273 research outputs found

    Implementing a Portable Clinical NLP System with a Common Data Model - a Lisp Perspective

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    This paper presents a Lisp architecture for a portable NLP system, termed LAPNLP, for processing clinical notes. LAPNLP integrates multiple standard, customized and in-house developed NLP tools. Our system facilitates portability across different institutions and data systems by incorporating an enriched Common Data Model (CDM) to standardize necessary data elements. It utilizes UMLS to perform domain adaptation when integrating generic domain NLP tools. It also features stand-off annotations that are specified by positional reference to the original document. We built an interval tree based search engine to efficiently query and retrieve the stand-off annotations by specifying positional requirements. We also developed a utility to convert an inline annotation format to stand-off annotations to enable the reuse of clinical text datasets with inline annotations. We experimented with our system on several NLP facilitated tasks including computational phenotyping for lymphoma patients and semantic relation extraction for clinical notes. These experiments showcased the broader applicability and utility of LAPNLP.Comment: 6 pages, accepted by IEEE BIBM 2018 as regular pape

    Broad Learning for Healthcare

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    A broad spectrum of data from different modalities are generated in the healthcare domain every day, including scalar data (e.g., clinical measures collected at hospitals), tensor data (e.g., neuroimages analyzed by research institutes), graph data (e.g., brain connectivity networks), and sequence data (e.g., digital footprints recorded on smart sensors). Capability for modeling information from these heterogeneous data sources is potentially transformative for investigating disease mechanisms and for informing therapeutic interventions. Our works in this thesis attempt to facilitate healthcare applications in the setting of broad learning which focuses on fusing heterogeneous data sources for a variety of synergistic knowledge discovery and machine learning tasks. We are generally interested in computer-aided diagnosis, precision medicine, and mobile health by creating accurate user profiles which include important biomarkers, brain connectivity patterns, and latent representations. In particular, our works involve four different data mining problems with application to the healthcare domain: multi-view feature selection, subgraph pattern mining, brain network embedding, and multi-view sequence prediction.Comment: PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 201

    Relation Prediction over Biomedical Knowledge Bases for Drug Repositioning

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    Identifying new potential treatment options for medical conditions that cause human disease burden is a central task of biomedical research. Since all candidate drugs cannot be tested with animal and clinical trials, in vitro approaches are first attempted to identify promising candidates. Likewise, identifying other essential relations (e.g., causation, prevention) between biomedical entities is also critical to understand biomedical processes. Hence, it is crucial to develop automated relation prediction systems that can yield plausible biomedical relations to expedite the discovery process. In this dissertation, we demonstrate three approaches to predict treatment relations between biomedical entities for the drug repositioning task using existing biomedical knowledge bases. Our approaches can be broadly labeled as link prediction or knowledge base completion in computer science literature. Specifically, first we investigate the predictive power of graph paths connecting entities in the publicly available biomedical knowledge base, SemMedDB (the entities and relations constitute a large knowledge graph as a whole). To that end, we build logistic regression models utilizing semantic graph pattern features extracted from the SemMedDB to predict treatment and causative relations in Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus. Second, we study matrix and tensor factorization algorithms for predicting drug repositioning pairs in repoDB, a general purpose gold standard database of approved and failed drug–disease indications. The idea here is to predict repoDB pairs by approximating the given input matrix/tensor structure where the value of a cell represents the existence of a relation coming from SemMedDB and UMLS knowledge bases. The essential goal is to predict the test pairs that have a blank cell in the input matrix/tensor based on the shared biomedical context among existing non-blank cells. Our final approach involves graph convolutional neural networks where entities and relation types are embedded in a vector space involving neighborhood information. Basically, we minimize an objective function to guide our model to concept/relation embeddings such that distance scores for positive relation pairs are lower than those for the negative ones. Overall, our results demonstrate that recent link prediction methods applied to automatically curated, and hence imprecise, knowledge bases can nevertheless result in high accuracy drug candidate prediction with appropriate configuration of both the methods and datasets used

    Multi-View Multi-Graph Embedding for Brain Network Clustering Analysis

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    Network analysis of human brain connectivity is critically important for understanding brain function and disease states. Embedding a brain network as a whole graph instance into a meaningful low-dimensional representation can be used to investigate disease mechanisms and inform therapeutic interventions. Moreover, by exploiting information from multiple neuroimaging modalities or views, we are able to obtain an embedding that is more useful than the embedding learned from an individual view. Therefore, multi-view multi-graph embedding becomes a crucial task. Currently, only a few studies have been devoted to this topic, and most of them focus on the vector-based strategy which will cause structural information contained in the original graphs lost. As a novel attempt to tackle this problem, we propose Multi-view Multi-graph Embedding (M2E) by stacking multi-graphs into multiple partially-symmetric tensors and using tensor techniques to simultaneously leverage the dependencies and correlations among multi-view and multi-graph brain networks. Extensive experiments on real HIV and bipolar disorder brain network datasets demonstrate the superior performance of M2E on clustering brain networks by leveraging the multi-view multi-graph interactions

    Graph Representation Learning in Biomedicine

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    Biomedical networks are universal descriptors of systems of interacting elements, from protein interactions to disease networks, all the way to healthcare systems and scientific knowledge. With the remarkable success of representation learning in providing powerful predictions and insights, we have witnessed a rapid expansion of representation learning techniques into modeling, analyzing, and learning with such networks. In this review, we put forward an observation that long-standing principles of networks in biology and medicine -- while often unspoken in machine learning research -- can provide the conceptual grounding for representation learning, explain its current successes and limitations, and inform future advances. We synthesize a spectrum of algorithmic approaches that, at their core, leverage graph topology to embed networks into compact vector spaces, and capture the breadth of ways in which representation learning is proving useful. Areas of profound impact include identifying variants underlying complex traits, disentangling behaviors of single cells and their effects on health, assisting in diagnosis and treatment of patients, and developing safe and effective medicines

    Semantic Approaches for Knowledge Discovery and Retrieval in Biomedicine

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    Methods and Techniques for Clinical Text Modeling and Analytics

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    Nowadays, a large portion of clinical data only exists in free text. The wide adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has enabled the increases in accessing to clinical documents, which provide challenges and opportunities for clinical Natural Language Processing (NLP) researchers. Given free-text clinical notes as input, an ideal system for clinical text understanding should have the ability to support clinical decisions. At corpus level, the system should recommend similar notes based on disease or patient types, and provide medication recommendation, or any other type of recommendations, based on patients' symptoms and other similar medical cases. At document level, it should return a list of important clinical concepts. Moreover, the system should be able to make diagnostic inferences over clinical concepts and output diagnosis. Unfortunately, current work has not systematically studied this system. This study focuses on developing and applying methods/techniques in different aspects of the system for clinical text understanding, at both corpus and document level. We deal with two major research questions: First, we explore the question of How to model the underlying relationships from clinical notes at corpus level? Documents clustering methods can group clinical notes into meaningful clusters, which can assist physicians and patients to understand medical conditions and diseases from clinical notes. We use Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Multi-view NMF to cluster clinical notes based on extracted medical concepts. The clustering results display latent patterns existed among clinical notes. Our method provides a feasible way to visualize a corpus of clinical documents. Based on extracted concepts, we further build a symptom-medication (Symp-Med) graph to model the Symp-Med relations in clinical notes corpus. We develop two Symp-Med matching algorithms to predict and recommend medications for patients based on their symptoms. Second, we want to solve the question of How to integrate structured knowledge with unstructured text to improve results for Clinical NLP tasks? On the one hand, the unstructured clinical text contains lots of information about medical conditions. On the other hand, structured Knowledge Bases (KBs) are frequently used for supporting clinical NLP tasks. We propose graph-regularized word embedding models to integrate knowledge from both KBs and free text. We evaluate our models on standard datasets and biomedical NLP tasks, and results showed encouraging improvements on both datasets. We further apply the graph-regularized word embedding models and present a novel approach to automatically infer the most probable diagnosis from a given clinical narrative.Ph.D., Information Studies -- Drexel University, 201

    Graph Deep Learning: Methods and Applications

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    The past few years have seen the growing prevalence of deep neural networks on various application domains including image processing, computer vision, speech recognition, machine translation, self-driving cars, game playing, social networks, bioinformatics, and healthcare etc. Due to the broad applications and strong performance, deep learning, a subfield of machine learning and artificial intelligence, is changing everyone\u27s life.Graph learning has been another hot field among the machine learning and data mining communities, which learns knowledge from graph-structured data. Examples of graph learning range from social network analysis such as community detection and link prediction, to relational machine learning such as knowledge graph completion and recommender systems, to mutli-graph tasks such as graph classification and graph generation etc.An emerging new field, graph deep learning, aims at applying deep learning to graphs. To deal with graph-structured data, graph neural networks (GNNs) are invented in recent years which directly take graphs as input and output graph/node representations. Although GNNs have shown superior performance than traditional methods in tasks such as semi-supervised node classification, there still exist a wide range of other important graph learning problems where either GNNs\u27 applicabilities have not been explored or GNNs only have less satisfying performance.In this dissertation, we dive deeper into the field of graph deep learning. By developing new algorithms, architectures and theories, we push graph neural networks\u27 boundaries to a much wider range of graph learning problems. The problems we have explored include: 1) graph classification; 2) medical ontology embedding; 3) link prediction; 4) recommender systems; 5) graph generation; and 6) graph structure optimization.We first focus on two graph representation learning problems: graph classification and medical ontology embedding.For graph classification, we develop a novel deep GNN architecture which aggregates node features through a novel SortPooling layer that replaces the simple summing used in previous works. We demonstrate its state-of-the-art graph classification performance on benchmark datasets. For medical ontology embedding, we propose a novel hierarchical attention propagation model, which uses attention mechanism to learn embeddings of medical concepts from hierarchically-structured medical ontologies such as ICD-9 and CCS. We validate the learned embeddings on sequential procedure/diagnosis prediction tasks with real patient data.Then we investigate GNNs\u27 potential for predicting relations, specifically link prediction and recommender systems. For link prediction, we first develop a theory unifying various traditional link prediction heuristics, and then design a framework to automatically learn suitable heuristics from a given network based on GNNs. Our model shows unprecedented strong link prediction performance, significantly outperforming all traditional methods. For recommender systems, we propose a novel graph-based matrix completion model, which uses a GNN to learn graph structure features from the bipartite graph formed by user and item interactions. Our model not only outperforms various matrix completion baselines, but also demonstrates excellent transfer learning ability -- a model trained on MovieLens can be directly used to predict Douban movie ratings with high performance.Finally, we explore GNNs\u27 applicability to graph generation and graph structure optimization. We focus on a specific type of graphs which usually carry computations on them, namely directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). We develop a variational autoencoder (VAE) for DAGs and prove that it can injectively map computations into a latent space. This injectivity allows us to perform optimization in the continuous latent space instead of the original discrete structure space. We then apply our VAE to two types of DAGs, neural network architectures and Bayesian networks. Experiments show that our model not only generates novel and valid DAGs, but also finds high-quality neural architectures and Bayesian networks through performing Bayesian optimization in its latent space


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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering/University Graduate School, 2020Community detection has always been one of the fundamental research topics in graph mining. As a type of unsupervised or semi-supervised approach, community detection aims to explore node high-order closeness by leveraging graph topological structure. By grouping similar nodes or edges into the same community while separating dissimilar ones apart into different communities, graph structure can be revealed in a coarser resolution. It can be beneficial for numerous applications such as user shopping recommendation and advertisement in e-commerce, protein-protein interaction prediction in the bioinformatics, and literature recommendation or scholar collaboration in citation analysis. However, identifying communities is an ill-defined problem. Due to the No Free Lunch theorem [1], there is neither gold standard to represent perfect community partition nor universal methods that are able to detect satisfied communities for all tasks under various types of graphs. To have a global view of this research topic, I summarize state-of-art community detection methods by categorizing them based on graph types, research tasks and methodology frameworks. As academic exploration on community detection grows rapidly in recent years, I hereby particularly focus on the state-of-art works published in the latest decade, which may leave out some classic models published decades ago. Meanwhile, three subtle community detection tasks are proposed and assessed in this dissertation as well. First, apart from general models which consider only graph structures, personalized community detection considers user need as auxiliary information to guide community detection. In the end, there will be fine-grained communities for nodes better matching user needs while coarser-resolution communities for the rest of less relevant nodes. Second, graphs always suffer from the sparse connectivity issue. Leveraging conventional models directly on such graphs may hugely distort the quality of generate communities. To tackle such a problem, cross-graph techniques are involved to propagate external graph information as a support for target graph community detection. Third, graph community structure supports a natural language processing (NLP) task to depict node intrinsic characteristics by generating node summarizations via a text generative model. The contribution of this dissertation is threefold. First, a decent amount of researches are reviewed and summarized under a well-defined taxonomy. Existing works about methods, evaluation and applications are all addressed in the literature review. Second, three novel community detection tasks are demonstrated and associated models are proposed and evaluated by comparing with state-of-art baselines under various datasets. Third, the limitations of current works are pointed out and future research tracks with potentials are discussed as well
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