1,384 research outputs found

    Techniques for clustering gene expression data

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    Many clustering techniques have been proposed for the analysis of gene expression data obtained from microarray experiments. However, choice of suitable method(s) for a given experimental dataset is not straightforward. Common approaches do not translate well and fail to take account of the data profile. This review paper surveys state of the art applications which recognises these limitations and implements procedures to overcome them. It provides a framework for the evaluation of clustering in gene expression analyses. The nature of microarray data is discussed briefly. Selected examples are presented for the clustering methods considered

    Algorithmic Techniques in Gene Expression Processing. From Imputation to Visualization

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    The amount of biological data has grown exponentially in recent decades. Modern biotechnologies, such as microarrays and next-generation sequencing, are capable to produce massive amounts of biomedical data in a single experiment. As the amount of the data is rapidly growing there is an urgent need for reliable computational methods for analyzing and visualizing it. This thesis addresses this need by studying how to efficiently and reliably analyze and visualize high-dimensional data, especially that obtained from gene expression microarray experiments. First, we will study the ways to improve the quality of microarray data by replacing (imputing) the missing data entries with the estimated values for these entries. Missing value imputation is a method which is commonly used to make the original incomplete data complete, thus making it easier to be analyzed with statistical and computational methods. Our novel approach was to use curated external biological information as a guide for the missing value imputation. Secondly, we studied the effect of missing value imputation on the downstream data analysis methods like clustering. We compared multiple recent imputation algorithms against 8 publicly available microarray data sets. It was observed that the missing value imputation indeed is a rational way to improve the quality of biological data. The research revealed differences between the clustering results obtained with different imputation methods. On most data sets, the simple and fast k-NN imputation was good enough, but there were also needs for more advanced imputation methods, such as Bayesian Principal Component Algorithm (BPCA). Finally, we studied the visualization of biological network data. Biological interaction networks are examples of the outcome of multiple biological experiments such as using the gene microarray techniques. Such networks are typically very large and highly connected, thus there is a need for fast algorithms for producing visually pleasant layouts. A computationally efficient way to produce layouts of large biological interaction networks was developed. The algorithm uses multilevel optimization within the regular force directed graph layout algorithm.Siirretty Doriast

    Systematic Review on Missing Data Imputation Techniques with Machine Learning Algorithms for Healthcare

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    Missing data is one of the most common issues encountered in data cleaning process especially when dealing with medical dataset. A real collected dataset is prone to be incomplete, inconsistent, noisy and redundant due to potential reasons such as human errors, instrumental failures, and adverse death. Therefore, to accurately deal with incomplete data, a sophisticated algorithm is proposed to impute those missing values. Many machine learning algorithms have been applied to impute missing data with plausible values. However, among all machine learning imputation algorithms, KNN algorithm has been widely adopted as an imputation for missing data due to its robustness and simplicity and it is also a promising method to outperform other machine learning methods. This paper provides a comprehensive review of different imputation techniques used to replace the missing data. The goal of the review paper is to bring specific attention to potential improvements to existing methods and provide readers with a better grasps of imputation technique trends

    Statistical methods for the analysis of RNA sequencing data

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    The next generation sequencing technology, RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq), has an increasing popularity over traditional microarrays in transcriptome analyses. Statistical methods used for gene expression analyses with these two technologies are different because the array-based technology measures intensities using continuous distributions, whereas RNA-seq provides absolute quantification of gene expression using counts of reads. There is a need for reliable statistical methods to exploit the information from the rapidly evolving sequencing technologies and limited work has been done on expression analysis of time-course RNA-seq data. In this dissertation, we propose a model-based clustering method for identifying gene expression patterns in time-course RNA-seq data. Our approach employs a longitudinal negative binomial mixture model to postulate the over-dispersed time-course gene count data. We also modify existing common initialization procedures to suit our model-based clustering algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is assessed using simulated data and is illustrated by real data from time-course genomic experiments. Another common issue in gene expression analysis is the presence of missing values in the datasets. Various treatments to missing values in genomic datasets have been developed but limited work has been done on RNA-seq data. In the current work, we examine the performance of various imputation methods and their impact on the clustering of time-course RNA-seq data. We develop a cluster-based imputation method which is specifically suitable for dealing with missing values in RNA-seq datasets. Simulation studies are provided to assess the performance of the proposed imputation approach

    Comparative analysis of missing value imputation methods to improve clustering and interpretation of microarray experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray technologies produced large amount of data. In a previous study, we have shown the interest of <it>k-Nearest Neighbour </it>approach for restoring the missing gene expression values, and its positive impact of the gene clustering by hierarchical algorithm. Since, numerous replacement methods have been proposed to impute missing values (MVs) for microarray data. In this study, we have evaluated twelve different usable methods, and their influence on the quality of gene clustering. Interestingly we have used several datasets, both kinetic and non kinetic experiments from yeast and human.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We underline the excellent efficiency of approaches proposed and implemented by Bo and co-workers and especially one based on expected maximization (<it>EM_array</it>). These improvements have been observed also on the imputation of extreme values, the most difficult predictable values. We showed that the imputed MVs have still important effects on the stability of the gene clusters. The improvement on the clustering obtained by hierarchical clustering remains limited and, not sufficient to restore completely the correct gene associations. However, a common tendency can be found between the quality of the imputation method and the gene cluster stability. Even if the comparison between clustering algorithms is a complex task, we observed that <it>k-means </it>approach is more efficient to conserve gene associations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>More than 6.000.000 independent simulations have assessed the quality of 12 imputation methods on five very different biological datasets. Important improvements have so been done since our last study. The <it>EM_array </it>approach constitutes one efficient method for restoring the missing expression gene values, with a lower estimation error level. Nonetheless, the presence of MVs even at a low rate is a major factor of gene cluster instability. Our study highlights the need for a systematic assessment of imputation methods and so of dedicated benchmarks. A noticeable point is the specific influence of some biological dataset.</p

    GEPAS, an experiment-oriented pipeline for the analysis of microarray gene expression data

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    The Gene Expression Profile Analysis Suite, GEPAS, has been running for more than three years. With &gt;76 000 experiments analysed during the last year and a daily average of almost 300 analyses, GEPAS can be considered a well-established and widely used platform for gene expression microarray data analysis. GEPAS is oriented to the analysis of whole series of experiments. Its design and development have been driven by the demands of the biomedical community, probably the most active collective in the field of microarray users. Although clustering methods have obviously been implemented in GEPAS, our interest has focused more on methods for finding genes differentially expressed among distinct classes of experiments or correlated to diverse clinical outcomes, as well as on building predictors. There is also a great interest in CGH-arrays which fostered the development of the corresponding tool in GEPAS: InSilicoCGH. Much effort has been invested in GEPAS for developing and implementing efficient methods for functional annotation of experiments in the proper statistical framework. Thus, the popular FatiGO has expanded to a suite of programs for functional annotation of experiments, including information on transcription factor binding sites, chromosomal location and tissues. The web-based pipeline for microarray gene expression data, GEPAS, is available at http://www.gepas.org. © 2005 Oxford University Press.J.M.V. is supported by the Formacion del Personal Investigador fellowship program from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. L.C. is supported by a fellowship from the Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (grant PI020919). P.M. is supported by a grant from Genoma España and Canada Genome.This work is partly supported by grants from Fundación Ramón Areces, Fundació La Caixa, Fundación BBVA and RTICCC from the FI

    CAncer bioMarker Prediction Pipeline (CAMPP) - A standardized framework for the analysis of quantitative biological data

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    With the improvement of -omics and next-generation sequencing (NGS) methodologies, along with the lowered cost of generating these types of data, the analysis of high-throughput biological data has become standard both for forming and testing biomedical hypotheses. Our knowledge of how to normalize datasets to remove latent undesirable variances has grown extensively, making for standardized data that are easily compared between studies. Here we present the CAncer bioMarker Prediction Pipeline (CAMPP), an open-source R-based wrapper (https://github.com/ELELAB/CAncer-bioMarker-Prediction-Pipeline -CAMPP) intended to aid bioinformatic software-users with data analyses. CAMPP is called from a terminal command line and is supported by a user-friendly manual. The pipeline may be run on a local computer and requires little or no knowledge of programming. To avoid issues relating to R-package updates, a renv .lock file is provided to ensure R-package stability. Data-management includes missing value imputation, data normalization, and distributional checks. CAMPP performs (I) k-means clustering, (II) differential expression/abundance analysis, (III) elastic-net regression, (IV) correlation and co-expression network analyses, (V) survival analysis, and (VI) protein-protein/miRNA-gene interaction networks. The pipeline returns tabular files and graphical representations of the results. We hope that CAMPP will assist in streamlining bioinformatic analysis of quantitative biological data, whilst ensuring an appropriate bio-statistical framework