7 research outputs found

    Transferring an Outcome-Oriented Learning Architecture to an IT Learning Game

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    Schmitz, B., Klemke, R., Totschnig, M., Czauderna, A., & Specht, M. (2011). Transferring an Outcome-Oriented Learning Architecture to an IT Learning Game. In C. D. Kloos, D. Gillet, R. M. Crespo Carcía, F. Wild, & M. Wolpers (Eds.), Towards Ubiquitous Learning: 6th European Conference on Technology Anhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2011 (pp. 483-488). September, 20-23, 2011, Palermo, Italy. LNCS 6964; Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer.Today’s technology enhanced learning scenarios focus on outcome-oriented delivery of learning processes, contents, and services. Also, learners increasingly demand for innovative and motivating learning scenarios that match their habits of using media. The European project ICOPER researches outcome-oriented learning infrastructures for higher education contexts. The German BMBF-project SpITKom aims at transferring such approaches to basic qualification. Based on a Browser Game, it uses ICOPER’s technical infrastructure which combines learning object metadata repositories, learning outcome repositories, learning design repositories and learner profile repositories. This paper initially depicts the technical infrastructure of an outcome-oriented learning scenario that was developed in the course of ICOPER and then outlines its transformation to the game-based learning approach as realized in the course of SpITKom.ICOPER, SPITKO

    Towards immersive situated learning with mobile serious games

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    Klemke, R. (2013, 12-13 September). Towards immersive situated learning with mobile serious games. Keynote presentation at Game Industry Trends 2013 (GIT 2013), Warsaw, Poland. http://www.git2013.pl/Learning - we all know it's crucial to become better in any field. Yet, learning is hard work comprising many aspects: theory, background, practice, training, transfer, tests. While children combine learning and playing naturally, we loose this ability when we grow up. Serious gaming is an attempt to bring this combination back to education: games offer immersive environments, motivational mechanisms and can be used to teach a large number of skills and competencies. With the emergence and wide spread distribution of mobile devices together with the professionalization of app distribution channels, it became easier than ever to reach learners, to create and distribute small scale learning apps and games. Mobile serious games have the potential to combine situated learning experiences with immersive game mechanics.SALOM

    Developing a Mobile Game Environment to Support Disadvantaged Learners

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    Schmitz, B., Hoffmann, M., Klamma, R., Klemke, R., & Specht, M. (2012). Developing a Mobile Game Environment to Support Disadvantaged Learners. Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2012) (pp. 223-227). July, 4-6, 2012, Rome, Italy: IEEE Computer Society CPS.This paper reports on the development of WeBuild, a mobile learning game designed to engage learners difficult to reach with IT learning. The development is based on a mobile game engine for the Android smart phone that was devised to support the required multiplayer and location based services. We played and tested the mobile learning game in a training facility of the building industry. The results indicate that the learners accepted the game for the low entry barriers and were motivated to use the game in an educational context. This paper describes the WeBuild prototype and the underlying game engine. Eventually, it presents results from the game session that was carried to assess interface and gameplay usability, technical functionality and motivational aspects of the game design

    The world as playground: Mobile Serious Games with Augmented Reality

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    The talk gives an impression over the history, the state-of-the-art in mobile game-based learning and shows recent and expected developments in the field.University of South Africa (UNISA

    Keep it simple : Lowering the Barrier for Authoring Serious Games

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    Background. Despite the continuous and abundant growth of the game market the uptake of serious games in education has been limited. Games require complex technologies and are difficult to organise and to embed in the curriculum. Aim. This article explores to what extent game templates and game authoring processes can be designed that can be easily adopted and adapted by teachers while only using openly available tools. Method. It discusses the design and first evaluation of two game platforms: ARGUMENT, based on a wiki, and ARLEARN, a toolkit based on openly available Google technologies. ARGUMENT is a text-based game challenging students to take a position on a given topic. ARLEARN offers an explicit mobile and virtual gameplay environment and a defined authoring process to create game scripts. Results. ARGUMENT and ARLEARN have been evaluated in four small-scale studies, where educators designed game scenarios and students played the resulting games. Conclusions. The results indicate that both tools are useful instruments that can be operated by teachers to build games and game-alike educational activities and, additionally, are a valuable step to gain experience with serious games.SURFnet/Kennisnet (ARGUMENT, StreetLearn, ARLearn), UNHC

    Transferring an Outcome-Oriented Learning Architecture to an IT Learning Game

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    Today’s technology enhanced learning scenarios focus on outcome-oriented delivery of learning processes, contents, and services. Also, learners increasingly demand for innovative and motivating learning scenarios that match their habits of using media. The European project ICOPER researches outcome-oriented learning infrastructures for higher education contexts. The German BMBF-project SpITKom aims at transferring such approaches to basic qualification. Based on a Browser Game, it uses ICOPER’s technical infrastructure which combines learning object metadata repositories, learning outcome repositories, learning design repositories and learner profile repositories. This paper initially depicts the technical infrastructure of an outcome-oriented learning scenario that was developed in the course of ICOPER and then outlines its transformation to the game-based learning approach as realized in the course of SpITKom