179 research outputs found

    vDNN: Virtualized Deep Neural Networks for Scalable, Memory-Efficient Neural Network Design

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    The most widely used machine learning frameworks require users to carefully tune their memory usage so that the deep neural network (DNN) fits into the DRAM capacity of a GPU. This restriction hampers a researcher's flexibility to study different machine learning algorithms, forcing them to either use a less desirable network architecture or parallelize the processing across multiple GPUs. We propose a runtime memory manager that virtualizes the memory usage of DNNs such that both GPU and CPU memory can simultaneously be utilized for training larger DNNs. Our virtualized DNN (vDNN) reduces the average GPU memory usage of AlexNet by up to 89%, OverFeat by 91%, and GoogLeNet by 95%, a significant reduction in memory requirements of DNNs. Similar experiments on VGG-16, one of the deepest and memory hungry DNNs to date, demonstrate the memory-efficiency of our proposal. vDNN enables VGG-16 with batch size 256 (requiring 28 GB of memory) to be trained on a single NVIDIA Titan X GPU card containing 12 GB of memory, with 18% performance loss compared to a hypothetical, oracular GPU with enough memory to hold the entire DNN.Comment: Published as a conference paper at the 49th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-49), 201

    Efficient And Scalable Evaluation Of Continuous, Spatio-temporal Queries In Mobile Computing Environments

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    A variety of research exists for the processing of continuous queries in large, mobile environments. Each method tries, in its own way, to address the computational bottleneck of constantly processing so many queries. For this research, we present a two-pronged approach at addressing this problem. Firstly, we introduce an efficient and scalable system for monitoring traditional, continuous queries by leveraging the parallel processing capability of the Graphics Processing Unit. We examine a naive CPU-based solution for continuous range-monitoring queries, and we then extend this system using the GPU. Additionally, with mobile communication devices becoming commodity, location-based services will become ubiquitous. To cope with the very high intensity of location-based queries, we propose a view oriented approach of the location database, thereby reducing computation costs by exploiting computation sharing amongst queries requiring the same view. Our studies show that by exploiting the parallel processing power of the GPU, we are able to significantly scale the number of mobile objects, while maintaining an acceptable level of performance. Our second approach was to view this research problem as one belonging to the domain of data streams. Several works have convincingly argued that the two research fields of spatiotemporal data streams and the management of moving objects can naturally come together. [IlMI10, ChFr03, MoXA04] For example, the output of a GPS receiver, monitoring the position of a mobile object, is viewed as a data stream of location updates. This data stream of location updates, along with those from the plausibly many other mobile objects, is received at a centralized server, which processes the streams upon arrival, effectively updating the answers to the currently active queries in real time. iv For this second approach, we present GEDS, a scalable, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based framework for the evaluation of continuous spatio-temporal queries over spatiotemporal data streams. Specifically, GEDS employs the computation sharing and parallel processing paradigms to deliver scalability in the evaluation of continuous, spatio-temporal range queries and continuous, spatio-temporal kNN queries. The GEDS framework utilizes the parallel processing capability of the GPU, a stream processor by trade, to handle the computation required in this application. Experimental evaluation shows promising performance and shows the scalability and efficacy of GEDS in spatio-temporal data streaming environments. Additional performance studies demonstrate that, even in light of the costs associated with memory transfers, the parallel processing power provided by GEDS clearly counters and outweighs any associated costs. Finally, in an effort to move beyond the analysis of specific algorithms over the GEDS framework, we take a broader approach in our analysis of GPU computing. What algorithms are appropriate for the GPU? What types of applications can benefit from the parallel and stream processing power of the GPU? And can we identify a class of algorithms that are best suited for GPU computing? To answer these questions, we develop an abstract performance model, detailing the relationship between the CPU and the GPU. From this model, we are able to extrapolate a list of attributes common to successful GPU-based applications, thereby providing insight into which algorithms and applications are best suited for the GPU and also providing an estimated theoretical speedup for said GPU-based application

    Holistic Performance Analysis and Optimization of Unified Virtual Memory

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    The programming difficulty of creating GPU-accelerated high performance computing (HPC) codes has been greatly reduced by the advent of Unified Memory technologies that abstract the management of physical memory away from the developer. However, these systems incur substantial overhead that paradoxically grows for codes where these technologies are most useful. While these technologies are increasingly adopted for use in modern HPC frameworks and applications, the performance cost reduces the efficiency of these systems and turns away some developers from adoption entirely. These systems are naturally difficult to optimize due to the large number of interconnected hardware and software components that must be untangled to perform thorough analysis. In this thesis, we take the first deep dive into a functional implementation of a Unified Memory system, NVIDIA UVM, to evaluate the performance and characteristics of these systems. We show specific hardware and software interactions that cause serialization between host and devices. We further provide a quantitative evaluation of fault handling for various applications under different scenarios, including prefetching and oversubscription. Through lower-level analysis, we find that the driver workload is dependent on the interactions among application access patterns, GPU hardware constraints, and Host OS components. These findings indicate that the cost of host OS components is significant and present across UM implementations. We also provide a proof-of-concept asynchronous approach to memory management in UVM that allows for reduced system overhead and improved application performance. This study provides constructive insight into future implementations and systems, such as Heterogeneous Memory Management

    FASTCUDA: Open Source FPGA Accelerator & Hardware-Software Codesign Toolset for CUDA Kernels

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    Using FPGAs as hardware accelerators that communicate with a central CPU is becoming a common practice in the embedded design world but there is no standard methodology and toolset to facilitate this path yet. On the other hand, languages such as CUDA and OpenCL provide standard development environments for Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) programming. FASTCUDA is a platform that provides the necessary software toolset, hardware architecture, and design methodology to efficiently adapt the CUDA approach into a new FPGA design flow. With FASTCUDA, the CUDA kernels of a CUDA-based application are partitioned into two groups with minimal user intervention: those that are compiled and executed in parallel software, and those that are synthesized and implemented in hardware. A modern low power FPGA can provide the processing power (via numerous embedded micro-CPUs) and the logic capacity for both the software and hardware implementations of the CUDA kernels. This paper describes the system requirements and the architectural decisions behind the FASTCUDA approach

    Faster Radix Sort via Virtual Memory and Write-Combining

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    Sorting algorithms are the deciding factor for the performance of common operations such as removal of duplicates or database sort-merge joins. This work focuses on 32-bit integer keys, optionally paired with a 32-bit value. We present a fast radix sorting algorithm that builds upon a microarchitecture-aware variant of counting sort. Taking advantage of virtual memory and making use of write-combining yields a per-pass throughput corresponding to at least 88 % of the system's peak memory bandwidth. Our implementation outperforms Intel's recently published radix sort by a factor of 1.5. It also compares favorably to the reported performance of an algorithm for Fermi GPUs when data-transfer overhead is included. These results indicate that scalar, bandwidth-sensitive sorting algorithms remain competitive on current architectures. Various other memory-intensive applications can benefit from the techniques described herein

    Performance analysis of memory transfers and GEMM subroutines on NVIDIA Tesla GPU cluster

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    Many-core devices are likely to become increasingly common in real-time and embedded systems as computational demands grow and as expectations for higher performance can generally only be met by by increasing core numbers rather than relying on higher clock speeds. Network-on-chip devices, where multiple cores share a single slice of silicon and employ packetised communications, are a widely-deployed many-core option for system designers. As NoCs are expected to run larger and more complex programs, the small amount of fast, on-chip memory available to each core is unlikely to be sufficient for all but the simplest of tasks, and it is necessary to find an efficient, effective, and time-bounded, means of accessing resources stored in off-chip memory, such as DRAM or Flash storage. The abstraction of paged virtual memory is a familiar technique to manage similar tasks in general computing but has often been shunned by real-time developers because of concern about time predictability. We show it can be a poor choice for a many-core NoC system as, unmodified, it typically uses page sizes optimised for interaction with spinning disks and not solid state media, and transports significant volumes of subsequently unused data across already congested links. In this work we outline and simulate an efficient partial paging algorithm where only those memory resources that are locally accessed are transported between global and local storage. We further show that smaller page sizes add to efficiency. We examine the factors that lead to timing delays in such systems, and show we can predict worst case execution times at even safety-critical thresholds by using statistical methods from extreme value theory. We also show these results are applicable to systems with a variety of connections to memory

    Acceleration of stereo-matching on multi-core CPU and GPU

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    This paper presents an accelerated version of a dense stereo-correspondence algorithm for two different parallelism enabled architectures, multi-core CPU and GPU. The algorithm is part of the vision system developed for a binocular robot-head in the context of the CloPeMa 1 research project. This research project focuses on the conception of a new clothes folding robot with real-time and high resolution requirements for the vision system. The performance analysis shows that the parallelised stereo-matching algorithm has been significantly accelerated, maintaining 12x and 176x speed-up respectively for multi-core CPU and GPU, compared with non-SIMD singlethread CPU. To analyse the origin of the speed-up and gain deeper understanding about the choice of the optimal hardware, the algorithm was broken into key sub-tasks and the performance was tested for four different hardware architectures
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