12 research outputs found

    Towards Automatic Blotch Detection for Film Restoration by Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Neighbours

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    In this paper, a new method of blotch detection for digitised film sequences is proposed. Due to the aging of film stocks, their poor storage and/or repeated viewing, it is estimated that approximately 50% of all films produced prior to 1950 have either been destroyed or rendered unwatchable [1,2]. To prevent their complete destruction, original film reels must be scanned into digital format; however, any defects such as blotches will be retained. By combining a variation of a linear time, contour tracing technique with a simple temporal nearest neighbour algorithm, a preliminary detection system has been created. Using component labelling of dirt and sparkle the overall performance of the completed system, in terms of time and accuracy, will compare favourably to traditional motion compensated detection methods. This small study (based on 13 film sequences) represents a significant first step towards automatic blotch detection

    Sur la Restauration et l'Edition de Vidéo : Détection de Rayures et Inpainting de Scènes Complexes

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    The inevitable degradation of visual content such as images and films leads to the goal ofimage and video restoration. In this thesis, we look at two specific restoration problems : the detection ofline scratches in old films and the automatic completion of videos, or video inpainting as it is also known.Line scratches are caused when the film physically rubs against a mechanical part. This origin resultsin the specific characteristics of the defect, such as verticality and temporal persistence. We propose adetection algorithm based on the statistical approach known as a contrario methods. We also proposea temporal filtering step to remove false alarms present in the first detection step. Comparisons withprevious work show improved recall and precision, and robustness with respect to the presence of noiseand clutter in the film.The second part of the thesis concerns video inpainting. We propose an algorithm based on theminimisation of a patch-based functional of the video content. In this framework, we address the followingproblems : extremely high execution times, the correct handling of textures in the video and inpaintingwith moving cameras. We also address some convergence issues in a very simplified inpainting context.La degradation inévitable des contenus visuels (images, films) conduit nécessairementà la tâche de la restauration des images et des vidéos. Dans cetre thèse, nous nous intéresserons àdeux sous-problèmes de restauration : la détection des rayures dans les vieux films, et le remplissageautomatique des vidéos (“inpainting vidéo en anglais).En général, les rayures sont dues aux frottements de la pellicule du film avec un objet lors de laprojection du film. Les origines physiques de ce défaut lui donnent des caractéristiques très particuliers.Les rayures sont des lignes plus ou moins verticales qui peuvent être blanches ou noires (ou parfois encouleur) et qui sont temporellement persistantes, c’est-à-dire qu’elles ont une position qui est continuedans le temps. Afin de détecter ces défauts, nous proposons d’abord un algorithme de détection basésur un ensemble d’approches statistiques appelées les méthodes a contrario. Cet algorithme fournitune détection précise et robuste aux bruits et aux textures présentes dans l’image. Nous proposonségalement une étape de filtrage temporel afin d’écarter les fausses alarmes de la première étape dedétection. Celle-ci améliore la précision de l’algorithme en analysant le mouvement des détections spatiales.L’ensemble de l’algorithme (détection spatiale et filtrage temporel) est comparé à des approchesde la littérature et montre un rappel et une précision grandement améliorés.La deuxième partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l’inpainting vidéo. Le but ici est de remplirune région d’une vidéo avec un contenu qui semble visuellement cohérent et convaincant. Il existeune pléthore de méthodes qui traite ce problème dans le cas des images. La littérature dans le casdes vidéos est plus restreinte, notamment car le temps d’exécution représente un véritable obstacle.Nous proposons un algorithme d’inpainting vidéo qui vise l’optimisation d’une fonctionnelle d’énergiequi intègre la notion de patchs, c’est-à-dire des petits cubes de contenu vidéo. Nous traitons d’abord leprobl’‘eme du temps d’exécution avant d’attaquer celui de l’inpainting satisfaisant des textures dans lesvidéos. Nous traitons également le cas des vidéos dont le fond est en mouvement ou qui ont été prisesavec des caméras en mouvement. Enfin, nous nous intéressons à certaines questions de convergencede l’algorithme dans des cas très simplifiés

    Fis suurendab Pseudomonas putida biofilmi hulka, tõstes lapA ekspressiooni

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneBakterid elavad looduses valdavalt biofilmis, pinnale kinnituvate bakterite kogumis. Biofilmis elamisel on bakterite jaoks mitmeid eeliseid. Biofilmis elavad bakterid on kahjulike keskkonnamõjude eest paremini kaitstud ja heades tingimustes aitab pinnale kinnitumine nendesse tingimusesse jäädagi. Biofilm ei ole kasulik mitte ainult bakteritele, vaid paljud biofilmi moodustavad bakterid on vajalikud ka taimedele. Üheks selliseks bakteriks on Pseudomonas putida, mida uurin oma doktoritöös. P. putida moodustab biofilmi taime juurtel ja kaitseb taimi, ka põllumajanduslikult olulisi kultuure, haigustekitajate eest ning soodustab nende kasvu. Käesoleva töö käigus leiti juhuslikult, et P. putida biofilmi mõjutab bakteri keskne regulaatorvalk Fis. Kui bakterid satuvad headesse tingimustesse, siis Fis-i roll on suunata nad kiirelt kasvama ja kui toitained saavad otsa, siis aeglustada kasv jälle maha. Me nägime, et liiga palju Fis-i tootvad bakterid ei suuda ringi liikuda. Sealt tekkis kahtlus, et äkki nad ei liigu sellepärast, et jäävad hoopis paigale ja moodustavad biofilmi. See teooria osutus tõeseks ja püstitas kohe järgmise küsimuse, kuidas Fis suunab bakterid biofilmi moodustama? Me leidsime, et Fis soodustab ühe väga suure kleepvalgu tootmist. See kleepvalk, LapA, on biofilmi tekkeks väga oluline, kuna võimaldab bakteritel nii pinnale kui teineteisega kleepuda. Käesolevas töös näitasime, et Fis seondub kahes kohas lapA geeni ette ja just neid kohti kasutades soodustab LapA tootmist. Lisaks kirjeldasime need kohad (promootorid), kust algab lapA mRNA tootmine. Kui tavaliselt on ühel geenil üks või kaks promootorit, siis lapA geenil on neid lausa kuus. Kokkuvõttes lõi see töö uusi teadmisi P. putida biofilmi regulatsioonist ja aitab seega paremini mõista selle kasuliku mullabakteri elu väga olulist etappi.Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkondBiofilms are the prevailing lifestyle of bacteria in most natural environments. This is because living in a biofilm gives bacteria a number of advantages. When the environment is hazardous, residing in a biofilm protects them; and when conditions are favourable, biofilm is a way to settle down and not be carried away from the good life. Biofilm is not only useful for bacteria but many biofilm-forming bacteria are also beneficial for plants. One of those beneficial bacteria is Pseudomonas putida, the focus of this thesis. P. putida forms biofilm on roots of plants, including agriculturally important crops, protecting them against disease-causing microorganisms and promoting plant growth. During this work, it was discovered that P. putida’s biofilm is regulated by the central regulator protein Fis. Fis is the regulator that starts fast growth in good conditions and when nutrients deplete, decelerates growth. We saw that bacteria producing elevated levels of Fis were unable to move around. This prompted the idea that maybe they are not moving because they are settling down and forming biofilm. This idea proved true and raised the next question, how does Fis lead the bacteria to form biofilm? We found that Fis upregulates the production of a huge adhesion protein. This protein, LapA, is a key factor for biofilm formation as it enables bacteria to stick both to surfaces and to one another. In this work, we show that Fis binds upstream of the lapA gene in two positions and utilizes these sites to boost the production of LapA. We also described the location of the promoter sites where the production of lapA mRNA is initiated. While many genes have one or two promoter, lapA has surprisingly many – six. Altogether, this work shed light onto P. putida biofilm regulation and thus helps us better understand a very important stage in this beneficial soil bacterium’s life

    Towards Automatic Blotch Detection for Film Restoration by Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Neighbours

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    In this paper, a new method of blotch detection for digitised film sequences is proposed. Due to the aging of film stocks, their poor storage and/or repeated viewing, it is estimated that approximately 50% of all films produced prior to 1950 have either been destroyed or rendered unwatchable [1,2]. To prevent their complete destruction, original film reels must be scanned into digital format; however, any defects such as blotches will be retained. By combining a variation of a linear time, contour tracing technique with a simple temporal nearest neighbour algorithm, a preliminary detection system has been created. Using component labelling of dirt and sparkle the overall performance of the completed system, in terms of time and accuracy, will compare favourably to traditional motion compensated detection methods. This small study (based on 13 film sequences) represents a significant first step towards automatic blotch detection

    Towards Automatic Blotch Detection for Film Restoration by Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Neighbours

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    In this paper, a new method of blotch detection for digitised film sequences is proposed. Due to the aging of film stocks, their poor storage and/or repeated viewing, it is estimated that approximately 50% of all films produced prior to 1950 have either been destroyed or rendered unwatchable [1,2]. To prevent their complete destruction, original film reels must be scanned into digital format; however, any defects such as blotches will be retained. By combining a variation of a linear time, contour tracing technique with a simple temporal nearest neighbour algorithm, a preliminary detection system has been created. Using component labelling of dirt and sparkle the overall performance of the completed system, in terms of time and accuracy, will compare favourably to traditional motion compensated detection methods. This small study (based on 13 film sequences) represents a significant first step towards automatic blotch detection

    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Play Among Books

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    How does coding change the way we think about architecture? Miro Roman and his AI Alice_ch3n81 develop a playful scenario in which they propose coding as the new literacy of information. They convey knowledge in the form of a project model that links the fields of architecture and information through two interwoven narrative strands in an “infinite flow” of real books

    Diversity of brain size in fishes: preliminary analysis of a database including 1174 species in 45 orders

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    Absolule and relative values of brain weight are now available for 1174 species of fishes, representing 45 taxonomic orders. The original FishBase "Brains" data was assembled by the research team of Bauchot and colleagues, to which the present report adds data for species representing several additional major taxonomic groups. This database is part of the FíshBase 97 package which provides researchers with a tool to explore lhe functional meaning of absolute and relative brain size díversily, in comparison with phylogenetic position, life history mode, locomotion, habitat, and other behavioral parameters. Several results are provided as an example of the use of these data. Galeomorph sharks and batoid rays possess the largest brains among fishes. and elongate forms with anguilliform locomotion (e.g.. hagfishes. lampreys, lrue eels, carapids, zoarcids) possess the smallest relative brain sizes. Among teleost fishes, Osteoglossomorphs possess the largest relative brain sizes. Brain size correlations with oxygen consumption suggest that larger brains consume proportionately more oxygen, or that active fish with higher metabolic rates have larger brain