9 research outputs found

    Towards a crisis performance-measurement system

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    International audienceDuring a crisis, the main goal for decision-makers consists in restoring a stabilised nominal mode. The stakeholders face considerable pressure and drastic constraints in response time and coordination. This study proposes a method to support these stakeholders in making responsive and accurate decisions while carrying out a performance evaluation of the activities that run during the crisis-response process. This method is composed of four steps: (1) characterisation of the crisis-response system, (2) selection of system components to evaluate in priority, (3) determination of performance dimensions to consider and (4) creation of indicators. Currently, performance evaluation is only used subsequent to a crisis, due to difficulties in gathering and aggregating information into trustable performance indicators. This paper proposes a method to obtain a relevant and dynamic decision-support system. Decision-makers will use it to resolve the crisis based on performance evaluation, in addition to the essential experience they undergo. A case study of crisis management within the French Red Cross non-governmental organisation is developed, through a Web-based prototype, in order to explain how performance indicators can both support crisis-response management and improve the collaboration of stakeholders

    Model nilai cipta-sama dalam sistem pengukuran prestasi

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    Proses peningkatan kualiti di setiap jabatan kerajaan akan dapat berjalan lancar dan berterusan dengan sokongan sistem pengukuran prestasi kualiti yang baik. Pengukuran prestasi merupakan satu kaedah penting yang menyokong keberkesanan program, membantu dalam penghasilan keputusan dan meningkatkan keberkesanan dalam komunikasi. Terdapat pelbagai faktor diambil kira dalam sistem pengukuran prestasi (SPP) sedia ada. Walau bagaimana pun, faktor sedia ada hanya bersifat kontekstual yang sesuai untuk keperluan persekitaran atau organisasi tertentu sahaja. Keadaan ini menyebabkan pembangun SPP tidak mempunyai satu model rujukan umum yang boleh dijadikan panduan untuk membangunkan SPP. Justeru satu model generik yang memenuhi keperluan ini perlu dibangunkan. Dengan menggunakan kaedah penyegitigaan berlelar yang bersandar kepada kajian kes yang diperoleh dari kajian kesusasteraan, faktor yang dikenalpasti kemudiannya dikelaskan berdasar kepada model nilai cipta-sama DART (Dialog, Akses, Risiko dan Telus). Model DART dipilih kerana ia merupakan satu model yang telah terbukti berkesan dalam menerap konsep nilai cipta sama yang merupakan satu konsep penting dalam pembangunan sistem. Model nilai cipta sama bagi SPP yang dihasilkan ini berjaya mengumpul faktor penting yang perlu diambil kira dalam pembangunan SPP

    A review of system dynamics models applied in social and humanitarian researches

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    Over the past decades, the number of disasters has been on the rise, including earthquakes, war, flood and other incidents that cause destruction of society, such as education and health services. Forecasts show that over the next 50 years, natural and manmade disasters are expected to increase five-folds both in the number and impact. Therefore, there is a need for effective and efficient disaster support actions during emergencies. This compels humanitarian organizations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their approaches and facilitate decision making in resolving such complicated problems characterized by numerous parameters. Besides, humanitarian organizations face situations with multiple critical events, inadequate funding, limited time to plan and react, and operating in increasingly challenging circumstances. Useful approaches for tackling problems in such dynamic conditions require methods and tools that take into account uncertainty and enable managers to evaluate the dynamic complexity of such systems, to facilitate decision making. Among the large amount of decision-aid tools for humanitarian organizations, System Dynamic (SD) is a method used for the evaluation of complex system behavior and for presenting the effect of decisions over time in an easy-to-use model. This method has been applied in humanitarian problems, and this paper aims to present a review of the most relevant humanitarian publications associated with system dynamics. This literature review is a structured review of the papers published since 2003 onwards. The finding of this research can be used to facilitate further research in developing the system dynamic methodology for humanitarian organizations and to present the essential requirement of SD tools for modeling complex environments

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on accounting information systems and organizations’ performance

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    This paper empirically examines the impact of COVID-19 on accounting information systems and organizations' performance. ­­ It follows a quantitative approach. For data collection, an online questionnaire was developed and tested. The final version of the questionnaire was applied to the 2556 largest companies in Portugal. The 3 research hypotheses under study were tested with 101 valid answers. The results reveal a high rate of implementation of accounting and performance measurement instruments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regarding the dynamics of the updates of organizations’ performance measurement systems, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed and described as primarily positive. In turn, the performance of the companies was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study contributes to a better understanding of the role of accounting and performance instruments in organizations under a high level of organizational uncertainty.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of Simulation Based Approaches for Cost Estimation and Effect Analysis in Industrial and Humanitarian projects, Including System Dynamic Model and Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Cost management has become an integral part of management fields these days and has acquired great weight in the sector of project management as well. For most beneficiaries in the industry and humanitarian field, the management of projects is synonymous with the management of cost that affects directly the funds they need to mobilize to deliver their scheme. This thesis deals with the development and validation of simulation-based methods in the industry and the humanitarian field. In addition, several novel methods of cost management have been proposed considering the complexity of different factors. In the industry field, construction projects are characterized by great uncertainty. Appropriate risk analysis techniques are required to estimate the adequate coverage level against the occurrence of extra costs to increase the progress of the project in the tenders. The project margin increases when an excessive provision leads to more comprehensive coverage of the risks. Also, an accurate estimation of the contingency reserve is a crucial subject in construction projects to reduce the risk of overruns\u2019 costs to an acceptable level and ensure the competitiveness of the company\u2019s bid. To achieve this goal, a Company\u2019s traditional approach has been applied to a real railway project and then a stochastic Risk Mode and Effect Analysis (RMEA) methodology base on Monte Carlo Simulation compared with the outcome of the company\u2019s traditional approach applied to the same project. Most of the contingency estimation methods are included problems of subjectivity, complex mathematical models, and inaccurate estimation. This research proposes a combination of the Risk Mode and Effect Analysis (RMEA) with Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) to determine the amount of allocated contingency fund that overcomes other methods\u2019 limitations. The output of the analysis is a cumulative distribution function that demonstrates a coverage level related to the contingency amount to control extra cost and reduce the amount of contingency in projects. The developed method is validated by applying a real construction project and the obtained results are compared with the outcomes\u2019 of the company\u2019s traditional approach, clearly demonstrate the potential and the benefits of the proposed methodology. The result of the proposed method allows the decision-makers to operate with a lower contingency amount and control extra expenses of projects. In addition, a Decision Support System (DSS) approach using Failure Mode Effect Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation has been discussed in this chapter. Besides, in the humanitarian field, A System Dynamic (SD) model has been applied to a humanitarian project to study the impact of different levels of financial aid paid to beneficiaries for different impact factors and estimate financial aid variation. Natural and man-made disasters seem unpredictable every year, increasing a wide range of universal sufferers. Several people are affected by the direct outcomes of these disasters, and their life depends on disaster relief aid administered by humanitarian organizations. Recently, there has been renewed interest in cash distribution in the humanitarian sector during disaster relief to increase access of vulnerable people to supporting services such as health or education and develop their life\u2019s condition while rising the efficiency of humanitarian organizations committed to the program. The research proposes a casual-loop and system dynamic model to assess multi aspects of related impact factors to provide optimal support of beneficiaries. The model provides a decision-making framework with a high-level overview of the interactions between the education and health aspects of the recipient\u2019s life, provides a system dynamics analysis including interactions that could have led to improving the vulnerable people's condition life. This system dynamics approach can be used to study the significant factors on education and health aspects of refugee crises such as the case of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Reviewing the humanitarian management literature, a causal loop is developed to better understand the health and education variables and their interactions. Then a system dynamic model is proposed and validated by historical data of Syrian refugees in Turkey. The result of financial aid sensitivity shows that more financial aid from humanitarian organizations are significantly improved the general health of refugees and also it is caused higher attendance for children in schools. In addition, enhanced financial aid supports can lead to improving access to water and hygiene facilities and also building more schools for their children

    Case-Based Decision Support for Disaster Management

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    Disasters are characterized by severe disruptions of the society’s functionality and adverse impacts on humans, the environment, and economy that cannot be coped with by society using its own resources. This work presents a decision support method that identifies appropriate measures for protecting the public in the course of a nuclear accident. The method particularly considers the issue of uncertainty in decision-making as well as the structured integration of experience and expert knowledge

    사물인터넷 기반 성과 측정 시스템에 관한 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 공과대학 산업·조선공학부, 2017. 8. 박진우.The ability to measure operational performance is an important factor for competing enterprises in the global market. Performance measurement helps in the evaluation of the long term effects of outputs for improving competitiveness and decision-making power. A companys competitiveness and profits are reduced by a consistent continuation of subpar performance, as this eventually leads to a failure to meet customer need. In this overall perspective, using performance measurement to understand the companys circumstances is necessary for the manufacturing system to have rapid reactive ability. Although manufacturing companies have used information systems to manage performance, there has been the difficulty of capturing real-time data to depict real situations. The recent rapid proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled the resolution of this problem. With the maturity of IoT devices and databases technology, manufacturers are able to assess productivities and obtain real-time feedback from all production lines through IoT data. As IoT-based environment is well established, Industry 4.0 has evolved. It is the fourth stage of industrialization, and is also referred to as smart factory. Indubitably, in a smart factory environment, the complexity of information system network has increased, because manufacturing systems consist of multiple servers and client applications. Interoperability among manufacturing information systems is a rising issue for a manufacturer who developed the inter-connected systems and systematic obedience. OPC-UA (Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture) is a set of industrial standards providing a common interface for communications and represents a method to transmit any kinds of data. This thesis follows OPC-UA standard and explains how IoT data are exchanged among heterogeneous systems. Moreover, complexity of network causes IoT fault. If an IoT fault occurs, the performance measurement results cannot describe the production situation appropriately, because data-driven measurement is strongly connected with acquired IoT data. In other words, a reasonable value for Key Performance Indicators cannot be derived, if the IoT data have an error value. An IoT data anomaly detection and mitigation process is therefore required in response to the problem. To resolve enumerate backgrounds and problems, the dissertation comprised five steps: (1) Development of an smart factory performance measurement model consistent with the ISA-95 and ISO-22400 standards, which define manufacturing processes and performance indicator formulas(2) Identification of IoT applicable parts in ISO-22400 standard and selection of the Key Performance Indicators of the Net-Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)(3) Configuration of the smart factory architecture and performance measurement process using Business Process Modelling, and adaptation of data exchange protocol by referencing OPC-UA(4) Implementation of an IoT fault case classification and data anomaly detection and mitigation algorithm, using k-means and statistical inference methodsand (5) Validation of the proposed system through experimental simulation. The experimental simulation results showed that the proposed system represented the timestamp data acquired by IoT and captured the entire production process. In addition, these results indicated that the proposed data anomaly detection and mitigation algorithm have a positive impact on IoT data anomaly identification, thus enabling the determination of real-time performance indicators.Net Overall Equipment Effectiveness 40 3.3. Suggestion of smart factory production performance model 44 Chapter 4. Implementation of smart factory performance measurement system 47 4.1. Configuration of smart factory architecture for performance measurement 47 4.1.1. Development of network architecture 47 4.1.2. Designation of business logic with BPMN 55 4.2. Adaptation of OPC-UA 59 Chapter 5. Development of the IoT data anomaly detection and mitigation algorithm 66 5.1. Classification of the data anomaly types 66 5.2. Designation of the data anomaly response model 69 5.2.1. Data anomaly detection algorithm 69 5.2.2. Data anomaly mitigation algorithm 75 Chapter 6. Execution of experimental simulation study 80 6.1. Creation of IoT-based smart factory 80 6.2. Execution of factory simulation 83 6.2.1. Simulation of normal (Error-free) IoT data case 83 6.2.2. Simulation of abnormal IoT data case 87 6.3. Results analysis and validation of the proposed algorithm 89 Chapter 7. Conclusion 104 7.1. Discussion of findings and future works 104 7.2. Conclusion 106 APPENDIX 107Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Performance measurement 1 1.2. Manufacturing information system 5 1.3. Internet of Things and smart factory 7 Chapter 2. Overview of this dissertation 10 2.1. Problem definition 10 2.2. Research statement 13 2.3. Literature reviews and outlook of the dissertation 16 Chapter 3. Development of smart factory production performance model 23 3.1. Introduction of international standards 23 3.1.1. Introduction of ISA-95 (IEC-62264) 23 3.1.2. Introduction of ISO-22400 29 3.2. Identification of key performance indicators 32 3.2.1. IoT applicable parts in ISO-22400 32 3.2.2. Selection of key performance indicatorDocto

    Towards a crisis performance measurement system. Humanitarian case study

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    Il ne passe pas une semaine sans que l'on entende les termes « crise », « catastrophe » ou « désastre ». Ces notions font donc maintenant partie de notre quotidien, mais connaît- n vraiment leur signification. Sait-on réagir face à ces situations, et surtout comment peut- n être sûrs de les résoudre de la façon la plus performante possible ? Ces interrogations sont le point de départ de ce travail. En effet, nos recherches ont consisté à mettre en œuvre une méthode pour aider les acteurs d'une crise à mieux contrôler la réponse à apporter pour la résoudre. Lors de la survenu d'une crise, quelle qu'elle soit, le système est déstabilisé, il faut donc réagir vite afin de revenir à une situation stable. Or, actuellement les décideurs ne disposent pas de suffisamment d'éléments (1) pour prendre des décisions sereinement et (2) pour suivre l'impact de leur décision. C'est pour pallier ce manque que nous avons développé une méthode d'évaluation de performance qui permet aux décideurs de suivre et d'évaluer, selon les critères qu'ils ont définis, de façon précise le déroulement de la réponse à la crise. Ainsi les décideurs peuvent réagir, c'est-à-dire prendre une décision a posteriori, lorsqu'ils découvrent un problème dans la réponse et également anticiper, c'est-à-dire, prendre une décision a priori avant même que le problème ait lieu, en se fondant sur des prévisions renseignant sur l'état futur de la crise. Ces travaux ont un intérêt d'un point de vue académique étant donné qu'ils se positionnent sur une problématique en plein essor dans la recherche et d'un point de vue opérationnel car la méthode mise en oeuvre répond à un réel besoin émis par des acteurs de la réponse aux crises. De plus, comme le montre le dernier chapitre, nos travaux sont déjà applicables. Ce sujet est donc utile à tous, puisque chacun peut être victime d'une crise et en particulier aux acteurs de la gestion de crise qui y sont confrontés quotidiennement.During a crisis, the main goal for decision-makers consists in restoring a stabilized nominal mode. The stakeholders face considerable pressure and drastic constraints in response time and coordination. This study proposes a method to support these stakeholders in making responsive and accurate decisions while carrying out a performance evaluation of the activities run during the crisis response process. This method is composed of four steps: (1) characterization of the crisis response system, (2) selection of system components to evaluate in priority, (3) determination of performance dimensions to consider and (4) creation of indicators. Currently, performance evaluation is only used subsequent to a crisis, due to difficulties in gathering and aggregating information into trustable performance indicators. This paper proposes a method to obtain a relevant and dynamic decision-support system. Decision-makers will use it to resolve the crisis based on performance evaluation, in addition to the essential experience they undergo. A case study of crisis management within the French Red Cross non-governmental organization is developed, through a web-based prototype, in order to explain how performance indicators can both support crisis response management and also improve the collaboration of stakeholders