17 research outputs found

    Translating HOL to Dedukti

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    Dedukti is a logical framework based on the lambda-Pi-calculus modulo rewriting, which extends the lambda-Pi-calculus with rewrite rules. In this paper, we show how to translate the proofs of a family of HOL proof assistants to Dedukti. The translation preserves binding, typing, and reduction. We implemented this translation in an automated tool and used it to successfully translate the OpenTheory standard library.Comment: In Proceedings PxTP 2015, arXiv:1507.0837

    Mixing HOL and Coq in Dedukti (Extended Abstract)

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    We use Dedukti as a logical framework for interoperability. We use automated tools to translate different developments made in HOL and in Coq to Dedukti, and we combine them to prove new results. We illustrate our approach with a concrete example where we instantiate a sorting algorithm written in Coq with the natural numbers of HOL.Comment: In Proceedings PxTP 2015, arXiv:1507.0837

    Rewriting Modulo \beta in the \lambda\Pi-Calculus Modulo

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    The lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo is a variant of the lambda-calculus with dependent types where beta-conversion is extended with user-defined rewrite rules. It is an expressive logical framework and has been used to encode logics and type systems in a shallow way. Basic properties such as subject reduction or uniqueness of types do not hold in general in the lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo. However, they hold if the rewrite system generated by the rewrite rules together with beta-reduction is confluent. But this is too restrictive. To handle the case where non confluence comes from the interference between the beta-reduction and rewrite rules with lambda-abstraction on their left-hand side, we introduce a notion of rewriting modulo beta for the lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo. We prove that confluence of rewriting modulo beta is enough to ensure subject reduction and uniqueness of types. We achieve our goal by encoding the lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo into Higher-Order Rewrite System (HRS). As a consequence, we also make the confluence results for HRSs available for the lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2015, arXiv:1507.0759

    Encoding Proofs in Dedukti: the case of Coq proofs

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    International audienceA main ambition of the Inria project Dedukti is to serve as a common language for representing and type checking proof objects originating from other proof systems. Encoding these proof objects makes heavy use of the rewriting capabilities of LambdaPiModulo, the formal system on which Dedukti is based. So far, the proofs generated by two automatic proofsystems, Zenon and iProver, have been encoded, and can therefore be read and checked by Dedukti. But Dedukti goes far beyond this so-called hammering technique of sending goals to automated provers. Proofs from HOL and Matita can be encoded as well. Some Coq’s proofs can be encoded already, when they do not use universe polymorphism. Our ambition here is to close this remaining gap. To this end, we describe a rewrite-based encoding in LambdaPiModulo of the Calculus of Constructions with a cumulative hierarchy of predicative universes above Prop, which is confluent on open terms

    Untyped Confluence in Dependent Type Theories

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    International audienceWe investigate techniques based on van Oostrom's decreasing diagrams that reduce confluence proofs to the checking of critical pairs in the absence of termination properties, which are useful in dependent type calculi to prove confluence on untyped terms. These techniques are applied to a complex example originating from practice: a faithful encoding, in an extension of LF with rewrite rules on objects and types, of a subset of the calculus of inductive constructions with a cumulative hierarchy of predicative universes above Prop. The rules may be first-order or higher-order, plain or modulo, non-linear on the right or on the left. Variables which occur non-linearly in lefthand sides of rules must take their values in confined types: in our example, the natural numbers. The first-order rules are assumed to be terminating and confluent modulo some theory: in our example, associativity, commutativity and identity. Critical pairs involving higher-order rules must satisfy van Oostrom's decreasing diagram condition wrt their indexes taken as labels

    Higher Order Proof Engineering: Proof Collaboration, Transformation, Checking and Retrieval

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    International audienceHigher Order Logic has been used in formal mathematics, software verification and hardware verification over the past decades. Recent developments of interactive theorem made sharing proofs between some theorem provers possible. This paper first gives an introduction and an overview of related recent advances, followed by the proof checking benchmarks of a proof sharing repository, namely OpenTheory (after proof transformation by the upgraded Holide). Finally, we introduce ProofCloud, the first proof retrieval engine for higher order proofs

    ML Pattern-Matching, Recursion, and Rewriting: From FoCaLiZe to Dedukti

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    International audienceThe programming environment FoCaLiZe allows the user to specify, implement, and prove programs with the help of the theorem prover Zenon. In the actual version, those proofs are verified by Coq. In this paper we propose to extend the FoCaLiZe compiler by a backend to the Dedukti language in order to benefit from Zenon Modulo, an extension of Zenon for Deduction modulo. By doing so, FoCaLiZe can benefit from a technique for finding and verifying proofs more quickly. The paper focuses mainly on the process that overcomes the lack of local pattern-matching and recursive definitions in Dedukti

    Encoding of Predicate Subtyping with Proof Irrelevance in the ??-Calculus Modulo Theory

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    The ??-calculus modulo theory is a logical framework in which various logics and type systems can be encoded, thus helping the cross-verification and interoperability of proof systems based on those logics and type systems. In this paper, we show how to encode predicate subtyping and proof irrelevance, two important features of the PVS proof assistant. We prove that this encoding is correct and that encoded proofs can be mechanically checked by Dedukti, a type checker for the ??-calculus modulo theory using rewriting

    Type Theory Unchained: Extending Agda with User-Defined Rewrite Rules

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    Dependently typed languages such as Coq and Agda can statically guarantee the correctness of our proofs and programs. To provide this guarantee, they restrict users to certain schemes - such as strictly positive datatypes, complete case analysis, and well-founded induction - that are known to be safe. However, these restrictions can be too strict, making programs and proofs harder to write than necessary. On a higher level, they also prevent us from imagining the different ways the language could be extended. In this paper I show how to extend a dependently typed language with user-defined higher-order non-linear rewrite rules. Rewrite rules are a form of equality reflection that is applied automatically by the typechecker. I have implemented rewrite rules as an extension to Agda, and I give six examples how to use them both to make proofs easier and to experiment with extensions of type theory. I also show how to make rewrite rules interact well with other features of Agda such as ?-equality, implicit arguments, data and record types, irrelevance, and universe level polymorphism. Thus rewrite rules break the chains on computation and put its power back into the hands of its rightful owner: yours