79 research outputs found

    Towards the Leveraging of Data Deduplication to Break the Disk Acquisition Speed Limit

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    The 2016 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Larnaca, Cyprus, 21-23 November 2016Digital forensic evidence acquisition speed is traditionally limited by two main factors: the read speed of the storage device being investigated, i.e., the read speed of the disk, memory, remote storage, mobile device, etc.), and the write speed of the system used for storing the acquired data. Digital forensic investigators can somewhat mitigate the latter issue through the use of high-speed storage options, such as networked RAID storage, in the controlled environment of the forensic laboratory. However, traditionally, little can be done to improve the acquisition speed past its physical read speed from the target device itself. The protracted time taken for data acquisition wastes digital forensic experts' time, contributes to digital forensic investigation backlogs worldwide, and delays pertinent information from potentially influencing the direction of an investigation. In a remote acquisition scenario, a third contributing factor can also become a detriment to the overall acquisition time - typically the Internet upload speed of the acquisition system. This paper explores an alternative to the traditional evidence acquisition model through the leveraging of a forensic data deduplication system. The advantages that a deduplicated approach can provide over the current digital forensic evidence acquisition process are outlined and some preliminary results of a prototype implementation are discussed

    Leveraging content properties to optimize distributed storage systems

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    Les fournisseurs de services de cloud computing, les réseaux sociaux et les entreprises de gestion des données ont assisté à une augmentation considérable du volume de données qu'ils reçoivent chaque jour. Toutes ces données créent des nouvelles opportunités pour étendre la connaissance humaine dans des domaines comme la santé, l'urbanisme et le comportement humain et permettent d'améliorer les services offerts comme la recherche, la recommandation, et bien d'autres. Ce n'est pas par accident que plusieurs universitaires mais aussi les médias publics se référent à notre époque comme l'époque Big Data . Mais ces énormes opportunités ne peuvent être exploitées que grâce à de meilleurs systèmes de gestion de données. D'une part, ces derniers doivent accueillir en toute sécurité ce volume énorme de données et, d'autre part, être capable de les restituer rapidement afin que les applications puissent bénéficier de leur traite- ment. Ce document se concentre sur ces deux défis relatifs aux Big Data . Dans notre étude, nous nous concentrons sur le stockage de sauvegarde (i) comme un moyen de protéger les données contre un certain nombre de facteurs qui peuvent les rendre indisponibles et (ii) sur le placement des données sur des systèmes de stockage répartis géographiquement, afin que les temps de latence perçue par l'utilisateur soient minimisés tout en utilisant les ressources de stockage et du réseau efficacement. Tout au long de notre étude, les données sont placées au centre de nos choix de conception dont nous essayons de tirer parti des propriétés de contenu à la fois pour le placement et le stockage efficace.Cloud service providers, social networks and data-management companies are witnessing a tremendous increase in the amount of data they receive every day. All this data creates new opportunities to expand human knowledge in fields like healthcare and human behavior and improve offered services like search, recommendation, and many others. It is not by accident that many academics but also public media refer to our era as the Big Data era. But these huge opportunities come with the requirement for better data management systems that, on one hand, can safely accommodate this huge and constantly increasing volume of data and, on the other, serve them in a timely and useful manner so that applications can benefit from processing them. This document focuses on the above two challenges that come with Big Data . In more detail, we study (i) backup storage systems as a means to safeguard data against a number of factors that may render them unavailable and (ii) data placement strategies on geographically distributed storage systems, with the goal to reduce the user perceived latencies and the network and storage resources are efficiently utilized. Throughout our study, data are placed in the centre of our design choices as we try to leverage content properties for both placement and efficient storage.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Analysis and application of hash-based similarity estimation techniques for biological sequence analysis

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    In Bioinformatics, a large group of problems requires the computation or estimation of sequence similarity. However, the analysis of biological sequence data has, among many others, three capital challenges: a large amount generated data which contains technology-specific errors (that can be mistaken for biological signals), and that might need to be analyzed without access to a reference genome. Through the use of locality sensitive hashing methods, both the efficient estimation of sequence similarity and tolerance against the errors specific to biological data can be achieved. We developed a variant of the winnowing algorithm for local minimizer computation, which is specifically geared to deal with repetitive regions within biological sequences. Through compressing redundant information, we can both reduce the size of the hash tables required to save minimizer sketches, as well as reduce the amount of redundant low quality alignment candidates. Analyzing the distribution of segment lengths generated by this approach, we can better judge the size of required data structures, as well as identify hash functions feasible for this technique. Our evaluation could verify that simple and fast hash functions, even when using small hash value spaces (hash functions with small codomain), are sufficient to compute compressed minimizers and perform comparable to uniformly randomly chosen hash values. We also outlined an index for a taxonomic protein database using multiple compressed winnowings to identify alignment candidates. To store MinHash values, we present a cache-optimized implementation of a hash table using Hopscotch hashing to resolve collisions. As a biological application of similarity based analysis, we describe the analysis of double digest restriction site associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq). We implemented a simulation software able to model the biological and technological influences of this technology to allow better development and testing of ddRADseq analysis software. Using datasets generated by our software, as well as data obtained from population genetic experiments, we developed an analysis workflow for ddRADseq data, based on the Stacks software. Since the quality of results generated by Stacks strongly depends on how well the used parameters are adapted to the specific dataset, we developed a Snakemake workflow that automates preprocessing tasks while also allowing the automatic exploration of different parameter sets. As part of this workflow, we developed a PCR deduplication approach able to generate consensus reads incorporating the base quality values (as reported by the sequencing device), without performing an alignment first. As an outlook, we outline a MinHashing approach that can be used for a faster and more robust clustering, while addressing incomplete digestion and null alleles, two effects specific for ddRADseq that current analysis tools cannot reliably detect

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation

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    The 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) was held on November 2-6, 2015 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. There were 327 delegates from 22 countries. The program included 12 long papers, 15 short papers, 33 posters, 3 demos, 6 workshops, 3 tutorials and 5 panels, as well as several interactive sessions and a Digital Preservation Showcase

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation

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    The 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) was held on November 2-6, 2015 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. There were 327 delegates from 22 countries. The program included 12 long papers, 15 short papers, 33 posters, 3 demos, 6 workshops, 3 tutorials and 5 panels, as well as several interactive sessions and a Digital Preservation Showcase

    On the Exploration of FPGAs and High-Level Synthesis Capabilities on Multi-Gigabit-per-Second Networks

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: 24-01-2020Traffic on computer networks has faced an exponential grown in recent years. Both links and communication equipment had to adapt in order to provide a minimum quality of service required for current needs. However, in recent years, a few factors have prevented commercial off-the-shelf hardware from being able to keep pace with this growth rate, consequently, some software tools are struggling to fulfill their tasks, especially at speeds higher than 10 Gbit/s. For this reason, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have arisen as an alternative to address the most demanding tasks without the need to design an application specific integrated circuit, this is in part to their flexibility and programmability in the field. Needless to say, developing for FPGAs is well-known to be complex. Therefore, in this thesis we tackle the use of FPGAs and High-Level Synthesis (HLS) languages in the context of computer networks. We focus on the use of FPGA both in computer network monitoring application and reliable data transmission at very high-speed. On the other hand, we intend to shed light on the use of high level synthesis languages and boost FPGA applicability in the context of computer networks so as to reduce development time and design complexity. In the first part of the thesis, devoted to computer network monitoring. We take advantage of the FPGA determinism in order to implement active monitoring probes, which consist on sending a train of packets which is later used to obtain network parameters. In this case, the determinism is key to reduce the uncertainty of the measurements. The results of our experiments show that the FPGA implementations are much more accurate and more precise than the software counterpart. At the same time, the FPGA implementation is scalable in terms of network speed — 1, 10 and 100 Gbit/s. In the context of passive monitoring, we leverage the FPGA architecture to implement algorithms able to thin cyphered traffic as well as removing duplicate packets. These two algorithms straightforward in principle, but very useful to help traditional network analysis tools to cope with their task at higher network speeds. On one hand, processing cyphered traffic bring little benefits, on the other hand, processing duplicate traffic impacts negatively in the performance of the software tools. In the second part of the thesis, devoted to the TCP/IP stack. We explore the current limitations of reliable data transmission using standard software at very high-speed. Nowadays, the network is becoming an important bottleneck to fulfill current needs, in particular in data centers. What is more, in recent years the deployment of 100 Gbit/s network links has started. Consequently, there has been an increase scrutiny of how networking functionality is deployed, furthermore, a wide range of approaches are currently being explored to increase the efficiency of networks and tailor its functionality to the actual needs of the application at hand. FPGAs arise as the perfect alternative to deal with this problem. For this reason, in this thesis we develop Limago an FPGA-based open-source implementation of a TCP/IP stack operating at 100 Gbit/s for Xilinx’s FPGAs. Limago not only provides an unprecedented throughput, but also, provides a tiny latency when compared to the software implementations, at least fifteen times. Limago is a key contribution in some of the hottest topic at the moment, for instance, network-attached FPGA and in-network data processing

    Hyperscale Data Processing With Network-Centric Designs

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    Today’s largest data processing workloads are hosted in cloud data centers. Due to unprecedented data growth and the end of Moore’s Law, these workloads have ballooned to the hyperscale level, encompassing billions to trillions of data items and hundreds to thousands of machines per query. Enabling and expanding with these workloads are highly scalable data center networks that connect up to hundreds of thousands of networked servers. These massive scales fundamentally challenge the designs of both data processing systems and data center networks, and the classic layered designs are no longer sustainable. Rather than optimize these massive layers in silos, we build systems across them with principled network-centric designs. In current networks, we redesign data processing systems with network-awareness to minimize the cost of moving data in the network. In future networks, we propose new interfaces and services that the cloud infrastructure offers to applications and codesign data processing systems to achieve optimal query processing performance. To transform the network to future designs, we facilitate network innovation at scale. This dissertation presents a line of systems work that covers all three directions. It first discusses GraphRex, a network-aware system that combines classic database and systems techniques to push the performance of massive graph queries in current data centers. It then introduces data processing in disaggregated data centers, a promising new cloud proposal. It details TELEPORT, a compute pushdown feature that eliminates data processing performance bottlenecks in disaggregated data centers, and Redy, which provides high-performance caches using remote disaggregated memory. Finally, it presents MimicNet, a fine-grained simulation framework that evaluates network proposals at datacenter scale with machine learning approximation. These systems demonstrate that our ideas in network-centric designs achieve orders of magnitude higher efficiency compared to the state of the art at hyperscale


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters

    Enhancing the programmability and energy efficiency of storage in hpc and virtualized environments

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorA decade ago computing systems hit a clock and power ceiling that places the energetic challenge among the most relevant issues in High Performance Computing (HPC). Motivated by the fact that computation is increasingly becoming cheaper than data movement in terms of power, our work studies and optimizes data movement across different levels of the software stack. We propose novel methodologies for analyzing, modeling, and optimizing the energy efficiency of data movement. More precisely, we propose methodologies to enhance the understanding of power consumption in the software I/O stack, and optimize the I/O energy efficiency in the operating system’s I/O stack, low-level CPU device drivers, and virtualized environments. Our experimental results show that through the understanding of the different operating system layers and their interaction, it is possible to develop novel coordination techniques that optimize the energy consumption and increase performance of I/O workloads. First, we develop a methodology for data collection, power and performance characterization, and modeling power usage in the I/O stack. Our work presents a detailed study of power and energy usage across all system components during various I/O-intensive workloads. We propose a data gathering methodology that combines software and hardware-based instrumentation in order to study I/O data movement, and develop novel power prediction models employing data analysis techniques. Second, this thesis presents novel CPU-level optimizations that improve the energy efficiency of I/O workloads. We address two issues present in modern processors: thermal imbalance causing performance variation and an inefficient use of CPU resources during I/O workloads. We develop novel techniques for power optimization and thermal efficiency through cross-layer coordination of CPU and I/O management. Third, we also focus on optimizing data sharing among virtual domains. In our work we refer to this as virtualized data sharing, which mainly differs from existing solutions by coordinating data flows through the software I/O stack. We develop a virtualized data sharing solution in order to reduce data movement among virtual environments, introducing new abstractions and mechanisms to more efficiently coordinate storage I/O.Hace una década, los computadores alcanzaron el límite físico de la frecuencia y potencia disipada, estableciendo el consumo energético como uno de los principales obstáculos en el campo de la computación de alto rendimiento. Motivados por el hecho de que la computación resulta cada vez menos costosa que el movimiento de datos en términos de energía, nuestro trabajo estudia y optimiza el movimiento de datos en varios niveles de la arquitectura software. En este trabajo proponemos nuevas metodologías para analizar, modelar y optimizar la eficiencia energética del movimiento de datos. Concretamente, proponemos metodologías para mejorar el análisis del consumo de potencia en la arquitectura software de E/S, así como optimizar la eficiencia energética de: la pila de E/S del sistema operativo, controladores de la CPU y entornos virtuales de E/S. Los resultados experimentales muestran que, mediante la comprensión de la interacción de las capas del sistema operativo, es posible desarrollar nuevas técnicas de coordinación que optimicen el consumo energético e incrementen el rendimiento de las cargas de trabajo de E/S. En primer lugar desarrollamos una metodología para la recolección de datos y la caracterización del rendimiento y consumo de potencia en la pila de E/S. Nuestro trabajo presenta un estudio detallado del consumo energético y de potencia de cada uno de los componentes del sistema durante la ejecución de cargas de trabajo de E/S. Concretamente proponemos una metodología de captura de datos que combina instrumentación hardware y software para estudiar el movimiento de datos, con el fin de desarrollar nuevos modelos de predicción de consumo empleando técnicas de análisis de datos. En segundo lugar, esta Tesis Doctoral presentamos nuevas optimizaciones a nivel de CPU que mejoran la eficiencia energética de las cargas de trabajo de E/S. Para ello consideramos dos problemas fundamentales en los procesadores modernos: el desequilibrio térmico que causa variablidad de rendimiento y el uso ineficiente de los recursos de la CPU durante cargas de trabajo de E/S. Además desarrollamos nuevas técnicas que optimizan la eficiencia energética a través de la coordinación entre las distintas capas del sistema operativo que gestionan CPU y la E/S. En tercer lugar, también centramos este trabajo en la optimización del intercambio de datos entre dominios virtuales. En nuestro trabajo nos referimos a esto como el intercambio de datos virtualizado, que se diferencia principalmente de las soluciones existentes mediante la coordinación de los flujos de datos mediante la cooperación entre distintos dominios virtuales. Para ello desarrollamos una solución de intercambio de datos que minimiza la copia de datos con el fin de reducir el movimiento de datos, e introducimos nuevas abstracciones y mecanismos para coordinar de manera más eficiente el almacenamiento de E/S en entornos virtuales.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: Laurent Lefevre.- Vocal: Arturo González Escriban