652 research outputs found

    Localisation of mobile nodes in wireless networks with correlated in time measurement noise.

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    Wireless sensor networks are an inherent part of decision making, object tracking and location awareness systems. This work is focused on simultaneous localisation of mobile nodes based on received signal strength indicators (RSSIs) with correlated in time measurement noises. Two approaches to deal with the correlated measurement noises are proposed in the framework of auxiliary particle filtering: with a noise augmented state vector and the second approach implements noise decorrelation. The performance of the two proposed multi model auxiliary particle filters (MM AUX-PFs) is validated over simulated and real RSSIs and high localisation accuracy is demonstrated

    Gradient based sequential Markov chain Monte Carlo for multitarget tracking with correlated measurements

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    Measurements in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are often correlated both in space and in time. This paper focuses on tracking multiple targets in WSNs by taking into consideration these measurement correlations. A sequential Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SMCMC) approach is proposed in which a Metropolis within Gibbs refinement step and a likelihood gradient proposal are introduced. This SMCMC filter is applied to case studies with cellular network received signal strength data in which the shadowing component correlations in space and time are estimated. The efficiency of the SMCMC approach compared to particle filtering, as well as the gradient proposal compared to a basic prior proposal, are demonstrated through numerical simulations. The accuracy improvement with the gradient-based SMCMC is above 90% when using a low number of particles. Thanks to its sequential nature, the proposed approach can be applied to various WSN applications, including traffic mobility monitoring and prediction

    Improved Localization Algorithms in Indoor Wireless Environment

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    Localization has been considered as an important precondition for the location-dependent applications such as mobile tracking and navigation.To obtain specific location information, we usually make use of Global Positioning System(GPS), which is the most common plat- form to acquire localization information in outdoor environments. When targets are in indoor environment, however, the GPS signal is usually blocked, so we also consider other assisted positioning techniques in order to obtain accurate position of targets. In this thesis, three different schemes in indoor environment are proposed to minimize localization error by placing refer- ence nodes in optimum locations, combining the localization information from accelerometer sensor in smartphone with Received Signal Strength (RSS) from reference nodes, and utilizing frequency diversity in Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) environment. Deployments of reference nodes are vital for locating nearby targets since they are used to estimate the distances from them to the targets. A reference nodes’ placement scheme based on minimizing the average mean square error of localization over a certain region is proposed in this thesis first and is applied in different localization regions which are circular, square and hexagonal for illustration of the flexibility of the proposed scheme. Equipped with accelerometer sensor, smartphone provides useful information which out- puts accelerations in three different directions. Combining acceleration information from smart- phones and signal strength information from reference nodes to prevent the accumulated error from accelerometer is studied in this thesis. The combined locating error is narrowed by as- signing different weights to localization information from accelerometer and reference nodes. In indoor environment, RSS technology based localization is the most common way to imply since it require less additional hardware compared to other localization technologies. However, RSS can be affected greatly by complex circumstance as well as carrier frequency. Utilization of diverse frequencies to improve localization performance is proposed in the end of this thesis along with some experiments applied on Software Defined Platform (SDR)

    Development and evaluation of a Kalman-filter algorithm for terminal area navigation using sensors of moderate accuracy

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    Translational state estimation in terminal area operations, using a set of commonly available position, air data, and acceleration sensors, is described. Kalman filtering is applied to obtain maximum estimation accuracy from the sensors but feasibility in real-time computations requires a variety of approximations and devices aimed at minimizing the required computation time with only negligible loss of accuracy. Accuracy behavior throughout the terminal area, its relation to sensor accuracy, its effect on trajectory tracking errors and control activity in an automatic flight control system, and its adequacy in terms of existing criteria for various terminal area operations are examined. The principal investigative tool is a simulation of the system

    New Hypervelocity Terminal Intercept Guidance Systems for Deflecting/Disrupting Hazardous Asteroids

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    Computational modeling and simulations of visual and infrared (IR) sensors are investigated for a new hypervelocity terminal guidance system of intercepting small asteroids (50 to 150 meters in diameter). Computational software tools for signal-to-noise ratio estimation of visual and IR sensors, estimation of minimum and maximum ranges of target detection, and GPU (Graphics Processing Units)-accelerated simulations of the IR-based terminal intercept guidance systems are developed. Scaled polyhedron models of known objects, such as the Rosetta mission\u27s Comet 67P/C-G, NASA\u27s OSIRIS-REx Bennu, and asteroid 433 Eros, are utilized in developing a GPU-based simulation tool for the IR-based terminal intercept guidance systems. A parallelized-ray tracing algorithm for simulating realistic surface-to-surface shadowing of irregular-shaped asteroids or comets is developed. Polyhedron solid-angle approximation is also considered. Using these computational models, digital image processing is investigated to determine single or multiple impact locations to assess the technical feasibility of new planetary defense mission concepts of utilizing a Hypervelocity Asteroid Intercept Vehicle (HAIV) or a Multiple Kinetic-energy Interceptor Vehicle (MKIV). Study results indicate that the IR-based guidance system outperforms the visual-based system in asteroid detection and tracking. When using an IR sensor, predicting impact locations from filtered images resulted in less jittery spacecraft control accelerations than conducting missions with a visual sensor. Infrared sensors have also the possibility to detect asteroids at greater distances, and if properly used, can aid in terminal phase guidance for proper impact location determination for the MKIV system. Emerging new topics of the Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance (MOID) estimation and the Full-Two-Body Problem (F2BP) formulation are also investigated to assess a potential near-Earth object collision risk and the proximity gravity effects of an irregular-shaped binary-asteroid target on a standoff nuclear explosion mission

    Cooperative Perception for Social Driving in Connected Vehicle Traffic

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    The development of autonomous vehicle technology has moved to the center of automotive research in recent decades. In the foreseeable future, road vehicles at all levels of automation and connectivity will be required to operate safely in a hybrid traffic where human operated vehicles (HOVs) and fully and semi-autonomous vehicles (AVs) coexist. Having an accurate and reliable perception of the road is an important requirement for achieving this objective. This dissertation addresses some of the associated challenges via developing a human-like social driver model and devising a decentralized cooperative perception framework. A human-like driver model can aid the development of AVs by building an understanding of interactions among human drivers and AVs in a hybrid traffic, therefore facilitating an efficient and safe integration. The presented social driver model categorizes and defines the driver\u27s psychological decision factors in mathematical representations (target force, object force, and lane force). A model predictive control (MPC) is then employed for the motion planning by evaluating the prevailing social forces and considering the kinematics of the controlled vehicle as well as other operating constraints to ensure a safe maneuver in a way that mimics the predictive nature of the human driver\u27s decision making process. A hierarchical model predictive control structure is also proposed, where an additional upper level controller aggregates the social forces over a longer prediction horizon upon the availability of an extended perception of the upcoming traffic via vehicular networking. Based on the prediction of the upper level controller, a sequence of reference lanes is passed to a lower level controller to track while avoiding local obstacles. This hierarchical scheme helps reduce unnecessary lane changes resulting in smoother maneuvers. The dynamic vehicular communication environment requires a robust framework that must consistently evaluate and exploit the set of communicated information for the purpose of improving the perception of a participating vehicle beyond the limitations. This dissertation presents a decentralized cooperative perception framework that considers uncertainties in traffic measurements and allows scalability (for various settings of traffic density, participation rate, etc.). The framework utilizes a Bhattacharyya distance filter (BDF) for data association and a fast covariance intersection fusion scheme (FCI) for the data fusion processes. The conservatism of the covariance intersection fusion scheme is investigated in comparison to the traditional Kalman filter (KF), and two different fusion architectures: sensor-to-sensor and sensor-to-system track fusion are evaluated. The performance of the overall proposed framework is demonstrated via Monte Carlo simulations with a set of empirical communications models and traffic microsimulations where each connected vehicle asynchronously broadcasts its local perception consisting of estimates of the motion states of self and neighboring vehicles along with the corresponding uncertainty measures of the estimates. The evaluated framework includes a vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication model that considers intermittent communications as well as a model that takes into account dynamic changes in an individual vehicle’s sensors’ FoV in accordance with the prevailing traffic conditions. The results show the presence of optimality in participation rate, where increasing participation rate beyond a certain level adversely affects the delay in packet delivery and the computational complexity in data association and fusion processes increase without a significant improvement in the achieved accuracy via the cooperative perception. In a highly dense traffic environment, the vehicular network can often be congested leading to limited bandwidth availability at high participation rates of the connected vehicles in the cooperative perception scheme. To alleviate the bandwidth utilization issues, an information-value discriminating networking scheme is proposed, where each sender broadcasts selectively chosen perception data based on the novelty-value of information. The potential benefits of these approaches include, but are not limited to, the reduction of bandwidth bottle-necking and the minimization of the computational cost of data association and fusion post processing of the shared perception data at receiving nodes. It is argued that the proposed information-value discriminating communication scheme can alleviate these adverse effects without sacrificing the fidelity of the perception
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