107 research outputs found

    A Framework for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)-Based IoT Application Development

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    Funding: This research was partially supported by funds provided by the European Commission in the scope of FoF/H2020-723710 vf-OS, ICT/H2020-825631 ZDMP projects, and by the FCT— Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia in the scope of UIDB/00066/2020 related to CTS—Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas research unit.In the last decades, the increasing complexity of industrial information technology has led to the emergence of new trends in manufacturing. Factories are using multiple Internet of Things (IoT) platforms to harvest sensor information to improve production. Such a transformation contributes to efficiency growth and reduced production costs. To deal with the heterogeneity of the services within an IoT system, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is referred to in the literature as being advantageous for the design and development of software to support IoT-based production processes.The aim of SOA-based design is to provide the leverage to use and reuse loosely coupled IoT services at the middleware layer to minimise system integration problems. We propose a system architecture that follows the SOA architectural pattern and enables developers and business process designers to dynamically add, query or use instances of existing modular software in the IoT context. Furthermore, an analysis of utilization of modular software that presents some challenges and limitations of this approach is also in the scope of this workpublishersversionpublishe

    Towards interoperability of entity-based and event-based IoT platforms: The case of NGSI and EPCIS standards

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    With the advancement of IoT devices and thanks to the unprecedented visibility and transparency they provide, diverse IoT-based applications are being developed. With the proliferation of IoT, both the amount and type of data items captured have increased dramatically. The data generated by IoT devices reside in different organizations and systems, and a major barrier to utilizing the data is the lack of interoperability among the standards used to capture the data. To reduce this barrier, two major standards have emerged: the Global Standards One (GS1) Electronic Product Code Information Service (EPCIS) and the FIWARE Next Generation Services Interface (NGSI). However, the two standards differ not only in the data encoding but also in the underlying philosophy of representing IoT data; namely, EPCIS is event-based, and NGSI is entity-based. Interoperability between FIWARE and EPCIS is essential for system integration. This paper presents OLIOT Mediation Gateway, now one of the incubated generic enablers offered by the FIWARE Foundation, that realizes the required interoperability between NGSI and EPCIS systems. It also demonstrates the applicability and feasibility of the Gateway by applying it to a real-life case study of integrating transparency systems used in a meat supply chain

    FIWARE-based application for control of Smart Cities

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    Esta tesis es un estudio teórico sobre el framework FIWARE, su ecosistema y sus aplicaciones prácticas. Primero se hace una descripción de FIWARE como ecosistema, los principios en los que está basado, así como su misión y un histórico de su implementación. Después se detallan los programas que forman el ecosistema y su comunidad. En la parte técnica, se describe, con el uso de ejemplos, la tecnología que utilizan los distintos componentes que forman FIWARE y el mercado en el que adquirir las soluciones. Por último se muestran algunos casos de éxito de la implementación de FIWARE.This thesis is a theoretical study about the FIWARE framework, its ecosystem and its practical applications. First, a description of FIWARE as an ecosystem and the principles it is based on, as well as its mission and a timeline of its implementation is done. Then, the main programs and the community that form the ecosystem are detailed. On the technical section, it is described, with the use of examples, the technology employed in each FIWARE component and the market where the solutions can be acquired. Finally, some success stories are shown where FIWARE was implemented.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic

    Interoperability in Open IoT Platforms: WoT-FIWARE Comparison and Integration

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    The rapid and exponential growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has been generating a new breed of technologies that introduce several different protocols and interfaces. The Web of Things (WoT) architecture stands out as an emerging and poten- tial solution to improve interoperability across IoT platforms by describing well-defined software interfaces. However, few studies analyze and compare WoT to other interoperability solutions proposed in the IoT literature. In this paper, we attempt to bridge the gap by three main contributions. First, we qualitative compare the WoT approach with the well-known FIWARE- based interoperability solution.Second, based on the previous analysis, we design and implement a connector to bridge the WoT architecture to the FIWARE ecosystem. Third, we conduct a performance analysis emulating a real IoT-based environment to understand scalability, response time, and computer resource usage of the two interoperability solutions. The results reveal that conceptual design choices impact the applications’ performance: the WoT architecture effectively enables interoperability across IoT Platforms, though it incorporates several characteristics that hinder the implementation of applications. On the other hand, the FIWARE IoT Agent solution is platform-specific. Hence new implementations are needed for each different IoT data model

    Framework for IoT Service Oriented Systems

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    The forth industrial revolution is here, and with it Industry 4.0, which translates in many changes to the industry. With the introduction of paradigms like Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems or Cloud Computing, the so called Smart Factories are becoming a main part of today’s manufacturing systems. The vf-OS Project, where this thesis falls, intends to be an Open Operating System for Virtual Factories where the overall network of a collaborative manufacturing and logistics environment can be managed and thus enabling humans, applications and devices to communicate and interoperate in an interconnected operative environment. This thesis intends to contribute to the vision that any kind of sensor or actuator plugged to the virtual factory network, becomes promptly accessible in the operative environment and the services that it provides can be accessed and used by any API composing the system. Finally, it also aims to prove that an IoT Service Oriented Sys-tem constituted of open software components can be of great assistance and provide numerous contributions to the emerging Industry 4.0 and consequently to the Factories of the Future. With that aim, this thesis will focus on the development of two out of five inter-connected applications that answer not only to different use case scenarios presented in the vf-OS but also provide solutions to answer a practical agriculture scenario, which uses mainly IoT devices and other cutting-edge technologies like cloud compu-ting and FIWARE

    Mapping the NGSI-LD Context Model on Top of a SPARQL Event Processing Architecture: Implementation Guidelines

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    NGSI-LD is an open specification released by ETSI which proposes an information model and an API for an easy to use and standard management of context information. The NGSI-LD information model is framed within an ontology and adopts JSON-LD as serialization format for context information. This paper presents an approach to the implementation of the NGSI-LD specification over a SPARQL Event Processing Architecture. This work is being developed within the European-Brasilian H2020 SWAMP project focused on implementing an Internet of Things platform providing services for smart water management in agriculture

    IoT data processing pipeline in FoF perspective

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    With the development in the contemporary industry, the concepts of ICT and IoT are gaining more importance, as they are the foundation for the systems of the future. Most of the current solutions converge into transforming the traditional industry in new smart interconnected factories, aware of its context, adaptable to different environments and capable of fully using its resources. However, the full potential for ICT manufacturing has not been achieved, since there is not a universal or standard architecture or model that can be applied to all the existing systems, to tackle the heterogeneity of the existing devices. In a common factory, exists a large amount of information that needs to be processed into the system in order to define event rules accordingly to the related contextual knowledge, to later execute the needed actions. However, this information is sometimes heterogeneous, meaning that it cannot be accessed or understood by the components of the system. This dissertation analyses the existing theories and models that may lead to seamless and homogeneous data exchange and contextual interpretation. A framework based on these theories is proposed in this dissertation, that aims to explore the situational context formalization in order to adequately provide appropriate actions

    Voice-driven fleet management system for agricultural operations

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    Food consumption is constantly increasing at global scale. In this light, agricultural production also needs to increase in order to satisfy the relevant demand for agricultural products. However, due to by environmental and biological factors (e.g. soil compaction) the weight and size of the machinery cannot be further physically optimized. Thus, only marginal improvements are possible to increase equipment effectiveness. On the contrary, late technological advances in ICT provide the ground for significant improvements in agri-production efficiency. In this work, the V-Agrifleet tool is presented and demonstrated. V-Agrifleet is developed to provide a “hands-free” interface for information exchange and an “Olympic view” to all coordinated users, giving them the ability for decentralized decision-making. The proposed tool can be used by the end-users (e.g. farmers, contractors, farm associations, agri-products storage and processing facilities, etc.) order to optimize task and time management. The visualized documentation of the fleet performance provides valuable information for the evaluation management level giving the opportunity for improvements in the planning of next operations. Its vendor-independent architecture, voice-driven interaction, context awareness functionalities and operation planning support constitute V-Agrifleet application a highly innovative agricultural machinery operational aiding system

    Context Aware Middleware Architectures: Survey and Challenges

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    Abstract: Context aware applications, which can adapt their behaviors to changing environments, are attracting more and more attention. To simplify the complexity of developing applications, context aware middleware, which introduces context awareness into the traditional middleware, is highlighted to provide a homogeneous interface involving generic context management solutions. This paper provides a survey of state-of-the-art context aware middleware architectures proposed during the period from 2009 through 2015. First, a preliminary background, such as the principles of context, context awareness, context modelling, and context reasoning, is provided for a comprehensive understanding of context aware middleware. On this basis, an overview of eleven carefully selected middleware architectures is presented and their main features explained. Then, thorough comparisons and analysis of the presented middleware architectures are performed based on technical parameters including architectural style, context abstraction, context reasoning, scalability, fault tolerance, interoperability, service discovery, storage, security & privacy, context awareness level, and cloud-based big data analytics. The analysis shows that there is actually no context aware middleware architecture that complies with all requirements. Finally, challenges are pointed out as open issues for future work