4,122 research outputs found

    Феномен синкретизма в украинской лингвистике

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    У сучасній лінгвістиці вивчення складних системних зв’язків та динамізму мови навряд чи буде завершеним без урахування синкретизму. Традиційно явища транзитивності трактуються як поєднання різних типів утворень як результат процесів трансформації або відображення проміжних, синкретичних фактів, що характеризують мовну систему в синхронному аспекті.In modern linguistics, the study of complex systemic relations and language dynamism is unlikely to be complete without considering the transitivity. Traditionally, transitivity phenomena are treated as a combination of different types of entities, formed as a result of the transformation processes or the reflection of the intermediate, syncretic facts that characterize the language system in the synchronous aspect.В современной лингвистике изучение сложных системных отношений и языкового динамизма вряд ли будет полным без учета синкретизма. Традиционно явления транзитивности трактуются как совокупность различных типов сущностей, сформированных в результате процессов преобразования или отражения промежуточных синкретических фактов, которые характеризуют языковую систему в синхронном аспекте

    A Computational Model of Creative Design as a Sociocultural Process Involving the Evolution of Language

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the mechanisms of creative design within the context of an evolving language through computational modelling. Computational Creativity is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on modelling creative behaviours. Typically, research in Computational Creativity has treated language as a medium, e.g., poetry, rather than an active component of the creative process. Previous research studying the role of language in creative design has relied on interviewing human participants, limiting opportunities for computational modelling. This thesis explores the potential for language to play an active role in computational creativity by connecting computational models of the evolution of artificial languages and creative design processes. Multi-agent simulations based on the Domain-Individual-Field-Interaction framework are employed to evolve artificial languages with features that may support creative designing including ambiguity, incongruity, exaggeration and elaboration. The simulation process consists of three steps: (1) constructing representations associating topics, meanings and utterances; (2) structured communication of utterances and meanings through the playing of “language games”; and (3) evaluation of design briefs and works. The use of individual agents with different evaluation criteria, preferences and roles enriches the scope and diversity of the simulations. The results of the experiments conducted with artificial creative language systems demonstrate the expansion of design spaces by generating compositional utterances representing novel concepts among design agents using language features and weighted context free grammars. They can be used to computationally explore the roles of language in creative design, and possibly point to computational applications. Understanding the evolution of artificial languages may provide insights into human languages, especially those features that support creativity

    Unifying Amplitude and Phase Analysis: A Compositional Data Approach to Functional Multivariate Mixed-Effects Modeling of Mandarin Chinese

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    Mandarin Chinese is characterized by being a tonal language; the pitch (or F0F_0) of its utterances carries considerable linguistic information. However, speech samples from different individuals are subject to changes in amplitude and phase which must be accounted for in any analysis which attempts to provide a linguistically meaningful description of the language. A joint model for amplitude, phase and duration is presented which combines elements from Functional Data Analysis, Compositional Data Analysis and Linear Mixed Effects Models. By decomposing functions via a functional principal component analysis, and connecting registration functions to compositional data analysis, a joint multivariate mixed effect model can be formulated which gives insights into the relationship between the different modes of variation as well as their dependence on linguistic and non-linguistic covariates. The model is applied to the COSPRO-1 data set, a comprehensive database of spoken Taiwanese Mandarin, containing approximately 50 thousand phonetically diverse sample F0F_0 contours (syllables), and reveals that phonetic information is jointly carried by both amplitude and phase variation.Comment: 49 pages, 13 figures, small changes to discussio

    Äärelliset tilamallit lukupuheen tunnistamisessa ja tarkastamisessa

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    An automatic speech recognition system has to combine acoustic and linguistic information. Therefore the search space spans multiple layers. Finite state models and weighted finite state transducers in particular can efficiently represent this search space by modeling each layer as a transducer and combining them using generic weighted finite state transducer algorithms. When recognising a text prompt being read aloud, the prompt gives a good estimate of what is going to be said. However human reading naturally produces some deviations from the text, called miscues. The purpose of this thesis is to create a system which accurately recognises recordings of reading. A miscue tolerant finite state language model is implemented and compared against two traditional approaches, an N-gram model and forced alignment. The recognition result will ultimately be used to validate the recording as fit for further automatic processing in a spoken foreign language exam, which Project DigiTala is designing for the Finnish matriculation examination. The computerization of the matriculation examination in Finland makes the use of such automatic tools possible. This thesis first introduces the context for the task of recognising and validating reading. Then it explores three methodologies needed to solve the task: automatic speech recognition, finite state models, and the modeling of reading. Next it recounts the implementation of the miscue tolerant finite state language models and the two baseline methods. After that it describes experiments which show that the miscue tolerant finite state language models solve the task of this thesis significantly better than the baseline methods. Finally the thesis concludes with a discussion of the results and future work.Automaattinen puheentunnistusjärjestelmä yhdistää akustista ja kielellistä tietoa, joten sen hakuavaruus on monitasoinen. Tämän hakuavaruuden voi esittää tehokkaasti äärellisillä tilamalleilla. Erityisesti painotetut äärelliset tilamuuttajat voivat esittää jokaista hakuavaruuden tasoa ja nämä muuttajat voidaan yhdistää yleisillä muuttaja-algoritmeilla. Kun tunnistetaan ääneen lukemista syötteestä, syöte rajaa hakuavaruutta hyvin. Ihmiset kuitenkin poikkeavat tekstistä hieman. Kutsun näitä lukupoikkeamiksi, koska ne ovat luonnollinen osa taitavaakin lukemista, eivätkä siis suoranaisesti lukuvirheitä. Tämän diplomityön tavoite on luoda järjestelmä, joka tunnistaa lukupuheäänitteitä tarkasti. Tätä varten toteutetaan lukupoikkeamia sietävä äärellisen tilan kielimalli, jota verrataan kahteen perinteiseen menetelmään, N-gram malleihin ja pakotettuun kohdistukseen. Lukupuheen tunnistustulosta käytetään, kun tarkastetaan, sopiiko äänite seuraaviin automaattisiin käsittelyvaiheisiin puhutussa vieraan kielen kokeessa. DigiTalaprojekti muotoilee puhuttua osiota vieraan kielen ylioppilaskokeisiin. Ylioppilaskokeiden sähköistäminen mahdollistaa tällaisten automaattisten menetelmien käytön. Kokeet sekä englanninkielisellä simuloidulla aineistolla että ruotsinkielisellä tosimaailman aineistolla osoittavat, että lukupoikkeamia sietävä äärellisen tilan kielimalli ratkaisee diplomityön ongelmanasettelun. Vaikealla tosimaailman aineistolla saadaan 3.77 ± 0.47 prosentuaalinen sanavirhemäärä

    Automatic speech feature extraction using a convolutional restricted boltzmann machine

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science 2017Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) are a statistical learning concept that can be interpreted as Arti cial Neural Networks. They are capable of learning, in an unsupervised fashion, a set of features with which to describe a data set. Connected in series RBMs form a model called a Deep Belief Network (DBN), learning abstract feature combinations from lower layers. Convolutional RBMs (CRBMs) are a variation on the RBM architecture in which the learned features are kernels that are convolved across spatial portions of the input data to generate feature maps identifying if a feature is detected in a portion of the input data. Features extracted from speech audio data by a trained CRBM have recently been shown to compete with the state of the art for a number of speaker identi cation tasks. This project implements a similar CRBM architecture in order to verify previous work, as well as gain insight into Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Generative Graphical Models, unsupervised pre-training of Arti cial Neural Networks, and Machine Learning classi cation tasks. The CRBM architecture is trained on the TIMIT speech corpus and the learned features veri ed by using them to train a linear classi er on tasks such as speaker genetic sex classi cation and speaker identi cation. The implementation is quantitatively proven to successfully learn and extract a useful feature representation for the given classi cation tasksMT 201