24 research outputs found

    Ten years after ImageNet: a 360° perspective on artificial intelligence

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    It is 10 years since neural networks made their spectacular comeback. Prompted by this anniversary, we take a holistic perspective on artificial intelligence (AI). Supervised learning for cognitive tasks is effectively solved—provided we have enough high-quality labelled data. However, deep neural network models are not easily interpretable, and thus the debate between blackbox and whitebox modelling has come to the fore. The rise of attention networks, self-supervised learning, generative modelling and graph neural networks has widened the application space of AI. Deep learning has also propelled the return of reinforcement learning as a core building block of autonomous decision-making systems. The possible harms made possible by new AI technologies have raised socio-technical issues such as transparency, fairness and accountability. The dominance of AI by Big Tech who control talent, computing resources, and most importantly, data may lead to an extreme AI divide. Despite the recent dramatic and unexpected success in AI-driven conversational agents, progress in much-heralded flagship projects like self-driving vehicles remains elusive. Care must be taken to moderate the rhetoric surrounding the field and align engineering progress with scientific principles

    Active and passive approaches for image authentication

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    Representation Learning with Adversarial Latent Autoencoders

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    A large number of deep learning methods applied to computer vision problems require encoder-decoder maps. These methods include, but are not limited to, self-representation learning, generalization, few-shot learning, and novelty detection. Encoder-decoder maps are also useful for photo manipulation, photo editing, superresolution, etc. Encoder-decoder maps are typically learned using autoencoder networks.Traditionally, autoencoder reciprocity is achieved in the image-space using pixel-wisesimilarity loss, which has a widely known flaw of producing non-realistic reconstructions. This flaw is typical for the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) family and is not only limited to pixel-wise similarity losses, but is common to all methods relying upon the explicit maximum likelihood training paradigm, as opposed to an implicit one. Likelihood maximization, coupled with poor decoder distribution leads to poor or blurry reconstructions at best. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) on the other hand, perform an implicit maximization of the likelihood by solving a minimax game, thus bypassing the issues derived from the explicit maximization. This provides GAN architectures with remarkable generative power, enabling the generation of high-resolution images of humans, which are indistinguishable from real photos to the naked eye. However, GAN architectures lack inference capabilities, which makes them unsuitable for training encoder-decoder maps, effectively limiting their application space.We introduce an autoencoder architecture that (a) is free from the consequences ofmaximizing the likelihood directly, (b) produces reconstructions competitive in quality with state-of-the-art GAN architectures, and (c) allows learning disentangled representations, which makes it useful in a variety of problems. We show that the proposed architecture and training paradigm significantly improves the state-of-the-art in novelty and anomaly detection methods, it enables novel kinds of image manipulations, and has significant potential for other applications

    Towards Better Image Embeddings Using Neural Networks

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    The primary focus of this dissertation is to study image embeddings extracted by neural networks. Deep Learning (DL) is preferred over traditional Machine Learning (ML) for the reason that feature representations can be automatically constructed from data without human involvement. On account of the effectiveness of deep features, the last decade has witnessed unprecedented advances in Computer Vision (CV), and more real-world applications are expected to be introduced in the coming years. A diverse collection of studies has been included, covering areas such as person re-identification, vehicle attribute recognition, neural image compression, clustering and unsupervised anomaly detection. More specifically, three aspects of feature representations have been thoroughly analyzed. Firstly, features should be distinctive, i.e., features of samples from distinct categories ought to differ significantly. Extracting distinctive features is essential for image retrieval systems, in which an algorithm finds the gallery sample that is closest to a query sample. Secondly, features should be privacy-preserving, i.e., inferring sensitive information from features must be infeasible. With the widespread adoption of Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS), utilizing privacy-preserving features prevents privacy violations even if the server has been compromised. Thirdly, features should be compressible, i.e., compact features are preferable as they require less storage space. Obtaining compressible features plays a vital role in data compression. Towards the goal of deriving distinctive, privacy-preserving and compressible feature representations, research articles included in this dissertation reveal different approaches to improving image embeddings learned by neural networks. This topic remains a fundamental challenge in Machine Learning, and further research is needed to gain a deeper understanding

    Visual privacy attacks and defenses in deep learning: a survey

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    Alternating Optimization: Constrained Problems, Adversarial Networks, and Robust Models

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    Data-driven machine learning methods have achieved impressive performance for many industrial applications and academic tasks. Machine learning methods usually have two stages: training a model from large-scale samples, and inference on new samples after the model is deployed. The training of modern models relies on solving difficult optimization problems that involve nonconvex, nondifferentiable objective functions and constraints, which is sometimes slow and often requires expertise to tune hyperparameters. While inference is much faster than training, it is often not fast enough for real-time applications.We focus on machine learning problems that can be formulated as a minimax problem in training, and study alternating optimization methods served as fast, scalable, stable and automated solvers. First, we focus on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for constrained problem in classical convex and nonconvex optimization. Some popular machine learning applications including sparse and low-rank models, regularized linear models, total variation image processing, semidefinite programming, and consensus distributed computing. We propose adaptive ADMM (AADMM), which is a fully automated solver achieving fast practical convergence by adapting the only free parameter in ADMM. We further automate several variants of ADMM (relaxed ADMM, multi-block ADMM and consensus ADMM), and prove convergence rate guarantees that are widely applicable to variants of ADMM with changing parameters. We release the fast implementation for more than ten applications and validate the efficiency with several benchmark datasets for each application. Second, we focus on the minimax problem of generative adversarial networks (GAN). We apply prediction steps to stabilize stochastic alternating methods for the training of GANs, and demonstrate advantages of GAN-based losses for image processing tasks. We also propose GAN-based knowledge distillation methods to train small neural networks for inference acceleration, and empirically study the trade-off between acceleration and accuracy.Third, we present preliminary results on adversarial training for robust models. We study fast algorithms for the attack and defense for universal perturbations, and then explore network architectures to boost robustness