1,054 research outputs found

    Weak expansiveness for actions of sofic groups

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    In this paper, we shall introduce hh-expansiveness and asymptotical hh-expansiveness for actions of sofic groups. By the definitions, each hh-expansive action of sofic groups is asymptotically hh-expansive. We show that each expansive action of sofic groups is hh-expansive, and, for any given asymptotically hh-expansive action of sofic groups, the entropy function (with respect to measures) is upper semi-continuous and hence the system admits a measure with maximal entropy. Observe that asymptotically hh-expansive property was firstly introduced and studied by Misiurewicz for Z\mathbb{Z}-actions using the language of topological conditional entropy. And thus in the remaining part of the paper, we shall compare our definitions of weak expansiveness for actions of sofic groups with the definitions given in the same spirit of Misiurewicz's ideas when the group is amenable. It turns out that these two definitions are equivalent in this setting.Comment: to appear in Journal of Functional Analysi

    Discrete dynamical systems in group theory

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    In this expository paper we describe an unifying approach for many known entropies in Mathematics. First we recall the notion of semigroup entropy h_S in the category S of normed semigroups and contractive homomorphisms, recalling also its properties. For a specific category X and a functor F from X to S, we have the entropy h_F, defined by the composition of h_S with F, which automatically satisfies the same properties proved for h_S. This general scheme permits to obtain many of the known entropies as h_F, for appropriately chosen categories X and functors F. In the last part we recall the definition and the fundamental properties of the algebraic entropy for group endomorphisms, noting how its deeper properties depend on the specific setting. Finally we discuss the notion of growth for flows of groups, comparing it with the classical notion of growth for finitely generated groups

    Topological Entropy and Algebraic Entropy for group endomorphisms

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    The notion of entropy appears in many fields and this paper is a survey about entropies in several branches of Mathematics. We are mainly concerned with the topological and the algebraic entropy in the context of continuous endomorphisms of locally compact groups, paying special attention to the case of compact and discrete groups respectively. The basic properties of these entropies, as well as many examples, are recalled. Also new entropy functions are proposed, as well as generalizations of several known definitions and results. Furthermore we give some connections with other topics in Mathematics as Mahler measure and Lehmer Problem from Number Theory, and the growth rate of groups and Milnor Problem from Geometric Group Theory. Most of the results are covered by complete proofs or references to appropriate sources