2,674 research outputs found

    Multi-Agent Interactions for Ambient Assisted Living

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    Une revue systématique de la littérature sur les interfaces utilisateur intelligentes: résultats préliminaires

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    National audienceThe user interfaces (UIs) promote the interaction with the software system to achieve the users' goals. In this way different types of interaction are provided, such as direct manipulation, web UI or tangible interaction. These interfaces have evolved, including artificial intelligence and adaptation mechanisms to answer the evolution of the technological areas. From this evolution emerged the intelligent user interfaces (IUIs) that aim to be more effective, efficient, and natural. Considering the importance of IUI nowadays, we have performed a systematic literature review (SLR) to investigate the design trends of IUIs in the context of contemporary software systems (CSS), such as software systems based on internet of things (IoT) or dedicated to smart cities. Preliminary results show which models and technologies are most used to develop IUIs, and which application domain is mostly represented.Les interfaces utilisateur (IU) visent à favoriser l'interaction avec le système pour permettre aux utilisateurs d'atteindre leurs buts. Ainsi, différents types d'interaction sont possibles, tels que la manipulation directe, les interfaces web ou l'interaction tangible. Ces interfaces ont évolué au fil du temps, tout en intégrant des mécanismes issus de l'intelligence artificielle, tels des mécanismes d'adaptation, pour répondre à l'évolution des domaines technologiques. De cette évolution ont emergé les interfaces utilisateur intelligentes (IUI) qui visent à être efficaces et naturelles. Ainsi nous sommes en train de mener une revue systématique de la littérature pour étudier les tendances de conception des IUI dans le contexte des systèmes logiciels contemporains (SLC), tels que les systèmes basés sur l'internet des objets ou dédiés aux villes intelligentes. Les résultats préliminaires montrent quels sont les modèles et technologies les plus utilisés pour développer des IUIs, ainsi que le domaine d'application le plus représenté

    Flexible context aware interface for ambient assisted living

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    A Multi Agent System that provides a (cared for) person, the subject, with assistance and support through an Ambient Assisted Living Flexible Interface (AALFI) during the day while complementing the night time assistance offered by NOCTURNAL with feedback assistance, is presented. It has been tailored to the subject’s requirements profile and takes into account factors associated with the time of day; hence it attempts to overcome shortcomings of current Ambient Assisted Living Systems. The subject is provided with feedback that highlights important criteria such as quality of sleep during the night and possible breeches of safety during the day. This may help the subject carry out corrective measures and/or seek further assistance. AALFI provides tailored interaction that is either visual or auditory so that the subject is able to understand the interactions and this process is driven by a Multi-Agent System. User feedback gathered from a relevant user group through a workshop validated the ideas underpinning the research, the Multi-agent system and the adaptable interface

    Position paper on realizing smart products: challenges for Semantic Web technologies

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    In the rapidly developing space of novel technologies that combine sensing and semantic technologies, research on smart products has the potential of establishing a research field in itself. In this paper, we synthesize existing work in this area in order to define and characterize smart products. We then reflect on a set of challenges that semantic technologies are likely to face in this domain. Finally, in order to initiate discussion in the workshop, we sketch an initial comparison of smart products and semantic sensor networks from the perspective of knowledge technologies

    Flexible context aware interface for ambient assisted living

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    A Multi Agent System that provides a (cared for) person, the subject, with assistance and support through an Ambient Assisted Living Flexible Interface (AALFI) during the day while complementing the night time assistance offered by NOCTURNAL with feedback assistance, is presented. It has been tailored to the subject’s requirements profile and takes into account factors associated with the time of day; hence it attempts to overcome shortcomings of current Ambient Assisted Living Systems. The subject is provided with feedback that highlights important criteria such as quality of sleep during the night and possible breeches of safety during the day. This may help the subject carry out corrective measures and/or seek further assistance. AALFI provides tailored interaction that is either visual or auditory so that the subject is able to understand the interactions and this process is driven by a Multi-Agent System. User feedback gathered from a relevant user group through a workshop validated the ideas underpinning the research, the Multi-agent system and the adaptable interface

    07462 Abstracts Collection -- Assisted Living Systems - Models, Architectures and Engineering Approaches

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    From 11.11. to 17.11.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07462 ``Assisted Living Systems - Models, Architectures and Engineering Approaches\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Multimodal Shared-Control Interaction for Mobile Robots in AAL Environments

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    This dissertation investigates the design, development and implementation of cognitively adequate, safe and robust, spatially-related, multimodal interaction between human operators and mobile robots in Ambient Assisted Living environments both from the theoretical and practical perspectives. By focusing on different aspects of the concept Interaction, the essential contribution of this dissertation is divided into three main research packages; namely, Formal Interaction, Spatial Interaction and Multimodal Interaction in AAL. As the principle package, in Formal Interaction, research effort is dedicated to developing a formal language based interaction modelling and management solution process and a unified dialogue modelling approach. This package aims to enable a robust, flexible, and context-sensitive, yet formally controllable and tractable interaction. This type of interaction can be used to support the interaction management of any complex interactive systems, including the ones covered in the other two research packages. In the second research package, Spatial Interaction, a general qualitative spatial knowledge based multi-level conceptual model is developed and proposed. The goal is to support a spatially-related interaction in human-robot collaborative navigation. With a model-based computational framework, the proposed conceptual model has been implemented and integrated into a practical interactive system which has been evaluated by empirical studies. It has been particularly tested with respect to a set of high-level and model-based conceptual strategies for resolving the frequent spatially-related communication problems in human-robot interaction. Last but not least, in Multimodal Interaction in AAL, attention is drawn to design, development and implementation of multimodal interaction for elderly persons. In this elderly-friendly scenario, ageing-related characteristics are carefully considered for an effective and efficient interaction. Moreover, a standard model based empirical framework for evaluating multimodal interaction is provided. This framework was especially applied to evaluate a minutely developed and systematically improved elderly-friendly multimodal interactive system through a series of empirical studies with groups of elderly persons

    What Characterizes Safety of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies?

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    Ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies aim at increasing an individual's safety at home by early recognizing risks or events that might otherwise harm the individual. A clear definition of safety in the context of AAL is still missing and facets of safety still have to be shaped. The objective of this paper is to characterize the facets of AAL-related safety, to identify opportunities and challenges of AAL regarding safety and to identify open research issues in this context. Papers reporting aspects of AAL-related safety were selected in a literature search. Out of 395 citations retrieved, 28 studies were included in the current review. Two main facets of safety were identified: user safety and system safety. System safety concerns an AAL system's reliability, correctness and data quality. User safety reflects impact on physical and mental health of an individual. Privacy, data safety and security issues, sensor quality and integration of sensor data, as well as technical failures of sensors and systems are reported challenges. To conclude, there is a research gap regarding methods and metrics for measuring user and system safety in the context of AAL technologies

    Combining heterogeneous inputs for the development of adaptive and multimodal interaction systems

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    In this paper we present a novel framework for the integration of visual sensor networks and speech-based interfaces. Our proposal follows the standard reference architecture in fusion systems (JDL), and combines different techniques related to Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and User Modeling to provide an enhanced interaction with their users. Firstly, the framework integrates a Cooperative Surveillance Multi-Agent System (CS-MAS), which includes several types of autonomous agents working in a coalition to track and make inferences on the positions of the targets. Secondly, enhanced conversational agents facilitate human-computer interaction by means of speech interaction. Thirdly, a statistical methodology allows modeling the user conversational behavior, which is learned from an initial corpus and improved with the knowledge acquired from the successive interactions. A technique is proposed to facilitate the multimodal fusion of these information sources and consider the result for the decision of the next system action.This work was supported in part by Projects MEyC TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS S2009/TIC-1485Publicad

    The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as a conceptual framework for the design, development and evaluation of AAL Services for older adults

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    Abstract. The paper presents the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a comprehensive model for a holistic approach for the design, development and evaluation of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services for older adults. ICF can be used to systemize the information that influence individual's performance and to characterize users, theirs contexts, activities and participation. Furthermore, ICF can be used to structure a semantic characterization of AAL services and as a basis to develop methodological instruments for the services evaluation
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