17 research outputs found

    A service-oriented Grid environment with on-demand QoS support

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    Grid Computing entstand aus der Vision fĂŒr eine neuartige Recheninfrastruktur, welche darauf abzielt, RechenkapazitĂ€t so einfach wie ElektrizitĂ€t im Stromnetz (power grid) verfĂŒgbar zu machen. Der entsprechende Zugriff auf global verteilte Rechenressourcen versetzt Forscher rund um den Globus in die Lage, neuartige Herausforderungen aus Wissenschaft und Technik in beispiellosem Ausmaß in Angriff zu nehmen. Die rasanten Entwicklungen im Grid Computing begĂŒnstigten auch Standardisierungsprozesse in Richtung Harmonisierung durch Service-orientierte Architekturen und die Anwendung kommerzieller Web Services Technologien. In diesem Kontext ist auch die Sicherung von QualitĂ€t bzw. entsprechende Vereinbarungen ĂŒber die QualitĂ€t eines Services (QoS) wichtig, da diese vor allem fĂŒr komplexe Anwendungen aus sensitiven Bereichen, wie der Medizin, unumgĂ€nglich sind. Diese Dissertation versucht zur Entwicklung im Grid Computing beizutragen, indem eine Grid Umgebung mit UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr QoS vorgestellt wird. Die vorgeschlagene Grid Umgebung beinhaltet eine sichere Service-orientierte Infrastruktur, welche auf Web Services Technologien basiert, sowie bedarfsorientiert und automatisiert HPC Anwendungen als Grid Services bereitstellen kann. Die Grid Umgebung zielt auf eine kommerzielle Nutzung ab und unterstĂŒtzt ein durch den Benutzer initiiertes, fallweises und dynamisches Verhandeln von ServicevertrĂ€gen (SLAs). Das Design der QoS UnterstĂŒtzung ist generisch, jedoch berĂŒcksichtigt die Implementierung besonders die Anforderungen von rechenintensiven und zeitkritischen parallelen Anwendungen, bzw. Garantien fšur deren AusfĂŒhrungszeit und Preis. Daher ist die QoS UnterstĂŒtzung auf Reservierung, anwendungsspezifische AbschĂ€tzung und Preisfestsetzung von Ressourcen angewiesen. Eine entsprechende Evaluation demonstriert die Möglichkeiten und das rationale Verhalten der QoS Infrastruktur. Die Grid Infrastruktur und insbesondere die QoS UnterstĂŒtzung wurde in Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten der EU eingesetzt, welche verschiedene Anwendungen aus dem medizinischen und bio-medizinischen Bereich als Services zur VerfĂŒgung stellen. Die EU Projekte GEMSS und Aneurist befassen sich mit fortschrittlichen HPC Anwendungen und global verteilten Daten aus dem Gesundheitsbereich, welche durch Virtualisierungstechniken als Services angeboten werden. Die Benutzung von Gridtechnologie als Basistechnologie im Gesundheitswesen ermöglicht Forschern und Ärzten die Nutzung von Grid Services in deren Arbeitsumfeld, welche letzten Endes zu einer Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung fĂŒhrt.Grid computing emerged as a vision for a new computing infrastructure that aims to make computing resources available as easily as electric power through the power grid. Enabling seamless access to globally distributed IT resources allows dispersed users to tackle large-scale problems in science and engineering in unprecedented ways. The rapid development of Grid computing also encouraged standardization, which led to the adoption of a service-oriented paradigm and an increasing use of commercial Web services technologies. Along these lines, service-level agreements and Quality of Service are essential characteristics of the Grid and specifically mandatory for Grid-enabling complex applications from certain domains such as the health sector. This PhD thesis aims to contribute to the development of Grid technologies by proposing a Grid environment with support for Quality of Service. The proposed environment comprises a secure service-oriented Grid infrastructure based on standard Web services technologies which enables the on-demand provision of native HPC applications as Grid services in an automated way and subject to user-defined QoS constraints. The Grid environment adopts a business-oriented approach and supports a client-driven dynamic negotiation of service-level agreements on a case-by-case basis. Although the design of the QoS support is generic, the implementation emphasizes the specific requirements of compute-intensive and time-critical parallel applications, which necessitate on-demand QoS guarantees such as execution time limits and price constraints. Therefore, the QoS infrastructure relies on advance resource reservation, application-specific resource capacity estimation, and resource pricing. An experimental evaluation demonstrates the capabilities and rational behavior of the QoS infrastructure. The presented Grid infrastructure and in particular the QoS support has been successfully applied and demonstrated in EU projects for various applications from the medical and bio-medical domains. The EU projects GEMSS and Aneurist are concerned with advanced e-health applications and globally distributed data sources, which are virtualized by Grid services. Using Grid technology as enabling technology in the health domain allows medical practitioners and researchers to utilize Grid services in their clinical environment which ultimately results in improved healthcare

    A Brokering Framework for Assessing Legal Risks in Big Data and the Cloud

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    “Cloud computing” and “Big Data” are amongst the most hyped-up terms and buzzwords of the moment. After decades in which individuals and companies used to host their data and applications using their own IT infrastructure, the world has seen the stunning transformation of the Internet. Major shifts occurred when these infrastructures began to be outsourced to public Cloud providers to match commercial expectations. Storing, sharing and transferring data and databases over the Internet is convenient, yet legal risks cannot be eliminated. Legal risk is a fast-growing area of research and covers various aspects of law. Current studies and research on Cloud computing legal risk assessment have been, however, limited in scope and focused mainly on security and privacy aspects. There is little systematic research on the risks, threats and impact of the legal issues inherent to database rights and “ownership” rights of data. Database rights seem to be outdated and there is a significant gap in the scientific literature when it comes to the understanding of how to apply its provisions in the Big Data era. This means that we need a whole new framework for understanding, protecting and sharing data in the Cloud. The scheme we propose in this chapter is based on a risk assessment-brokering framework that works side by side with Service Level Agreements (SLAs). This proposed framework will provide better control for Cloud users and will go a long way to increase confidence and reinforce trust in Cloud computing transactions

    Approche comportementale pour la validation et le test systÚme des systÚmes embarqués : Application aux dispositifs médicaux embarqués

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    A Biomedical research seeks good reasoning for solving medical problems, based on intensive work and great debate. It often deals with beliefs or theories that can be proven, disproven or often refined after observations or experiments. The problem is how to make tests without risks for patients, including variability and uncertainty on a number of parameters (patients, evolution of disease, treatments 
). Nowadays, medical treatment uses more and more embedded devices such as sensors, actuators, and controllers. Treatment depends on the availability and well-functioning of complex electronic systems, comprising thousands of lines of codes. A mathematical representation of patient or device is presented by a number of variables which are defined to represent the inputs, the outputs and a set of equations describing the interaction of these variables. The objective of this research is to develop tools and methodologies for the development of embedded systems for medical fields. The goal is to be able to model and jointly simulate the medical device as well the human body, at least the part of the body involved in the medical device, to analyze the performance and quality of service (QoS) of the interaction of the device with the human body. To achieve this goal our study focused on several points described below. After starting by defining a prototype of a new global and flexible architecture of mathematical model of human body, which is able to contain required data, we begin by proposing a new global methodology for modeling and simulation human body and medical systems, in order to better understand the best way to model and simulate these systems and for detecting performance and the quality of services of all system components. We use two techniques that help to evaluate the calculated QoS value. The first one calculates an index of severity which indicates the severity of the case studied. The second one using a normalization function that represents the simulation as a point in order to construct a new error grid and use it to evaluate the accuracy of value measured by patients. Using Keil development tools designed for ARM processors, we have declared a new framework in the objective to create a new tester model for the glucose-insulin system, and to define the basic rules for the tester which has the ability to satisfy well-established medical decision criteria. The framework begins by simulating a mathematical model of the human body, and this model was developed to operate in the closed loop of the glucose insulin. Then, the model of artificial pancreas has been implemented to control the mathematical model of human body. Finally a new tester model was created in order to analyze the performance of all the components of the glucose-insulin system.. We have used the suitability of partially observable Markov decision processes to formalize the planning of clinical management.Les progrĂšs des technologies de l'information et de la communication, des MEMS, des capteurs, actionneurs, etc. ont permis l’émergence de diffĂ©rents dispositifs biomĂ©dicaux. Ces nouveaux dispositifs, souvent embarquĂ©s, contribuent considĂ©rablement Ă  l'amĂ©lioration du diagnostic et du traitement de certaines maladies, comme le diabĂšte par exemple. Des dispositifs embarquĂ©s encore plus complexes sont en cours d’élaboration, leur mise en Ɠuvre nĂ©cessite des annĂ©es de recherche et beaucoup d’expĂ©rimentation. Le cƓur artificiel, encore en phase de rĂ©alisation, est un exemple concret de ces systĂšmes complexes. La question de la fiabilitĂ©, du test de fonctionnement et de suretĂ© de ces dispositifs reste problĂ©matique et difficile Ă  rĂ©soudre. Plusieurs paramĂštres (patient, Ă©volution de la maladie, alimentation, activitĂ©, traitement, etc.) sont en effet Ă  prendre en compte et la consĂ©quence d’une erreur de fonctionnement peut ĂȘtre catastrophique pour le patient. L'objectif de cette thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper des outils et des approches mĂ©thodologiques permettant la validation et le test au niveau systĂšme de ce type de dispositifs. Il s’agit prĂ©cisĂ©ment d’étudier la possibilitĂ© de modĂ©liser et simuler d’une maniĂšre conjointe un dispositif mĂ©dical ainsi que son interaction avec le corps humain, du moins la partie du corps humain concernĂ©e par le dispositif mĂ©dical, afin de mesurer les performances et la qualitĂ© de services (QoS) du dispositif considĂ©rĂ©. Pour atteindre cet objectif notre Ă©tude a portĂ© sur plusieurs points. Nous avons d’abord mis en Ă©vidence une architecture simplifiĂ©e d’un modĂšle de corps humain permettant de reprĂ©senter et de mieux comprendre les diffĂ©rents mĂ©canismes du corps humain. Nous avons ensuite explorĂ© un ensemble de mĂ©triques et une approche mĂ©thodologique gĂ©nĂ©rique permettant de qualifier la qualitĂ© de service d’un dispositif mĂ©dical donnĂ© en interaction avec le corps humain. Afin de valider notre approche, nous l’avons appliquĂ©e Ă  un dispositif destinĂ© Ă  la rĂ©gulation du taux de sucre pour des patients atteints du diabĂšte. La partie du corps humain concernĂ©e par cette pathologie Ă  savoir le pancrĂ©as a Ă©tĂ© simulĂ© par un modĂšle simplifiĂ© que nous avons implĂ©mentĂ© sur un microcontrĂŽleur. Le dispositif de rĂ©gulation de l’insuline quant Ă  lui a Ă©tĂ© simulĂ© par un modĂšle informatique Ă©crit en C. Afin de rendre les mesures de performances observĂ©es indĂ©pendantes d’un patient donnĂ©, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ©s diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies de tests sur diffĂ©rentes catĂ©gories de patients. Nous avons pour cette partie mis en Ɠuvre un gĂ©nĂ©rateur de modĂšles capable de reproduire diffĂ©rents Ă©tats physiologiques de patients diabĂ©tiques. L’analyse et l’exploitation des rĂ©sultats observĂ©s peut aider les mĂ©decins Ă  considĂ©rablement limitĂ©s les essais cliniques sur des vrai patients et les focaliser uniquement sur les cas les plus pertinent

    Policy-based Contracting in Semantic Web Service Markets

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    Agent-Based Mediated Service Negotiation

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    Brazier, F.M.T. [Promotor]Overeinder, B.J. [Copromotor

    On the Development and Management of Adaptive Business Collaborations.

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    Today’s business climate demands a high rate of change with which Information Technology (IT)-minded organizations are required to cope. Organizations face rapidly changing market conditions, new competitive pressures, new regulatory fiats that demand compliance, and new competitive threats. All of these situations and more drive the need for the IT infrastructure of an organization to respond quickly in support of new business models and requirements. This dissertation studies the adaptive development and management of such dynamic business models and requirements. A rule based environment is developed in which the people who develop and manage business collaborations in organizations can do so in a way that is as independent of specific implementation technologies as possible; and where they can take business requirements into consideration, and in which they can respond to changes as effectively as possible.