1,038 research outputs found

    Code smells detection and visualization: A systematic literature review

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    Context: Code smells (CS) tend to compromise software quality and also demand more effort by developers to maintain and evolve the application throughout its life-cycle. They have long been catalogued with corresponding mitigating solutions called refactoring operations. Objective: This SLR has a twofold goal: the first is to identify the main code smells detection techniques and tools discussed in the literature, and the second is to analyze to which extent visual techniques have been applied to support the former. Method: Over 83 primary studies indexed in major scientific repositories were identified by our search string in this SLR. Then, following existing best practices for secondary studies, we applied inclusion/exclusion criteria to select the most relevant works, extract their features and classify them. Results: We found that the most commonly used approaches to code smells detection are search-based (30.1%), and metric-based (24.1%). Most of the studies (83.1%) use open-source software, with the Java language occupying the first position (77.1%). In terms of code smells, God Class (51.8%), Feature Envy (33.7%), and Long Method (26.5%) are the most covered ones. Machine learning techniques are used in 35% of the studies. Around 80% of the studies only detect code smells, without providing visualization techniques. In visualization-based approaches several methods are used, such as: city metaphors, 3D visualization techniques. Conclusions: We confirm that the detection of CS is a non trivial task, and there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of: reducing the subjectivity associated with the definition and detection of CS; increasing the diversity of detected CS and of supported programming languages; constructing and sharing oracles and datasets to facilitate the replication of CS detection and visualization techniques validation experiments.Comment: submitted to ARC

    A systematic literature review on the code smells datasets and validation mechanisms

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    The accuracy reported for code smell-detecting tools varies depending on the dataset used to evaluate the tools. Our survey of 45 existing datasets reveals that the adequacy of a dataset for detecting smells highly depends on relevant properties such as the size, severity level, project types, number of each type of smell, number of smells, and the ratio of smelly to non-smelly samples in the dataset. Most existing datasets support God Class, Long Method, and Feature Envy while six smells in Fowler and Beck's catalog are not supported by any datasets. We conclude that existing datasets suffer from imbalanced samples, lack of supporting severity level, and restriction to Java language.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, 12 tables, Accepte

    Code smells detection and visualization: A systematic literature review

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    Context: Code smells (CS) tend to compromise software quality and also demand more effort by developers to maintain and evolve the application throughout its life-cycle. They have long been cataloged with corresponding mitigating solutions called refactoring operations. Objective: This SLR has a twofold goal: the first is to identify the main code smells detection techniques and tools discussed in the literature, and the second is to analyze to which extent visual techniques have been applied to support the former. Method: Over 83 primary studies indexed in major scientific repositories were identified by our search string in this SLR. Then, following existing best practices for secondary studies, we applied inclusion/exclusion criteria to select the most relevant works, extract their features and classify them. Results: We found that the most commonly used approaches to code smells detection are search-based (30.1%), and metric-based (24.1%). Most of the studies (83.1%) use open-source software, with the Java language occupying the first position (77.1%). In terms of code smells, God Class (51.8%), Feature Envy (33.7%), and Long Method (26.5%) are the most covered ones. Machine learning techniques are used in 35% of the studies. Around 80% of the studies only detect code smells, without providing visualization techniques. In visualization-based approaches, several methods are used, such as city metaphors, 3D visualization techniques. Conclusions: We confirm that the detection of CS is a non-trivial task, and there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of: reducing the subjectivity associated with the definition and detection of CS; increasing the diversity of detected CS and of supported programming languages; constructing and sharing oracles and datasets to facilitate the replication of CS detection and visualization techniques validation experiments.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Streamlining code smells: Using collective intelligence and visualization

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    Context. Code smells are seen as major source of technical debt and, as such, should be detected and removed. Code smells have long been catalogued with corresponding mitigating solutions called refactoring operations. However, while the latter are supported in current IDEs (e.g., Eclipse), code smells detection scaffolding has still many limitations. Researchers argue that the subjectiveness of the code smells detection process is a major hindrance to mitigate the problem of smells-infected code. Objective. This thesis presents a new approach to code smells detection that we have called CrowdSmelling and the results of a validation experiment for this approach. The latter is based on supervised machine learning techniques, where the wisdom of the crowd (of software developers) is used to collectively calibrate code smells detection algorithms, thereby lessening the subjectivity issue. Method. In the context of three consecutive years of a Software Engineering course, a total “crowd” of around a hundred teams, with an average of three members each, classified the presence of 3 code smells (Long Method, God Class, and Feature Envy) in Java source code. These classifications were the basis of the oracles used for training six machine learning algorithms. Over one hundred models were generated and evaluated to determine which machine learning algorithms had the best performance in detecting each of the aforementioned code smells. Results. Good performances were obtained for God Class detection (ROC=0.896 for Naive Bayes) and Long Method detection (ROC=0.870 for AdaBoostM1), but much lower for Feature Envy (ROC=0.570 for Random Forrest). Conclusions. Obtained results suggest that Crowdsmelling is a feasible approach for the detection of code smells, but further validation experiments are required to cover more code smells and to increase external validityContexto. Os cheiros de código são a principal causa de dívida técnica (technical debt), como tal, devem ser detectados e removidos. Os cheiros de código já foram há muito tempo catalogados juntamente com as correspondentes soluções mitigadoras chamadas operações de refabricação (refactoring). No entanto, embora estas últimas sejam suportadas nas IDEs actuais (por exemplo, Eclipse), a deteção de cheiros de código têm ainda muitas limitações. Os investigadores argumentam que a subjectividade do processo de deteção de cheiros de código é um dos principais obstáculo à mitigação do problema da qualidade do código. Objectivo. Esta tese apresenta uma nova abordagem à detecção de cheiros de código, a que chamámos CrowdSmelling, e os resultados de uma experiência de validação para esta abordagem. A nossa abordagem de CrowdSmelling baseia-se em técnicas de aprendizagem automática supervisionada, onde a sabedoria da multidão (dos programadores de software) é utilizada para calibrar colectivamente algoritmos de detecção de cheiros de código, diminuindo assim a questão da subjectividade. Método. Em três anos consecutivos, no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Engenharia de Software, uma "multidão", num total de cerca de uma centena de equipas, com uma média de três membros cada, classificou a presença de 3 cheiros de código (Long Method, God Class, and Feature Envy) em código fonte Java. Estas classificações foram a base dos oráculos utilizados para o treino de seis algoritmos de aprendizagem automática. Mais de cem modelos foram gerados e avaliados para determinar quais os algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquinas com melhor desempenho na detecção de cada um dos cheiros de código acima mencionados. Resultados. Foram obtidos bons desempenhos na detecção do God Class (ROC=0,896 para Naive Bayes) e na detecção do Long Method (ROC=0,870 para AdaBoostM1), mas muito mais baixos para Feature Envy (ROC=0,570 para Random Forrest). Conclusões. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o Crowdsmelling é uma abordagem viável para a detecção de cheiros de código, mas são necessárias mais experiências de validação para cobrir mais cheiros de código e para aumentar a validade externa

    Towards automated restructuring of object oriented systems

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    The work introduces a method for diagnosing design flaws in object oriented systems, and finding meaningful refactorings to remove such flaws. The method is based on pairing up a structural pattern that is considered pathological (e.g. a code smell or anti-pattern) with a so called design context. The design context describes the design semantics associated to the pathological structure, and the desired strategic closure for that fragment. The process is tool supported and largely automated

    The State of AI Ethics Report (June 2020)

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    These past few months have been especially challenging, and the deployment of technology in ways hitherto untested at an unrivalled pace has left the internet and technology watchers aghast. Artificial intelligence has become the byword for technological progress and is being used in everything from helping us combat the COVID-19 pandemic to nudging our attention in different directions as we all spend increasingly larger amounts of time online. It has never been more important that we keep a sharp eye out on the development of this field and how it is shaping our society and interactions with each other. With this inaugural edition of the State of AI Ethics we hope to bring forward the most important developments that caught our attention at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute this past quarter. Our goal is to help you navigate this ever-evolving field swiftly and allow you and your organization to make informed decisions. This pulse-check for the state of discourse, research, and development is geared towards researchers and practitioners alike who are making decisions on behalf of their organizations in considering the societal impacts of AI-enabled solutions. We cover a wide set of areas in this report spanning Agency and Responsibility, Security and Risk, Disinformation, Jobs and Labor, the Future of AI Ethics, and more. Our staff has worked tirelessly over the past quarter surfacing signal from the noise so that you are equipped with the right tools and knowledge to confidently tread this complex yet consequential domain

    Three Research Essays on Human Behaviors in Social Media

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    Social Media (SM) has grown to be one of the most popular Internet technologies for individual users and has fostered a global community. For instance, recent statistics reveal that monthly active users of Facebook are almost 1.5 billion by Mar 2015. At the same time, 20% of internet users in the US are expected to have Twitter accounts. This figure has grown from 15.2% in 2012, and is expected to rise to 24.2% by 2018 (Twitter 2015). People like spending their time on SM to track the latest news, seek knowledge, update personal status, and connect with friends. It is possible that being exposed to others’ positive information on SM could generate darker emotions, such as envy. Extant literature suggests that envy significantly influences human behaviors and life satisfaction (Krasnova et al. 2013). This dissertation, consisting of three essays, studies the effects of SM on human behaviors. Chapter 2 investigates how others’ positive information arouses envy and influences user behaviors from different angles. Chapter 3 focuses on how espoused national cultures reshape online benign envy and impact SM usage. Chapter 4 discusses the relationship between social media and envy with textual analysis techniques. Chapter 5 provides a summary and overall conclusion to this work. Chapter 2- Envy and How it can Influence SM Use Users tend to disclose the positive side of their lives on SM. Such information can be perceived in an extremely positive light in the eyes of their connections, which could leads to envy. In the current study, we develop a theoretical framework that elaborates the mechanism through which online envy is generated and consequently influences SM usage. We specify that online users experience two types of envy: malicious and benign envy, which have distinct impacts on IS use. Specifically, malicious envy plays a mitigating role and benign envy serves as an enhancer of SM use. Our findings provide valuable implications for both academic researchers and IS practitioners. Chapter 3 – Benign Envy, Social Media, and Culture Although envy universally exits in human society, its influence on human behaviors varies by cultural contexts. As shown in chapter 2, benign envy is a more salient factor in the social media context. In the current essay, we focus on investigating how different espoused national cultural values affect this relationship between online benign envy and consequent behaviors. We also developed a benign envy and IT usage model, which integrates four espoused national cultural values. We conceptualized several main constructs and then theoretically justified the relationships between them. As expected, if people experience benign envy when using SM, they are more likely to continue their use. Moreover, different espoused national culture values work as independent and moderating variables along with the envy procedures. People who hold different levels of culture behave distinctly. The study found that people who espouse a greater level of collectivism were be more likely to compare with other peers in order to evaluate their self-social status; people who espouse higher levels of uncertainty avoidance were more likely to experience benign envy; and the relationship between perceived enhancement and use intention was stronger for individuals with higher levels of espoused masculinity. However, espoused power distance values were not significantly moderating the relationship between perceived enjoyment and intended behavior in the current context (general SM). This study provided some theoretical and practical implications. Chapter 4 – Tweet, Favorite, Status, and Envy Many social media studies have demonstrated that aggregating social information could provide valuable insight into sociological, economical, healthcare, and other critical fields. Among these studies, Twitter has been one of the most popular social platforms that researchers value. It has a greater potential for academics to observe and explore critical social behaviors, such as envy, which could lead to avoidance of using certain IT platforms, emotional depression, and even worse, suicide. With text mining techniques, massive numbers of tweets can be collected, classified, and analyzed. The envy literature has largely theorized on the motivations of envy. However, in the IS context, envy related research is very limited, and the empirical tests are confounded by limited data. In order to address these gaps, we collected envy related tweets from Twitter and classified them into the two types (benign and malicious) of envy relying on text mining techniques with sentiment analysis (positive to negative). Based on the data set, we further analyzed the patterns of online envy. Additionally, by using logistic regression, the impacts of certain social media usage behaviors were tested on differentiating online envy. Our work included both qualitative observation and quantitative analysis, along with the evaluation of regression output

    TickTock: Detecting Microphone Status in Laptops Leveraging Electromagnetic Leakage of Clock Signals

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    We are witnessing a heightened surge in remote privacy attacks on laptop computers. These attacks often exploit malware to remotely gain access to webcams and microphones in order to spy on the victim users. While webcam attacks are somewhat defended with widely available commercial webcam privacy covers, unfortunately, there are no adequate solutions to thwart the attacks on mics despite recent industry efforts. As a first step towards defending against such attacks on laptop mics, we propose TickTock, a novel mic on/off status detection system. To achieve this, TickTock externally probes the electromagnetic (EM) emanations that stem from the connectors and cables of the laptop circuitry carrying mic clock signals. This is possible because the mic clock signals are only input during the mic recording state, causing resulting emanations. We design and implement a proof-of-concept system to demonstrate TickTock's feasibility. Furthermore, we comprehensively evaluate TickTock on a total of 30 popular laptops executing a variety of applications to successfully detect mic status in 27 laptops. Of these, TickTock consistently identifies mic recording with high true positive and negative rates.Comment: 18 pages, 27 figures, ACM CCS'22 conferenc

    Technical Debt Decision-Making Framework

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    Software development companies strive to produce high-quality software. In commercial software development environments, due to resource and time constraints, software is often developed hastily which gives rise to technical debt. Technical debt refers to the consequences of taking shortcuts when developing software. These consequences include making the system difficult to maintain and defect prone. Technical debt can have financial consequences and impede feature enhancements. Identifying technical debt and deciding which debt to address is challenging given resource constraints. Project managers must decide which debt has the highest priority and is most critical to the project. This decision-making process is not standardized and sometimes differs from project to project. My research goal is to develop a framework that project managers can use in their decision-making process to prioritize technical debt based on its potential impact. To achieve this goal, we survey software practitioners, conduct literature reviews, and mine software repositories for historical data to build a framework to model the technical debt decision-making process and inform practitioners of the most critical debt items
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