287 research outputs found

    Recognition of elementary upper limb movements in an activity of daily living using data from wrist mounted accelerometers

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    In this paper we present a methodology as a proof of concept for recognizing fundamental movements of the humanarm (extension, flexion and rotation of the forearm) involved in ‘making-a-cup-of-tea’, typical of an activity of daily-living (ADL). The movements are initially performed in a controlled environment as part of a training phase and the data are grouped into three clusters using k-means clustering. Movements performed during ADL, forming part of the testing phase, are associated with each cluster label using a minimum distance classifier in a multi-dimensional feature space, comprising of features selected from a ranked set of 30 features, using Euclidean and Mahalonobis distance as the metric. Experiments were performed with four healthy subjects and our results show that the proposed methodology can detect the three movements with an overall average accuracy of 88% across all subjects and arm movement types using Euclidean distance classifier

    Novel Techniques in Sensory and Consumer Research Applied to Understand Gluten-Free Products Perception

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El trabajo de investigación realizado en esta tesis se ha centrado en la aplicación de técnicas recientes e innovadoras en el estudio de la percepción de productos sin gluten. Primero, se estudió cómo tratar la información que hay en Twitter para conocer las opiniones de los consumidores sobre "sin gluten". Los temas más relevantes fueron 5 productos (pan, tarta, galleta, pizza, cerveza), situaciones de consumo, recomendaciones, lugares y aspectos relacionados con la celiaquía. Para explorar automáticamente la información de Twitter, se estudió utilizar redes de co-ocurrencia, que fueron útiles para interpretar los tweets, representar los aspectos más relevantes (ocurrencia) y ponerlos en contexto y en relación con otros (co-ocurrencia). Se observó que es posible automatizar sin un pre-tratamiento manual, permitiendo analizar de forma efectiva gran cantidad de información disponible online. Después, se estudiaron diferentes panes comerciales sin gluten en cuanto al comportamiento en boca para entender mejor los factores involucrados en la percepción de textura. Los panes (5 sin gluten; 2 normales) se caracterizaron en cuanto a propiedades mecánicas, estructura, fragmentación, saliva incorporada y consistencia y adhesividad del bolo. Las sensaciones de textura variaron a lo largo de la masticación, dependiendo de su estructura inicial, propiedades mecánicas, fragmentación, formación de bolo o actividad oral. Posteriormente, se estudió cómo los cambios en la estructura de panes sin gluten obtenidos por modificaciones en panificación (tiempo de fermentación e hidratación) afectan al procesamiento y actividad oral y las sensaciones de textura, que variaron principalmente según el tiempo de fermentación. Especialmente al principio, las diferencias en las sensaciones de textura se explicaron por las diferencias en la estructura y fragmentación en boca. Por último, se estudió la atención visual (con eye-tracking) y la respuesta de consumidores celíacos a paquetes de pan sin gluten, observando que el tipo de marca y la presencia del logo de certificación sin gluten influían en lo que miran. Todos los panes les dieron confianza, sin afectar la presencia del logo, pero condicionando lo que miran. El tipo de marca afectó la confianza y la expectativa de aceptabilidad, que fueron más altas para marcas específicas de sin gluten. La aceptabilidad también se explicó por otras características de cada pan. Se estudió la atención visual (eye-tracking) y las motivaciones de niños celíacos y sus padres al comprar galletas en comparación con los no celíacos. El patrón de fijación cambió en niños y padres: los niños celíacos se fijaron más en ingredientes, palabras y símbolos sin gluten, y menos en la imagen de las galletas; los padres de niños celíacos se fijaron más en ingredientes y símbolo sin gluten, y menos en la imagen de la galleta, nombre, dibujo e información nutricional. Para todos los niños y padres, lo más importante fue elegir una galleta que les gustara, pero solo los niños celíacos mostraron interés en la marca y por probar un producto nuevo. Otro motivo importante para los padres fue la salud, pero por diferentes atributos (padres de celíacos: certificación sin gluten o lista corta de ingredientes; padres de no celíacos: bajo en azúcar o grasa). El precio o la confianza fueron relevantes solo para los padres de niños celíacos. Esta Tesis ha aportado conocimiento sobre el uso y la practicidad de técnicas recientes en ciencia sensorial y del consumidor. La investigación confirma que se puede conseguir una comprensión plena de la compleja respuesta del consumidor recabando información desde perspectivas muy distintas. Sin embargo, para responder a cuestiones específicas en investigación, cada una de estas técnicas (análisis de las redes sociales, estudio del procesado oral de los alimentos o la técnica eye-tracking) puede contribuir de forma individual a entender mejor la aceptabilidad o la elección de alimentos del consumidor.[CA] El treball de recerca realitzat en esta tesi s'ha centrat en l'aplicació de tècniques recents i innovadores en l'estudi de la percepció de productes sense glútens. Primer, es va estudiar com tractar la informació que hi ha en Twitter per a conéixer les opinions dels consumidors sobre "sense glútens". Els temes més rellevants van ser 5 productes (pa, pastís, galeta, pizza, cervesa), situacions de consum, recomanacions, llocs i aspectes relacionats amb la celiaquia. Per a explorar automàticament la informació de Twitter, es va estudiar utilitzar xarxes de co-ocurrència, que van ser útils per a interpretar els tuits, representar els aspectes més rellevants (ocurrència) i posar-los en context i en relació amb uns altres (co-ocurrència). Es va observar que és possible automatitzar sense un pre-tractament manual, permetent analitzar de manera efectiva gran quantitat d'informació disponible en línia. Després, es van estudiar diferents pans comercials sense glútens quant al comportament en boca per a entendre millor els factors involucrats en la percepció de textura. Els pans (5 sense glútens; 2 normals) es van caracteritzar quant a propietats mecàniques, estructura, fragmentació, saliva incorporada i consistència i adhesivitat de la bitla. Les sensacions de textura van variar al llarg de la masticació, depenent de la estructura inicial, propietats mecàniques, fragmentació, formació de bitla o activitat oral. Posteriorment, es va estudiar com els canvis en l'estructura de pans sense glútens obtinguts per modificacions en panificació (temps de fermentació i hidratació) afecten el processament i activitat oral i les sensacions de textura, que van variar principalment segons el temps de fermentació. Especialment al principi, les diferències en les sensacions de textura es van explicar per les diferències en l'estructura i fragmentació en boca. Finalment, es va estudiar l'atenció visual (amb eye-tracking) i la resposta de consumidors celíacs a paquets de pa sense gluten, observant que el tipus de marca i la presència del logotip de certificació sense gluten influïen en el que miren. Tots els pans els van donar confiança, sense afectar la presència del logotip, però condicionant el que miren. El tipus de marca va afectar la confiança i l'expectativa d'acceptabilitat, que van ser més altes per a marques específiques de sense glútens. L'acceptabilitat també es va explicar per altres característiques de cada pa. Es va estudiar l'atenció visual (eye-tracking) i les motivacions de xiquets celíacs i els seus pares en comprar galetes en comparació amb no celíacs. El patró de fixació va canviar en xiquets i pares: els xiquets celíacs es van fixar més en ingredients, paraules i símbols sense glútens, i menys en la imatge de les galetes; els pares de xiquets celíacs es van fixar més en ingredients i símbol sense gluten, i menys en la imatge de la galeta, nom, dibuix i informació nutricional. Per a tots els xiquets i pares, el més important va ser triar una galeta que els agradara, però només els xiquets celíacs van mostrar interés en la marca i per provar un producte nou. Un altre motiu important per als pares va ser la salut, però per diferents atributs (pares de celíacs: certificació sense gluten o llista curta d'ingredients; pares de no celíacs: baix en sucre o grassa). El preu o la confiança van ser rellevants solo per als pares de xiquets celíacs. Esta Tesi ha aportat coneixement sobre l'ús i la practicitat de tècniques recents en ciència sensorial i del consumidor. La investigació confirma que es pot aconseguir una comprensió plena de la complexa resposta del consumidor recaptant informació des de perspectives molt diferents. No obstant això, per a respondre a qüestions específiques en investigació, cada una d'estes tècniques (anàlisis de les xarxes socials, estudi del processament oral dels aliments o la tècnica eye-tracking) pot contribuir de manera individual a entendre millor l'acceptabilitat o l'elecció d'aliments del consumidor.[EN] The research of this thesis is focused on the application of recent and innovative techniques to study the perception of gluten-free products. First, it was studied how to manage the information available on Twitter to get consumers' opinions about "gluten-free". The most relevant topics when talking about gluten-free on Twitter were five products (bread, cake, cookie, pizza, beer), situations of consumption, recommendations, places, and aspects related to coeliac condition. To automatically explore the information from Twitter, the possibility to use co-occurrence networks was studied. Co-occurrence networks were useful for interpreting tweets' content, representing the most relevant aspects mentioned (occurrence) and putting them into context and in relation to others (co-occurrence). It was found that automated without manual pre-treatment of text is possible, as an efficient analysis of big amounts of online data. Secondly, different commercial gluten-free breads were studied in terms of in-mouth behaviour to better understand the factors involved in texture perception. The breads (5 gluten-free; 2 regular) were characterised regarding mechanical properties, structure, fragmentation, saliva incorporated, and bolus consistency and adhesiveness. Texture sensations varied along mastication, depending on their initial structure, mechanical properties, fragmentation pattern, bolus formation or oral activity. Subsequently, it was studied how changes in structure of gluten-free breads achieved by modifications in breadmaking (fermentation time and hydration) affect oral processing, oral activity and texture sensations. Oral behaviour and texture perception varied mostly according to the fermentation time. Especially at the beginning, differences in texture sensations were explained by the differences in structure and how it fragmented in mouth. Lastly, visual attention (with eye-tracking technique) and response of coeliac consumers to gluten-free bread packages were studied, finding that the type of brand and presence of gluten-free certification logo influenced the visual behaviour. All gluten-free breads were perceived as trustworthy, not being affected by the presence of gluten-free certification logo, but conditioning the visual behaviour. The type of brand affected trust and expected acceptability, being both higher for brands specific of gluten-free. Liking was also explained by other individual characteristics of breads. Visual behaviour and motivations of coeliac children and their parents when purchasing biscuits were studied in comparison to non-coeliac ones. Eye-tracking showed that fixation pattern changed for coeliac children and their parents. Coeliac children fixated more on ingredients, gluten-free words and symbols, and less on biscuit image. Parents of coeliac children fixated more on ingredients and the gluten-free symbol, and less on biscuit image, product name, cartoon, and nutritional information. For all children and parents, liking was the most important reason for choosing a biscuit, but only coeliac children showed interest in brand and unknown products. Other important motivation for parents was health, but the attributes were different (parents of coeliac group: having gluten-free certification or a short ingredients list; parents of non-coeliac group: low sugar or fat contents). Price or trust were relevant motivations only for parents of celiac children. On overall, this Thesis provided knowledge about the usage and practicality of recent techniques or approaches in sensory and consumer science. This investigation confirms that a full understanding of complex consumer's response can be achieved by gathering consumer's information from different perspectives. However, for answering specific research questions, these different tools (social media exploration, food oral processing approach or eye-tracking technique) can individually contribute to better understand consumer acceptability or food choice.Puerta Gil, P. (2022). Novel Techniques in Sensory and Consumer Research Applied to Understand Gluten-Free Products Perception [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182293TESISCompendi

    Recognizing upper limb movements with wrist worn inertial sensors using k-means clustering classification

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    In this paper we present a methodology for recognizing three fundamental movements of the human forearm (extension, flexion and rotation) using pattern recognition applied to the data from a single wrist-worn, inertial sensor. We propose that this technique could be used as a clinical tool to assess rehabilitation progress in neurodegenerative pathologies such as stroke or cerebral palsy by tracking the number of times a patient performs specific arm movements (e.g. prescribed exercises) with their paretic arm throughout the day. We demonstrate this with healthy subjects and stroke patients in a simple proof of concept study in whichthese arm movements are detected during an archetypal activity of daily-living (ADL) – ‘making-a-cup-of-tea’. Data is collected from a tri-axial accelerometer and a tri-axial gyroscope located proximal to the wrist. In a training phase, movements are initially performed in a controlled environment which are represented by a ranked set of 30 time-domain features. Using a sequential forward selection technique, for each set of feature combinations three clusters are formed using k-means clustering followed by 10 runs of 10-fold cross validation on the training data to determine the best feature combinations. For the testing phase, movements performed during the ADL are associated with each cluster label using a minimum distance classifier in a multi-dimensional feature space, comprised of the best ranked features, using Euclidean or Mahalanobis distance as the metric. Experiments were performed with four healthy subjects and four stroke survivors and our results showthat the proposed methodology can detect the three movements performed during the ADL with an overall average accuracy of 88% using the accelerometer data and 83% using the gyroscope data across all healthy subjects and arm movement types. The average accuracy across all stroke survivors was 70% using accelerometer data and 66% using gyroscope data. We also use a Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classifier and a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier in association with the same set of features to detect the three arm movements and compare the results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methodology

    The effects of customised food advergames on children’s affective, cognitive, and conative responses

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    The practice of promoting food to children via advergames is a highly topical issue which attracts much concern due to the low nutritional value of the promoted foods. This thesis examines the effects of customised food advergames on children’s affective, cognitive and conative responses. It also investigates the role persuasion knowledge and prior brand usage have in children’s interaction with advergames. In particular, whether children’s persuasion knowledge acts as a barrier to those responses. This research is situated within the domains of marketing communications, consumer behaviour and consumer socialisation. It adopts an affect transfer theory, the Dual Mediation Hypothesis (DMH), to explain the transfer of affect from an advergame to children’s responses. Three versions of the same advergame were designed for the purpose of this thesis with different levels of customisation (i.e. control, low and high experimental conditions). An experiment among younger (5-7 year olds) and older (11¬12 year olds) children reveals that customisation in advergames has a detrimental effect on children’s affective, cognitive and conative responses. It was the control condition, without customisation options, that rendered a positive impact on brand attitudes and preferences relative to the other two experimental conditions. Persuasion knowledge does not influence children’s affective, cognitive or conative responses. This implies that children’s understanding of the persuasive intent of an advergame does not act as a barrier against its effects. Age had a significant role on children’s attitudes towards the advergame, but not on their other responses to it. Finally, prior brand usage has a positive impact on children’s responses apart from on advergame attitudes. This thesis has implications to policy and practice. It is evident that children from two distinct age and cognitive developmental groups cannot protect themselves from advergames’ effects. Therefore, regulators should broaden the scope of concern to older and younger children alike

    Towards self-powered wireless sensor networks

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    Ubiquitous computing aims at creating smart environments in which computational and communication capabilities permeate the word at all scales, improving the human experience and quality of life in a totally unobtrusive yet completely reliable manner. According to this vision, an huge variety of smart devices and products (e.g., wireless sensor nodes, mobile phones, cameras, sensors, home appliances and industrial machines) are interconnected to realize a network of distributed agents that continuously collect, process, share and transport information. The impact of such technologies in our everyday life is expected to be massive, as it will enable innovative applications that will profoundly change the world around us. Remotely monitoring the conditions of patients and elderly people inside hospitals and at home, preventing catastrophic failures of buildings and critical structures, realizing smart cities with sustainable management of traffic and automatic monitoring of pollution levels, early detecting earthquake and forest fires, monitoring water quality and detecting water leakages, preventing landslides and avalanches are just some examples of life-enhancing applications made possible by smart ubiquitous computing systems. To turn this vision into a reality, however, new raising challenges have to be addressed, overcoming the limits that currently prevent the pervasive deployment of smart devices that are long lasting, trusted, and fully autonomous. In particular, the most critical factor currently limiting the realization of ubiquitous computing is energy provisioning. In fact, embedded devices are typically powered by short-lived batteries that severely affect their lifespan and reliability, often requiring expensive and invasive maintenance. In this PhD thesis, we investigate the use of energy-harvesting techniques to overcome the energy bottleneck problem suffered by embedded devices, particularly focusing on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which are one of the key enablers of pervasive computing systems. Energy harvesting allows to use energy readily available from the environment (e.g., from solar light, wind, body movements, etc.) to significantly extend the typical lifetime of low-power devices, enabling ubiquitous computing systems that can last virtually forever. However, the design challenges posed both at the hardware and at the software levels by the design of energy-autonomous devices are many. This thesis addresses some of the most challenging problems of this emerging research area, such as devising mechanisms for energy prediction and management, improving the efficiency of the energy scavenging process, developing protocols for harvesting-aware resource allocation, and providing solutions that enable robust and reliable security support. %, including the design of mechanisms for energy prediction and management, improving the efficiency of the energy harvesting process, the develop of protocols for harvesting-aware resource allocation, and providing solutions that enable robust and reliable security support

    Sensory Analysis and Consumer Research in New Product Development

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    Sensory analysis and consumer research are relevant tools in innovation andnew product development, from design to commercialization. This Special Issuehas collected 13 valuable scientific contributions, including 1 review, 12 originalresearch articles and an editorial. The SI provides an interesting outlookand better understanding of sensorial analysis with the different techniques andconsumer research on new product development. Important practical applicationshave been reported on the development of different novel, functional andenhanced products (meat, fish, biscuits, yogurt, porridge, hybrid meat, molecularproducts, etc.), which helps increase knowledge in this field. This SI isvery useful for both present and future uses for the different players involved inthis kind of product development (industry, companies, researchers, scientists,marketing, merchandising, consumers, etc.)

    Sophisticated Batteryless Sensing

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    Wireless embedded sensing systems have revolutionized scientific, industrial, and consumer applications. Sensors have become a fixture in our daily lives, as well as the scientific and industrial communities by allowing continuous monitoring of people, wildlife, plants, buildings, roads and highways, pipelines, and countless other objects. Recently a new vision for sensing has emerged---known as the Internet-of-Things (IoT)---where trillions of devices invisibly sense, coordinate, and communicate to support our life and well being. However, the sheer scale of the IoT has presented serious problems for current sensing technologies---mainly, the unsustainable maintenance, ecological, and economic costs of recycling or disposing of trillions of batteries. This energy storage bottleneck has prevented massive deployments of tiny sensing devices at the edge of the IoT. This dissertation explores an alternative---leave the batteries behind, and harvest the energy required for sensing tasks from the environment the device is embedded in. These sensors can be made cheaper, smaller, and will last decades longer than their battery powered counterparts, making them a perfect fit for the requirements of the IoT. These sensors can be deployed where battery powered sensors cannot---embedded in concrete, shot into space, or even implanted in animals and people. However, these batteryless sensors may lose power at any point, with no warning, for unpredictable lengths of time. Programming, profiling, debugging, and building applications with these devices pose significant challenges. First, batteryless devices operate in unpredictable environments, where voltages vary and power failures can occur at any time---often devices are in failure for hours. Second, a device\u27s behavior effects the amount of energy they can harvest---meaning small changes in tasks can drastically change harvester efficiency. Third, the programming interfaces of batteryless devices are ill-defined and non- intuitive; most developers have trouble anticipating the problems inherent with an intermittent power supply. Finally, the lack of community, and a standard usable hardware platform have reduced the resources and prototyping ability of the developer. In this dissertation we present solutions to these challenges in the form of a tool for repeatable and realistic experimentation called Ekho, a reconfigurable hardware platform named Flicker, and a language and runtime for timely execution of intermittent programs called Mayfly