29 research outputs found

    Fraud Detection using Machine Learning in the Mobile Payment Service

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    The transformation of payment mechanism from face-to-face transactions to non-face-to-face transactions has led to increased popularity of Internet Banking, credit card, online billing in the mobile phone itself and, hence, it is directly proportional to the advancement of smartphones in particular. However, the probability of any kind of anomalous payments increases and due to that the requirement of fraud detection arises. This paper provides the idea of the trend followed in the detection of fraud in online payment through mobile phone with the help of machine learning [1]

    Data mining for detecting Bitcoin Ponzi schemes

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    Soon after its introduction in 2009, Bitcoin has been adopted by cyber-criminals, which rely on its pseudonymity to implement virtually untraceable scams. One of the typical scams that operate on Bitcoin are the so-called Ponzi schemes. These are fraudulent investments which repay users with the funds invested by new users that join the scheme, and implode when it is no longer possible to find new investments. Despite being illegal in many countries, Ponzi schemes are now proliferating on Bitcoin, and they keep alluring new victims, who are plundered of millions of dollars. We apply data mining techniques to detect Bitcoin addresses related to Ponzi schemes. Our starting point is a dataset of features of real-world Ponzi schemes, that we construct by analysing, on the Bitcoin blockchain, the transactions used to perform the scams. We use this dataset to experiment with various machine learning algorithms, and we assess their effectiveness through standard validation protocols and performance metrics. The best of the classifiers we have experimented can identify most of the Ponzi schemes in the dataset, with a low number of false positives

    Development of Deep Learning based Intelligent Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection

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    Credit card fraud (CCF) has long been a major concern of institutions of financial groups and business partners, and it is also a global interest to researchers due to its growing popularity. In order to predict and detect the CCF, machine learning (ML) has proven to be one of the most promising techniques. But, class inequality is one of the main and recurring challenges when dealing with CCF tasks that hinder model performance. To overcome this challenges, a Deep Learning (DL) techniques are used by the researchers. In this research work, an efficient CCF detection (CCFD) system is developed by proposing a hybrid model called Convolutional Neural Network with Recurrent Neural Network (CNN-RNN). In this model, CNN acts as feature extraction for extracting the valuable information of CCF data and long-term dependency features are studied by RNN model. An imbalance problem is solved by Synthetic Minority Over Sampling Technique (SMOTE) technique. An experiment is conducted on European Dataset to validate the performance of CNN-RNN model with existing CNN and RNN model in terms of major parameters. The results proved that CNN-RNN model achieved 95.83% of precision, where CNN achieved 93.63% of precision and RNN achieved 88.50% of precision

    Ensemble of Example-Dependent Cost-Sensitive Decision Trees

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    Several real-world classification problems are example-dependent cost-sensitive in nature, where the costs due to misclassification vary between examples and not only within classes. However, standard classification methods do not take these costs into account, and assume a constant cost of misclassification errors. In previous works, some methods that take into account the financial costs into the training of different algorithms have been proposed, with the example-dependent cost-sensitive decision tree algorithm being the one that gives the highest savings. In this paper we propose a new framework of ensembles of example-dependent cost-sensitive decision-trees. The framework consists in creating different example-dependent cost-sensitive decision trees on random subsamples of the training set, and then combining them using three different combination approaches. Moreover, we propose two new cost-sensitive combination approaches; cost-sensitive weighted voting and cost-sensitive stacking, the latter being based on the cost-sensitive logistic regression method. Finally, using five different databases, from four real-world applications: credit card fraud detection, churn modeling, credit scoring and direct marketing, we evaluate the proposed method against state-of-the-art example-dependent cost-sensitive techniques, namely, cost-proportionate sampling, Bayes minimum risk and cost-sensitive decision trees. The results show that the proposed algorithms have better results for all databases, in the sense of higher savings.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Submitted for possible publicatio

    False Positives in Credit Card Fraud Detection: Measurement and Mitigation

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    Credit Card Fraud Detection is a classification problem where different types of classification errors cause different costs. Previous works quantified the financial impact of data-driven fraud detection classifiers using a cost-matrix based evaluation approach, however, none of them considered the significant financial impact of false declines. Analysts reported that fraud prediction in e-commerce still has to deal with false positive rates of 30-70%, and many cardholders reduce card usage after being wrongly declined. In our paper, we propose a new method for assessing the cost of false declines and evaluate several state-of-the-art fraud detection classifiers using this method. Further, we investigate the effectiveness of ensemble learning as previous work supposed that a combination of diverse, individual classifiers can improve performance. Our results show that cost-based evaluation yields valuable insights for practitioners and that our ensemble learning strategy indeed cuts fraud cost by almost 30%

    Machine Learning en la detecci贸n de fraudes de comercio electr贸nico aplicado a los servicios bancarios

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    One of the main risks to which financial institutions are subject are electronic fraud attacks. Billions of dollars in losses are absorbed each year by financial institutions due to fraudulent transactions.This article presents a model that considers the main challenges to design a fraud detection system: a) highly unbalanced classes, b) stationary distribution of data and c) incorporation of online feedback from fraud investigators on transactions labeled suspicious. The implementation of the model in a test dataset allowed to successfully predicting the majority of cases of fraudulent transactions with a minimum percentage of false negatives.Uno de los principales riesgos a los que est谩n sometidas las entidades financieras son los ataques de fraudes electr贸nicos. Billones de d贸lares en p茅rdidas son absorbidas cada a帽o por las entidades financieras debido a transacciones fraudulentas. Este art铆culo plantea un modelo que considera los principales retos en el dise帽o de un sistema de detecci贸n de fraudes: a) clases altamente desequilibradas, b) distribuci贸n de estacionaria de los datos y c) la incorporaci贸n en l铆nea de la retroalimentaci贸n de los investigadores de fraude ante las transacciones etiquetadas como sospechosas. La implementaci贸n del modelo en un conjunto de datos de prueba permiti贸 predecir exitosamente la mayor铆a de casos de transacciones fraudulentas con un m铆nimo porcentaje de falsos negativos

    A Fraud-Detection Fuzzy Logic Based System for the Sudanese Financial Sector

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    Financial fraud considered as a global issue that faces the financial sector and economy; as a result, many financial institutions loose hundreds of millions of dollars annually due to fraud. In Sudan, there are difficulties of getting real data from banks and the unavailability of systems which explain the reasons of suspicious transaction. Hence, there is a need for transparent techniques which can automatically detect fraud with high accuracy and identify its causes and common patterns. Some of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques provide good predictive models, nevertheless they are considered as black-box models which are not easy to understand and analyze. In this paper, we developed a novel intelligent type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (FLSs) which can detect fraud in debit cards using real world dataset extracted from financial institutions in Sudan. FLSs provide white-box transparent models which employ linguistic labels and IF-Then rules which could be easily analyzed, interpreted and augmented by the fraud experts. The proposed type-2 FLS system learnt its fuzzy sets parameters from data using Fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering as well as learning the FLS rules from data. The proposed system has the potential to result in highly accurate automatic fraud-detection for the Sudanese financial institutions and banking sectors

    Detecci贸n de transacciones fraudulentas

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    Dentro de las metodolog铆as m谩s empleadas para la detecci贸n de fraudes en tarjetas que comprometen la banda magn茅tica, se encuentran todas aquellas que permiten detectar patrones o anomal铆as, tomando la acci贸n fraudulenta como un evento no consecuente con los dem谩s; de esta forma todo se limita a utilizar herramientas de miner铆a de datos, las cuales fusionan herramientas estad铆sticas, de optimizaci贸n y de manejo de grandes vol煤menes de informaci贸n. Al realizar la b煤squeda de informaci贸n y de casos similares al que se desea analizar, se han encontrado cantidad de antecedentes que pueden ser 煤tiles a la hora de elegir la metodolog铆a a emplear..

    Comparative Analysis of Different Distributions Dataset by Using Data Mining Techniques on Credit Card Fraud Detection

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    Banks suffer multimillion-dollars losses each year for several reasons, the most important of which is due to credit card fraud. The issue is how to cope with the challenges we face with this kind of fraud. Skewed "class imbalance" is a very important challenge that faces this kind of fraud. Therefore, in this study, we explore four data mining techniques, namely na茂ve Bayesian (NB),Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Random Forest (RF), on actual credit card transactions from European cardholders. This paper offers four major contributions. First, we used under-sampling to balance the dataset because of the high imbalance class, implying skewed distribution. Second, we applied NB, SVM, KNN, and RF to under-sampled class to classify the transactions into fraudulent and genuine followed by testing the performance measures using a confusion matrix and comparing them. Third, we adopted cross-validation (CV) with 10 folds to test the accuracy of the four models with a standard deviation followed by comparing the results for all our models. Next, we examined these models against the entire dataset (skewed) using the confusion matrix and AUC (Area Under the ROC Curve) ranking measure to conclude the final results to determine which would be the best model for us to use with a particular type of fraud. The results showing the best accuracy for the NB, SVM, KNN and RF classifiers are 97,80%; 97,46%; 98,16% and 98,23%, respectively. The comparative results have been done by using four-division datasets (75:25), (90:10), (66:34) and (80:20) displayed that the RF performs better than NB, SVM, and KNN, and the results when utilizing our proposed models on the entire dataset (skewed), achieved preferable outcomes to the under-sampled dataset