10 research outputs found

    Assessing the Usability of a Visual Tool for the definition of E-learning Processes

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    In this paper, we present a usability study aiming at assessing a visual language-based tool for developing adaptive e-learning processes. The tool implements the adaptive self-consistent learning object SET (ASCLO-S) visual language, a special case of flow diagrams, to be used by instructional designers to define classes of learners through stereotypes and to specify the more suited adaptive learning process for each class of learners. The usability study is based on the combined use of two techniques: a questionnaire-based survey and an empirical analysis. The survey has been used to achieve feedbacks from the subjects' point of view. In particular, it has been useful to capture the perceived usability of the subjects. The outcomes show that both the proposed visual notation and the system prototype are suitable for instructional designers with or without experience on the computer usage and on tools for defining e-learning processes. This result is further confirmed by the empirical analysis we carried out by analysing the correlation between the effort to develop adaptive e-learning processes and some measures suitable defined for those processes. Indeed, the empirical analysis revealed that the effort required to model e-learning processes is not influenced by the experience of the instructional designer with the use of e-learning tools, but it only depends on the size of the developed process

    Can They Use It? Studying the Usability of the Canvas Learning Management System at Bowling Green State University

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    Students’ use of the Canvas learning management system (LMS) as implemented by Bowling Green State University (BGSU) is a substantial part of their learning experience. A well designed and easy to use LMS not only allows students to be more efficient, it allows students to engage effectively with their coursework. Students’ ability to effectively use the LMS is examined to understand whether the system is usable, and if not, what changes should be made. Research included two distinct elements. First, students were asked to complete nine tasks identified as common tasks within Canvas, while being timed. Additionally, students responded to the System Usability Scale questionnaire to provide a usability score. Students’ results were then analyzed to see if they could be explained by training, class standing, or number of semesters at BGSU. Second, the processes to complete these nine tasks were diagrammed using Business Process Model Notation (BPMN). These diagrams were then analyzed to look for ways these processes could be improved. The results cannot explain students’ ability to use Canvas based on whether they received training, their class standing, or how many semesters they have been at BGSU. Further, students scored the system well using the system usability scale (SUS), completed tasks at high completion rates, and felt that the tasks were easy. Lastly, analysis of the BPMN diagrams suggests that the processes are not overly complex. Overall, these findings suggest that BGSU’s Canvas is highly usable, but does have some room for improvement. Minor issues should be corrected and training opportunities should be provided that would benefit the students at BGSU

    Avaluant la usabilitat dels entorns d’aprenentatge des de la perspectiva de l’alumnat

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    En el camp de l’educació s’utilitzen sistemes de gestió de l’aprenentatge per oferir a estudiants i professors una plataforma en la qual poder-se comunicar, gestionar recursos i activitats i fer un seguiment sobre el procés d’aprenentatge. Diversos estudis posen en rellevància la importància d’oferir una bona experiència i usabilitat en aquestes plataformes per tal de proporcionar un entorn d’aprenentatge eficaç i millorar l’experiència educativa. Tanmateix, aquest fet es planteja com un repte, ja que es tracta de sistemes molt flexibles i encara no s’ha aconseguit una cultura generalitzada sobre la usabilitat en els entorns d’aprenentatge. Per aquest motiu aquest estudi busca comprendre de manera qualitativa la perspectiva dels estudiants en relació amb la seva experiència en l’ús de sistemes de gestió de l’aprenentatge a partir del cas d’ús d’Atenea, l’entorn d’aprenentatge de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Per a realitzar la investigació s’ha dut a terme una enquesta i un grup de discussió amb estudiants de tercer curs de la UPC. Els resultats indiquen que la interfície actual ofereix funcionalitats que no s’utilitzen i que no es perceben de valor pels usuaris. També s’exposa que seria necessari unificar l’ús de la plataforma per tal de millorar la consistència entre les diferents assignatures. Finalment, es posa en manifest la necessitat d’incorporar professionals en l’àmbit del disseny d’interfícies en el sector educatiu per tal de seguir investigant en aquest camp i assegurar la usabilitat dels entorns d’aprenentatge

    E-Learning. A study of students’ attitudes and learning outcome when using blended learning with integration of multimedia instructions

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    The advent of new technologies has provided opportunities and challenges for education institutions to seek more effective ways of teaching and learning. Elearning is now an established phenomenon in education and institutions are increasing their effort to offer greater flexibility, more personalized learning, and greater learner satisfaction. Consequently blended learning has emerged as a delivery method that addresses the face-to-face advantages of a traditional classroom and the time efficiency and location convenience of an online teaching and learning environment. The opportunities of flexibility and convenience are not evident in a classroom environment. However the face-to-face interactions provide the foundation for social communication which can be critical to online learning. Educators who are comfortable with traditional classroom delivery will meet learners’ enhanced demands for flexibility through online presence for courses. As educators are generally time-pore, and with little clear direction, research can give them valuable insights into advantaged and disadvantaged of various teaching and learning formats. This thesis examines students’ attitudes when using blended learning with integration of multimedia instructions. It identifies aspects around cognitive learning outcome and provides insight into students’ experiences and their overall satisfaction with this instructional design. The main objective with this initiative is to sustain the evolution from traditional teaching to active learning and to better integrate the increasing number of educational resources online. In particular this study includes aspects about students’ attitudes towards using a blended learning format, learning theories, the instructional principles of multimedia production, and identification of optimal ways to use e-learning. This thesis contributes to the field of e-learning by three main contributions (A1-A3): A1: A contribution utilizing blended learning with integration of multimedia instructions. The quality of the blended learning format is discussed on the basis of the attitudes and experiences from the adult participants. The contribution outlines characteristics about good properties of multimedia instructions to supplement traditional classroom teaching. The content of A1 constitutes a paper that is submitted for journal publication. A2: A model for testing the cognitive learning outcome using a blended learning format with two different teaching treatments. A2 constituted the main part of a conference proceedings paper. The study further contributes in a book with the title: Cases on managing e-learning: Development and implementation. Will be released in 2012. A3: This contribution outlines a blended learning course design for postgraduate dental students with emphasis on flexibility and location convenience. The course was redesigned from a former traditional course format. The content of A3 constitutes a paper that is submitted for journal publication. The research makes a contribution in the exploration of the advantages and disadvantaged of utilizing blended learning. The research methods comprise both quantitative and qualitative investigation approaches. The empirical data for this thesis were collected through 149 participating students and 13 semi-structured interviews. The thesis supports the view of increased favorable ways of teaching and learning when using new online technologies. However no evidence for increased cognitive learning outcome was identified. Nonetheless the blended learning format with integration of multimedia instructions holds an experienced potential for improved quality of teaching and learning in terms of enhanced satisfaction among learners. The main findings. The thesis contributes to the field of e-learning by the following main contributions. First, an identification of educational key issues favourable to a blended learning format with integration of multimedia instructions; second, identification of factors to produce high quality multimedia instructions; third, the design of a test procedure to conduct measurements on cognitive learning outcome based on a basic retention level and a more advanced transfer level; forth, suggestions how to improve the influence of the internet media for future postgraduate dental educational programs

    Human Computer Interaction and Web-Based Learning Platforms: e-Learning Website Features vis-à-vis Student Perception

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    The utilisation of web-based e-learning platforms is increasing throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The majority of these platforms were developed initially by institutions in the West; only later were menus and icons translated into Arabic to assist Arabic-speaking students. Users have observed that during the development, adaptation, and implementation (adoption) stages, insufficient attention was directed toward usability. Within the industry it is common practice to apply Nielsen’ heuristics, as a measure of usability, to designs intended for business or commercial uses, these heuristics are considered a standard measure. This study focuses on the application of Nielsen’s heuristics to web based learning platforms to evaluate usability. The aim is to understand and evaluate the usability of these applications from the perspective of students and to compare and contrast these with the findings of a Heuristic evaluation of these platforms by groups of professionals. The study includes the development of a usability guideline framework and an extensive set of criteria to be applied to evaluate web based learning platforms (WBLP). The analysis of the data collected and applying the heuristic evaluation of experts demonstrate that a high correspondence with previous sources. The research concludes that a heuristic evaluation, based on Nielsen’s model, is an effective, appropriate and sufficient usability evaluation method, as well as a relatively easy tool. It also identified a high percentage of usability problems in the target WBLP, Arabic version of Blackboard, which contributes to part of research conclusions

    Recerca i tecnologia en enginyeria gràfica i disseny a la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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    Els temps canvien cada vegada més ràpidament, i a la universitat això encara es nota més. L’històric departament d‘Expressió Gràfica a l’Enginyeria (EGE) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, garant d’una docència de Grau, Màster i Doctorat de qualitat i adaptada a les necessitats de la societat, emprèn l’any 2020 amb una proposta de canvi de nom per adaptar-se al nous coneixements que estan esdevenint la seva matèria principal, al voltant de l’enginyeria gràfica i el disseny. Les àrees de recerca del centenar de professors que formen el departament són àmplies i variades, i sempre en col·laboració en diversos grups tant de la pròpia UPC com d’altres universitats. Una recerca avançada, de caràcter pluridisciplinari, on s'apliquen creativitat i innovació com a eines de coneixement, implicats en un territori ampli, i situats als diferents campus de la UPC. En els capítols d’aquest llibre podeu veure una petita mostra d’aquesta recerca tecnològica en camps ben variats.Postprint (published version

    Usability evaluation of a web-based e-learning application: a study of two evaluation methods

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    Despite widespread use of web-based e-learning applications, insufficient attention is paid to their usability. There is a need to conduct evaluation using one or more of the various usability evaluation methods. Given that heuristic evaluation is known to be easy to use and cost effective, this study investigates the extent to which it can identify usability problems in a web-based e-learning application at a tertiary institution. In a comparative case study, heuristic evaluation by experts and survey evaluation among end users (learners) are conducted and the results of the two compared. Following literature studies in e-learning - particularly web-based learning - and usability, the researcher generates an extensive set of criteria/heuristics and uses it in the two evaluations. The object of evaluation is a website for a 3rd year Information Systems course. The findings indicate a high correspondence between the results of the two evaluations, demonstrating that heuristic evaluation is an appropriate, effective and sufficient usability evaluation method, as well as relatively easy to conduct. It identified a high percentage of usability problems.ComputingM.Sc. (Information Systems

    An evaluation framework for virtual reality safety training systems in the South African Mining Industry

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    The mining industry in South Africa contributes significantly to the national economy. Despite stringent safety legislation, mining accidents cause numerous fatalities and injuries. Inadequate or insufficient training is often cited as a root cause of accidents. Conventional class-based safety training has not reduced the incidence of accidents significantly. By contrast, virtual reality training tools can provide simulated exposure to real-world working conditions without the associated risks. This study describes the application of design-based research (DBR) in the design and development of two desktop virtual reality (VR) systems for safety training in the South African mining industry. The results of a usability context analysis were applied in the design of a VR prototype on generic hazards recognition and rectification, which was used and evaluated at South Africa‘s largest platinum mine site. A case study was conducted to investigate the causes and occurrences of falls of ground, which resulted in the design and development of a second VR prototype focusing on identifying and addressing underground geological conditions. DBR was also used in the generation of an evaluation framework for evaluating VR training systems, namely the Desktop VR Evaluation Framework (DEVREF), which is the major deliverable of the research. DEVREF can make a major contribution to the domain of e-training in mines and is transferable and customisable beyond its initial application. The process flow of the research thus moved beyond merely providing a solution to a complex real-world problem and became a classic DBR study with dual outcomes, namely a practical real-world solution in the form of two VR training systems and a theoretical contribution in the form of the DEVREF evaluation framework. DEVREF evaluates the design of desktop VR training systems in the categories of instructional design, usability, VR systems design, and context-specific criteria for mining. The use of DEVREF is demonstrated by reporting the application of its criteria in evaluating the two VR training systems. Heuristic evaluation, end-user surveys, and interviews were used as evaluation methods. A third contribution is methodological, in that this work proposes a new DBR process model and an interaction design lifecycle model suitable for VR training systems.ComputingD. Phil. (Information Systems

    Aprendizaje informal y nuevas tecnologías: análisis y medición del constructo de interactividad en contextos de exposición del patrimonio

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leida en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Básica. Fecha de lectura: 3 de marzo de 201