667 research outputs found

    Towards a catalog of usability smells

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    This paper presents a catalog of smells in the context of interactive applications. These so-called usability smells are indicators of poor design on an application's user interface, with the potential to hinder not only its usability but also its maintenance and evolution. To eliminate such usability smells we discuss a set of program/usability refactorings. In order to validate the presented usability smells catalog, and the associated refactorings, we present a preliminary empirical study with software developers in the context of a real open source hospital management application. Moreover, a tool that computes graphical user interface behavior models, giving the applications' source code, is used to automatically detect usability smells at the model level.This work was partially funded by the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), within projects reference FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020484 (J. Saraiva) and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020554 (J. C. Campos)

    A heuristic-based approach to code-smell detection

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    Encapsulation and data hiding are central tenets of the object oriented paradigm. Deciding what data and behaviour to form into a class and where to draw the line between its public and private details can make the difference between a class that is an understandable, flexible and reusable abstraction and one which is not. This decision is a difficult one and may easily result in poor encapsulation which can then have serious implications for a number of system qualities. It is often hard to identify such encapsulation problems within large software systems until they cause a maintenance problem (which is usually too late) and attempting to perform such analysis manually can also be tedious and error prone. Two of the common encapsulation problems that can arise as a consequence of this decomposition process are data classes and god classes. Typically, these two problems occur together – data classes are lacking in functionality that has typically been sucked into an over-complicated and domineering god class. This paper describes the architecture of a tool which automatically detects data and god classes that has been developed as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. The technique has been evaluated in a controlled study on two large open source systems which compare the tool results to similar work by Marinescu, who employs a metrics-based approach to detecting such features. The study provides some valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the two approache

    Adaptoring: Adapter Generation to Provide an Alternative API for a Library

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    Third-party libraries are a cornerstone of fast application development. To enable efficient use, libraries must provide a well-designed API. An obscure API instead slows down the learning process and can lead to erroneous use. The usual approach to improve the API of a library is to edit its code directly, either keeping the old API but deprecating it (temporarily increasing the API size) or dropping it (introducing breaking changes). If maintainers are unwilling to make such changes, others need to create a hard fork, which they can refactor. But then it is difficult to incorporate changes to the original library, such as bug fixes or performance improvements. In this paper, we instead explore the use of the adapter pattern to provide a new API as a new library that calls the original library internally. This allows the new library to leverage all implementation changes to the original library, at no additional cost. We call this approach adaptoring. To make the approach practical, we identify API transformations for which adapter code can be generated automatically, and investigate which transformations can be inferred automatically, based on the documentation and usage patterns of the original library. For cases where automated inference is not possible, we present a tool that lets developers manually specify API transformations. Finally, we consider the issue of migrating the generated adapters if the original library introduces breaking changes. We implemented our approach for Python, demonstrating its effectiveness to quickly provide an alternative API even for large libraries.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2024

    1st Workshop on Refactoring Tools (WRT'07) : Proceedings

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    Automated Field Usability Evaluation Using Generated Task Trees

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    Jedes Produkt hat eine Gebrauchstauglichkeit (Usability). Das umfasst auch Software,Webseiten und Apps auf mobilen Endgeräten und Fernsehern. Im heutigen Anbieterwettbewerb kann Usability ein entscheidender Faktor für den Erfolg eines Produktes sein. Dies gilt speziell für Software, da alternative Angebote meist schnell und einfach verfügbar sind. Daher sollte jede Softwareentwicklung Gebrauchstauglichkeit als eines ihrer Ziele definieren. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wird beim Usability Engineering während der Entwicklung und der Nutzung eines Produkts kontinuierlich dessen Gebrauchstauglichkeit erfasst und verbessert. Hierfür existiert eine Reihe von Methoden, mit denen in allen Projektphasen entsprechende Probleme erkannt und gelöst werden können. Die meisten dieser Methoden sind jedoch nur manuell einsetzbar und daher kostspielig in der Anwendung.    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt ein vollautomatisiertes Verfahren zur Bewertung der Usability von Software. Das Verfahren zählt zu den nutzerorientierten Methoden und kann für Feldstudien eingesetzt werden. In diesem Verfahren werden zunächst detailliert die Aktionen der Nutzer auf der Oberfläche einer Software aufgezeichnet. Aus diesen Aufzeichnungen berechnet das Verfahren ein Modell der Nutzeroberfläche sowie sogenannte Task-Bäume, welche ein Modell der Nutzung der Software sind. Die beiden Modelle bilden die Grundlage für eine anschließende Erkennung von 14 sogenannten Usability Smells. Diese definieren unerwartetes Nutzerverhalten, das auf ein Problem mit der Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Software hinweist. Das Ergebnis des Verfahrens sind detaillierte Beschreibungen zum Auftreten der Smells in den Task-Bäumen und den aufgezeichneten Nutzeraktionen. Dadurch wird ein Bezug zwischen den Aufgaben des Nutzers, den entsprechenden Problemen sowie ursächlichen Elementen der graphischen Oberfläche hergestellt.    Das Verfahren wird anhand von zwei Webseiten und einer Desktopanwendung validiert. Dabei wird zunächst die Repräsentativität der generierten Task-Bäume für das Nutzerverhalten überprüft. Anschließend werden Usability Smells erkannt und die Ergebnisse manuell analysiert sowie mit Ergebnissen aus der Anwendung etablierter Methoden des Usability Engineerings verglichen. Daraus ergeben sich unter anderem Bedingungen, die bei der Erkennung von Usability Smells erfüllt sein müssen.    Die drei Fallstudien, sowie die gesamte Arbeit zeigen, dass das vorgestellte Verfahren fähig ist, vollautomatisiert unterschiedlichste Usabilityprobleme zu erkennen. Dabei wird auch gezeigt, dass die Ergebnisse des Verfahrens genügend Details beinhalten, um ein gefundenes Problem genauer zu beschreiben und Anhaltspunkte für dessen Lösung zu liefern. Außerdem kann das Verfahren andere Methoden der Usabilityevaluation ergänzen und dabei sehr einfach auch im großen Umfang eingesetzt werden.Usability is an important aspect of any kind of product. This also applies for software like desktop applications and websites, as well as apps on mobile devices and smart TVs. In a competitive market, the usability of a software becomes a discriminator between success and failure. This is especially important for software, as alternatives are often close at hand and only one click away. Hence, the software development must strive for highly usable products. Usability engineering allows for continuously measuring and improving the usability of a software during its development and beyond. For this, it offers a broad variety of methods, that support detecting usability issues in early development stages on a prototype level, as well as during the operation of a final software. Unfortunately, most of these methods are applied manually, which increases the effort of their utilization. In this thesis, we describe a fully automated approach for usability evaluation. This approach is a user-oriented method to be applied in the field, i.e., during the operation of a software. For this, it first traces the usage of a software by recording user actions on key stroke level. From these recordings, it compiles a model of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of a software, as well as a usage model in the form of task trees. Based on these models and the recorded actions, our approach performs a detection of 14 different so called usability smells. These smells are exceptional user behavior and indicate usability issues. The result of the application of our approach on a software is a list of findings for each of the smells. These findings provide detailed information about the user tasks that are affected by the related usability issues, as well as about the elements of the GUI that cause the issues. By applying it on two websites and one desktop application, we perform an in-depth validation of our approach in three case studies. In these case studies, we verify if task trees can be generated from recorded user actions and if they are representative for the user behavior. Furthermore, we apply the usability smell detection and analyze the corresponding results with respect to their validity. For this, we also compare the findings with the results of generally accepted usability evaluation methods. Finally, we conclude on the results and derive conditions for findings of our approach, which must be met to consider them as indicators for usability issues. The results of the case studies are promising. They show, that our approach can find, fully automated, a broad range of usability issues. In addition, we show, that the findings can reference in detail the elements of the GUI that cause a usability issue. Our approach is supplemental to established usability engineering methods and can be applied with minimal effort on a large scale

    Towards Usable API Documentation

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    The learning and usage of an API is supported by documentation. Like source code, API documentation is itself a software product. Several research results show that bad design in API documentation can make the reuse of API features difficult. Indeed, similar to code smells, poorly designed API documentation can also exhibit 'smells'. Such documentation smells can be described as bad documentation styles that do not necessarily produce incorrect documentation but make the documentation difficult to understand and use. This thesis aims to enhance API documentation usability by addressing such documentation smells in three phases. In the first phase, we developed a catalog of five API documentation smells consulting literature on API documentation issues and online developer discussion. We validated their presence in the real world by creating a benchmark of 1K official Java API documentation units and conducting a survey of 21 developers. The developers confirmed that these smells hinder their productivity and called for automatic detection and fixing. In the second phase, we developed machine-learning models to detect the smells using the 1K benchmark, however, they performed poorly when evaluated on larger and more diverse documentation sources. We explored more advanced models; employed re-training and hyperparameter tuning to further improve the performance. Our best-performing model, RoBERTa, achieved F1-scores of 0.71-0.93 in detecting different smells. In the third phase, we first focused on evaluating the feasibility and impact of fixing various smells in the eyes of practitioners. Through a second survey of 30 practitioners, we found that fixing the lazy smell was perceived as the most feasible and impactful. However, there was no universal consensus on whether and how other smells can/should be fixed. Finally, we proposed a two-stage pipeline for fixing lazy documentation, involving additional textual description and documentation-specific code example generation. Our approach utilized a large language model, GPT- 3, to generate enhanced documentation based on non-lazy examples and to produce code examples. The generated code examples were refined iteratively until they were error-free. Our technique demonstrated a high success rate with a significant number of lazy documentation instances being fixed and error-free code examples being generated

    Correspondence of OOP Refactoring Techniques in PL\SQL Environment: A Case Study of Agile Project Code

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    scrum is one of the most popular agile approaches for developing software, which has code quality challenges that affect software functionality, maintainability, reliability, usability, efficiency, and portability. However, many techniques are applied to enhance code quality by analyzing and reviewing the code using code conventions, standards, and refactoring. In the Scrum development framework, handling code quality issues requires focusing on the practices that cause such issues (i.e., short testing volume). Therefore, this study aims to investigate how refactoring affects scrum source code quality and code maintainability. This study followed an experimental approach, including a case study for a large and complex Oracle PL/SQL software program through its development phase. The source code of the chosen sprint is analyzed to evaluate its quality and identify the probability of code smell existence. Nine refactoring techniques are applied to the collected data to identify code smells for the chosen PL/SQL software. The study findings show that choosing a suitable refactoring technique positively affects the maintainability of sprint code