187 research outputs found

    Smart Sensor Monitoring in Machining of Difficult-to-cut Materials

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    The research activities presented in this thesis are focused on the development of smart sensor monitoring procedures applied to diverse machining processes with particular reference to the machining of difficult-to-cut materials. This work will describe the whole smart sensor monitoring procedure starting from the configuration of the multiple sensor monitoring system for each specific application and proceeding with the methodologies for sensor signal detection and analysis aimed at the extraction of signal features to feed to intelligent decision-making systems based on artificial neural networks. The final aim is to perform tool condition monitoring in advanced machining processes in terms of tool wear diagnosis and forecast, in the perspective of zero defect manufacturing and green technologies. The work has been addressed within the framework of the national MIUR PON research project CAPRI, acronym for “Carrello per atterraggio con attuazione intelligente” (Landing Gear with Intelligent Actuation), and the research project STEP FAR, acronym for “Sviluppo di materiali e Tecnologie Ecocompatibili, di Processi di Foratura, taglio e di Assemblaggio Robotizzato” (Development of eco-compatible materials and technologies for robotised drilling and assembly processes). Both projects are sponsored by DAC, the Campania Technological Aerospace District, and involve two aerospace industries, Magnaghi Aeronautica S.p.A. and Leonardo S.p.A., respectively. Due to the industrial framework in which the projects were developed and taking advantage of the support from the industrial partners, the project activities have been carried out with the aim to contribute to the scientific research in the field of machining process monitoring as well as to promote the industrial applicability of the results. The thesis was structured in order to illustrate all the methodologies, the experimental tests and the results obtained from the research activities. It begins with an introduction to “Sensor monitoring of machining processes” (Chapter 2) with particular attention to the main sensor monitoring applications and the types of sensors which are employed in machining. The key methods for advanced sensor signal processing, including the implementation of sensor fusion technology, are discussed in details as they represent the basic input for cognitive decision-making systems construction. The chapter finally presents a brief discussion on cloud-based manufacturing which will represent one of the future developments of this research work. Chapters 3 and 4 illustrate the case studies of machining process sensor monitoring investigated in the research work. Within the CAPRI project, the feasibility of the dry turning process of Ti6Al4V alloy (Chapter 3) was studied with particular attention to the optimization of the machining parameters avoiding the use of coolant fluids. Since very rapid tool wear is experienced during dry machining of Titanium alloys, the multiple sensor monitoring system was used in order to develop a methodology based on a smart system for on line tool wear detection in terms of maximum flank wear land. Within the STEP FAR project, the drilling process of carbon fibre reinforced (CFRP) composite materials was studied using diverse experimental set-ups. Regarding the tools, three different types of drill bit were employed, including traditional as well as innovative geometry ones. Concerning the investigated materials, two different types of stack configurations were employed, namely CFRP/CFRP stacks and hybrid Al/CFRP stacks. Consequently, the machining parameters for each experimental campaign were varied, and also the methods for signal analysis were changed to verify the performance of the different methodologies. Finally, for each case different neural network configurations were investigated for cognitive-based decision making. First of all, the applicability of the system was tested in order to perform tool wear diagnosis and forecast. Then, the discussion proceeds with a further aim of the research work, which is the reduction of the number of selected sensor signal features, in order to improve the performance of the cognitive decision-making system, simplify modelling and facilitate the implementation of these methodologies in a cloud manufacturing approach to tool condition monitoring. Sensor fusion methodologies were applied to the extracted and selected sensor signal features in the perspective of feature reduction with the purpose to implement these procedures for big data analytics within the Industry 4.0 framework. In conclusion, the positive impact of the proposed tool condition monitoring methodologies based on multiple sensor signal acquisition and processing is illustrated, with particular reference to the reliable assessment of tool state in order to avoid too early or too late cutting tool substitution that negatively affect machining time and cost

    Feature level fusion of vibration and acoustic emission signals in tool condition monitoring using machine learning classifiers

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    To implement the tool condition monitoring system in a metal cutting process, it is necessary to have sensors which will be able to detect the tool conditions to initiate remedial action. There are different signals for monitoring the cutting process which may require different sensors and signal processing techniques. Each of these signals is capable of providing information about the process at different reliability level. To arrive a good, reliable and robust decision, it is necessary to integrate the features of the different signals captured by the sensors. In this paper, an attempt is made to fuse the features of acoustic emission and vibration signals captured in a precision high speed machining center for monitoring the tool conditions. Tool conditions are classified using machine learning classifiers. The classification efficiency of machine learning algorithms are studied in time-domain, frequencydomain and time-frequency domain by feature level fusion of features extracted from vibration and acoustic emission signature

    Continuous maintenance and the future – Foundations and technological challenges

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    High value and long life products require continuous maintenance throughout their life cycle to achieve required performance with optimum through-life cost. This paper presents foundations and technologies required to offer the maintenance service. Component and system level degradation science, assessment and modelling along with life cycle ‘big data’ analytics are the two most important knowledge and skill base required for the continuous maintenance. Advanced computing and visualisation technologies will improve efficiency of the maintenance and reduce through-life cost of the product. Future of continuous maintenance within the Industry 4.0 context also identifies the role of IoT, standards and cyber security

    Wear Parameter Diagnostics of Industrial Milling Machine with Support Vector Regression

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    Modern industrial machine applications often contain data collection functions through automation systems or external sensors. Yet, while the different data collection mechanisms might be effortless to construct, it is advised to have a well-balanced consideration of the possible data inputs based on the machine characteristics, usage, and operational environment. Prior consideration of the collected data parameters reduces the risk of excessive data, yet another challenge remains to distinguish meaningful features significant for the purpose. This research illustrates a peripheral milling machine data collection and data pre-processing approach to diagnose significant machine parameters relevant to milling blade wear. The experiences gained from this research encourage conducting pre-categorisation of data significant for the purpose, those being manual setup data, programmable logic controller (PLC) automation system data, calculated parameters, and measured parameters under this study. Further, the results from the raw data pre-processing phase performed with Pearson Correlation Coefficient and permutation feature importance methods indicate that the most dominant correlation to recognised wear characteristics in the case machine context is perceived with vibration excitation monitoring. The root mean square (RMS) vibration signal is further predicted by using the support vector regression (SVR) algorithm to test the SVR’s overall suitability for the asset’s health index (HI) approximation. It was found that the SVR algorithm has sufficient data parameter behaviour forecast capabilities to be used in the peripheral milling machine prognostic process and its development. The SVR with Gaussian radial basis function (RBF) kernel receives the highest scoring metrics; therefore, outperforming the linear and polynomial kernels compared as part of the study.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    A Cognitive Assistance System To Support The Implementation Of Machine Learning Applications In Manufacturing

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    Despite the increasing spread of digitalisation in manufacturing, humans will still play an important role in future production environments. Evidently, their role will change from physical to rather cognitive tasks, such as decision-making or control and monitoring of processes. A suitable medium that can support employees in interpreting the data generated are machine learning (ML) applications. Nevertheless, recent studies show that the knowledge required to implement an ML solution is not available in a large number of companies. In order to close the knowledge gap and subsequently prepare human operators for the implementation and use of ML applications, it is highly relevant to provide proper assistance. For this reason, the present publication aims to develop a cognitive assistance system that supports shop floor managers in implementing ML use cases in manufacturing (referred to as CAS-ML). The CAS-ML concretizes a previously published procedure model with additional steps as well as learning material and is realized as a software thereupon. Finally, the CAS-ML is evaluated by operative employees and tested on an open-source data set

    Indirect monitoring of surface quality based on the integration of support vector machine and 3D I-kaz techniques in the machining process

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    Improved machining process quality can contribute to sustainable manufacturing in terms of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and improving product quality can also help manufacturers to reduce costs and increase productivity rate. Machining is one of the common methods in industry and plays a central role in modern manufacturing. For many years, researchers have been studying monitoring methods to produce the best surface quality. The measurement involves three distinct techniques, which are categorised into quantitative and visualisation methods. Monitoring methods can be classified as either direct or indirect methods. The common method of measuring machining quality undergoes manufacturing bottlenecks, as it is constrained by human inspection and expensive equipment. A slow process leads to higher labour costs and a high risk of equipment damage to the workpiece. The present study aims to bridge this gap by leveraging the capabilities of 3D I-kaz and medium Gaussian SVM models to improve accuracy and classification rates for determining surface quality. The specific objectives are to analyse the impact of machining parameters on statistical analysis, classify acceleration signals for surface roughness identification using SVM, integrate SVM with 3D I-kaz to improve surface quality identification and validate its effectiveness through experiments. The quantification of signal processing for ductile iron, FCD450 material on cutting parameters: rotation speed with 1000–3026 rev/mm, feed rate of 120–720 mm/min, axial of 0.75–3.5 mm, and radial depth of cut (RDOC) is studied and validated through experiments under dry and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions. Surface roughness was measured to verify the acceleration signal, while Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the correlation strength between the acceleration signal and surface roughness. The calculated coefficient, r-value, was found to be 0.6543, which indicates a positive but nonlinear correlation between the acceleration signal and surface roughness. The kurtosis value measured from acceleration signals and surface roughness information was then used to classify the machining condition and identification of the surface quality. In the first experiment, the model displayed an accuracy of 84.87% and 84.57% in terms of F1 values. It was observed that by adjusting the hyperparameter, the model’s accuracy was augmented to 85.53% and its F1 score was enhanced to 84.93%. Additionally, the model was applied in the second experiment, resulting in an accuracy of 84.0%. Before the classification of machined surface condition, the condition is identified through the support vector machine (SVM) technique, and it was demonstrated that the condition could be demarcated into five different levels of surface quality. From the experimental test data, acceleration and average roughness (Ra)-based indicators are identified for correlation analysis. A relation is developed, which enables the prediction or identification of surface quality directly based on the selected based indicators (3D I-kaz coefficient) without having to inspect the milling process for surface roughness. It was demonstrated that the integration of the 3D I-kaz and SVM model resulted in an accuracy and F1 score of 96.0% and 96.3% respectively, suggesting that the quantification data is viable for surface quality identification. A monitoring experiment was conducted in this study to validate the identification of surface quality through the instantaneous surface roughness level obtained from the experiment. In conclusion, indirect monitoring of surface quality using vibration signals can quickly identify the surface quality using SVM and 3D I-kaz analyses, thus reducing the time and cost associated with manual inspection and allowing for its use in many other machining processes

    Sensor data-based decision making

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    Increasing globalization and growing industrial system complexity has amplified the interest in the use of information provided by sensors as a means of improving overall manufacturing system performance and maintainability. However, utilization of sensors can only be effective if the real-time data can be integrated into the necessary business processes, such as production planning, scheduling and execution systems. This integration requires the development of intelligent decision making models that can effectively process the sensor data into information and suggest appropriate actions. To be able to improve the performance of a system, the health of the system also needs to be maintained. In many cases a single sensor type cannot provide sufficient information for complex decision making including diagnostics and prognostics of a system. Therefore, a combination of sensors should be used in an integrated manner in order to achieve desired performance levels. Sensor generated data need to be processed into information through the use of appropriate decision making models in order to improve overall performance. In this dissertation, which is presented as a collection of five journal papers, several reactive and proactive decision making models that utilize data from single and multi-sensor environments are developed. The first paper presents a testbed architecture for Auto-ID systems. An adaptive inventory management model which utilizes real-time RFID data is developed in the second paper. In the third paper, a complete hardware and inventory management solution, which involves the integration of RFID sensors into an extremely low temperature industrial freezer, is presented. The last two papers in the dissertation deal with diagnostic and prognostic decision making models in order to assure the healthy operation of a manufacturing system and its components. In the fourth paper a Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) based prognostics tool is developed and it is used to estimate the remaining useful life of rolling element bearings using data acquired from vibration sensors. In the final paper, an MTS based prognostics tool is developed for a centrifugal water pump, which fuses information from multiple types of sensors in order to take diagnostic and prognostics decisions for the pump and its components --Abstract, page iv