35 research outputs found

    Enhancing the performance of malleable MPI applications by using performance-aware dynamic reconfiguration

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    The work in this paper focuses on providing malleability to MPI applications by using a novel performance-aware dynamic reconfiguration technique. This paper describes the design and implementation of Flex-MPI, an MPI library extension which can automatically monitor and predict the performance of applications, balance and redistribute the workload, and reconfigure the application at runtime by changing the number of processes. Unlike existent approaches, our reconfiguring policy is guided by user-defined performance criteria. We focus on iterative SPMD programs, a class of applications with critical mass within the scientific community. Extensive experiments show that Flex-MPI can improve the performance, parallel efficiency, and cost-efficiency of MPI programs with a minimal effort from the programmer.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project TIN2013- 41350-P, Scalable Data Management Techniques for High-End Computing Systems, and EU under the COST Program Action IC1305, Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Distributed Computing Environment

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    In this paper we present the Virtual Distributed Computing Environment (VDCE), a metacomputing environment currently being developed at Syracuse University. VDCE provides an efficient web-based approach for developing, evaluating and visualizing large-scale distributed applications that are based on predefined task libraries on diverse platforms. The VDCE task libraries relieve end-users of tedious task implementations and also support reusability. The VDCE software architecture is described in terms of three modules: a) the Application Editor, a user-friendly application development environment that generates the Application Flow Graph (AFG) of an application; b) the Application Scheduler, which provides an efficient task-to-resource mapping of AFG; and c) the VDCE Runtime System, which is responsible for running and managing application execution and for monitoring the VDCE resources. We present experimental results of an application execution on the VDCE prototype for evaluating the performance of different machine and network configurations. We also show how VDCE can be used as a problem-solving environment on which large-scale, network-centric applications can be developed by a novice programmer rather than by an expert in low-level details of parallel programming languages

    Water and Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support, 1997-2007, Volume 1

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    The Independent Evaluation Group at the World Bank has evaluated a decade of the Bank's water lending and grants in terms of overall shifts in the water portfolio and project performance, as well as successes and failures in addressing water resource management, environment, water use and service delivery, and institutions and water. The Bank increased its lending for water during the period and has generally seen improvements in project performance; however, IWRM has made limited progress in client countries, environmental restoration has been underemphasized by the Bank, sanitation needs much greater attention, and support for institutional reform and capacity building has had limited success

    Monitorable network and CPU load statistics and their application to scheduling

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    Recent trends in high-speed computing have moved towards the use of networks of workstations as a cost-effective approach to parallel computing. One recently proposed solution involves the use of an existing network of workstation-class computers as a single multiprocessor, and much research is ongoing in this area;This dissertation describes work in the area of process scheduling on networks of workstations, specifically in the area of load analysis. After presenting extensive background in the field, measures of CPU and network load are defined, and a test parallel application program presented, written for a network-multiprocessing software package called PVM. A series of experiments is then detailed, whose goal was to discover the relationship between the run time of the test application and the loads on the participating workstations and networks. The experiments include measurement of CPU loading and network loading, both during test application runs, during artificially elevated loads, and during quiet conditions. Results of the experiments are presented, and the applications of the results to the problem of task scheduling examined. It is then claimed that several easily measured load measures are useful to task scheduling, by allowing run time to be predicted within a margin of error, and allowing limiting network segments to be detected and avoided

    Estudo sobre processamento maciçamente paralelo na internet

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    Orientador: Marco Aurélio Amaral HenriquesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho estuda a possibilidade de aproveitar o poder de processamento agregado dos computadores conectados pela Internet para resolver problemas de grande porte. O trabalho apresenta um estudo do problema tanto do ponto de vista teórico quanto prático. Desde o ponto de vista teórico estudam-se as características das aplicações paralelas que podem tirar proveito de um ambiente computacional com um grande número de computadores heterogêneos fracamente acoplados. Desde o ponto de vista prático estudam-se os problemas fundamentais a serem resolvidos para se construir um computador paralelo virtual com estas características e propõem-se soluções para alguns dos mais importantes como balanceamento de carga e tolerância a falhas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que é possível construir um computador paralelo virtual robusto, escalável e tolerante a falhas e obter bons resultados na execução de aplicações com alta razão computação/comunicaçãoAbstract: This thesis explores the possibility of using the aggregated processing power of computers connected by the Internet to solve large problems. The issue is studied both from the theoretical and practical point of views. From the theoretical perspective this work studies the characteristics that parallel applications should have to be able to exploit an environment with a large, weakly connected set of computers. From the practical perspective the thesis indicates the fundamental problems to be solved in order to construct a large parallel virtual computer, and proposes solutions to some of the most important of them, such as load balancing and fault tolerance. The results obtained so far indicate that it is possible to construct a robust, scalable and fault tolerant parallel virtual computer and use it to execute applications with high computing/communication ratioDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    SETI science working group report

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    This report covers the initial activities and deliberations of a continuing working group asked to assist the SETI Program Office at NASA. Seven chapters present the group's consensus on objectives, strategies, and plans for instrumental R&D and for a microwave search for extraterrestrial in intelligence (SETI) projected for the end of this decade. Thirteen appendixes reflect the views of their individual authors. Included are discussions of the 8-million-channel spectrum analyzer architecture and the proof-of-concept device under development; signal detection, recognition, and identification on-line in the presence of noise and radio interference; the 1-10 GHz sky survey and the 1-3 GHz targeted search envisaged; and the mutual interests of SETI and radio astronomy. The report ends with a selective, annotated SETI reading list of pro and contra SETI publications

    Autonomous grid scheduling using probabilistic job runtime scheduling

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    Computational Grids are evolving into a global, service-oriented architecture – a universal platform for delivering future computational services to a range of applications of varying complexity and resource requirements. The thesis focuses on developing a new scheduling model for general-purpose, utility clusters based on the concept of user requested job completion deadlines. In such a system, a user would be able to request each job to finish by a certain deadline, and possibly to a certain monetary cost. Implementing deadline scheduling is dependent on the ability to predict the execution time of each queued job, and on an adaptive scheduling algorithm able to use those predictions to maximise deadline adherence. The thesis proposes novel solutions to these two problems and documents their implementation in a largely autonomous and self-managing way. The starting point of the work is an extensive analysis of a representative Grid workload revealing consistent workflow patterns, usage cycles and correlations between the execution times of jobs and its properties commonly collected by the Grid middleware for accounting purposes. An automated approach is proposed to identify these dependencies and use them to partition the highly variable workload into subsets of more consistent and predictable behaviour. A range of time-series forecasting models, applied in this context for the first time, were used to model the job execution times as a function of their historical behaviour and associated properties. Based on the resulting predictions of job runtimes a novel scheduling algorithm is able to estimate the latest job start time necessary to meet the requested deadline and sort the queue accordingly to minimise the amount of deadline overrun. The testing of the proposed approach was done using the actual job trace collected from a production Grid facility. The best performing execution time predictor (the auto-regressive moving average method) coupled to workload partitioning based on three simultaneous job properties returned the median absolute percentage error centroid of only 4.75%. This level of prediction accuracy enabled the proposed deadline scheduling method to reduce the average deadline overrun time ten-fold compared to the benchmark batch scheduler. Overall, the thesis demonstrates that deadline scheduling of computational jobs on the Grid is achievable using statistical forecasting of job execution times based on historical information. The proposed approach is easily implementable, substantially self-managing and better matched to the human workflow making it well suited for implementation in the utility Grids of the future

    HPCCP/CAS Workshop Proceedings 1998

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    This publication is a collection of extended abstracts of presentations given at the HPCCP/CAS (High Performance Computing and Communications Program/Computational Aerosciences Project) Workshop held on August 24-26, 1998, at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. The objective of the Workshop was to bring together the aerospace high performance computing community, consisting of airframe and propulsion companies, independent software vendors, university researchers, and government scientists and engineers. The Workshop was sponsored by the HPCCP Office at NASA Ames Research Center. The Workshop consisted of over 40 presentations, including an overview of NASA's High Performance Computing and Communications Program and the Computational Aerosciences Project; ten sessions of papers representative of the high performance computing research conducted within the Program by the aerospace industry, academia, NASA, and other government laboratories; two panel sessions; and a special presentation by Mr. James Bailey

    A Process Model for the Integrated Reasoning about Quantitative IT Infrastructure Attributes

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    IT infrastructures can be quantitatively described by attributes, like performance or energy efficiency. Ever-changing user demands and economic attempts require varying short-term and long-term decisions regarding the alignment of an IT infrastructure and particularly its attributes to this dynamic surrounding. Potentially conflicting attribute goals and the central role of IT infrastructures presuppose decision making based upon reasoning, the process of forming inferences from facts or premises. The focus on specific IT infrastructure parts or a fixed (small) attribute set disqualify existing reasoning approaches for this intent, as they neither cover the (complex) interplay of all IT infrastructure components simultaneously, nor do they address inter- and intra-attribute correlations sufficiently. This thesis presents a process model for the integrated reasoning about quantitative IT infrastructure attributes. The process model’s main idea is to formalize the compilation of an individual reasoning function, a mathematical mapping of parametric influencing factors and modifications on an attribute vector. Compilation bases upon model integration to benefit from the multitude of existing specialized, elaborated, and well-established attribute models. The achieved reasoning function consumes an individual tuple of IT infrastructure components, attributes, and external influencing factors to expose a broad applicability. The process model formalizes a reasoning intent in three phases. First, reasoning goals and parameters are collected in a reasoning suite, and formalized in a reasoning function skeleton. Second, the skeleton is iteratively refined, guided by the reasoning suite. Third, the achieved reasoning function is employed for What-if analyses, optimization, or descriptive statistics to conduct the concrete reasoning. The process model provides five template classes that collectively formalize all phases in order to foster reproducibility and to reduce error-proneness. Process model validation is threefold. A controlled experiment reasons about a Raspberry Pi cluster’s performance and energy efficiency to illustrate feasibility. Besides, a requirements analysis on a world-class supercomputer and on the European-wide execution of hydro meteorology simulations as well as a related work examination disclose the process model’s level of innovation. Potential future work employs prepared automation capabilities, integrates human factors, and uses reasoning results for the automatic generation of modification recommendations.IT-Infrastrukturen können mit Attributen, wie Leistung und Energieeffizienz, quantitativ beschrieben werden. Nutzungsbedarfsänderungen und ökonomische Bestrebungen erfordern Kurz- und Langfristentscheidungen zur Anpassung einer IT-Infrastruktur und insbesondere ihre Attribute an dieses dynamische Umfeld. Potentielle Attribut-Zielkonflikte sowie die zentrale Rolle von IT-Infrastrukturen erfordern eine Entscheidungsfindung mittels Reasoning, einem Prozess, der Rückschlüsse (rein) aus Fakten und Prämissen zieht. Die Fokussierung auf spezifische Teile einer IT-Infrastruktur sowie die Beschränkung auf (sehr) wenige Attribute disqualifizieren bestehende Reasoning-Ansätze für dieses Vorhaben, da sie weder das komplexe Zusammenspiel von IT-Infrastruktur-Komponenten, noch Abhängigkeiten zwischen und innerhalb einzelner Attribute ausreichend berücksichtigen können. Diese Arbeit präsentiert ein Prozessmodell für das integrierte Reasoning über quantitative IT-Infrastruktur-Attribute. Die grundlegende Idee des Prozessmodells ist die Herleitung einer individuellen Reasoning-Funktion, einer mathematischen Abbildung von Einfluss- und Modifikationsparametern auf einen Attributvektor. Die Herleitung basiert auf der Integration bestehender (Attribut-)Modelle, um von deren Spezialisierung, Reife und Verbreitung profitieren zu können. Die erzielte Reasoning-Funktion verarbeitet ein individuelles Tupel aus IT-Infrastruktur-Komponenten, Attributen und externen Einflussfaktoren, um eine breite Anwendbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Das Prozessmodell formalisiert ein Reasoning-Vorhaben in drei Phasen. Zunächst werden die Reasoning-Ziele und -Parameter in einer Reasoning-Suite gesammelt und in einem Reasoning-Funktions-Gerüst formalisiert. Anschließend wird das Gerüst entsprechend den Vorgaben der Reasoning-Suite iterativ verfeinert. Abschließend wird die hergeleitete Reasoning-Funktion verwendet, um mittels “What-if”–Analysen, Optimierungsverfahren oder deskriptiver Statistik das Reasoning durchzuführen. Das Prozessmodell enthält fünf Template-Klassen, die den Prozess formalisieren, um Reproduzierbarkeit zu gewährleisten und Fehleranfälligkeit zu reduzieren. Das Prozessmodell wird auf drei Arten validiert. Ein kontrolliertes Experiment zeigt die Durchführbarkeit des Prozessmodells anhand des Reasonings zur Leistung und Energieeffizienz eines Raspberry Pi Clusters. Eine Anforderungsanalyse an einem Superrechner und an der europaweiten Ausführung von Hydro-Meteorologie-Modellen erläutert gemeinsam mit der Betrachtung verwandter Arbeiten den Innovationsgrad des Prozessmodells. Potentielle Erweiterungen nutzen die vorbereiteten Automatisierungsansätze, integrieren menschliche Faktoren, und generieren Modifikationsempfehlungen basierend auf Reasoning-Ergebnissen

    System data communication structures for active-control transport aircraft, volume 2

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    The application of communication structures to advanced transport aircraft are addressed. First, a set of avionic functional requirements is established, and a baseline set of avionics equipment is defined that will meet the requirements. Three alternative configurations for this equipment are then identified that represent the evolution toward more dispersed systems. Candidate communication structures are proposed for each system configuration, and these are compared using trade off analyses; these analyses emphasize reliability but also address complexity. Multiplex buses are recognized as the likely near term choice with mesh networks being desirable for advanced, highly dispersed systems