151 research outputs found

    Optical Camera Communications: Principles, Modulations, Potential and Challenges

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    Optical wireless communications (OWC) are emerging as cost-effective and practical solutions to the congested radio frequency-based wireless technologies. As part of OWC, optical camera communications (OCC) have become very attractive, considering recent developments in cameras and the use of fitted cameras in smart devices. OCC together with visible light communications (VLC) is considered within the framework of the IEEE 802.15.7m standardization. OCCs based on both organic and inorganic light sources as well as cameras are being considered for low-rate transmissions and localization in indoor as well as outdoor short-range applications and within the framework of the IEEE 802.15.7m standardization together with VLC. This paper introduces the underlying principles of OCC and gives a comprehensive overview of this emerging technology with recent standardization activities in OCC. It also outlines the key technical issues such as mobility, coverage, interference, performance enhancement, etc. Future research directions and open issues are also presented

    Comunicações ópticas por câmera para sistemas de assistência à condução

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    Communications, whatever its type, is a pillar of our modern society. More specifically, communications by visible light, that show numerous advantages, from electromagnetic spectral efficiency and regulation freedom to energy saving (since it combine illumination and communication). As such, the automotive world is interested in this technology, in particularly, its application into the Intelligent Transport System (ITS). The objective of this work relies on the study and development of a demonstrator able to support VLC communication means in V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle) scenario, making use of the LED luminaries already implemented in nowadays cars. Since the outdoor implementation is one of the requirements, reception based in OCC (Optical Camera Communication) is a viable solution in this conditions. Also the signal processing/decoding is performed by a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), this type of algorithm shows a huge decoding flexibility and resilience, which benefits the transmission system performance. All the project was done in collaboration with the integrated circuits systems group of Instituto de Telecomunicações de Aveiro and Exatronic Lda company, based in Aveiro and specialized in innovation and investigation (I+I), engineering and manufacturing of electronics.As comunicações, qualquer que seja o seu tipo, mostram-se como um pilar fundamental para a sociedade. Especificamente as comunicações por luz visível, que apresentam inúmeras vantagens, desde a eficiência espectral e mais liberdade de regulamentação, até à energética pois alia duas caracteristicas distintas (iluminação e comunicação) numa só. Como tal, o mundo automóvel apresenta-se como um dos posíveis interessados na aplicação desta tecnologia, mais propriamente a aplicação como parte integrante do sistema inteligente de transportes (ITS). Este trabalho tem como objectivo o estudo e desenvolvimento de um demonstrador capaz de estabelecer um link de comunicação V2V (Vehicle to vehicle) por meio da modulação da luz visivel emitida pelas iluminárias LED já equipadas actualmente nos veículos. Sendo a implementação exterior um dos requerimentos deste sistema, a rececção através de OCC (Optical Camera Communication) mostra-se assim uma solução viável. Assim como o processamento do sinal recebido, que é efectuado por meio de CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks), que mostram flexibilidade e resiliência, o que benefecia a capacidade do sistema de transmissão. Todo o projecto foi realizado em colaboração com o grupo de circuitos integrados do Instituto de Telecomunicações de Aveiro e a empresa Exatronic Lda, sediada em Aveiro, e especializada em inovação, investigação (I+I), engenharia e produção de eletrónica.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Data rate enhancement in optical camera communications using an artificial neural network equaliser

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    In optical camera communication (OCC) systems leverage on the use of commercial off-the-shelf image sensors to perceive the spatial and temporal variation of light intensity to enable data transmission. However, the transmission data rate is mainly limited by the exposure time and the frame rate of the camera. In addition, the camera’s sampling will introduce intersymbol interference (ISI), which will degrade the system performance. In this paper, an artificial neural network (ANN)-based equaliser with the adaptive algorithm is employed for the first time in the field of OCC to mitigate ISI and therefore increase the data rate. Unlike other communication systems, training of the ANN network in OCC is done only once in a lifetime for a range of different exposure time and the network can be stored with a look-up table. The proposed system is theoretically investigated and experimentally evaluated. The results record the highest bit rate for OCC using a single LED source and the Manchester line code (MLC) non-return to zero (NRZ) encoded signal. It also demonstrates 2 to 9 times improved bandwidth depending on the exposure times where the system’s bit error rate is below the forward error correction limit.publishe

    Etäisyyden huomioiva kaksiulotteinen viivakoodi mobiilikäyttötapauksiin

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    Global internet use is becoming increasingly mobile, and mobile data usage is growing exponentially. This puts increasing stress on the radio frequency spectrum that cellular and Wi-Fi networks use. As a consequence, research has also been conducted to develop wireless technologies for other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum – namely, visible light. One approach of using the visible light channel for wireless communication leverages barcodes. In this thesis, we propose a 2D barcode that can display different information based on the distance between the barcode and the scanner. Earlier research on distance-sensitive barcodes has focused on providing a closer viewer more information as a closer viewer can see more detail. In contrast, we target use cases where a clear physical separation between users of different roles can be made, such as presentation systems. We evaluate two methods of achieving distance-awareness: color-shifting of individual colors, where a color changes tone at longer distances, and color blending, where two colors blend into a third color at longer viewing distances. Our results show that a modern smartphone is capable of leveraging color-shifting in ideal conditions, but external changes such as ambient lighting render color-shifting unusable in practical scenarios. On the other hand, color blending is robust in varying indoor conditions and can be used to construct a reliable distance-aware barcode. Accordingly, we employ color blending to design a distance-aware barcode. We implement our solution in an off-the-shelf Android smartphone. Experimental results show that our scheme achieves a clear separation between close and far viewers. As a representative use case, we also implement a presentation system where a single barcode provides the presenter access to presentation tools and the audience access to auxiliary presentation material.Maailmanlaajuinen internetin käyttö muuttuu yhä liikkuvammaksi, ja mobiilidatan käyttö kasvaa eksponentiaalisesti. Tämä kohdistaa yhä suurempia vaatimuksia radiotaajuusspektriin, jota mobiili- ja Wi-Fi-verkot käyttävät. Näin ollen tutkijat ovat kehittäneet langattomia teknologioita hyödyntäen myös muita sähkömagneettisen spektrin osia – erityisesti näkyvää valoa. Yksi näkyvän valon sovellus langattomassa viestinnässä ovat viivakoodit. Tässä työssä kehitämme kaksiulotteisen viivakoodin, joka pystyy välittämään eri tietoa katselijoille eri etäisyyksillä. Aiempi etäisyyden huomioivien viivakoodien tutkimus on keskittynyt tarjoamaan lähellä olevalle katselijalle enemmän tietoa, koska läheinen katselija näkee viivakoodin tarkemmin. Sitä vastoin me keskitymme käyttötapauksiin, joissa eri käyttäjäroolien välillä on selkeä etäisyydellinen ero, kuten esimerkiksi esitelmissä puhujan ja yleisön välillä. Tarkastelemme kahta menetelmää: yksittäisten värien muutoksia etäisyyden muuttuessa ja kahden värin sekoittumista etäisyyden kasvaessa. Tulostemme perusteella nykyaikainen älypuhelin pystyy hyödyntämään yksittäisten värien muutoksia ihanteellisissa olosuhteissa, mutta ulkoiset tekijät, kuten ympäristön valaistus, aiheuttavat liian suuria värimuutoksia käytännön käyttötapauksissa. Toisaalta värien sekoittuminen on johdonmukaista muuttuvassa sisäympäristössä ja sitä voidaan käyttää luotettavan viivakoodin luomisessa. Näin ollen me suunnittelemme etäisyyden huomioivan viivakoodin hyödyntäen värien sekoittumista. Toteutamme ratkaisumme yleisesti saatavilla olevalle Android-älypuhelimelle. Kokeellisten tulostemme perusteella menetelmämme saavuttaa selkeän erottelun läheisten ja kaukaisten katselijoiden välillä. Esimerkkikäyttötapauksena toteutamme myös esitelmäjärjestelmän, jossa sama viivakoodi antaa lähellä olevalle puhujalle nopean pääsyn esitystyökaluihin ja kauempana olevalle yleisölle pääsyn esityksen apumateriaaliin

    Visible Light Optical Camera Communication for Electroencephalography Applications

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    Due to the cable-free deployment and flexibility of wireless communications, the data transmission in the applications of home and healthcare has shown a trend of moving wired communications to wireless communications. One typical example is electroencephalography (EEG). Evolution in the radio frequency (RF) technology has made it is possible to transmit the EEG data without data cable bundles. However, presently, the RF-based wireless technology used in EEG suffers from electromagnetic interference and might also have adverse effects on the health of patient and other medical equipment used in hospitals or homes. This puts some limits in RF-based EEG solutions, which is particularly true in RF restricted zones like Intensive Care Units (ICUs). As a recently developed optical wireless communication (OWC) technology, visible light communication (VLC) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for both simultaneous illumination and data communication has shown its advantages of free from electromagnetic interference, potential huge unlicensed bandwidth and enhanced data privacy due to the line transmission of light. The most recent development of VLC is the optical camera communication (OCC), which is an extension of VLC IEEE standard 802.15.7, also referred to as visible light optical camera communication (VL-OCC). Different from the conventional VLC where traditional photodiodes are used to detect and receive the data, VL-OCC uses the imaging camera as the photodetector to receive the data in the form of visible light signals. The data rate requirement of EEG is dependent on the application; hence this thesis investigates a low cost, organic LED (OLED)-driven VL-OCC wireless data transmission system for EEG applications

    Impacts on Multi-pulse Pulse Position Modulation Visible Light Communication from Outdoor Daylight Conditions

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    The growing deployment of light-emitting diodes as energy-efficient, cost-effective lighting for vehicles opens opportunities for visible light vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Leveraging existing headlights and taillights on cars for inter-vehicle communication offers an opportunity to save on both hardware costs and the use of the congested radio frequency spectrum. However, most vehicle-to-vehicle visible light communication investigations in the literature have been limited in range. This paper presents an overview of the factors impacting outdoor visible light communications at increasing distances and presents findings from outdoor testing at ranges approaching 200 m. Using software spatial filtering and multi-pulse pulse position modulation, strong throughput is shown at 50 m in daylight conditions, with improving symbol error rates achieved in outdoor daylight conditions at 100 m by increasing intensity modulation

    The Utilization of Artificial Neural Network Equalizer in Optical Camera Communications

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    In this paper, we propose and validate an artificial neural network-based equalizer for the constant power 4-level pulse amplitude modulation in an optical camera communications system. We introduce new terminology to measure the quality of the communications link in terms of the number of row pixels per symbol , which allows a fair comparison considering the progress made in the development of the current image sensors in terms of the frame rates and the resolutions of each frame. Using the proposed equalizer, we experimentally demonstrate a non-flickering system using a single light-emitting diode (LED) with of 20 and 30 pixels/symbol for the unequalized and equalized systems, respectively. Potential transmission rates of up to 18.6 and 24.4 kbps are achieved with and without the equalization, respectively. The quality of the received signal is assessed using the eye-diagram opening and its linearity and the bit error rate performance. An acceptable bit error rate (below the forward error correction limit) and an improvement of ~66 in the eye linearity are achieved using a single LED and a typical commercial camera with equalization

    Performance Analysis of Vehicular Optical Camera Communications: Roadmap to uRLLC

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    In this paper, we analyze the performance of vehicular optical camera communication (OCC) towards ultra-reliable and low latency communications (uRLLC). The employed vehicular OCC model uses light-emitting diodes (LED) as transmitter and camera as receiver. In particular, we investigate the performance of the proposed system in terms of bit error rate (BER), spectral efficiency, and transmission latency at different inter-vehicular distances and angle of incidences (AoI). Further, we investigate the use of adaptive modulation to improve the spectral efficiency. From our analysis, we note that by satisfying a given target BER, higher spectral efficiency and lower latency can be achieved through adjusting the AoI towards the smaller degrees and switching into the suitable modulation order. Finally, we verify the results through simulations, which show that OCC can ensure ultra-low latency as well as satisfy the reliability requirements in automotive vehicles

    Visible Light and Camera-based Receiver Employing Machine Learning for Indoor Positioning Systems and Data Communications

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    Indoor location-based services have played a crucial role in the development of various Internet of Things applications over the last few decades. The use of radio frequency (RF)-based systems in indoor environments suffers from additional interference due to the high penetration rate and reflections of the RF, which may severely affect positioning accuracy. Alternatively, the optical technology using the existing light-emitting diode (LED)-based lights, photodetectors (PDs), and/or image sensors could be utilised to provide indoor positioning with high accuracy. Because of its resilience to electromagnetic interference, license-free operation, large bandwidth, and dual-use for illumination and communication, visible light positioning (VLP) systems have shown great potential in achieving high-precision indoor positioning. This thesis focus is on investigating VLP systems based on employing a single PD, or an array of PDs in the form of a single image sensor (i.e. a camera) for both localization and data communication. Following a comprehensive literature review on VLP, the key challenges in existing positioning methods for achieving a low-cost, accurate, and less complex indoor positioning systems design are highlighted by considering the design characteristics of an indoor environment, position accuracy, number of light-emitting LED, PD, and any additional sensors utilized. The thesis focuses on the major constraints of VLP and provides novel contributions. In most reported VLP schemes, the assumptions of fixed transmitter (Tx) angle and height may not be valid in many physical environments. In this work, the impact of tilting Tx and multipath reflections are investigated. The findings demonstrated that tilting Tx can be beneficial in VLP by leveraging the influence of reflections from both near- and far-walls. It also showed that proposed system offers a significant accuracy improvement by up to ~66% compared with a typical non-tilted Tx VLP system.Furthermore, increasing robustness of image sensor-based receiver (Rx) is a major challenge, which is being addressed using a novel angle of arrival-received signal intensity and a single LED. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a three-dimensional root mean squared error of 7.56 cm. Visible light communications employing a camera-based Rx is best known as optical camera communications (OCC), which can also be used for VLP. However, in OCC the transmission data rate is mainly limited by the exposure time and the frame rate of the camera. In addition, the camera's sampling introduces intersymbol interference Indoor location-based services have played a crucial role in the development of various Internet of Things applications over the last few decades. The use of radio frequency (RF)-based systems in indoor environments suffers from additional interference due to the high penetration rate and reflections of the RF, which may severely affect positioning accuracy. Alternatively, the optical technology using the existing light-emitting diode (LED)-based lights, photodetectors (PDs), and/or image sensors could be utilised to provide indoor positioning with high accuracy. Because of its resilience to electromagnetic interference, license-free operation, large bandwidth, and dual-use for illumination and communication, visible light positioning (VLP) systems have shown great potential in achieving high-precision indoor positioning. This thesis focus is on investigating VLP systems based on employing a single PD, or an array of PDs in the form of a single image sensor (i.e. a camera) for both localization and data communication. Following a comprehensive literature review on VLP, the key challenges in existing positioning methods for achieving a low-cost, accurate, and less complex indoor positioning systems design are highlighted by considering the design characteristics of an indoor environment, position accuracy, number of light-emitting LED, PD, and any additional sensors utilized. The thesis focuses on the major constraints of VLP and provides novel contributions. In most reported VLP schemes, the assumptions of fixed transmitter (Tx) angle and height may not be valid in many physical environments. In this work, the impact of tilting Tx and multipath reflections are investigated. The findings demonstrated that tilting Tx can be beneficial in VLP by leveraging the influence of reflections from both near- and far-walls. It also showed that proposed system offers a significant accuracy improvement by up to ~66% compared with a typical non-tilted Tx VLP system.Furthermore, increasing robustness of image sensor-based receiver (Rx) is a major challenge, which is being addressed using a novel angle of arrival-received signal intensity and a single LED. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a three-dimensional root mean squared error of 7.56 cm. Visible light communications employing a camera-based Rx is best known as optical camera communications (OCC), which can also be used for VLP. However, in OCC the transmission data rate is mainly limited by the exposure time and the frame rate of the camera. In addition, the camera's sampling introduces intersymbol interference