475 research outputs found

    A survey of modern exogenous fault detection and diagnosis methods for swarm robotics

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    Swarm robotic systems are heavily inspired by observations of social insects. This often leads to robust-ness being viewed as an inherent property of them. However, this has been shown to not always be thecase. Because of this, fault detection and diagnosis in swarm robotic systems is of the utmost importancefor ensuring the continued operation and success of the swarm. This paper provides an overview of recentwork in the field of exogenous fault detection and diagnosis in swarm robotics, focusing on the four areaswhere research is concentrated: immune system, data modelling, and blockchain-based fault detectionmethods and local-sensing based fault diagnosis methods. Each of these areas have significant advan-tages and disadvantages which are explored in detail. Though the work presented here represents a sig-nificant advancement in the field, there are still large areas that require further research. Specifically,further research is required in testing these methods on real robotic swarms, fault diagnosis methods,and integrating fault detection, diagnosis and recovery methods in order to create robust swarms thatcan be used for non-trivial tasks

    Exogenous Fault Detection in Swarm Robotic Systems

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    Swarm robotic systems comprise many individual robots, and exhibit a degree of innate fault tolerance due to this built-in redundancy. They are robust in the sense that the complete failure of individual robots will have little detrimental effect on a swarm's overall collective behaviour. However, it has recently been shown that partially failed individuals may be harmful, and cause problems that cannot be solved by simply adding more robots to the swarm. Instead, an active approach to dealing with failed individuals is required for a swarm to continue operation in the face of partial failures. This thesis presents a novel method of exogenous fault detection that allows robots to detect the presence of faults in each other, via the comparison of expected and observed behaviour. Each robot predicts the expected behaviour of its neighbours by simulating them online in an internal replica of the real world. This expected behaviour is then compared against observations of their true behaviour, and any significant discrepancy is detected as a fault. This work represents the first step towards a distributed fault detection, diagnosis, and recovery process that would afford robot swarms a high degree of fault tolerance, and facilitate long-term autonomy

    Run-time detection of faults in autonomous mobile robots based on the comparison of simulated and real robot behaviour

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    © 2014 IEEE. This paper presents a novel approach to the run-time detection of faults in autonomous mobile robots, based on simulated predictions of real robot behaviour. We show that although simulation can be used to predict real robot behaviour, drift between simulation and reality occurs over time due to the reality gap. This necessitates periodic reinitialisation of the simulation to reduce false positives. Using a simple obstacle avoidance controller afflicted with partial motor failure, we show that selecting the length of this reinitialisation time period is non-trivial, and that there exists a trade-off between minimising drift and the ability to detect the presence of faults

    A survey of modern exogenous fault detection and diagnosis methods for swarm robotics

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    Swarm robotic systems are heavily inspired by observations of social insects. This often leads to robust-ness being viewed as an inherent property of them. However, this has been shown to not always be thecase. Because of this, fault detection and diagnosis in swarm robotic systems is of the utmost importancefor ensuring the continued operation and success of the swarm. This paper provides an overview of recentwork in the field of exogenous fault detection and diagnosis in swarm robotics, focusing on the four areaswhere research is concentrated: immune system, data modelling, and blockchain-based fault detectionmethods and local-sensing based fault diagnosis methods. Each of these areas have significant advan-tages and disadvantages which are explored in detail. Though the work presented here represents a sig-nificant advancement in the field, there are still large areas that require further research. Specifically,further research is required in testing these methods on real robotic swarms, fault diagnosis methods,and integrating fault detection, diagnosis and recovery methods in order to create robust swarms thatcan be used for non-trivial tasks

    An artificial immune system for self-healing in swarm robotic systems

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    Swarm robotics is concerned with the decentralised coordination of multiple robots having only limited communication and interaction abilities. Although fault tolerance and robustness to individual robot failures have often been used to justify the use of swarm robotic systems, recent studies have shown that swarm robotic systems are susceptible to certain types of failure. In this paper we propose an approach to self-healing swarm robotic systems and take inspiration from the process of granuloma formation, a process of containment and repair found in the immune system. We use a case study of a swarm performing team work where previous works have demonstrated that partially failed robots have the most detrimental effect on overall swarm behaviour. In response this, we have developed an immune inspired approach that permits the recovery from certain failure modes during operation of the swarm, overcoming issues that effect swarm behaviour associated with partially failed robots

    Fault Recovery in Swarm Robotics Systems using Learning Algorithms

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    When faults occur in swarm robotic systems they can have a detrimental effect on collective behaviours, to the point that failed individuals may jeopardise the swarm's ability to complete its task. Although fault tolerance is a desirable property of swarm robotic systems, fault recovery mechanisms have not yet been thoroughly explored. Individual robots may suffer a variety of faults, which will affect collective behaviours in different ways, therefore a recovery process is required that can cope with many different failure scenarios. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach for fault recovery in robot swarms that uses Reinforcement Learning and Self-Organising Maps to select the most appropriate recovery strategy for any given scenario. The learning process is evaluated in both centralised and distributed settings. Additionally, we experimentally evaluate the performance of this approach in comparison to random selection of fault recovery strategies, using simulated collective phototaxis, aggregation and foraging tasks as case studies. Our results show that this machine learning approach outperforms random selection, and allows swarm robotic systems to recover from faults that would otherwise prevent the swarm from completing its mission. This work builds upon existing research in fault detection and diagnosis in robot swarms, with the aim of creating a fully fault-tolerant swarm capable of long-term autonomy

    Towards fault diagnosis in robot swarms : An online behaviour characterisation approach

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    Although robustness has been cited as an inherent advantage of swarm robotics systems, it has been shown that this is not always the case. Fault diagnosis will be critical for future swarm robotics systems if they are to retain their advantages (robustness, flexibility and scalability). In this paper, existing work on fault detection is used as a foundation to propose a novel approach for fault diagnosis in swarms based on a behavioural feature vector approach. Initial results show that behavioural feature vectors can be used to reliably diagnose common electro-mechanical fault types in most cases tested

    Decentralized Vision-Based Byzantine Agent Detection in Multi-Robot Systems with IOTA Smart Contracts

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    Multiple opportunities lie at the intersection of multi-robot systems and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). In this work, we investigate the potential of new DLT solutions such as IOTA, for detecting anomalies and byzantine agents in multi-robot systems in a decentralized manner. Traditional blockchain approaches are not applicable to real-world networked and decentralized robotic systems where connectivity conditions are not ideal. To address this, we leverage recent advances in partition-tolerant and byzantine-tolerant collaborative decision-making processes with IOTA smart contracts. We show how our work in vision-based anomaly and change detection can be applied to detecting byzantine agents within multiple robots operating in the same environment. We show that IOTA smart contracts add a low computational overhead while allowing to build trust within the multi-robot system. The proposed approach effectively enables byzantine robot detection based on the comparison of images submitted by the different robots and detection of anomalies and changes between them