8 research outputs found

    The classification performance of Bayesian Networks Classifiers: a case study of detecting Denial of Service (DoS) attacks in cloud computing environments

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    In this research we propose a Bayesian networks approach as a promissory classification technique for detecting malicious traffic due to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Bayesian networks have been applied in numerous fields fraught with uncertainty and they have been proved to be successful. They have excelled tremendously in classification tasks i.e. text analysis, medical diagnoses and environmental modeling and management. The detection of DoS attacks has received tremendous attention in the field of network security. DoS attacks have proved to be detrimental and are the bane of cloud computing environments. Large business enterprises have been/or are still unwilling to outsource their businesses to the cloud due to the intrusive tendencies that the cloud platforms are prone too. To make use of Bayesian networks it is imperative to understand the ―ecosystem‖ of factors that are external to modeling the Bayesian algorithm itself. Understanding these factors have proven to result in comparable improvement in classification performance beyond the augmentation of the existing algorithms. Literature provides discussions pertaining to the factors that impact the classification capability, however it was noticed that the effects of the factors are not universal, they tend to be unique for each domain problem. This study investigates the effects of modeling parameters on the classification performance of Bayesian network classifiers in detecting DoS attacks in cloud platforms. We analyzed how structural complexity, training sample size, the choice of discretization method and lastly the score function both individually and collectively impact the performance of classifying between normal and DoS attacks on the cloud. To study the aforementioned factors, we conducted a series of experiments in detecting live DoS attacks launched against a deployed cloud and thereafter examined the classification performance in terms of accuracy of different classes of Bayesian networks. NSL-KDD dataset was used as our training set. We used ownCloud software to deploy our cloud platform. To launch DoS attacks, we used hping3 hacker friendly utility. A live packet capture was used as our test set. WEKA version 3.7.12 was used for our experiments. Our results show that the progression in model complexity improves the classification performance. This is attributed to the increase in the number of attribute correlations. Also the size of the training sample size proved to improve classification ability. Our findings noted that the choice of discretization algorithm does matter in the quest for optimal classification performance. Furthermore, our results indicate that the choice of scoring function does not affect the classification performance of Bayesian networks. Conclusions drawn from this research are prescriptive particularly for a novice machine learning researcher with valuable recommendations that ensure optimal classification performance of Bayesian networks classifiers

    A New Design of Multiple Classifier System and its Application to Classification of Time Series Data

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    To solve the challenging pattern classification problem, machine learning researchers have extensively studied Multiple Classifier Systems (MCSs). The motivations for combining classifiers are found in the literature from the statistical, computational and representational perspectives. Although the results of classifier combination does not always outperform the best individual classifier in the ensemble, empirical studies have demonstrated its superiority for various applications. A number of viable methods to design MCSs have been developed including bagging, adaboost, rotation forest, and random subspace. They have been successfully applied to solve various tasks. Currently, most of the research is being conducted on the behavior patterns of the base classifiers in the ensemble. However, a discussion from the learning point of view may provide insights into the robust design of MCSs. In this thesis, Generalized Exhaustive Search and Aggregation (GESA) method is developed for this objective. Robust performance is achieved using GESA by dynamically adjusting the trade-off between fitting the training data adequately and preventing the overfitting problem. Besides its learning algorithm, GESA is also distinguished from traditional designs by its architecture and level of decision-making. GESA generates a collection of ensembles and dynamically selects the most appropriate ensemble for decision-making at the local level. Although GESA provides a good improvement over traditional approaches, it is not very data-adaptive. A data- adaptive design of MCSs demands that the system can adaptively select representations and classifiers to generate effective decisions for aggregation. Another weakness of GESA is its high computation cost which prevents it from being scaled to large ensembles. Generalized Adaptive Ensemble Generation and Aggregation (GAEGA) is an extension of GESA to overcome these two difficulties. GAEGA employs a greedy algorithm to adaptively select the most effective representations and classifiers while excluding the noise ones as much as possible. Consequently, GAEGA can generate fewer ensembles and significantly reduce the computation cost. Bootstrapped Adaptive Ensemble Generation and Aggregation (BAEGA) is another extension of GESA, which is similar with GAEGA in the ensemble generation and decision aggregation. BAEGA adopts a different data manipulation strategy to improve the diversity of the generated ensembles and utilize the information in the data more effectively. As a specific application, the classification of time series data is chosen for the research reported in this thesis. This type of data contains dynamic information and proves to be more complex than others. Multiple Input Representation-Adaptive Ensemble Generation and Aggregation (MIR-AEGA) is derived from GAEGA for the classification of time series data. MIR-AEGA involves some novel representation methods that proved to be effective for time series data. All the proposed methods including GESA, GAEGA, MIR-AEGA, and BAEGA are tested on simulated and benchmark data sets from popular data repositories. The experimental results confirm that the newly developed methods are effective and efficient

    Multimedia Retrieval

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    Rich and Scalable Models for Text

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    Topic models have become essential tools for uncovering hidden structures in big data. However, the most popular topic model algorithm—Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)— and its extensions suffer from sluggish performance on big datasets. Recently, the machine learning community has attacked this problem using spectral learning approaches such as the moment method with tensor decomposition or matrix factorization. The anchor word algorithm by Arora et al. [2013] has emerged as a more efficient approach to solve a large class of topic modeling problems. The anchor word algorithm is high-speed, and it has a provable theoretical guarantee: it will converge to a global solution given enough number of documents. In this thesis, we present a series of spectral models based on the anchor word algorithm to serve a broader class of datasets and to provide more abundant and more flexible modeling capacity. First, we improve the anchor word algorithm by incorporating various rich priors in the form of appropriate regularization terms. Our new regularized anchor word algorithms produce higher topic quality and provide flexibility to incorporate informed priors, creating the ability to discover topics more suited for external knowledge. Second, we enrich the anchor word algorithm with metadata-based word representation for labeled datasets. Our new supervised anchor word algorithm runs very fast and predicts better than supervised topic models such as Supervised LDA on three sentiment datasets. Also, sentiment anchor words, which play a vital role in generating sentiment topics, provide cues to understand sentiment datasets better than unsupervised topic models. Lastly, we examine ALTO, an active learning framework with a static topic overview, and investigate the usability of supervised topic models for active learning. We develop a new, dynamic, active learning framework that combines the concept of informativeness and representativeness of documents using dynamically updating topics from our fast supervised anchor word algorithm. Experiments using three multi-class datasets show that our new framework consistently improves classification accuracy over ALTO

    Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving

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    This open access book brings together the latest developments from industry and research on automated driving and artificial intelligence. Environment perception for highly automated driving heavily employs deep neural networks, facing many challenges. How much data do we need for training and testing? How to use synthetic data to save labeling costs for training? How do we increase robustness and decrease memory usage? For inevitably poor conditions: How do we know that the network is uncertain about its decisions? Can we understand a bit more about what actually happens inside neural networks? This leads to a very practical problem particularly for DNNs employed in automated driving: What are useful validation techniques and how about safety? This book unites the views from both academia and industry, where computer vision and machine learning meet environment perception for highly automated driving. Naturally, aspects of data, robustness, uncertainty quantification, and, last but not least, safety are at the core of it. This book is unique: In its first part, an extended survey of all the relevant aspects is provided. The second part contains the detailed technical elaboration of the various questions mentioned above

    To improve Bayesian Network Learner Modelling thanks to Multinet

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    International audienceBayesian Network (BN) are often used for student modelling but some problems remain, particularly the question of the structure of the BN. The key idea of this paper is that the structure of a BN-based Student Model (BNb-SM) depends on the level of expertise of the student. Therefore, a model should be constituted with several concurrent BNs (same nodes, different structures), instead of a single one, as it is usually the case. We present a conceptual model, the multinet, that allows to take into account different BNs. A multinet is a probabilistic graphical knowledge representation that can be seen as a BN mixture. We present both theoretical and experimental results obtained with real student's data. These results give strong evidence in favour of our approach by showing that there is a correlation between the student's levels of expertise and the Bayesian networks which fit their interactions best