198 research outputs found

    Applications Exploiting e-Infrastructures Across Europe and India Within the EU-IndiaGrid Project

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    In the last few years e-Infrastructures across Europe and India faced remarkable developments. Both national and international connectivity improved considerably and Grid Computing also profited of significant developments. As a consequence scientific applications were in the position of taking substantial benefits from this progress. The most relevant cases are represented by High Energy Physics (with the contribution to the program of Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva) and Nano Science (exploiting NKN-TEIN3-GEANT interconnection for crystallography experiments with the remote access & control of experimental facility at the ESRF Synchrotron based in Grenoble, France directly from Mumbai, India). Other relevant application areas include Climate Change research, Biology, and several areas in Material Science. Within this framework, in the last five years period two specific EU funded projects (the EU-IndiaGrid and EU-IndiaGrid2) played a bridging role supporting several applications that exploited these advanced e-Infrastructures for the benefit of Euro-India common research programs. A crucial important part in the projects activity was the support offered to selected applications which ranges from the training the user communities behind up to the porting of their scientific applications on the grid computing infrastructure. This article aims to present and review the main e Infrastructures development in India and their full exploitation by scientific applications with a focus on the role played by the EUIndiaGrid and EU-IndiaGrid2 projects

    An adaptive internet management model for higher education institutions in South Africa

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    It has become standard practice at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for their Internet management and relevant Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources, specifically Internet resources, to be continuously investigated by HEI Management as well as by their users. The reason is that the Internet has become the foundation on which most ICT and business resources function and therefore is labelled as a distinctive competency for the HEI. HEIs, however, have limited ICT Internet resources and are expected to use these resources optimally, to ensure efficient and effective Internet connectivity on all campuses and to all users and systems. The management of Internet resources at South African Higher Education Institutions (SA HEIs) are the focus of this thesis. The primary purpose therefore, is to provide a proposed adaptive Internet Management Model for HEIs which will assist them to achieve prime value from their Internet management resources. This was realised by firstly; identifying the current Internet Management Business Models of the SA HEI landscape; secondly, determining what the Internet users of the Nelson Mandela University, a South African Higher Education Institute situated in the Eastern and Western Cape area in South Africa, were using the Internet for; thirdly, comparing these findings to the actual Nelson Mandela University Firewall data and lastly, using the combined findings to draw conclusions and create a proposed adaptive Internet Management Model for HEIs. This can assist the HEI ICT Management team to realign the Internet resources to match the current business and customer requirements. This thesis is an exploratory, mixed method study which consists of literature studies, surveys and cross sectional studies. The literature studies were conducted on secondary sources to identify the national and international governance structures that influence Internet management. The empirical study which consisted of two surveys was compiled from existing surveys as well as from literature studies and was completed by its respective respondent groups. The first survey was used to gain insight into what was considered the standard Internet Management Business Model at HEIs in South Africa. The second survey was used to gain insight how the Internet was being used at Nelson Mandela University by staff and students. Lastly, an extract of the Nelson Mandela University Firewall data were gathered and used to confirm or deny results from the previous survey. The findings of the first survey, HEI Internet Management Survey (HEIIMS), confirmed that the Internet and its relevant resources are extremely important to all HEIs. The HEIs Internet Management Business Models are to a large extent aligned with the National Research an Education Networks (NRENs) business models with some adjustments. The HEIs indicated that they cater for a large Internet community but do not differentiate between them. The findings do, however, specify that some differentiation does take place. The HEI Internet is provided to the Internet community at no cost and is funded by Council funds. The requirements of staff and students are mostly similar with some priority differences to key content needs. The Internet resources of the HEIs are very much aligned to support the physical infrastructure of the Internet. HEIs consider the NRENs to be key partners and suppliers with additional local suppliers used as secondary support. The second survey, Nelson Mandela University Internet Usage Survey (NMUIUS), indicated that there was a wide gap between how the Internet was used by the staff and students. The findings indicated that staff tend to be more aware of the policies and surrounding practices while students appeared somewhat unaware. The staff and students have different needs for the Internet and these needs also change slightly according to the time of day and day of the week. Regarding content access (including Firewall data), some of the users said Internet practices were true whilst others were false. The majority of those giving a false opinion said that said Internet practices were focused on activities linked to cyberloafing content. In addition, they stated that these activities were undersold, meaning that they said that they access the Internet content rarely while the Firewall data indicated that it was frequently being accessed and by many users. It was clear that the staff received a pleasant Nelson Mandela University Internet experience while the students received a slightly degraded Internet experience. The study concluded with the development of a proposed adaptive Internet Management Model for HEIs and recommendations and considerations on how to improve the current Nelson Mandela University Internet management strategy. This thesis makes a contribution towards the body of knowledge by identifying and discussing current national and international Internet Governance (IG) practices. It continues by identifying the current SA NRENs and their business models which overflow into the HEI landscape. This is followed by an investigation into the various HEI Internet Management Business Models, current usage of the Nelson Mandela University Internet and patterns of use and Nelson Mandela University Firewall data. The thesis will therefore assist readers to understand the effective and efficient management of their Internet usage requirements and the provision of Internet resources. This in turn, will confirm that the availability of the Internet for its users and systems becomes a productive, reliable and pleasant experience

    eHealth Conversations : using information management, dialogue, and knowledge exchange to move toward universal

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    The publication of eHealth Conversations, developed with the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), represents a major step forward for the PAHO/WHO Strategy, since it explores ways of implementing regional mechanisms with free and equitable access to information and knowledge sharing. These initiatives aim to advance the goals of more informed, equitable, competitive, and democratic societies, where access to health information is considered a basic right. This publication is one of the instruments used by PAHO/WHO to develop the initiatives outlined in the Strategy, which coincides with the global eHealth strategy. One of the fundamental needs for the improvement of eHealth is the dissemination of information, and PAHO/WHO is assuming a leading role in this effort. The development of this new electronic publication is a key step in disseminating information that will be useful for decision makers on applying these technologies for the health of the Americas. This electronic book is one of the products of PAHO/WHO’s project: “eHealth Conversations: Using Information Management, Dialogue, and Knowledge Exchange to Move Toward Universal Access to Health.” Participants in these conversations included experts on electronic health and other specialties. Through virtual dialogues, the experts contributed with knowledge and reflections on the present and the future of eHealth in the Americas, analyzed the situation, and made recommendations for the implementation of electronic health initiatives. These recommendations are not only intended for PAHO/ WHO, but also for governments and the private sector. The aim of the project is to guarantee the convergence of local, national, and regional initiatives regarding the adoption and application of ICTs for public health, with special attention on critical issues in this field. It also intends to strengthen individual and collective capacities of health workers and institutions, connecting them in a network of on-line health networks, as well as to reinforce the PAHO/WHO eHealth program.Acknowledge the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) for its financial support in preparing this publication and developing the project titled “eHealth Conversations: Using Information Management, Dialogue, and Knowledge Exchange to Move Toward Universal Access to Health;

    Promoting science growth in developing countries: an open science model for Mozambique

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    Tese de doutoramento em InformaticsIn developing countries, deploying National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) infrastructures is viewed as a determining step for fostering science and education. In Africa, several NRENs initiatives appeared, having as critical success factors: (i) NREN deployment coverage; (ii) NREN sustainability policies; and (iii) the services provided to the enrolled community. Regarding Mozambique, after an initial period with significant difficulties, the Mozambique Research and Education Network (MoRENet) expanded to integrate nearly 160 institutions in the country, although connectivity is the only service provided. Despite the initiatives taken so far, for instance, in science sharing and distance learning, they lack a more comprehensive view on how to steadily stimulate science growth in the country. It is in this context that the motivation for the present work lies, being the main objective defined as devising an evolutive and sustainable model for promoting science growth in Mozambique, which considers and adapts initiatives and best practices worldwide to the scientific and higher education ecosystem of the country. The proposed model targets and interrelates the contexts of open science, science management, distance learning, and technological infrastructures supporting science and education. To sustain the proposed model, the research work carried out: discusses the NRENs panorama in Africa and Mozambique, and analyzes the challenges inherent to providing sustainable services for the NRENs academic and research community; explores and contextualizes successful Open Access (OA) initiatives and directives in the framework of developing countries; identifies the barriers and weaknesses for the improvement of the Mozambican higher education system; and stresses the role of MoRENet and international e-learning collaborations to mitigate the digital divide in education. Finally, proposals for the effective deployment of OA and distance learning strategies to overcome the identified challenges are presented. The thorough debate on the above-mentioned aspects and the proposal for open science in Mozambique are also expected to improve the awareness of science vectors in other developing countries, promoting their development both scientifically and socially.Nos países em vias de desenvolvimento, a implantação de infraestruturas de Redes Nacionais de Ensino e Investigação (National Research and Education Networks - NRENs) é vista como um passo determinante para fomentar a ciência e a educação. Em África surgiram várias iniciativas de NRENs, tendo como fatores críticos de sucesso: (i) a área de implantação das NRENs; (ii) as políticas de sustentabilidade; e (iii) os serviços prestados à comunidade envolvida. Relativamente a Moçambique, após um período inicial com dificuldades significativas, a Rede de Ensino e Investigação de Moçambique (Mozambique Research and Education Network - MoRENet) expandiu-se para integrar cerca de 160 instituições no país. No entanto, as iniciativas tomadas até agora, por exemplo, no acesso à ciência e no ensino à distância, carecem de uma visão mais abrangente sobre como estimular de forma constante o crescimento da ciência no país. É neste contexto que assenta a motivação do presente trabalho, sendo o seu objetivo principal a conceção de um modelo evolutivo e sustentável de promoção do crescimento da ciência em Moçambique, que considere e adapte as iniciativas e melhores práticas mundiais ao ecossistema científico e de ensino superior deste país. O modelo proposto visa e inter-relaciona os contextos de ciência aberta, gestão científica, ensino à distância e infraestruturas tecnológicas de apoio à ciência e à educação. Para sustentar o modelo proposto, o trabalho de pesquisa realizado: discute o panorama das NRENs em África e Moçambique, analisando os desafios inerentes à prestação de serviços sustentáveis; explora e contextualiza iniciativas e diretrizes bem-sucedidas de Acesso Aberto (Open Access - OA); identifica as barreiras e fragilidades para a melhoria do sistema de ensino superior moçambicano; e destaca o papel da MoRENet e das colaborações internacionais de e-learning para mitigar a divisão digital na educação. Por fim, são apresentadas propostas para a implantação efetiva de estratégias de OA e ensino à distância para superar os desafios identificados. O debate aprofundado dos aspetos acima mencionados e a proposta de ciência aberta em Moçambique permitirão ainda sensibilizar outros países em vias de desenvolvimento para os vetores da ciência, promovendo o seu desenvolvimento tanto cientificamente como socialmente

    Progress on open science:towards a shared research knowledge system. Final report of the open science policy platform.

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.This final report of the EU Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) provides a brief overview of its four-year mandate from 2016 to 2020, followed by an update on progress by each stakeholder group over the past two years since the publication of the OSPP’s recommendations across the European Commission’s eight ambitions on Open Science, (OSPP-REC1 ). This summary of Practical Commitments for Implementation with specific examples of progress by each stakeholder community across Europe (see Annex A) is followed by a perspective from each group on the major outstanding blockers to progress and possible next steps. The group of 25 key stakeholder representatives have then come t

    ERAWATCH country reports 2011: The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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    The main objective of the ERAWATCH Annual Country Reports is to characterise and assess the performance of national research systems and related policies in a structured manner that is comparable across countries. EW Country Reports 2011 identify the structural challenges faced by national innovation systems. They further analyse and assess the ability of the policy mix in place to consistently and efficiently tackle these challenges. The annex of the reports gives an overview of the latest national policy efforts towards the enhancement of European Research Area and further assess their efficiency to achieve the targets. These reports were originally produced in November - December 2011, focusing on policy developments over the previous twelve months. The reports were produced by the ERAWATCH Network under contract to JRC-IPTS. The analytical framework and the structure of the reports have been developed by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies of the Joint Research Centre (JRC-IPTS) and Directorate General for Research and Innovation with contributions from ERAWATCH Network Asbl.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Progress on Open Science: towards a shared research knowledge system. Final report of the Open Science Policy Platform

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    This final report of the EU Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) provides a brief overview of its four-year mandate from 2016 to 2020, followed by an update on progress by each stakeholder group over the past two years since the publication of the OSPP’s recommendations across the European Commission’s eight ambitions on Open Science, (OSPP-REC1). This summary of Practical Commitments for Implementation with specific examples of progress by each stakeholder community across Europe (see Annex A) is followed by a perspective from each group on the major outstanding blockers to progress and possible next steps. The group of 25 key stakeholder representatives have then come together to propose a vision for moving beyond Open Science to create a shared research knowledge system by 2030

    Reviewing the literature in the IS field: Two bibliometric techniques to guide readings and help the interpretation of the literature

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    In this article, we show how to apply profitably bibliometric analysis in IS research as a way to help review and highlight patterns in the literature, and complement traditional methods to do so. This approach can help guide researchers to interpret a more traditional literature review by highlighting important texts to investigate in priority and more particularly. We propose specifically to use two techniques in a complementary manner, co-citation analysis of references and bibliographic coupling analysis of documents, which are described while highlighting the main methodological steps and relevant issues. We illustrate and demonstrate the value of the complementary use of both techniques in a dense and well-established research domain within the IS field: Strategic alignment