597 research outputs found

    Strategies Used by Jordanian EFL University Graduate Students in Translating Idioms into Arabic

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    This study aimed at investigating the strategies utilized by Jordanian EFL University graduate students in translating idioms into Arabic. The participants of the study were all M.A translation students at the University of Jordan and Yarmouk University who were selected purposefully. The total number of the students was 90 who participated in a translation test which contains 16 idioms of different categories.  The quantitative findings of the study revealed that EFL Jordanian university students use certain strategies in translating idioms regardless of their awareness of the use of these strategies. Keywords: EFL translation students, Translating idioms, strategie

    Strategies Used by Jordanian EFL University Graduate Students in Translating Idioms into Arabic

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    This study aimed at investigating the strategies utilized by Jordanian EFL University graduate students in translating idioms into Arabic. The participants of the study were all M.A translation students at the University of Jordan and Yarmouk University who were selected purposefully. The total number of the students was 90 who participated in a translation test which contains 16 idioms of different categories.  The quantitative findings of the study revealed that EFL Jordanian university students use certain strategies in translating idioms regardless of their awareness of the use of these strategies. Keywords: EFL translation students, Translating idioms, strategie


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    This study deals with the difficulties of students at the second year of SMA St. Thomas 3Medan in translating idioms English-Indonesian. The objective of this study is to find outthe students’ difficulties in translating idioms from English to Indonesian. The sample ofthis study was the students of class XI IPA-2 SMA St. Thomas 3 Medan. This study useddescriptive qualitative research. The data were collected by giving a test which consists of35 items of English idioms that must be translated to Indonesian. Based on the dataanalysis, the students’ difficulties generally are mostly caused by lacking of vocabulariesso they were no able to understand the meaning clearly. Another students’ difficulties arein understanding the context of the sentence in each items, guessing the exact meaning ofan idiom in the sentence, and also in choosing an appropriate diction to replace the wordof an idiom. The result of this study showed that the second year students of SMA St.Thomas 3 Medan have some difficulties in translating idioms from English to Indonesian.They need more teaching about the way of translating and the teacher should give moreattention to train the students in translating idioms

    Strategies for Translating Idioms and Fixed Expressions

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    This thesis comprises four annotated translations, accompanied by a discussion. Excerpts from three books were translated from English into Croatian (Simon Jenkins’s A Short History of England, Jenny Williams and Andrew Chesterman's The Map: A Beginner's Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies and Paul Barber’s Vampires, Burial and Death: Folklore and Reality), and one from Croatian into English (Robert Perišić’s Područje bez Signala). The discussion focused on the notion of strategies for translating idioms. Its aim was, first, to provide an overview of strategies translators have at their disposal when approaching the translation of idioms, as well as give a brief theoretical background on the concept of idioms and idiomaticity. Secondly, to analyze the idioms and fixed expressions found in the texts the author had to translate for the practical part of this thesis, discuss the difficulties their translation into the target language might entail and, finally, explain the reasoning behind opting for a particular strategy and eventually deciding on a particular translation solution.Rad se sastoji od četiriju prijevoda popraćenih komentarima te popratne rasprave. S engleskog jezika na hrvatski prevedeni su dijelovi sljedećih knjiga: A Short History of England (Simon Jenkins), The Map: A Beginner's Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies (Jenny Williams i Andrew Chesterman) te Vampires, Burial and Death: Folklore and Reality (Paul Barber). Što se tiče prijevoda s hrvatskog jezika na engleski, preveden je dio romana Područje bez signala (Robert Perišić). Autor se u raspravi bavi strategijama i postupcima za prevođenje frazema i ostalih ustaljenih izraza. Teorijski dio rasprave sastoji se od kratkog osvrta na pojam frazema i idiomatičnosti te pregleda strategija kojima se prevoditelji mogu poslužiti prilikom prevođenja frazeoloških jedinica. Glavni dio rasprave posvećen je analizi odabranih frazema iz prevedenih tekstova, pri čemu je autor istaknuo probleme na koje je naišao prilikom njihova prevođenja, usporedio moguća prijevodna rješenja (s osvrtom na prednosti i nedostatke odabira pojedinih strategija u svakom od analiziranih slučajeva) te na koncu obrazložio razloge svojeg opredjeljivanja za određenu strategiju u određenom slučaju

    Students’ Strategies Used for Idiom Translation at SMA Swasta Pencawan Medan

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    The research aims to find out the student's strategies in translating idioms. The method used in this study qualitative descriptive, this study was conducted at SMA SwastaPencawan Medan with the samples were 23 students of XI-MIA-2. The researcher used an essay test with 25 questions to translate idioms sentences. The result collection collected data from the students convert sentence researchers provided the database on the results of students' strategies in translating idioms on an essay test. Using a phrase of similar meaning in form result show there were 61 (34,27%), using a language of same meaning but dissimilar form in form show there were 19 (10,67%), translating by paraphrase in form result show there were 70 (39,33%) and translation by omission in form show there were 28 (15,73%). The result showed that many students translate idioms sentences with translation by paraphrase. The dominant strategies students are predominantly translation by paraphrase, and most students cannot turn the idiom in to the sentence that has been given. Keywords: strategies, translation idiom sentences, senior high schoo

    Translation of idioms across languages

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    This paper explores the translation of idioms across a set of languages (viz. English, Arabic, French, Kurdish, Persian and Turkish), applying Baker’s (1992/2011) strategies for translating idioms. The study first examines Baker’s strategies as to whether they can be considered a practical model to extrapolate in rendering idioms across languages. Secondly, given the type of strategies employed, the study attempts to find out whether idioms can be treated as a culture-specific or universal phenomenon. The results show that Baker’s strategies require modification to be considered a practical model, and that idioms generally carry properties of the culture in which they emerge

    Difficulties EFL Jordanian University Students Encounter in Translating English Idioms into Arabic

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    This study aimed at investigating the difficulties that Jordanian EFL University students encounter in translating English idioms into Arabic. The participants of the study were all M.A translation students at Yarmouk University and the University of Jordan who were selected purposefully. The total number of the students who participated in the translation test which contains 16 idioms of different categories was 90.  The quantitative findings of the study revealed that EFL Jordanian university students encountered difficulties in translating English idioms into Arabic. Keywords: Difficulties, EFL translation students, Translating idiom

    The Perceptions of EFL Jordanian University Instructors of the Process of Teaching/Learning the Translation of Idioms

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    The study aimed at investigating the perceptions of EFL Jordanian University instructors of the process of teaching/learning the translation of idioms. The participants of the study were six M.A translation instructors at the University of Jordan and Yarmouk University who were selected purposefully. The total number of the instructors was 6. The instrument of the study was an interview with the translation instructors. The instructors indicated that teaching students how to translate idioms is not an easy task, especially when talking about opaque or peculiar idioms. Thus, some of them ask students to give the literal translation of the idiom if it conveys the meaning. Based on the findings of the current study, the researcher presented some recommendations and pedagogical implications


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    Translating idioms and figurative languages is more difficult than translating ordinary expressions. Novel translators usually have problems in translating those aspects because they should reproduce in the target language (TL) the closest natural equivalence of the source language (ST) message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style accepted socio-culturally. Idioms and figurative languages are sometimes not translated into the acceptable ones in the target language. The readers are often confused on what they are reading because expressions are not understandable. The solution of those problems is to provide a model of translating idioms and figurative languages. The model that is designed here to produce high quality of translation product is Tripartite Cycle Model.

    O Auto da Compadecida - A Dog's Will: an analysis of the translation of idioms in the English subtitle

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Letras Inglês.The objective of this study is to analyse the English subtitles of the Brazilian film O Auto da Compadecida – A Dog’s Will (Arraes, 2000) – in order to verify which strategies were used in the translation of idioms and fixed expressions. The choices of translation strategies were described based on concepts discussed within Translation Studies (TS). The results reveal that despite the technical constraints of subtitling, especially with regard to time and space, the translator managed to use strategies, albeit varied, that reproduced the idioms in the subtitles, which shows an understanding of the important role of these elements in the mood of the film. / / / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as legendas em língua inglesa do filme brasileiro O Auto da Compadecida (Arraes, 2000) a fim de verificar quais estratégias foram utilizadas na tradução de expressões idiomáticas. As escolhas de estratégias de tradução foram descritas com base em conceitos discutidos no campo dos Estudos da Tradução. Os resultados revelam que apesar das limitações técnicas da legendagem, especialmente com relação ao tempo e espaço, o tradutor conseguiu usar estratégias, embora variadas, que reproduziram as expressões idiomáticas nas legendas, o que mostra uma compreensão do importante papel destes elementos no espírito do filme
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