128 research outputs found

    Optimisation Method for Training Deep Neural Networks in Classification of Non- functional Requirements

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    Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are regarded critical to a software system's success. The majority of NFR detection and classification solutions have relied on supervised machine learning models. It is hindered by the lack of labelled data for training and necessitate a significant amount of time spent on feature engineering. In this work we explore emerging deep learning techniques to reduce the burden of feature engineering. The goal of this study is to develop an autonomous system that can classify NFRs into multiple classes based on a labelled corpus. In the first section of the thesis, we standardise the NFRs ontology and annotations to produce a corpus based on five attributes: usability, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability. In the second section, the design and implementation of four neural networks, including the artificial neural network, convolutional neural network, long short-term memory, and gated recurrent unit are examined to classify NFRs. These models, necessitate a large corpus. To overcome this limitation, we proposed a new paradigm for data augmentation. This method uses a sort and concatenates strategy to combine two phrases from the same class, resulting in a two-fold increase in data size while keeping the domain vocabulary intact. We compared our method to a baseline (no augmentation) and an existing approach Easy data augmentation (EDA) with pre-trained word embeddings. All training has been performed under two modifications to the data; augmentation on the entire data before train/validation split vs augmentation on train set only. Our findings show that as compared to EDA and baseline, NFRs classification model improved greatly, and CNN outperformed when trained using our suggested technique in the first setting. However, we saw a slight boost in the second experimental setup with just train set augmentation. As a result, we can determine that augmentation of the validation is required in order to achieve acceptable results with our proposed approach. We hope that our ideas will inspire new data augmentation techniques, whether they are generic or task specific. Furthermore, it would also be useful to implement this strategy in other languages

    Software Requirements Classification Using Word Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Software requirements classification, the practice of categorizing requirements by their type or purpose, can improve organization and transparency in the requirements engineering process and thus promote requirement fulfillment and software project completion. Requirements classification automation is a prominent area of research as automation can alleviate the tediousness of manual labeling and loosen its necessity for domain-expertise. This thesis explores the application of deep learning techniques on software requirements classification, specifically the use of word embeddings for document representation when training a convolutional neural network (CNN). As past research endeavors mainly utilize information retrieval and traditional machine learning techniques, we entertain the potential of deep learning on this particular task. With the support of learning libraries such as TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn and word embedding models such as word2vec and fastText, we build a Python system that trains and validates configurations of Naïve Bayes and CNN requirements classifiers. Applying our system to a suite of experiments on two well-studied requirements datasets, we recreate or establish the Naïve Bayes baselines and evaluate the impact of CNNs equipped with word embeddings trained from scratch versus word embeddings pre-trained on Big Data

    A Software Architecture Framework for Home Service Robots

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    Over the last years, home service robots have a wide range of potential applications, such as home security, patient caring, cleaning, etc. When developing robot software, one of the main challenges is to build the software architectural model. Software architecture is used throughout the software life-cycle for supporting analysis, guiding development, and acting as a roadmap for designers and implementers. Though many software architectures for robotic systems have been defined, none of them have reached all its objectives due to the great variability among systems behaviors, and still lack systematic techniques to derive the robot software architecture from its requirements model. In this paper, we present a generic architectural model for home service robots allowing for software architecture design, and preserving a continuous architectural view all along the development cycle. While avoiding the predominant decomposition problems, our approach allows for integration of the architectural components in a systematic and comprehensive way for efficient maintainability and reusability

    Formal and quantitative approach to non-functional requirements modeling and assessment in software engineering

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    In the software market place, in which functionally equivalent products compete for the same customer, Non Functional Requirements (NFRs) become more important in distinguishing between the competing products. However, in practice, NFRs receive little attention relative to Functional Requirements (FRs). This is mainly because of the nature of these requirements which poses a challenge when taking the choice of treating them earlier in the software development. NFRs are subjective, relative and they become scattered among multiple modules when they are mapped from the requirements domain to the solution space. Furthermore, NFRs can often interact, in the sense that attempts to achieve one NFR can help or hinder the achievement of other NFRs at particular software functionality. Such an interaction creates an extensive network of interdependencies and tradeoffs among NFRs which is not easy to trace or estimate. This thesis contributes towards achieving the goal of managing the attainable scope and the changes of NFRs. The thesis proposes and empirically evaluates a formal and quantitative approach to modeling and assessing NFRs. Central to such an approach is the implementation of the proposed NFRs Ontology for capturing and structuring the knowledge on the software requirements (FRs and NFRs), their refinements, and their interdependencies. In this thesis, we also propose a change management mechanism for tracing the impact of NFRs on the other constructs in the ontology and vice-versa. We provide a traceability mechanism using Datalog expressions to implement queries on the relational model-based representation for the ontology. An alternative implementation view using XML and XQuery is provided as well. In addition, we propose a novel approach for the early requirements-based effort estimation, based on NFRs Ontology. The effort estimation approach complementarily uses one standard functional size measurement model, namely COSMIC, and a linear regression techniqu

    Traceability improvement for software miniaturization

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    On the one hand, software companies try to reach the maximum number of customers, which often translate into integrating more features into their programs, leading to an increase in size, memory footprint, screen complexity, and so on. On the other hand, hand-held devices are now pervasive and their customers ask for programs similar to those they use everyday on their desktop computers. Companies are left with two options, either to develop new software for hand-held devices or perform manual refactoring to port it on hand-held devices, but both options are expensive and laborious. Software miniaturization can aid companies to port their software to hand-held devices. However, traceability is backbone of software miniaturization, without up-to-date traceability links it becomes diffi cult to recover desired artefacts for miniaturized software. Unfortunately, due to continuous changes, it is a tedious and time-consuming task to keep traceability links up-to-date. Often traceability links become outdated or completely vanish. Several traceability recovery approaches have been developed in the past. Each approach has some benefits and limitations. However, these approaches do not tell which factors can affect traceability recovery process. Our current research proposal is based on the premise that controlling potential quality factors and combining different traceability approaches can improve traceability quality for software miniaturization. In this research proposal, we introduce traceability improvement for software miniaturization (TISM) process. TISM has three sub processes, namely, traceability factor controller (TFC), hybrid traceability (HT), and software miniaturization optimization (SMO). TFC is a semi automatic process, it provides solution for factors, that can affect traceability process. TFC uses a generic format to document trace quality affecting factors. TFC results will help practitioners and researcher to improve their tool, techniques, and approaches. In the HT different traceability, recovery approaches are combined to trace functional and non-functional requirements. HT also works on improving precision and recall with the help of TFC. Finally these links have been used by SMO to identify required artefacts and optimize using scalability, performance, and portability parameters. We will conduct two case studies to aid TISM. The contributions of this research proposal can be summarised as follow: (i) traceability support for software miniaturization and optimization, (ii) a hybrid approach that combines the best of available traceability approaches to trace functional, non-functional requirements, and provides return-on-investment analysis, (iii) traceability quality factor controller that records the quality factors and provide support for avoiding or controlling them

    A Design Framework for Aggregation in a System of Digital Twins

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    Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineerin

    A review of the dynamic modeling approaches for characterizing fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs

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    Fluid flow in fractured media has been studied for decades and received considerable attention in the oil and gas industry because of the high productivity of naturally fractured reservoirs. Due to formation complexity and reservoir heterogeneity, characterizing fluid flow with an appropriate reservoir model presents a challenging task that differs relatively from homogeneous conventional reservoirs in many aspects of view, including geological, petrophysical, production, and economics. In most fractured reservoirs, fracture networks create complex pathways that affect hydrocarbon flow, well performance, hence reservoir characterization. A better and comprehensive understanding of the available reservoir modeling approaches is much needed to accurately characterize fluid flow behavior in NFRs. Therefore, in this paper, a perspective review of the available modeling approaches was presented for fluid flow characterization in naturally fractured medium. Modeling methods were evaluated in terms of their description, application, advantages, and disadvantages. This study has also included the applications of these reservoir models in fluid flow characterizing studies and governing equations for fluid flow. Dual continuum models were proved to be better than single continuum models in the presence of large scale fractures. In comparison, discrete models were more appropriate for reservoirs that contain a smaller number of fractures. However, hybrid modeling was the best method to provide accurate and scalable fluid flow modeling. It is our understanding that this paper will bridge the gap between the fundamental understanding and application of NFRs modeling approaches and serve as a useful reference for engineers and researchers for present and future applications