1,990 research outputs found

    Italian Domination on Ladders and Related Products

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    An Italian dominating function on a graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) is a function such that f:V→{0,1,2}f : V \to \{0,1,2\}, and for each vertex v∈Vv \in V for which f(v)=0f(v) = 0, we have ∑u∈N(v)f(u)≥2\sum_{u\in N(v)}f(u) \geq 2. The weight of an Italian dominating function is f(V)=∑v∈V(G)f(v)f(V) = \sum_{v\in V(G)}f(v). The minimum weight of all such functions on a graph GG is called the Italian domination number of GG. In this thesis, we will consider Italian domination in various types of products of a graph GG with the complete graph K2K_2. We will find the value of the Italian domination number for ladders, specific families of prisms, mobius ladders and related products including categorical products G×K2G\times K_2 and lexicographic products G⋅K2G\cdot K_2. Finally, we will conclude with open problems

    The Four-Distance Domination Number in the Ladder and Star Graphs Amalgamation Result and Applications

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    The study purpose is to determine the four-distance domination number in the amalgamation operation graph, namely the vertex amalgamation result graph of ladder graph Amal(L_m,v,n) with m≥2 and n≥2 and the vertex amalgamation result graph of a star graph with its name Amal(S_m,v,n) with m≥2 and n>2. In addition, the application use the Four-distance domination number on Jember Regency Covid-19 taskforce post-placement. The Importanceof this research, namely the optimal distribution of the Covid-19 task force post. It is not just doing mask surgeries every day on the streets. The optimal referred to can be in the form of integrated handlers in each sub-district or points that are considered to need fast handling so that coordination between posts can respond and immediately identify cases of transmission and potential infections due to interactions with patients who are already positive. The methods used in this research are pattern recognition and axiomatic deductive methods. The results of this study include:γ_4 (Amal(S_m,v,n))=1; for m≥2 and n≥2, γ_4 (Amal(L_m,v,n))={■(1; for 2≤m≤4 @⌊m/8⌋n+1 for m≡0,1,2,3,4 (mod 8)@⌈m/8⌉n; for others m ) ┤ and based on the Indonesia Country, Jember Regency Map, 2 Covid 19 task-force posts are needed to be placed in Balung and Kalisat sub-districts using the Four-distance domination number application.

    On certain topological indices of the derived graphs of subdivision graphs

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    The derived graph [G]† of a graph G is the graph having the same vertex set as G, with two vertices of [G]† being adjacent if and only if their distance in G is two. Topological indices are valuable in the study of QSAR/QSPR. There are numerous applications of graph theory in the field of structural chemistry. In this paper, we compute generalized Randi´c, general Zagreb, general sum-connectivity, ABC, GA, ABC4, and GA5 indices of the derived graphs of subdivision graphs.Publisher's Versio

    Large Fluctuations in Amplifying Graphs

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    We consider a model for chaotic diffusion with amplification on graphs associated with piecewise-linear maps of the interval [S. Lepri, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 139,110003 (2020)]. We determine the conditions for having fat-tailed invariant measures by considering approximate solution of the Perron-Frobenius equation for generic graphs. An analogy with the statistical mechanics of a directed polymer is presented that allows for a physically appealing interpretation of the statistical regimes. The connection between non-Gaussian statistics and the generalized Lyapunov exponents L(q)L(q) is illustrated. Finally, some results concerning large graphs are reported.Comment: Submitted to Fluctuation and Noise Letters, special issue Dynamics and Complexity Pisa 22 (DCP22

    Automatic Aircraft Navigation Using Star Metric Dimension Theory in Fire Protected Forest Areas

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the navigation of an unmanned aircraft automatically using theory of the metric dimension of stars in a forest fire area. The research will also be expanded by determining the star metric dimensions on other unique graphs and graphs resulting from amalgamation operations. The methods used in this research are pattern recognition and axiomatic deductive methods. The pattern detection method is to look for patterns to construct differentiated sets on the metric dimension (dim) so that the coordinate values are minimum and different. Meanwhile, axiomatic deductive is a research method that uses deductive proof principles that apply in mathematical logic by using existing axioms or theorems to solve a problem. Then the method is used to determine the stars' metric dimensions
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