13 research outputs found

    Classification of web services using data mining algorithms and improved learning model

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    As per the global digital report, 52.9% of the world population is using the internet, and 42% of the world population is actively using e-commerce, banking, and other online applications. Web servicesare software components accessed using networked communications and provide services to end users. Software developers provide a high quality of web service. To meet the demands of user requirements, it is necessary for a developer to ensure quality architecture and quality of services. To meet the demands of user measure service quality by the ranking of web services, in this paper, we analyzed QWS datasetand found important parameters are best practices, successability, availability, response time, reliability and throughput, and compliance. We have used various data mining techniques and conductedexperiments to classify QWS data set into four categorical values as class1, 2, 3, and 4. The results are compared with various techniques random forest, artificial neural network, J48 decision tree, extremegradient boosting, K-nearest neighbor, and support vector machine. Multiple classifiers analyzed, and it was observed that the classifier technique eXtreme gradient boosting got the maximum accuracy of98.44%, and random forest got the accuracy of 98.13%. In future, we can extend the quality of web service for mixed attributes

    Enfoques emergentes de ingeniería de software aplicados a grid computing

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    Las aplicaciones para Grid computing basadas en servicios Grid, pueden beneficiarse con el empleo de algunos de los emergentes enfoques de ingeniería de software. Los servicios Web, de los cuales extienden los servicios Grid, son intensamente investigados con el objetivo de desarrollar soluciones basadas en SOA que permitan reutilizarlos, evolucionar y soportar cambios de manera automatizada. Analizamos de qué manera los nuevos enfoques de ingeniería de software se aplicaron en el campo de Grid computing y proponemos el empleo de uno de ellos en la composición de servicios Grid.Eje: ingeniería de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A Service Based Adaptive U-Learning System Using UX

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    In recent years, traditional development techniques for e-learning systems have been changing to become more convenient and efficient. One new technology in the development of application systems includes both cloud and ubiquitous computing. Cloud computing can support learning system processes by using services while ubiquitous computing can provide system operation and management via a high performance technical process and network. In the cloud computing environment, a learning service application can provide a business module or process to the user via the internet. This research focuses on providing the learning material and processes of courses by learning units using the services in a ubiquitous computing environment. And we also investigate functions that support users’ tailored materials according to their learning style. That is, we analyzed the user’s data and their characteristics in accordance with their user experience. We subsequently applied the learning process to fit on their learning performance and preferences. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed system outperforms learning effects to learners better than existing techniques

    Grid-based semantic integration of heterogeneous data resources : implementation on a HealthGrid

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    The semantic integration of geographically distributed and heterogeneous data resources still remains a key challenge in Grid infrastructures. Today's mainstream Grid technologies hold the promise to meet this challenge in a systematic manner, making data applications more scalable and manageable. The thesis conducts a thorough investigation of the problem, the state of the art, and the related technologies, and proposes an Architecture for Semantic Integration of Data Sources (ASIDS) addressing the semantic heterogeneity issue. It defines a simple mechanism for the interoperability of heterogeneous data sources in order to extract or discover information regardless of their different semantics. The constituent technologies of this architecture include Globus Toolkit (GT4) and OGSA-DAI (Open Grid Service Architecture Data Integration and Access) alongside other web services technologies such as XML (Extensive Markup Language). To show this, the ASIDS architecture was implemented and tested in a realistic setting by building an exemplar application prototype on a HealthGrid (pilot implementation). The study followed an empirical research methodology and was informed by extensive literature surveys and a critical analysis of the relevant technologies and their synergies. The two literature reviews, together with the analysis of the technology background, have provided a good overview of the current Grid and HealthGrid landscape, produced some valuable taxonomies, explored new paths by integrating technologies, and more importantly illuminated the problem and guided the research process towards a promising solution. Yet the primary contribution of this research is an approach that uses contemporary Grid technologies for integrating heterogeneous data resources that have semantically different. data fields (attributes). It has been practically demonstrated (using a prototype HealthGrid) that discovery in semantically integrated distributed data sources can be feasible by using mainstream Grid technologies, which have been shown to have some Significant advantages over non-Grid based approaches.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Automatic composition of semantic web services : an approach with asynchronous teams and genetic operators

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    Orientadores: Eleri Cardozo, Juan Manuel Adán CoelloTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A automação da composição de serviços Web é, na visão do autor, um dos problemas mais importantes da área de serviços Web. Além de outras características, destaca-se que somente a composição automática é capaz de lidar com ambientes mutáveis onde os serviços são permanentemente inseridos, removidos e modificados. Os métodos existentes para realizar a composição automática de serviços apresentam várias limitações. Alguns tratam de um número muito restrito de fluxos de controles e outros não consideram a marcação semântica dos serviços. Em adição, em muitos casos não há avaliações quantitativas do desempenho dos métodos. Desta forma, o objetivo desta tese é propor um método para realizar a composição automática de serviços Web semânticos que considera os cinco tipos básico de fluxo de controle identificados pela Workflow Management Coalition, a saber: sequencial, separação paralela, sincronização, escolha-exclusiva e união simples; bem como para o fluxo de controle em laço, considerado um fluxo do tipo estrutural. As regras que descrevem a composição entre os serviços são híbridas, baseadas em semântica e em técnicas de recuperação de informação. Os serviços são descritos em OWL-S, uma ontologia descrita em OWL que permite descrever semanticamente os atributos IOPE (parâmetros de entrada, de saída, pré-requisitos e efeitos) de um serviço, mas somente os parâmetros de entrada e saída foram levados em consideração neste trabalho. Para validar a abordagem foi implementado um protótipo que utilizou times assíncronos (A-Teams) com agentes baseados em algoritmos genéticos para realizar a composição segundo os padrões de fluxo sequencial, paralelo e sincronização. A avaliação experimental do algoritmo de composição foi realizada utilizando uma coleção de serviços Web semânticos pública composta de mais de 1000 descrições de serviços. As avaliações de desempenho, em vários cenários típicos, medidas em relação ao tempo de resposta médio e à quantidade de vezes em que a função de avaliação (função fitness) é calculada são igualmente apresentadas. Para os casos mais simples de composição, o algoritmo conseguiu reduzir o tempo de resposta em relação a uma busca cega em aproximadamente 97%. Esta redução aumenta à medida que a complexidade da composição também aumentaAbstract: The automation of the composition of Web services is, in the view of the author, one of the most important problems in the area of Web services. Beyond other characteristics, only the automatic composition can deal with a changing environment where the services are permanently inserted, removed, and modified. Existing methods performing the automatic service composition have several limitations. Some deal with a very limited number of control flow patterns, while others do not consider the semantic markup of services. In addition, in many cases there is no quantitative evaluation of the method's performance. In such a way, the objective of this thesis is to propose a method to perform the automatic composition of semantic Web services considering the five basic types of control flow identified by the Workflow Management Coalition, namely: sequential, parallel split, synchronization, exclusive choice and simple merge; and for loop control flow, classified as a structural control flow pattern. The rules that describe the composition of the service are hybrid: based in semantics and in information retrieval techniques. Services are described in OWL-S, an ontology described in OWL that allows the semantically description of the IOPE attributes (input, output, prerequisite and effect) of a service, but only the input and output parameters were taken into consideration in this work. A prototype was implemented to validate the proposed rules. An asynchronous Team (A-Team) algorithm with genetic agents was used to carry out the composition according to the sequential, parallel and synchronization control flows. The experimental evaluation of the composition algorithm employed a public collection of semantic Web services composed of more than 1000 descriptions of services. An experimental performance evaluation showed that, for simple composition cases, the algorithm reduced the average response time in approximately 97%, when compared to blind search. This reduction increases as the composition complexity increasesDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Detection of Feature Interactions in Automotive Active Safety Features

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    With the introduction of software into cars, many functions are now realized with reduced cost, weight and energy. The development of these software systems is done in a distributed manner independently by suppliers, following the traditional approach of the automotive industry, while the car maker takes care of the integration. However, the integration can lead to unexpected and unintended interactions among software systems, a phenomena regarded as feature interaction. This dissertation addresses the problem of the automatic detection of feature interactions for automotive active safety features. Active safety features control the vehicle's motion control systems independently from the driver's request, with the intention of increasing passengers' safety (e.g., by applying hard braking in the case of an identified imminent collision), but their unintended interactions could instead endanger the passengers (e.g., simultaneous throttle increase and sharp narrow steering, causing the vehicle to roll over). My method decomposes the problem into three parts: (I) creation of a definition of feature interactions based on the set of actuators and domain expert knowledge; (II) translation of automotive active safety features designed using a subset of Matlab's Stateflow into the input language of the model checker SMV; (III) analysis using model checking at design time to detect a representation of all feature interactions based on partitioning the counterexamples into equivalence classes. The key novel characteristic of my work is exploiting domain-specific information about the feature interaction problem and the structure of the model to produce a method that finds a representation of all different feature interactions for automotive active safety features at design time. My method is validated by a case study with the set of non-proprietary automotive feature design models I created. The method generates a set of counterexamples that represent the whole set of feature interactions in the case study.By showing only a set of representative feature interaction cases, the information is concise and useful for feature designers. Moreover, by generating these results from feature models designed in Matlab's Stateflow translated into SMV models, the feature designers can trace the counterexamples generated by SMV and understand the results in terms of the Stateflow model. I believe that my results and techniques will have relevance to the solution of the feature interaction problem in other cyber-physical systems, and have a direct impact in assessing the safety of automotive systems

    Towards a classification of web service feature interactions

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    Web services promise to allow businesses to adapt rapidly to changes in the business environment, and the needs of different customers. The rapid introduction of new web services into a dynamic business environment can lead to undesirable interactions that negatively impact service quality and user satisfaction. In previous work, we have shown how to model such interactions between web services as feature interactions, and reason about undesirable side-effects of web service composition. In this paper we present the results of subsequent research on a classification of feature interactions among web services. Such a classification is beneficial as we can then search for ways of detecting and resolving each class of feature interaction in a generic manner. To illustrate the interactions we use a fictitious e-commerce scenario

    Towards a classification of web service feature interactions

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    The rapid introduction of new web services into a dynamic business environment can lead to undesirable interactions that negatively affect service quality and user satisfaction. In previous work, we have demonstrated how such interactions between web services can be modeled as feature interactions. In this paper, we outline a classification of web service feature interactions. The goals of this classification are to understand the scope of the feature interaction problem in the web services domain, and to propose a benchmark against which to assess the coverage of solutions to this problem. As there is no standard set of web services that one could use as examples, we illustrate the interactions using a fictitious e-commerce scenario