31,457 research outputs found

    Analyzing large-scale DNA Sequences on Multi-core Architectures

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    Rapid analysis of DNA sequences is important in preventing the evolution of different viruses and bacteria during an early phase, early diagnosis of genetic predispositions to certain diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases), and in DNA forensics. However, real-world DNA sequences may comprise several Gigabytes and the process of DNA analysis demands adequate computational resources to be completed within a reasonable time. In this paper we present a scalable approach for parallel DNA analysis that is based on Finite Automata, and which is suitable for analyzing very large DNA segments. We evaluate our approach for real-world DNA segments of mouse (2.7GB), cat (2.4GB), dog (2.4GB), chicken (1GB), human (3.2GB) and turkey (0.2GB). Experimental results on a dual-socket shared-memory system with 24 physical cores show speed-ups of up to 17.6x. Our approach is up to 3x faster than a pattern-based parallel approach that uses the RE2 library.Comment: The 18th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2015), Porto, Portugal, 20 - 23 October 201

    Prospects and limitations of full-text index structures in genome analysis

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    The combination of incessant advances in sequencing technology producing large amounts of data and innovative bioinformatics approaches, designed to cope with this data flood, has led to new interesting results in the life sciences. Given the magnitude of sequence data to be processed, many bioinformatics tools rely on efficient solutions to a variety of complex string problems. These solutions include fast heuristic algorithms and advanced data structures, generally referred to as index structures. Although the importance of index structures is generally known to the bioinformatics community, the design and potency of these data structures, as well as their properties and limitations, are less understood. Moreover, the last decade has seen a boom in the number of variant index structures featuring complex and diverse memory-time trade-offs. This article brings a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the most popular index structures and their recently developed variants. Their features, interrelationships, the trade-offs they impose, but also their practical limitations, are explained and compared

    Indexing large genome collections on a PC

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    Motivation: The availability of thousands of invidual genomes of one species should boost rapid progress in personalized medicine or understanding of the interaction between genotype and phenotype, to name a few applications. A key operation useful in such analyses is aligning sequencing reads against a collection of genomes, which is costly with the use of existing algorithms due to their large memory requirements. Results: We present MuGI, Multiple Genome Index, which reports all occurrences of a given pattern, in exact and approximate matching model, against a collection of thousand(s) genomes. Its unique feature is the small index size fitting in a standard computer with 16--32\,GB, or even 8\,GB, of RAM, for the 1000GP collection of 1092 diploid human genomes. The solution is also fast. For example, the exact matching queries are handled in average time of 39\,μ\mus and with up to 3 mismatches in 373\,μ\mus on the test PC with the index size of 13.4\,GB. For a smaller index, occupying 7.4\,GB in memory, the respective times grow to 76\,μ\mus and 917\,μ\mus. Availability: Software and Suuplementary material: \url{http://sun.aei.polsl.pl/mugi}

    Toward Entity-Aware Search

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    As the Web has evolved into a data-rich repository, with the standard "page view," current search engines are becoming increasingly inadequate for a wide range of query tasks. While we often search for various data "entities" (e.g., phone number, paper PDF, date), today's engines only take us indirectly to pages. In my Ph.D. study, we focus on a novel type of Web search that is aware of data entities inside pages, a significant departure from traditional document retrieval. We study the various essential aspects of supporting entity-aware Web search. To begin with, we tackle the core challenge of ranking entities, by distilling its underlying conceptual model Impression Model and developing a probabilistic ranking framework, EntityRank, that is able to seamlessly integrate both local and global information in ranking. We also report a prototype system built to show the initial promise of the proposal. Then, we aim at distilling and abstracting the essential computation requirements of entity search. From the dual views of reasoning--entity as input and entity as output, we propose a dual-inversion framework, with two indexing and partition schemes, towards efficient and scalable query processing. Further, to recognize more entity instances, we study the problem of entity synonym discovery through mining query log data. The results we obtained so far have shown clear promise of entity-aware search, in its usefulness, effectiveness, efficiency and scalability

    Optimum Search Schemes for Approximate String Matching Using Bidirectional FM-Index

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    Finding approximate occurrences of a pattern in a text using a full-text index is a central problem in bioinformatics and has been extensively researched. Bidirectional indices have opened new possibilities in this regard allowing the search to start from anywhere within the pattern and extend in both directions. In particular, use of search schemes (partitioning the pattern and searching the pieces in certain orders with given bounds on errors) can yield significant speed-ups. However, finding optimal search schemes is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem. Here for the first time, we propose a mixed integer program (MIP) capable to solve this optimization problem for Hamming distance with given number of pieces. Our experiments show that the optimal search schemes found by our MIP significantly improve the performance of search in bidirectional FM-index upon previous ad-hoc solutions. For example, approximate matching of 101-bp Illumina reads (with two errors) becomes 35 times faster than standard backtracking. Moreover, despite being performed purely in the index, the running time of search using our optimal schemes (for up to two errors) is comparable to the best state-of-the-art aligners, which benefit from combining search in index with in-text verification using dynamic programming. As a result, we anticipate a full-fledged aligner that employs an intelligent combination of search in the bidirectional FM-index using our optimal search schemes and in-text verification using dynamic programming outperforms today's best aligners. The development of such an aligner, called FAMOUS (Fast Approximate string Matching using OptimUm search Schemes), is ongoing as our future work

    The Parallelism Motifs of Genomic Data Analysis

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    Genomic data sets are growing dramatically as the cost of sequencing continues to decline and small sequencing devices become available. Enormous community databases store and share this data with the research community, but some of these genomic data analysis problems require large scale computational platforms to meet both the memory and computational requirements. These applications differ from scientific simulations that dominate the workload on high end parallel systems today and place different requirements on programming support, software libraries, and parallel architectural design. For example, they involve irregular communication patterns such as asynchronous updates to shared data structures. We consider several problems in high performance genomics analysis, including alignment, profiling, clustering, and assembly for both single genomes and metagenomes. We identify some of the common computational patterns or motifs that help inform parallelization strategies and compare our motifs to some of the established lists, arguing that at least two key patterns, sorting and hashing, are missing

    Quantum pattern matching fast on average

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    The dd-dimensional pattern matching problem is to find an occurrence of a pattern of length m××mm \times \dots \times m within a text of length n××nn \times \dots \times n, with nmn \ge m. This task models various problems in text and image processing, among other application areas. This work describes a quantum algorithm which solves the pattern matching problem for random patterns and texts in time O~((n/m)d/22O(d3/2logm))\widetilde{O}((n/m)^{d/2} 2^{O(d^{3/2}\sqrt{\log m})}). For large mm this is super-polynomially faster than the best possible classical algorithm, which requires time Ω~((n/m)d+nd/2)\widetilde{\Omega}( (n/m)^d + n^{d/2} ). The algorithm is based on the use of a quantum subroutine for finding hidden shifts in dd dimensions, which is a variant of algorithms proposed by Kuperberg.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; v3: further minor changes, essentially published versio