14 research outputs found


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    The research task is the improvement of scientific principles and development of a methodical approach to the modelling of enterprises’ development scenarios that apply business process reengineering in order to increase the level of competitiveness. The urgency of the research. The relevance of further researches is determined by the fact that the practical implementation of scientific approaches in Ukraine has not become popular, and the aspects of business process reengineering have been implemented only fragmentarily. Target setting. The development and discussions of procedural, systemic, and synergetic approaches to enterprise development have determined the concept of business process reengineering. Therefore, the further development of methodical principles for the realization of business process reengineering in the practice of business management is urgent and relevant. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The justification of the expediency of using the tools for business process reengineering through the modelling of the future results at Ukrainian enterprises requires further scientific development. Materials and methods. The historical-evolutionary method was used to investigate the essence and origin of the category of reengineering and to distinguish its main features. By means of analysis and synthesis, the conceptual bases of business processes reengineering are determined. Implementation of complex, systemic, and synergetic approaches as a basis for application of business process reengineering allowed developing a modelling methodology for forecasting scenarios of the level of competitiveness of a business unit. The application of a systematic approach is reflected in the consideration of the impact of external and internal factors on the enterprise, complex factor – in combination of factors with the criteria of the enterprises managing that are able to compete in the world market, as well as the application of method at different levels – macro, meso, and micro. Methods of economic modelling and forecasting were used for forming a model of forecasting of the level of enterprise competitiveness. Results. The main features are segregated and a method for modelling of the results of its implementation is formulated. The algorithm of modelling of development scenario as a result of the application of reengineering is developed. A model for predicting of the level of competitiveness for the Ukrainian economy is constructed as well. Practical implications. The brilliant examples of corporations that received the “second breath” as a result of the introduction and reengineering of processes were General Electric, Toyota and Chrysler, Kodak, Siemens Nixdorf Service, IBM Credit. The proposed methodological approach can be applied by enterprises to predict the level of competitiveness of an enterprise as a result of the introduction of business process reengineering, depending on possible costs and target commodity output. Value/originality. Such a method of forecasting the competitiveness of an enterprise as a result of business process reengineering is important and can be used to predict the level of competitiveness at all levels of management

    A framework of issues in large process modeling projects

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    As process management projects have increased in size due to globalised and company-wide initiatives, a corresponding growth in the size of process modeling projects can be observed. Despite advances in languages, tools and methodologies, several aspects of these projects have been largely ignored by the academic community. This paper makes a first contribution to a potential research agenda in this field by defining the characteristics of large-scale process modeling projects and proposing a framework of related issues. These issues are derived from a semi-structured interview and six focus groups conducted in Australia, Germany and the USA with enterprise and modeling software vendors and customers. The focus groups confirm the existence of unresolved problems in business process modeling projects. The outcomes provide a research agenda which directs researchers into further studies in global process management, process model decomposition and the overall governance of process modeling projects. It is expected that this research agenda will provide guidance to researchers and practitioners by focusing on areas of high theoretical and practical relevance

    Requirements Catalog for Business Process Modeling Recommender Systems

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    The manual construction of business process models is a time-consuming and error-prone task. To improve the quality of business process models, several modeling support techniques have been suggested spanning from strict auto-completion of a business process model with pre-defined model elements to suggesting closely matching recommendations. While recommendation systems are widely used and auto-completion functions are a standard feature of programming tools, such techniques have not been exploited for business process modeling although implementation strategies have already been suggested. Therefore, this paper collects requirements from different perspectives (literature and empirical studies) of how to effectively and efficiently assist process modelers in their modeling task. The condensation of requirements represents a comprehensive catalog, which constitutes a solid foundation to implement effective and efficient Process Modeling Recommender Systems (PMRSs). We expect that our contribution will fertilize the field of modeling support techniques to make them a common feature of BPM tools


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     The article investigates that ecological reengineering of business processes is used as a tool for greening business activities and allows not only to transform business processes, but also to consider the interconnection of resources and related operations for further optimization.The purpose of environmental reengineering is to reorganize business processes aimed at minimizing the use of various resources by transforming material, financial and information flows.Effective business process reengineering with environmental management in mind leads to a reduction in waste and resources used and, as a consequence, reduces the production costs of the enterprise, and the use of quality systems leads to increased consumer satisfaction.The application of new methods of process and structural design of enterprises, including tools for business process reengineering, plays an important role not only in improving the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also in view of the social orientation of the food industry, in ensuring the quality of life of society.  В статье исследовано, что экологический реинжиниринг бизнес-процессов используется как инструмент экологизации хозяйственной деятельности и позволяет не только превратить бизнес-процессы, но и рассмотреть взаимосвязь ресурсов и соответствующих операций для дальнейшей оптимизации.Целью экологического реинжиниринга является реорганизация бизнес-процессов направлена на минимизацию использования различных ресурсов путем преобразования материальных, финансовых и информационных потоков.Эффективный реинжиниринг бизнес-процессов с учетом требований экологического менеджмента ведет к сокращению отходов и используемых ресурсов и, как следствие, позволяет снизить производственные расходы предприятия, а применение систем качества приводит к повышению удовлетворенности потребителей.Применение новых методов процессно-структурного проектирования предприятий, включающих инструменты реинжиниринга бизнес-процессов, играет важную роль не только в повышении экономической эффективности предприятий, но и учитывая социальную направленность пищевой отрасли, в обеспечении повышения качества жизни общества. У статті досліджено, що екологічний реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів використовується як інструмент екологізації господарської діяльності та дозволяє не тільки перетворити бізнес-процеси, а й розглянути взаємозв'язок ресурсів  і відповідних операцій для подальшої оптимізації.Метою екологічного реінжинірингу            є реорганізація бізнес-процесів спрямована на мінімізацію використання різних ресурсів шляхом перетворення матеріальних, фінансових і інформаційних потоків.Ефективний реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів з урахуванням вимог екологічного менеджменту веде до скорочення відходів і використовуваних ресурсів і, як наслідок, дозволяє знизити виробничі витрати підприємства, а застосування систем якості призводить до підвищення задоволеності споживачів.Застосування нових методів процесно-структурного проектування підприємств, що включають інструменти реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів, грає важливу роль не тільки в підвищенні економічної ефективності підприємств, а й з огляду на соціальну спрямованість харчової галузі, в забезпеченні підвищення якості життя суспільства

    A Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Approach to Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

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    This thesis addresses the problem of lack of procedures by which managers can identify business processes that would benefit from reengineering and which could be used to guide the BPR activity to its successful conclusion. The purpose of this study is to analyze various Software Engineering (SE) principles to determine whether they could be used to support Business Process Reengineering (BPR) activities either directly or with some modification, and if so, whether available Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools might be applied to BPR in support of managers who wish to implement it. The principles of SE and BPR are discussed and the extent to which CASE tools can comply with BPR\u27s effort of revising and eliminating irrelevant standards and processes is analyzed. The research showed that SE and BPR have several, but not all, principles in common and thus, certain CASE tools can be utilized in BPR process. The study suggested the next step in BPR research be toward coming up with procedures to help implement BPR in an organization

    Let's Count and Manage - and Forget the Rest: Understanding Numeric Rationalization in Human Service Provision

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    In recent times, the development of Western welfare states has been strongly influenced by regulatory and managerial approaches that embody what this special issue refers to as ‘governing by numbers’. This article delineates this development by using the example of the human service industry in Germany. The analysis is embedded in a macrosociological perspective on blurring boundaries between the capitalistic (market) economy and the welfare state, arguing that a certain kind of (instrumentalist) numeric rationalization has spilled over from the former to the latter and sets limits to what is named ‘human development rationality’ within the operational core of involved organizations. Drawing on case study evidence from four different areas, it is shown in which dimensions this movement takes shape and how it fosters the crowding-out of elements inherent to this rationality. However, due to the proliferation of ever more ‘perfectionist’ expectations concerning quality issues, this crowding out provokes various provisional organizational and institutional responses. While the latter make production processes more volatile overall, there is no end of history regarding the struggle between instrumental rationality and countervailing forces within contemporary welfare states

    OBJECTFLOW: a modular workflow management system

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    Workflow Management (WM) is an emerging area that involves cross-disciplinary fields as Database, Software Engineering, Business Management, Human Coordination. A Workflow Management System (WMS) is a software tool to automate Business Processes (BPs) and coordinate people of an organization. BPs are a set of linked procedures concentrated on reaching a business goal, normally following a set of procedural rules. This work presents the OBJECTFLOW(2) project, result of the cooperation between an industrial partner, the Centro de Clculo de Sabadell (CCS, a software company located near Barcelona), and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). The main aim of OBJECTFLOW project is constructing a flexible WMS to automate BPs of the medium and big enterprise, allowing the integration to existing software systems. Several paradigms were used to design and develop the OBJECTFLOW WMS: from an architectural point of view, it is a Client Server application. For the analysis, design and programming of the software component, the Rumbaugh OMT methodology was used. As a WMS, it was designed to support different kinds of workflow applications, integrating legacy systems and compound documents. It is composed by four principal modules (the Designer, the Workflow Engine, the Admintool, and the Client Desktop) and others secondary components. This WMS does not incorporate the latest result in WM research but shows a successful cooperation between a research group and a Software factory, producing a commercial software tool.Postprint (published version

    Business Process Reengineering in the Public Sector

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    20世纪90年代以来,由于信息技术的高度发展,西方国家企业界发起了一场工商管理革命,这就是流程再造工具的应用。流程再造是信息时代产生的为了提高效率、效能和竞争能力而翻新组织管理程序的管理新工具,是目前最热门的管理新技术。伴随着政治、经济、社会和科技革命的发展,各国政府都面临着新的挑战。为了迎接挑战,提升政府的治理能力和国家竞争力,许多国家和地区都进行了大规模的政府改革运动,其中的一个重要方面,就是进行流程再造。本文探讨流程再造工具在公共部门的应用问题。全文共分三个部分: 第一部分:流程再造的兴起。在界定流程再造的概念,分析其发展的历史背景之后,论述其从私人部门的兴起到公共部门的应用。 第二...Since the 1990s,with the rapid advances of information technologies,corporate communities in Western countries have been undergoing a revolution in business management,i.e. the application of tools of Business Process Reengineering . Business Process Reengineering is new management tools which can be used to renovate organizational management procedures for the purpose of improving efficiency, eff...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:法学院政治学与行政学系_行政管理学号:20010602

    Modeling and optimizing of business processes : A case with LLC Wim Bosman, Russia

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    This report was written as a proposal for a Bachelor thesis project. Its objective was to model and optimize the business processes in the Wim Bosman Company in order to standardize the existing template of processes with the solutions for optimization so as to reduce double work and waste of time. The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that modern enterprises are forced to constantly work on improving their operations because of the continually growing competitive landscape. This requires the development of new technologies and methods of conducting business as well as improving the quality of the final results. This also requires the introduction of new, more efficient methods of management and organization in a company. The study concentrated on finding the most efficient processes by using the Business Process Management approach. In this thesis the most important factors, stages and techniques of Business Process Management are discussed. All the employees were separately interviewed in order to collect comprehensive information about the whole process model and to collect suggestions for optimization. Data for the study was also collected by using the relevant literature and the company’s database. As a result of this thesis work the following steps were followed: an existing model was defined, the areas of optimization were discovered and the solutions for optimization were presented and implemented into a new business process model