2,598 research outputs found

    Fish species recognition using transfer learning techniques

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    Marine species recognition is the process of identifying various species that help in population estimation and identifying the endangered types for taking further remedies and actions. The superior performance of deep learning for classification is due to the property of estimating millions of parameters that have to be extracted from many annotated datasets. However, many types of fish species are becoming extinct, which may reduce the number of samples. The unavailability of a large dataset is a significant hurdle for applying a deep neural network that can be overcome using transfer learning techniques. To overcome this problem, we propose a transfer learning technique using a pre-trained model that uses underwater fish images as input and applies a transfer learning technique to detect the fish species using a pre-trained Google Inception-v3 model. We have evaluated our proposed method on the Fish4knowledge(F4K) dataset and obtained an accuracy of 95.37%. The research would be helpful to identify fish existence and quantity for marine biologists to understand the underwater environment to encourage its preservation and study the behavior and interactions of marine animals

    Improving Automatic Jazz Melody Generation by Transfer Learning Techniques

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    In this paper, we tackle the problem of transfer learning for Jazz automatic generation. Jazz is one of representative types of music, but the lack of Jazz data in the MIDI format hinders the construction of a generative model for Jazz. Transfer learning is an approach aiming to solve the problem of data insufficiency, so as to transfer the common feature from one domain to another. In view of its success in other machine learning problems, we investigate whether, and how much, it can help improve automatic music generation for under-resourced musical genres. Specifically, we use a recurrent variational autoencoder as the generative model, and use a genre-unspecified dataset as the source dataset and a Jazz-only dataset as the target dataset. Two transfer learning methods are evaluated using six levels of source-to-target data ratios. The first method is to train the model on the source dataset, and then fine-tune the resulting model parameters on the target dataset. The second method is to train the model on both the source and target datasets at the same time, but add genre labels to the latent vectors and use a genre classifier to improve Jazz generation. The evaluation results show that the second method seems to perform better overall, but it cannot take full advantage of the genre-unspecified dataset.Comment: 8 pages, Accepted to APSIPA ASC(Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference ) 201

    Implementing Transfer Learning for Mitotic Cell Detection

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    The primary objective of this project is to use a neural network (deep learning) model that will be trained on datasets of human cells in mitosis and then apply it on animal cells using transfer learning techniques. The purpose of this project is to speed up the process for the pathologist to detect mitotic activity for cancer diagnosis and determine transfer learning techniques that will aid in predicting mitotic activity in animal cells. This information will prove to be useful for correct diagnosis of cancer and reduce potential errors of detecting mitotic cells. Instead of acquiring the highly meticulous task of the labelled data, transfer learning can produce promising results by reusing the learned features from human datasets and applying the learned knowledge to the datasets of the animal cells. This project proposes to develop a higher detection accuracy with our framework of transfer learning and optimize the deep learning model to produce the desired output of detecting mitotic cells in animals with the limited amount of training data. Transfer learning techniques will be aimed to improve the performance of learning in other domains and reduce the cost of the expensive labeled data

    XL-AMR: Enabling Cross-Lingual AMR Parsing with Transfer Learning Techniques

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    Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) is a popular formalism of natural language that represents the meaning of a sentence as a semantic graph. It is agnostic about how to derive meanings from strings and for this reason it lends itself well to the encoding of semantics across languages. However, cross-lingual AMR parsing is a hard task, because training data are scarce in languages other than English and the existing English AMR parsers are not directly suited to being used in a cross-lingual setting. In this work we tackle these two problems so as to enable cross-lingual AMR parsing: we explore different transfer learning techniques for producing automatic AMR annotations across languages and develop a cross-lingual AMR parser, XL-AMR. This can be trained on the produced data and does not rely on AMR aligners or source-copy mechanisms as is commonly the case in English AMR parsing. The results of XL-AMR significantly surpass those previously reported in Chinese, German, Italian and Spanish. Finally we provide a qualitative analysis which sheds light on the suitability of AMR across languages. We release XL-AMR at github.com/SapienzaNLP/xl-amr

    Transfer Learning Techniques for the Lithium-Ion Battery State of Charge Estimation

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    State of Charge (SOC) estimation is vital for battery management systems (BMS), impacting battery efficiency and lifespan. Accurate SOC estimation is challenging due to battery complexity and limited data for training Machine Learning based models. Transfer learning (TL) leverages pre-trained models, reducing training time and improving generalization in SOC estimation. In this paper, 8 different transfer learning techniques are examined, which were applied in four different models (LSTM, GRU, BiLSTM, and BiGRU) for SOC estimation. These transfer learning techniques have been applied to three datasets for re-training the models and results have been compared with the same models defined by Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization. The TL4 and TL5 techniques consistently stood out as among the most efficient in both accuracy and computational time

    Domain Adaptation for Inertial Measurement Unit-based Human Activity Recognition: A Survey

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    Machine learning-based wearable human activity recognition (WHAR) models enable the development of various smart and connected community applications such as sleep pattern monitoring, medication reminders, cognitive health assessment, sports analytics, etc. However, the widespread adoption of these WHAR models is impeded by their degraded performance in the presence of data distribution heterogeneities caused by the sensor placement at different body positions, inherent biases and heterogeneities across devices, and personal and environmental diversities. Various traditional machine learning algorithms and transfer learning techniques have been proposed in the literature to address the underpinning challenges of handling such data heterogeneities. Domain adaptation is one such transfer learning techniques that has gained significant popularity in recent literature. In this paper, we survey the recent progress of domain adaptation techniques in the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)-based human activity recognition area, discuss potential future directions
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