1,696 research outputs found

    A framework for the design of business intelligence dashboard tools

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    Vast amounts of data are collected on a daily basis, making it difficult for humans to derive at valuable information to make effective decisions. In recent years, the field of Business Intelligence (BI) and Information Visualisation (IV) have become a key driver of an organisation’s success. BI tools supporting decision making need to be accessible to a larger audience on different levels of the organisation. The problem is that non-expert users, or novice users, of BI tools do not have the technical knowledge to conduct data analysis and often rely on expert users to assist. For this reason, BI vendors are shifting their focus to self-service BI, a relatively new term where novice users can analyse data without the traditional human mediator. Despite the proliferation of self-service BI tools, limited research is available on their usability and design considerations to assist novice users with decision making and BI analysis. The contribution of this study is a conceptual framework for designing, evaluating or selecting BI tools that support non-expert users to create dashboards (the BI Framework). A dashboard is a particular IV technique that enables users to view critical information at a glance. The main research problem addressed by this study is that non-expert users often have to utilise a number of software tools to conduct data analysis and to develop visualisations, such as BI dashboards. The research problem was further investigated by following a two-step approach. The first approach was to investigate existing problems by using an in-depth literature review in the fields of BI and IV. The second approach was to conduct a field study (Field Study 1) using a development environment consisting of a number of software components of which SAP Xcelsius was the main BI tool used to create a dashboard. The aim of the field study was to compare the identified problems and requirements with those found in literature. The results of the problem analysis revealed a number of problems in terms of BI software. One of the major problems is that BI tools do not adequately guide users through a logical process to conduct data analysis. In addition, the process becomes increasingly difficult when several BI tools are involved that need to be integrated. The results showed positive aspects when the data was mapped to a visualisation, which increased the users’ understanding of data they were analysing. The results were verified in a focus group discussion and were used to establish an initial set of problems and requirements, which were then synthesised with the problems and requirements identified from literature. Once the major problems were verified, a framework was established to guide the design of BI dashboard tools for novice users. The framework includes a set of design guidelines and usability evaluation criteria for BI tools. An extant systems analysis was conducted using BI tools to compare the advantages and disadvantages. The results revealed that a number of tools could be used by non-experts, however, their usability hinders users. All the participants used in all field studies and evaluations were Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) students. Participants were specially sourced from a higher education institution such as the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). A second field study (Field Study 2) was conducted with participants using another traditional BI tool identified from the extant systems analysis, PowerPivot. The objective of this field study was to verify the design guidelines and related features that served as a BI Scorecard that can be used to select BI tools. Another BI tool, Tableau, was used for the final evaluation. The final evaluation was conducted with a large participant sample consisting of IS students in their second and third year of study. The results for the two groups revealed a significant difference between participants’ education levels and the usability ratings of Tableau. Additionally, the results indicated a significant relationship between the participants’ experience level and the usability ratings of Tableau. The usability ratings of Tableau were mostly positive and the results revealed that participants found the tool easy to use, flexible and efficient. The proposed BI Framework can be used to assist organisations when evaluating BI tools for adoption. Furthermore, designers of BI tools can use the framework to improve the usability of these tools, reduce the workload for users when creating dashboards, and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of decision support

    A model driven component agent framework for domain experts

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    Industrial software systems are becoming more complex with a large number of interacting parts distributed over networks. Due to the inherent complexity in the problem domains, most such systems are modified over time to incorporate emerging requirements, making incremental development a suitable approach for building complex systems. In domain specific systems it is the domain experts as end users who identify improvements that better suit their needs. Examples include meteorologists who use weather modeling software, engineers who use control systems and business analysts in business process modeling. Most domain experts are not fluent in systems programming and changes are realised through software engineers. This process hinders the evolution of the system, making it time consuming and costly. We hypothesise that if domain experts are empowered to make some of the system cha nges, it would greatly ease the evolutionary process, thereby making the systems more effective. Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) is seen as a natural fit for modeling and implementing distributed complex systems. With concepts such as goals and plans, agent systems support easy extension of functionality that facilitates incremental development. Further agents provide an intuitive metaphor that works at a higher level of abstraction compared to the object oriented model. However agent programming is not at a level accessible to domain experts to capitalise on its intuitiveness and appropriateness in building complex systems. We propose a model driven development approach for domain experts that uses visual modeling and automated code generation to simplify the development and evolution of agent systems. Our approach is called the Component Agent Framework for domain-Experts (CAFnE), which builds upon the concepts from Model Driven Development and the Prometheus agent software engineering methodolo gy. CAFnE enables domain experts to work with a graphical representation of the system, which is easier to understand and work with than textual code. The model of the system, updated by domain experts, is then transformed to executable code using a transformation function. CAFnE is supported by a proof-of-concept toolkit that implements the visual modeling, model driven development and code generation. We used the CAFnE toolkit in a user study where five domain experts (weather forecasters) with no prior experience in agent programming were asked to make changes to an existing weather alerting system. Participants were able to rapidly become familiar with CAFnE concepts, comprehend the system's design, make design changes and implement them using the CAFnE toolkit

    Abstraction in action: K-5 teachers' uses of levels of abstraction, particularly the design level, in teaching programming

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    Research indicates that understanding levels of abstraction (LOA) and being able to move between the levels is essential to programming success. For K-5 contexts LOA levels have been named: problem, design, code and running the code. In a qualitative exploratory study, five K-5 teachers were interviewed on their uses of LOA, particularly the design level, in teaching programming and other subjects. Using PCK elements to analyse responses, the teachers interviewed used design as an instructional strategy and for assessment. The teachers used design as an aide memoire and the expert teachers used design: as a contract for pair-programming; to work out what they needed to teach; for learners to annotate with code snippets (to transition across LOA); for learners to self-assess and to assess ‘do-ability’. The teachers used planning in teaching writing to scaffold learning and promote self-regulation revealing their insight in student understanding. One issue was of the teachers' knowledge of terms including algorithm and code; a concept of ‘emergent algorithms’ is proposed. Findings from the study suggest design helps learners learn to program in the same way that planning helps learners learn to write and that LOA, particularly the design level, may provide an accessible exemplar of abstraction in action. Further work is needed to verify whether the study's results are generalisable more widely

    Towards case-based medical learning in radiological decision making using content-based image retrieval

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Radiologists' training is based on intensive practice and can be improved with the use of diagnostic training systems. However, existing systems typically require laboriously prepared training cases and lack integration into the clinical environment with a proper learning scenario. Consequently, diagnostic training systems advancing decision-making skills are not well established in radiological education.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated didactic concepts and appraised methods appropriate to the radiology domain, as follows: (i) Adult learning theories stress the importance of work-related practice gained in a team of problem-solvers; (ii) Case-based reasoning (CBR) parallels the human problem-solving process; (iii) Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) can be useful for computer-aided diagnosis (CAD). To overcome the known drawbacks of existing learning systems, we developed the concept of image-based case retrieval for radiological education (IBCR-RE). The IBCR-RE diagnostic training is embedded into a didactic framework based on the Seven Jump approach, which is well established in problem-based learning (PBL). In order to provide a learning environment that is as similar as possible to radiological practice, we have analysed the radiological workflow and environment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We mapped the IBCR-RE diagnostic training approach into the Image Retrieval in Medical Applications (IRMA) framework, resulting in the proposed concept of the IRMAdiag training application. IRMAdiag makes use of the modular structure of IRMA and comprises (i) the IRMA core, i.e., the IRMA CBIR engine; and (ii) the IRMAcon viewer. We propose embedding IRMAdiag into hospital information technology (IT) infrastructure using the standard protocols Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) and Health Level Seven (HL7). Furthermore, we present a case description and a scheme of planned evaluations to comprehensively assess the system.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The IBCR-RE paradigm incorporates a novel combination of essential aspects of diagnostic learning in radiology: (i) Provision of work-relevant experiences in a training environment integrated into the radiologist's working context; (ii) Up-to-date training cases that do not require cumbersome preparation because they are provided by routinely generated electronic medical records; (iii) Support of the way adults learn while remaining suitable for the patient- and problem-oriented nature of medicine. Future work will address unanswered questions to complete the implementation of the IRMAdiag trainer.</p

    The sequence matters: A systematic literature review of using sequence analysis in Learning Analytics

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    Describing and analysing sequences of learner actions is becoming more popular in learning analytics. Nevertheless, the authors found a variety of definitions of what a learning sequence is, of which data is used for the analysis, and which methods are implemented, as well as of the purpose and educational interventions designed with them. In this literature review, the authors aim to generate an overview of these concepts to develop a decision framework for using sequence analysis in educational research. After analysing 44 articles, the conclusions enable us to highlight different learning tasks and educational settings where sequences are analysed, identify data mapping models for different types of sequence actions, differentiate methods based on purpose and scope, and identify possible educational interventions based on the outcomes of sequence analysis.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Learning Analytic

    A meta-authoring tool for specifying behaviour in virtual reality environments

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 94-99).In this dissertation, we explore methods for empowering non-programmers with the ability to develop their own virtual environment applications. We explored some of the existing systems to determine what methodologies have already been successfully (or unsuccessfully) applied in the fields of virtual environment systems, authoring tools, and graphical user interfaces. From these methodologies we describe an ideal virtual environment authoring system with which comparisons may be drawn to evaluate existing systems. This ideal system represents a tool ideal in its ability to allow users of differing levels of skill to rapidly create virtual environment applications of any sophistication. Creating such a single, generic authoring tool for every different kind of application is, practically, an impossible task - more so if the authors are non-programmers. A more realistic solution to the problem would be to think of every environment as having a particular context such as a virtual museum or gallery. Creating authoring tools specific to these types of environment contexts greatly reduces the problem. We have therefore produced a progressive meta-authoring system that allows both novice and advanced users to create useful virtual reality applications, allowing the smooth migration of novice users to becoming more experienced. We believe that our system overcomes problems in architecture and support for novice users that can be found in many other authoring systems for virtual environments

    Designing graphical interface programming languages for the end user

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    This thesis sets out to answer three simple questions: What tools are available for novice programmers to program GUIs? Are those tools fulfilling their role? Can anything be done to make better tools? Despite being simple questions, the answers are not so easily constructed. In answering the first question, it was necessary to examine the range of tools available and decide upon criteria which could be used to identify tools aimed specifically at the novice programmer (there being no currently agreed criteria for their identification). Having identified these tools, it was then necessary to construct a framework within which they could be sensibly compared. The answering of the second question required an investigation of what were the successful features of current tools and which features were less successful. Success or failure of given features was determined by research in both programming language design and studies of programmer satisfaction. Having discovered what should be retained and discarded from current systems, the answering of the third question required the construction of new systems through blending elements from visual languages, program editors and fourth generation languages. These final prototypes illustrate a new way of thinking about and constructing the next generation of GUI programming languages for the novice

    HILT : High-Level Thesaurus Project. Phase IV and Embedding Project Extension : Final Report

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    Ensuring that Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) users of the JISC IE can find appropriate learning, research and information resources by subject search and browse in an environment where most national and institutional service providers - usually for very good local reasons - use different subject schemes to describe their resources is a major challenge facing the JISC domain (and, indeed, other domains beyond JISC). Encouraging the use of standard terminologies in some services (institutional repositories, for example) is a related challenge. Under the auspices of the HILT project, JISC has been investigating mechanisms to assist the community with this problem through a JISC Shared Infrastructure Service that would help optimise the value obtained from expenditure on content and services by facilitating subject-search-based resource sharing to benefit users in the learning and research communities. The project has been through a number of phases, with work from earlier phases reported, both in published work elsewhere, and in project reports (see the project website: http://hilt.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/). HILT Phase IV had two elements - the core project, whose focus was 'to research, investigate and develop pilot solutions for problems pertaining to cross-searching multi-subject scheme information environments, as well as providing a variety of other terminological searching aids', and a short extension to encompass the pilot embedding of routines to interact with HILT M2M services in the user interfaces of various information services serving the JISC community. Both elements contributed to the developments summarised in this report
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