3,809 research outputs found

    Ontology-based Activity Recognition Framework and Services

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    This paper introduces an ontology-based integrated framework for activity modeling, activity recognition and activity model evolution. Central to the framework is ontological activity modeling and semantic-based activity recognition, which is supported by an iterative process that incrementally improves the completeness and accuracy of activity models. In addition, the paper presents a service-oriented architecture for the realization of the proposed framework which can provide activity context-aware services in a scalable distributed manner. The paper further describes and discusses the implementation and testing experience of the framework and services in the context of smart home based assistive living

    Information technologies for astrophysics circa 2001

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    It is easy to extrapolate current trends to see where technologies relating to information systems in astrophysics and other disciplines will be by the end of the decade. These technologies include mineaturization, multiprocessing, software technology, networking, databases, graphics, pattern computation, and interdisciplinary studies. It is easy to see what limits our current paradigms place on our thinking about technologies that will allow us to understand the laws governing very large systems about which we have large datasets. Three limiting paradigms are saving all the bits collected by instruments or generated by supercomputers; obtaining technology for information compression, storage and retrieval off the shelf; and the linear mode of innovation. We must extend these paradigms to meet our goals for information technology at the end of the decade

    Active aging in place supported by caregiver-centered modular low-cost platform

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    Aging in place happens when people age in the residence of their choice, usually their homes because is their preference for living as long as possible. This research work is focused on the conceptualization and implementation of a platform to support active aging in place with a particular focus on the caregivers and their requirements to accomplish their tasks with comfort and supervision. An engagement dimension is also a plus provided by the platform since it supports modules to make people react to challenges, stimulating them to be naturally more active. The platform is supported by IoT, using low-cost technology to increment the platform modularly. Is a modular platform capable of responding to specific needs of seniors aging in place and their caregivers, obtaining data regarding the person under supervision, as well as providing conditions for constant and more effective monitoring, through modules and tools that support decision making and tasks realization for active living. The constant monitoring allows knowing the routine of daily activities of the senior. The use of machine learning techniques allows the platform to identify, in real-time, situations of potential risk, allowing to trigger triage processes with the older adult, and consequently trigger the necessary actions so that the caregiver can intervene in useful time.O envelhecimento no local acontece quando as pessoas envelhecem na residência da sua escolha, geralmente nas suas próprias casas porque é a sua preferência para viver o máximo de tempo possível. Este trabalho de investigação foca-se na conceptualização e implementação de uma plataforma de apoio ao envelhecimento ativo no local, com particular enfoque nos cuidadores e nas suas necessidades para cumprir as suas tarefas com conforto e supervisão. Uma dimensão de engajamento também é um diferencial da plataforma, pois esta integra módulos de desafios para fazer as pessoas reagirem aos mesmos, estimulando-as a serem naturalmente mais ativas. A plataforma é suportada por IoT, utilizando tecnologia de baixo custo para incrementar a plataforma de forma modular. É uma plataforma modular capaz de responder às necessidades específicas do envelhecimento dos idosos no local e dos seus cuidadores, obtendo dados relativos à pessoa sob supervisão, bem como fornecendo condições para um acompanhamento constante e mais eficaz, através de módulos e ferramentas que apoiam a tomada de decisões e realização de tarefas para a vida ativa. A monitorização constante permite conhecer a rotina das atividades diárias do idoso, permitindo que, com a utilização de técnicas de machine learning, a plataforma seja capaz de detetar em tempo real situações de risco potencial, permitindo desencadear um processo de triagem junto do idoso, e consequentemente despoletar as ações necessárias para que o prestador de cuidados possa intervir em tempo útil

    Navigating the IoT landscape: Unraveling forensics, security issues, applications, research challenges, and future

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    Given the exponential expansion of the internet, the possibilities of security attacks and cybercrimes have increased accordingly. However, poorly implemented security mechanisms in the Internet of Things (IoT) devices make them susceptible to cyberattacks, which can directly affect users. IoT forensics is thus needed for investigating and mitigating such attacks. While many works have examined IoT applications and challenges, only a few have focused on both the forensic and security issues in IoT. Therefore, this paper reviews forensic and security issues associated with IoT in different fields. Future prospects and challenges in IoT research and development are also highlighted. As demonstrated in the literature, most IoT devices are vulnerable to attacks due to a lack of standardized security measures. Unauthorized users could get access, compromise data, and even benefit from control of critical infrastructure. To fulfil the security-conscious needs of consumers, IoT can be used to develop a smart home system by designing a FLIP-based system that is highly scalable and adaptable. Utilizing a blockchain-based authentication mechanism with a multi-chain structure can provide additional security protection between different trust domains. Deep learning can be utilized to develop a network forensics framework with a high-performing system for detecting and tracking cyberattack incidents. Moreover, researchers should consider limiting the amount of data created and delivered when using big data to develop IoT-based smart systems. The findings of this review will stimulate academics to seek potential solutions for the identified issues, thereby advancing the IoT field.Comment: 77 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Análisis Urbano y Comunidades Inteligentes: Una Aproximación al Empleo de la Tecnología en la Movilidad Cotidiana

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    Concentration of population in urban centers is a global problem for which different strategies in order to organize different processes in cities and improve the quality of life are required. The creation of smart communities is shown as a sustainable solution since they deal with various key aspects, such as traffic management and mobility, through the use of information technologies (ITs). This work presents a review of recent studies using information technologies for urban analysis and mobility in cities. A descriptive analysis of automated methods for collecting and analyzing citizens’ mobility patterns is performed; it is centered in smart card use, geolocation and geotagging. It is concluded that a robust communication infrastructure, supported by an efficient computational platform allowing big data management and ubiquitous computing, is a crucial aspect for urban management in a smart communityLa concentración de la población en los centros urbanos es una problemática mundial que requiere de estrategias que permitan organizar sus procesos y mejorar la calidad de vida. La creación de comunidades inteligentes se muestra como una solución sostenible, debido a que éstas trabajan aspectos claves para el desarrollo urbano, como la gestión de tráfico y la movilidad, apoyada en las tecnologías de la información (TICs). Este trabajo presenta una revisión del estado del arte en cuanto a la aplicación de las TICs al análisis urbano y movilidad ciudadana. Se analizan descriptivamente diversos métodos automáticos para la recolección y el análisis del patrón de movilidad de los ciudadanos, enfocándose en el uso de tarjetas inteligentes, geolocalización y geoetiquetado. Se encuentra que una infraestructura de comunicaciones robusta, apoyada en una plataforma computacional ágil con manejo de grandes datos y computación ubicua, es primordial para la gestión urbana en una comunidad inteligente

    Análisis urbano y comunidades inteligentes: “una aproximación al empleo de la tecnología en la movilidad cotidiana”

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    Concentration of population in urban centers is a global problem for which different strategies in order to organize different processes in cities and improve the quality of life are required. The creation of smart communities is shown as a sustainable solution since they deal with various key aspects, such as traffc management and mobility, through the use of information technologies (ITs). This work presents a review of recent studies using information technologies for urban analysis and mobility in cities. A descriptive analysis of automated methods for collecting and analyzing citizens’ mobility patterns is performed; it is centered in smart card use, geolocation and geotagging. It is concluded that a robust communication infrastructure, supported by an effcient computational platform allowing big data management and ubiquitous computing, is a crucial aspect for urban management in a smart community.La concentración de la población en los centros urbanos es una problemática mundial que requiere de estrategias que permitan organizar sus procesos y mejorar la calidad de vida. La creación de comunidades inteligentes se muestra como una solución sostenible, debido a que éstas trabajan aspectos claves para el desarrollo urbano, como la gestión de tráfco y la movilidad, apoyada en las tecnologías de la información (TICs). Este trabajo presenta una revisión del estado del arte en cuanto a la aplicación de las TICs al análisis urbano y movilidad ciudadana. Se analizan descriptivamente diversos métodos automáticos para la recolección y el análisis del patrón de movilidad de los ciudadanos, enfocándose en el uso de tarjetas inteligentes, geolocalización y geoetiquetado. Se encuentra que una infraestructura de comunicaciones robusta, apoyada en una plataforma computacional ágil con manejo de grandes datos y computación ubicua, es primordial para la gestión urbana en una comunidad inteligente

    A hierarchal framework for recognising activities of daily life

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    PhDIn today’s working world the elderly who are dependent can sometimes be neglected by society. Statistically, after toddlers it is the elderly who are observed to have higher accident rates while performing everyday activities. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the major impairments that elderly people suffer from, and leads to the elderly person not being able to live an independent life due to forgetfulness. One way to support elderly people who aspire to live an independent life and remain safe in their home is to find out what activities the elderly person is carrying out at a given time and provide appropriate assistance or institute safeguards. The aim of this research is to create improved methods to identify tasks related to activities of daily life and determine a person’s current intentions and so reason about that person’s future intentions. A novel hierarchal framework has been developed, which recognises sensor events and maps them to significant activities and intentions. As privacy is becoming a growing concern, the monitoring of an individual’s behaviour can be seen as intrusive. Hence, the monitoring is based around using simple non intrusive sensors and tags on everyday objects that are used to perform daily activities around the home. Specifically there is no use of any cameras or visual surveillance equipment, though the techniques developed are still relevant in such a situation. Models for task recognition and plan recognition have been developed and tested on scenarios where the plans can be interwoven. Potential targets are people in the first stages of Alzheimer’s disease and in the structuring of the library of kernel plan sequences, typical routines used to sustain meaningful activity have been used. Evaluations have been carried out using volunteers conducting activities of daily life in an experimental home environment. The results generated from the sensors have been interpreted and analysis of developed algorithms has been made. The outcomes and findings of these experiments demonstrate that the developed hierarchal framework is capable of carrying activity recognition as well as being able to carry out intention analysis, e.g. predicting what activity they are most likely to carry out next

    Special Isssue: Engaging the Data Moment

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