating the use of high order formats such as 50-GBaud four-level pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM-4) for signalling. Since PAM-4 is more sensitive to noise and distortion, digital equalizers are generally needed to compensate for impairments such as transceiver frequency rolloff, dispersion and optical filtering, adding additional time for equalizer adaptation and power consumption that are undesired for fast optical switching systems. Here we propose and investigate an equalizer state caching technique that reduces equalizer adaptation time and computation power consumption for fast optical switching systems, underpinning optically-switched DCNs using high baud rate and impairment-sensitive formats. Through a proof-of-concept experiment, we study the performance of the proposed equalizer state caching scheme in a three-node optical switching system using 56 GBaud PAM-4. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme can tolerate up to 0.8-nm (100-GHz) instantaneous wavelength change with an adaptation delay of only 0.36 ns. Practical considerations such as clock phase misalignment, temperature-induced wavelength drift, and equalizer precision are also studied

    Comunicações avançadas com fibra óptica plástica

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    Nowadays, fiber to the Home/Curb/Building/Cabinet (FTTx) services that interconnect homes with a standard glass optical fiber cables to the core/access optical networks have brought the optical fiber at the doorsteps of our homes. However, the last few miles in home access network is still based on the limited bandwidth electronic component which supports by the cooper wires e.g. Cat-5, 6. The rapid growth of personal smart/mobile electronic devices with new developments such as video on demand, High Definition (HD) and three-Dimension (3D) television (TV), cloud computing, video conferences, etc. has been proposed new challenges for the next generation high bandwidth demand required for subscribers in home access network. In order to meet the more demanding expectations of the end user with new developments, it is necessary to improve the physical infrastructure of the existing in home networks in order to obtain the best ratio between quality of service and price of implementation. Plastic optical fibers (POFs) are point out as a promising transmission medium for short-range communication in compare to the “classic” single/multimode glass optical fibers and current cooper wire technology developments. The main advantages of POF are its easy to install, easy splicing and the possibility of using low cost optical transceivers, capability of being robust, and immunity to electromagnetic noise interference. However, the benefits of large-core POFs come at the expense of a less bandwidth and a higher attenuation than silica-based solution. The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to explore the possibilities and develop low cost, short reach, high data rate POF-links for in home networks applications. This thesis investigates the use of multilevel modulation in particular, pulse amplitude modulation (PAM in combination of the receiver equalizer in order to overcome the bandwidth limitations of the graded index POFs. The possibility of the using multiple channels over a single fiber to increase the capacity of POF systems using commercially available multimode components is also analyzed in this dissertation. Moreover, a low cost Digitised radio signal over plastic fiber system is proposed and evaluated to deliver digital baseband data for wireline and wireless users in home access network. The deployment will be specified in terms of performance, maximum rates and any degradation that might appear in the network. Furthermore, the possibilities of the microstructured fibers in telecommunication application will be studied with main emphasis on their structural design. The photonic crystal fibers made of different highly nonlinear materials with different structures are optimized to achieve ultra-flat dispersion, high nonlinearity and low confinement loss over a broad range of wavelengths in the perspective of their usage in telecommunication applications.Hoje em dia, a possibilidade de a fibra óptica até casa (FTTH) para a transmissão simultânea de diferentes serviços como internet, telefone, televisão digital é uma realidade. No entanto, para satisfazer as expectativas mais exigentes do usuário final com novos desenvolvimentos, tais como vídeo sob demanda, de alta definição (HD) e tridimensional (3D) de televisão (TV), computação em nuvem, vídeo conferências, etc., é necessário melhorar a infra-estrutura física da existente em redes domésticas, a fim de obter a melhor relação entre a qualidade do serviço e preço de implementação. Fibra óptica de plástico (POF) é considerada um meio de transmissão promissor para comunicações de curto alcance, queando comparadas com a clássica fibra óptica de silica (tanto monomodo como multimodo) e com as tecnologias atuais baseadas em fio de cobre. As principais vantagens da POF encontramse na sua facilidade de instalação e conecção, possibilidade de uso de fontes e detectores de baixo custo, robustez e imunidade electromagnética. No entanto, o uso da POF de elevado diâmetro têm também desvantagens uma vez que esta oferece uma menor largura de banda e uma atenuação superior à fibra de sílica convêncional. Esta dissertação de doutoramento tem como principal objetivo explorar as possibilidades de desemvolvimento de componentes de baixo custo baseados em POF para redes de curto alcance, com alta taxa de transmisssão de dados. Esta tese investiga a utilização de vários formatos de modulação combinados com equalizador e receptor, de maneira a superar as limitações de largura de banda em sistemas de comunicação óptica de curto alcance. Em particular, a modulação em amplitude de impulso (PAM) é proposta e investigada a fim de aumentar a capacidade de tais sistemas. Além disso, a possibilidade de usar múltiplos canais, utilizando uma única fibra óptica, também conhecido por multiplexagem por divisão de comprimento de onda (WDM), será analisada neste trabalho. A viabilidade das tecnologias de redes de acesso tanto a nível individual como em sistemas WDM serão analisadas usando componentes multimodo disponíveis comercialmente. A implementação será especificada em termos de desempenho tanto a nível da taxas máximas de transmissão, bem como na degradação do sinal que possa ocorrer na rede. No capitulo 5 desta dissertação é apresentado sistema de radio através de fibra. Este tipo de sistemas permite a simplificação das estações base providenciando também uma elevada manutenção de custos. O principal objectivo deste estudo prende-se com a investigação do impacto da amostragem na preformance de digitalização de rádio através de fibra e também como a introdução de fibra óptica de plástico pode afetar o sistema. Além disso, a possibilidade da aplicação de fibras óticas microestruturadas em redes de telecomunicações serão estudadas com ênfase principal na sua concepção estrutural. As fibras de cristal fotônico feitas de diferentes materiais altamente não-lineares com diferentes estruturas serão otimizadas a fim de alcançar uma dispersão ultra-plana, elevada não linearidade e baixa perda de confinamento em uma vasta gama espectral, na perspectiva de seu uso em aplicações de telecomunicações.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Space-division Multiplexed Optical Transmission enabled by Advanced Digital Signal Processing

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