15 research outputs found

    A Dual-Stage Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Time Series Prediction

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    The Nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX) model, which predicts the current value of a time series based upon its previous values as well as the current and past values of multiple driving (exogenous) series, has been studied for decades. Despite the fact that various NARX models have been developed, few of them can capture the long-term temporal dependencies appropriately and select the relevant driving series to make predictions. In this paper, we propose a dual-stage attention-based recurrent neural network (DA-RNN) to address these two issues. In the first stage, we introduce an input attention mechanism to adaptively extract relevant driving series (a.k.a., input features) at each time step by referring to the previous encoder hidden state. In the second stage, we use a temporal attention mechanism to select relevant encoder hidden states across all time steps. With this dual-stage attention scheme, our model can not only make predictions effectively, but can also be easily interpreted. Thorough empirical studies based upon the SML 2010 dataset and the NASDAQ 100 Stock dataset demonstrate that the DA-RNN can outperform state-of-the-art methods for time series prediction.Comment: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 201

    Ranking-based Deep Cross-modal Hashing

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    Cross-modal hashing has been receiving increasing interests for its low storage cost and fast query speed in multi-modal data retrievals. However, most existing hashing methods are based on hand-crafted or raw level features of objects, which may not be optimally compatible with the coding process. Besides, these hashing methods are mainly designed to handle simple pairwise similarity. The complex multilevel ranking semantic structure of instances associated with multiple labels has not been well explored yet. In this paper, we propose a ranking-based deep cross-modal hashing approach (RDCMH). RDCMH firstly uses the feature and label information of data to derive a semi-supervised semantic ranking list. Next, to expand the semantic representation power of hand-crafted features, RDCMH integrates the semantic ranking information into deep cross-modal hashing and jointly optimizes the compatible parameters of deep feature representations and of hashing functions. Experiments on real multi-modal datasets show that RDCMH outperforms other competitive baselines and achieves the state-of-the-art performance in cross-modal retrieval applications

    Stochastic Non-convex Ordinal Embedding with Stabilized Barzilai-Borwein Step Size

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    Learning representation from relative similarity comparisons, often called ordinal embedding, gains rising attention in recent years. Most of the existing methods are batch methods designed mainly based on the convex optimization, say, the projected gradient descent method. However, they are generally time-consuming due to that the singular value decomposition (SVD) is commonly adopted during the update, especially when the data size is very large. To overcome this challenge, we propose a stochastic algorithm called SVRG-SBB, which has the following features: (a) SVD-free via dropping convexity, with good scalability by the use of stochastic algorithm, i.e., stochastic variance reduced gradient (SVRG), and (b) adaptive step size choice via introducing a new stabilized Barzilai-Borwein (SBB) method as the original version for convex problems might fail for the considered stochastic \textit{non-convex} optimization problem. Moreover, we show that the proposed algorithm converges to a stationary point at a rate O(1T)\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{T}) in our setting, where TT is the number of total iterations. Numerous simulations and real-world data experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm via comparing with the state-of-the-art methods, particularly, much lower computational cost with good prediction performance.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted by AAAI201

    Hashing as Tie-Aware Learning to Rank

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    Hashing, or learning binary embeddings of data, is frequently used in nearest neighbor retrieval. In this paper, we develop learning to rank formulations for hashing, aimed at directly optimizing ranking-based evaluation metrics such as Average Precision (AP) and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). We first observe that the integer-valued Hamming distance often leads to tied rankings, and propose to use tie-aware versions of AP and NDCG to evaluate hashing for retrieval. Then, to optimize tie-aware ranking metrics, we derive their continuous relaxations, and perform gradient-based optimization with deep neural networks. Our results establish the new state-of-the-art for image retrieval by Hamming ranking in common benchmarks.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 201

    Automatic Synchronization of Multi-User Photo Galleries

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    In this paper we address the issue of photo galleries synchronization, where pictures related to the same event are collected by different users. Existing solutions to address the problem are usually based on unrealistic assumptions, like time consistency across photo galleries, and often heavily rely on heuristics, limiting therefore the applicability to real-world scenarios. We propose a solution that achieves better generalization performance for the synchronization task compared to the available literature. The method is characterized by three stages: at first, deep convolutional neural network features are used to assess the visual similarity among the photos; then, pairs of similar photos are detected across different galleries and used to construct a graph; eventually, a probabilistic graphical model is used to estimate the temporal offset of each pair of galleries, by traversing the minimum spanning tree extracted from this graph. The experimental evaluation is conducted on four publicly available datasets covering different types of events, demonstrating the strength of our proposed method. A thorough discussion of the obtained results is provided for a critical assessment of the quality in synchronization.Comment: ACCEPTED to IEEE Transactions on Multimedi

    Incremental hashing with sample selection using dominant sets

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    In the world of big data, large amounts of images are available in social media, corporate and even personal collections. A collection may grow quickly as new images are generated at high rates. The new images may cause changes in the distribution of existing classes or the emergence of new classes, resulting in the collection being dynamic and having concept drift. For efficient image retrieval from an image collection using a query, a hash table consisting of a set of hash functions is needed to transform images into binaryhash codeswhich are used as the basis to find similar images to the query. If the image collection is dynamic, the hash table built at one time step may not work well at the next due to changes in the collection as a result of new images being added. Therefore, the hash table needs to be rebuilt or updated at successive time steps. Incremental hashing (ICH) is the first effective method to deal with the concept drift problem in image retrieval from dynamic collections. In ICH, a new hash table is learned based on newly emerging images only which represent data distribution of the current data environment. The new hash table is used to generate hash codes for all images including old and new ones. Due to the dynamic nature, new images of one class may not be similar to old images of the same class. In order to learn new hash table that preserves within-class similarity in both old and new images,incremental hashing with sample selection using dominant sets(ICHDS) is proposed in this paper, which selects representative samples from each class for training the new hash table. Experimental results show that ICHDS yields better retrieval performance than existing dynamic and static hashing methods