22 research outputs found

    Securing Real-Time Internet-of-Things

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    Modern embedded and cyber-physical systems are ubiquitous. A large number of critical cyber-physical systems have real-time requirements (e.g., avionics, automobiles, power grids, manufacturing systems, industrial control systems, etc.). Recent developments and new functionality requires real-time embedded devices to be connected to the Internet. This gives rise to the real-time Internet-of-things (RT-IoT) that promises a better user experience through stronger connectivity and efficient use of next-generation embedded devices. However RT- IoT are also increasingly becoming targets for cyber-attacks which is exacerbated by this increased connectivity. This paper gives an introduction to RT-IoT systems, an outlook of current approaches and possible research challenges towards secure RT- IoT frameworks

    Automated instantiation of side-channel attacks countermeasures for software cipher implementations

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    Side Channel Attacks (SCA) have proven to be a practical threat to the security of embedded systems, exploiting the information leakage coming from unintended channels concerning an implementation of a cryptographic primitive. Given the large variety of embedded platforms, and the ubiquity of the need for secure cryptographic implementations, a systematic and automated approach to deploy SCA countermeasures at design time is strongly needed. In this paper, we provide an overview of recent compiler-based techniques to protect software implementations against SCA, making them amenable to automated application in the development of secure-by-design systems

    Integrating security into real-time cyber-physical systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as automobiles, power plants, avionics systems, unmanned vehicles, medical devices, manufacturing and home automation systems have distinct cyber and physical components that must work cohesively with each other to ensure correct operation. Many cyber-physical applications have “real-time” constraints, i.e., they must function correctly within predetermined time scales. A failure to protect these systems could result in significant harm to humans, the system or even the environment. While traditionally such systems were isolated from external accesses and used proprietary components and protocols, modern CPS use off-the-shelf components and are increasingly interconnected, often via networks such as the Internet. As a result, they are exposed to additional attack surfaces and have become increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. Enhancing security for real-time CPS, however, is not an easy task due to limited resource availability (e.g., processing power, memory, storage, energy) and stringent timing/safety requirements. Security monitoring techniques for cyber-physical platforms (a) must execute with existing real-time tasks, (b) operate without impacting the timing and safety constraints of the control logic and (c) have to be designed and executed in a way that an adversary cannot easily evade it. The objective of my research is to increase security posture of embedded real-time CPS by integrating monitoring/detection techniques that defeat cyber attacks without violating timing/safety constraints of existing tasks. My dissertation work explores the real-time security domain and shows that by employing a combination of multiple scheduling/analysis techniques and interactions between hardware/software-based security extensions, it becomes feasible to integrate security monitoring mechanisms in real-time CPS without compromising timing/safety requirements of existing tasks. In this research, I (a) develop techniques to raise the responsiveness of security monitoring tasks by increasing their frequency of execution, (b) design a hardware-supported framework to prevent falsification of actuation commands — i.e., commands that control the state of the physical system and (c) propose metrics to trade-off security with real-time guarantees. The solutions presented in this dissertation require minimal changes to system components/parameters and thus compatible for legacy systems. My proposed frameworks and results are evaluated through both, simulations and experiments on real off-the-shelf cyber-physical platforms. The development of analysis techniques and design frameworks proposed in this dissertation will inherently make such systems more secure and hence, safer. I believe my dissertation work will bring researchers and system engineers one step closer to understand how to integrate two seemingly diverse yet important fields — real-time CPS and cyber-security — while gaining a better understanding of both areas

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    A Code-specific Conservative Model for the Failure Rate of Bit-flipping Decoding of LDPC Codes with Cryptographic Applications

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    Characterizing the decoding failure rate of iteratively decoded Low- and Moderate-Density Parity Check (LDPC/MDPC) codes is paramount to build cryptosystems based on them, able to achieve indistinguishability under adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks. In this paper, we provide a statistical worst-case analysis of our proposed iterative decoder obtained through a simple modification of the classic in-place bit-flipping decoder. This worst case analysis allows both to derive the worst-case behaviour of an LDPC/MDPC code picked among the family with the same length, rate and number of parity checks, and a code-specific bound on the decoding failure rate. The former result allows us to build a code-based cryptosystem enjoying the δ\delta-correctness property required by IND-CCA2 constructions, while the latter result allows us to discard code instances which may have a decoding failure rate significantly different from the average one (i.e., representing weak keys), should they be picked during the key generation procedure

    Wide-Area Situation Awareness based on a Secure Interconnection between Cyber-Physical Control Systems

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    Posteriormente, examinamos e identificamos los requisitos especiales que limitan el diseño y la operación de una arquitectura de interoperabilidad segura para los SSC (particularmente los SCCF) del smart grid. Nos enfocamos en modelar requisitos no funcionales que dan forma a esta infraestructura, siguiendo la metodología NFR para extraer requisitos esenciales, técnicas para la satisfacción de los requisitos y métricas para nuestro modelo arquitectural. Estudiamos los servicios necesarios para la interoperabilidad segura de los SSC del SG revisando en profundidad los mecanismos de seguridad, desde los servicios básicos hasta los procedimientos avanzados capaces de hacer frente a las amenazas sofisticadas contra los sistemas de control, como son los sistemas de detección, protección y respuesta ante intrusiones. Nuestro análisis se divide en diferentes áreas: prevención, consciencia y reacción, y restauración; las cuales general un modelo de seguridad robusto para la protección de los sistemas críticos. Proporcionamos el diseño para un modelo arquitectural para la interoperabilidad segura y la interconexión de los SCCF del smart grid. Este escenario contempla la interconectividad de una federación de proveedores de energía del SG, que interactúan a través de la plataforma de interoperabilidad segura para gestionar y controlar sus infraestructuras de forma cooperativa. La plataforma tiene en cuenta las características inherentes y los nuevos servicios y tecnologías que acompañan al movimiento de la Industria 4.0. Por último, presentamos una prueba de concepto de nuestro modelo arquitectural, el cual ayuda a validar el diseño propuesto a través de experimentaciones. Creamos un conjunto de casos de validación que prueban algunas de las funcionalidades principales ofrecidas por la arquitectura diseñada para la interoperabilidad segura, proporcionando información sobre su rendimiento y capacidades.Las infraestructuras críticas (IICC) modernas son vastos sistemas altamente complejos, que precisan del uso de las tecnologías de la información para gestionar, controlar y monitorizar el funcionamiento de estas infraestructuras. Debido a sus funciones esenciales, la protección y seguridad de las infraestructuras críticas y, por tanto, de sus sistemas de control, se ha convertido en una tarea prioritaria para las diversas instituciones gubernamentales y académicas a nivel mundial. La interoperabilidad de las IICC, en especial de sus sistemas de control (SSC), se convierte en una característica clave para que estos sistemas sean capaces de coordinarse y realizar tareas de control y seguridad de forma cooperativa. El objetivo de esta tesis se centra, por tanto, en proporcionar herramientas para la interoperabilidad segura de los diferentes SSC, especialmente los sistemas de control ciber-físicos (SCCF), de forma que se potencie la intercomunicación y coordinación entre ellos para crear un entorno en el que las diversas infraestructuras puedan realizar tareas de control y seguridad cooperativas, creando una plataforma de interoperabilidad segura capaz de dar servicio a diversas IICC, en un entorno de consciencia situacional (del inglés situational awareness) de alto espectro o área (wide-area). Para ello, en primer lugar, revisamos las amenazas de carácter más sofisticado que amenazan la operación de los sistemas críticos, particularmente enfocándonos en los ciberataques camuflados (del inglés stealth) que amenazan los sistemas de control de infraestructuras críticas como el smart grid. Enfocamos nuestra investigación al análisis y comprensión de este nuevo tipo de ataques que aparece contra los sistemas críticos, y a las posibles contramedidas y herramientas para mitigar los efectos de estos ataques

    Handling Information and its Propagation to Engineer Complex Embedded Systems

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    Avec l’intérêt que la technologie d’aujourd’hui a sur les données, il est facile de supposer que l’information est au bout des doigts, prêt à être exploité. Les méthodologies et outils de recherche sont souvent construits sur cette hypothèse. Cependant, cette illusion d’abondance se brise souvent lorsqu’on tente de transférer des techniques existantes à des applications industrielles. Par exemple, la recherche a produit divers méthodologies permettant d’optimiser l’utilisation des ressources de grands systèmes complexes, tels que les avioniques de l’Airbus A380. Ces approches nécessitent la connaissance de certaines mesures telles que les temps d’exécution, la consommation de mémoire, critères de communication, etc. La conception de ces systèmes complexes a toutefois employé une combinaison de compétences de différents domaines (probablement avec des connaissances en génie logiciel) qui font que les données caractéristiques au système sont incomplètes ou manquantes. De plus, l’absence d’informations pertinentes rend difficile de décrire correctement le système, de prédire son comportement, et améliorer ses performances. Nous faisons recours au modèles probabilistes et des techniques d’apprentissage automatique pour remédier à ce manque d’informations pertinentes. La théorie des probabilités, en particulier, a un grand potentiel pour décrire les systèmes partiellement observables. Notre objectif est de fournir des approches et des solutions pour produire des informations pertinentes. Cela permet une description appropriée des systèmes complexes pour faciliter l’intégration, et permet l’utilisation des techniques d’optimisation existantes. Notre première étape consiste à résoudre l’une des difficultés rencontrées lors de l’intégration de système : assurer le bon comportement temporelle des composants critiques des systèmes. En raison de la mise à l’échelle de la technologie et de la dépendance croissante à l’égard des architectures à multi-coeurs, la surcharge de logiciels fonctionnant sur différents coeurs et le partage d’espace mémoire n’est plus négligeable. Pour tel, nous étendons la boîte à outils des système temps réel avec une analyse temporelle probabiliste statique qui estime avec précision l’exécution d’un logiciel avec des considerations pour les conflits de mémoire partagée. Le modèle est ensuite intégré dans un simulateur pour l’ordonnancement de systèmes temps réel multiprocesseurs. ----------ABSTRACT: In today’s data-driven technology, it is easy to assume that information is at the tip of our fingers, ready to be exploited. Research methodologies and tools are often built on top of this assumption. However, this illusion of abundance often breaks when attempting to transfer existing techniques to industrial applications. For instance, research produced various methodologies to optimize the resource usage of large complex systems, such as the avionics of the Airbus A380. These approaches require the knowledge of certain metrics such as the execution time, memory consumption, communication delays, etc. The design of these complex systems, however, employs a mix of expertise from different fields (likely with limited knowledge in software engineering) which might lead to incomplete or missing specifications. Moreover, the unavailability of relevant information makes it difficult to properly describe the system, predict its behavior, and improve its performance. We fall back on probabilistic models and machine learning techniques to address this lack of relevant information. Probability theory, especially, has great potential to describe partiallyobservable systems. Our objective is to provide approaches and solutions to produce relevant information. This enables a proper description of complex systems to ease integration, and allows the use of existing optimization techniques. Our first step is to tackle one of the difficulties encountered during system integration: ensuring the proper timing behavior of critical systems. Due to technology scaling, and with the growing reliance on multi-core architectures, the overhead of software running on different cores and sharing memory space is no longer negligible. For such, we extend the real-time system tool-kit with a static probabilistic timing analysis technique that accurately estimates the execution of software with an awareness of shared memory contention. The model is then incorporated into a simulator for scheduling multi-processor real-time systems

    Interaction-aware analysis and optimization of real-time application and operating system

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    Mechanical and electronic automation was a key component of the technological advances in the last two hundred years. With the use of special-purpose machines, manual labor was replaced by mechanical motion, leaving workers with the operation of these machines, before also this task was conquered by embedded control systems. With the advances of general-purpose computing, the development of these control systems shifted more and more from a problem-specific one to a one-size-fits-all mentality as the trade-off between per-instance overheads and development costs was in favor of flexible and reusable implementations. However, with a scaling factor of thousands, if not millions, of deployed devices, overheads and inefficiencies accumulate; calling for a higher degree of specialization. For the area real-time operating systems (RTOSs), which form the base layer for many of these computerized control systems, we deploy way more flexibility than what is actually required for the applications that run on top of it. Since only the solution, but not the problem, became less specific to the control problem at hand, we have the chance to cut away inefficiencies, improve on system-analyses results, and optimize the resource consumption. However, such a tailoring will only be favorable if it can be performed without much developer interaction and in an automated fashion. Here, real-time systems are a good starting point, since we already have to have a large degree of static knowledge in order to guarantee their timeliness. Until now, this static nature is not exploited to its full extent and optimization potentials are left unused. The requirements of a system, with regard to the RTOS, manifest in the interactions between the application and the kernel. Threads request resources from the RTOS, which in return determines and enforces a scheduling order that will ensure the timely completion of all necessary computations. Since the RTOS runs only in the exception, its reaction to requests from the application (or from the environment) is its defining feature. In this thesis, I will grasp these interactions, and thereby the required RTOS semantic, in a control-flow-sensitive fashion. Extracted automatically, this knowledge about the reciprocal influence allows me to fit the implementation of a system closer to its actual requirements. The result is a system that is not only in its usage a special-purpose system, but also in its implementation and in its provided guarantees. In the development of my approach, it became clear that the focus on these interactions is not only highly fruitful for the optimization of a system, but also for its end-to-end analysis. Therefore, this thesis does not only provide methods to reduce the kernel-execution overhead and a system's memory consumption, but it also includes methods to calculate tighter response-time bounds and to give guarantees about the correct behavior of the kernel. All these contributions are enabled by my proposed interaction-aware methodology that takes the whole system, RTOS and application, into account. With this thesis, I show that a control-flow-sensitive whole-system view on the interactions is feasible and highly rewarding. With this approach, we can overcome many inefficiencies that arise from analyses that have an isolating focus on individual system components. Furthermore, the interaction-aware methods keep close to the actual implementation, and therefore are able to consider the behavioral patterns of the finally deployed real-time computing system