1,750 research outputs found

    Iterative test suites refinement for elastic computing systems

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    Elastic computing systems can dynamically scale to continuously and cost-effectively provide their required Quality of Service in face of time-varying workloads, and they are usually implemented in the cloud. Despite their wide-spread adoption by industry, a formal definition of elasticity and suitable procedures for its assessment and verification are still missing. Both academia and industry are trying to adapt established testing procedures for functional and non-functional properties, with limited effectiveness with respect to elasticity. In this paper we propose a new methodology to automatically generate test-suites for testing the elastic properties of systems. Elasticity, plasticity, and oscillations are first formalized through a convenient behavioral abstraction of the elastic system and then used to drive an iterative test suite refinement process. The outcomes of our approach are a test suite tailored to the violation of elasticity properties and a human-readable abstraction of the system behavior to further support diagnosis and fix

    Blueprint model and language for engineering cloud applications

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    Abstract: The research presented in this thesis is positioned within the domain of engineering CSBAs. Its contribution is twofold: (1) a uniform specification language, called the Blueprint Specification Language (BSL), for specifying cloud services across several cloud vendors and (2) a set of associated techniques, called the Blueprint Manipulation Techniques (BMTs), for publishing, querying, and composing cloud service specifications with aim to support the flexible design and configuration of an CSBA.

    Towards Compensable SLAs

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    In Cooperative Information Systems, service level agreements (SLA) can be used to describe the rights and obligations of parties involved in the transaction (typically the service consumer and the service provider); amongst other information, SLA could define guarantees associated with the idea of service level objectives (SLOs) that normally represent key performance indicators of either the consumer or the provider. in case the guarantee is under-fulfilled or over-fulfilled SLAs could also define some compensations (i.e. penalties or rewards). in such a context, during the last years there have been important steps towards the automation of the management of SLAs, however the formalization of compensations in SLAs still remains as an important challenge. in this paper we aim to provide a characterization model to create SLAs with compensations; specifically, the main contributions are twofold: (i) the conceptualization of the Compensation Function to express consistently penalties and rewards and (ii) a model for Compensable Guarantees that associate SLOs with Compensation Functions. This formalization models aims to establish a foundation to elaborate tools that could provide an automated support to the modeling and analysis of SLAs with compensations. Additionally, in order to validate our approach, we model and analyze a set of guarantee terms from three real world examples of SLAs and our formalization proves to be useful for detecting mistakes that are ty

    A formalized framework for mobile cloud computing

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    Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is an emerging paradigm to transparently provide support for demanding tasks on resource-constrained mobile devices by relying on the integration with remote cloud services. Research in this field is tackling the multiple conceptual and technical challenges (e.g., how and when to offload) that are hindering the full realization of MCC. The Networked Autonomic Machine (NAM) framework is a tool that supports and facilitates the design networks of hardware and software autonomic entities, providing or consuming services or resources. Such a framework can be applied, in particular, to MCC scenarios. In this paper, we focus on NAM’s features related to the key aspects of MCC, in particular those concerning code mobility capabilities and autonomic offloading strategies. Our first contribution is the definition of a set of high-level actions supporting MCC. The second contribution is the proposal of a formal semantics for those actions, which provides the core NAM features with a precise formal characterization. Thus, the third contribution is the further development of the NAM conceptual framework and, in particular, the partial re-engineering of the related Java middleware. We show the effectiveness of the revised middleware by discussing the implementation of a Global Ambient Intelligence case study

    Efficient design assessment in the railway electric infrastructure domain using cloud computing

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    Nowadays, railway infrastructure designers rely heavily on computer simulators and expert systems to model, analyze and evaluate potential deployments prior to their installation. This paper presents the railway power consumption simulator model (RPCS), a cloud-based model for the design, simulation and evaluation of railway electric infrastructures. This model integrates the parameters of an infrastructure within a search engine that generates and evaluates a set of simulations to achieve optimal designs, according to a given set of objectives and restrictions. The knowledge of the domain is represented as an ontology that translates the elements in the infrastructure into an electric circuit, which is simulated to obtain a wide range of electric metrics. In order to support the execution of thousands of scenarios in a scalable, efficient and fault-tolerant manner, this paper introduces an architecture to deploy the model in a cloud environment, and a dimensioning model to find the types and number of instances that maximize performance while minimizing the externalization costs. The resulting model is applied to a particular case study, allowing the execution of over one thousand concurrent experiments in a virtual cluster on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.This work has been partially funded under the grant TIN2013-41350-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, and the COST Action IC1305 ”Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Platforms” (NESUS)

    Reachability analysis for AWS-based networks

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    Cloud services provide the ability to provision virtual networked infrastructure on demand over the Internet. The rapid growth of these virtually provisioned cloud networks has increased the demand for automated reasoning tools capable of identifying misconfigurations or security vulnerabilities. This type of automation gives customers the assurance they need to deploy sensitive workloads. It can also reduce the cost and time-to-market for regulated customers looking to establish compliance certification for cloud-based applications. In this industrial case-study, we describe a new network reachability reasoning tool, called Tiros, that uses off-the-shelf automated theorem proving tools to fill this need. Tiros is the foundation of a recently introduced network security analysis feature in the Amazon Inspector service now available to millions of customers building applications in the cloud. Tiros is also used within Amazon Web Services (AWS) to automate the checking of compliance certification and adherence to security invariants for many AWS services that build on existing AWS networking features
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