9 research outputs found

    Self-adaptive Software Modeling Based on Contextual Requirements

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    The ability of self-adaptive software in responding to change is determined by contextual requirements, i.e. a requirement in capturing relevant context-atributes and modeling behavior for system adaptation. However, in most cases, modeling for self-adaptive software is does not take into consider the requirements evolution based on contextual requirements. This paper introduces an approach through requirements modeling languages directed to adaptation patterns to support requirements evolution. The model is prepared through contextual requirements approach that is integrated into MAPE-K (monitor, anayze, plan, execute - knowledge) patterns in goal-oriented requirements engineering. As an evaluation, the adaptation process is modeled for cleaner robot. The experimental results show that the requirements modeling process has been able to direct software into self-adaptive capability and meet the requirements evolution


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    Suatu sistem terlahir didasari atas target visi dari concern yang digelutinya masing-masing. Dalam perjalanannya, setiap sistem senantiasa bersentuhan dengan kompleksitas dan ketidakpastian didalam lingkungannya. Hal ini berhubungan dengan bagaimana sistem itu hidup, yaitu mampu tumbuh dan terus berkembang. Keberadaan perangkat lunak self-adaptive merupakan jawaban atas persoalan dan tantangan tersebut, suatu perangkat lunak sebagai penggerak utama sistem, dituntut memiliki kemampuan untuk dapat memahami dan bertindak atas apa yang terjadi didalam lingkungannya, termasuk penanganan pertumbuhan pengetahuannya. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, konstruksi struktur pengetahuan biasanya dirancang melalui suatu kekhusuan, sehingga lingkup yang dilayaninya menjadi terbatas. Makalah ini mengusulkan model representasi pengetahuan sebagai jaminan bagi pengelolaan sistem dan kebutuhan adaptasinya, model diformulasikan melalui rule-based systems dengan struktur knowledge base yang lebih generik dan luwes, sehingga mampu menangani pertumbuhan pengetahuan yang merepresentasikan ragam konteks dan perilaku sistem.Kata kunci : self-adaptive software, intelligent systems, knowledge base, rule-based systems


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    [Id]Mengkonstruksi perangkat lunak self-adaptive sangat berbeda dengan mengkonstruksi perangkat lunak non self-adaptive, hal ini menuntut banyak cara yang harus ditempuh untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Salah satunya adalah pada tahapan pemodelan requirements. Pendekatan yang digunakan saat melakukan pemodelan requirements untuk perangkat lunak self-adaptive, tidak cukup hanya menangkap kebutuhan sesuai dengan kondisi systems-as-is. Namun kebutuhan systems-to-be yang berhubungan dengan spesifikasi perilaku, dan kemampuannya untuk menangani perubahan ketika sistem sedang berjalan, merupakan faktor penting yang harus terpenuhi. Makalah ini membahas pemodelan requirements untuk mengembangkan self-adaptive systems, dengan mengintegrasikan pendekatan goal oriented requirements engineering dan feedback loop. Diawali dengan latar belakang, kemudian menguraikan penelitian terkait, dilanjutkan dengan konsep yang diusulkan beserta contoh penerapannya, dan diakhir bahasan kami menguraikan pekerjaan untuk masa depan serta kesimpulan.Kata kunci:Requirements modeling, goal oriented requirements engineering, self-adaptive systems, feedback loop[En]Construction of self-adaptive software is very different with the construction of non-self-adaptive software, its require many ways that must be through to gain these goals. one of them is on the requirement of modelling phase. The approach that used, when conduct modelling requirement is not enough to catch the needs appropriate with as-is system condition, but the requirement of to-be systems that connected with behaviour specification and its ability to handle transformation when system running is an important factor that must be fulfilled. this paper describes requirement modelling to develop self-adaptive systems, with goal oriented engineering integration approach and loop feedback. Started with the background, then untangle related research, continued with proposed concept and its implementation example, and in the last description, we untangle conclusion and our future works.Keywords: Requirements modeling, goal oriented requirements engineering, self-adaptive systems, feedback loo

    A Runtime Verification and Validation Framework for Self-Adaptive Software

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    The concepts that make self-adaptive software attractive also make it more difficult for users to gain confidence that these systems will consistently meet their goals under uncertain context. To improve user confidence in self-adaptive behavior, machine-readable conceptual models have been developed to instrument the adaption behavior of the target software system and primary feedback loop. By comparing these machine-readable models to the self-adaptive system, runtime verification and validation may be introduced as another method to increase confidence in self-adaptive systems; however, the existing conceptual models do not provide the semantics needed to institute this runtime verification or validation. This research confirms that the introduction of runtime verification and validation for self-adaptive systems requires the expansion of existing conceptual models with quality of service metrics, a hierarchy of goals, and states with temporal transitions. Based on this expanded semantics, runtime verification and validation was introduced as a second-level feedback loop to improve the performance of the primary feedback loop and quantitatively measure the quality of service achieved in a state-based, self-adaptive system. A web-based purchasing application running in a cloud-based environment was the focus of experimentation. In order to meet changing customer purchasing demand, the self-adaptive system monitored external context changes and increased or decreased available application servers. The runtime verification and validation system operated as a second-level feedback loop to monitor quality of service goals based on internal context, and corrected self-adaptive behavior when goals are violated. Two competing quality of service goals were introduced to maintain customer satisfaction while minimizing cost. The research demonstrated that the addition of a second-level runtime verification and validation feedback loop did quantitatively improve self-adaptive system performance even with simple, static monitoring rules