35 research outputs found

    On the classification of arrhythmia using supplementary features from Tetrolet transforms

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    Heart diseases had been molded as potential threats to human lives, especially to elderly people in recent days due to the dynamically varying food habits among the people. However, these diseases could be easily caught by proper analysis of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals acquired from individuals. This paper proposes a better method to detect and classify the arrhythmia using 15 features which include 4 R-R interval features, 3 statistical and 6 chaotic features estimated from ECG signals. Additionally, Entropy and Energy features had been gained after converting one dimensional ECG signals to two dimensional data and applied Tetrolet transforms on that.  Total numbers of 15 features had been utilized to classify the heart beats from the benchmark MIT-Arrhythmia database using Support Vector Machines (SVM). The classification performance was analyzed under various kernel functions and different Tetrolet decomposition levels. It is found that Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel could perform better than linear and polynomial kernels. This research attempt yielded an accuracy of 99.35 % against the existing works. Moreover, addition of two more features had introduced a negligible overhead of time. Hence, this method is better suitable to detect and classify the Arrhythmia in both online and offline

    Non-linear classifiers applied to EEG analysis for epilepsy seizure detection

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    This work presents a novel approach for automatic epilepsy seizure detection based on EEG analysis that exploits the underlying non-linear nature of EEG data. In this paper, two main contributions are presented and validated: the use of non-linear classifiers through the so-called kernel trick and the proposal of a Bag-of-Words model for extracting a non-linear feature representation of the input data in an unsupervised manner. The performance of the resulting system is validated with public datasets, previously processed to remove artifacts or external disturbances, but also with private datasets recorded under realistic and non-ideal operating conditions. The use of public datasets caters for comparison purposes whereas the private one shows the performance of the system under realistic circumstances of noise, artifacts, and signals of different amplitudes. Moreover, the proposed solution has been compared to state-of-the-art works not only for pre-processed and public datasets but also with the private datasets. The mean F1-measure shows a 10% improvement over the second-best ranked method including cross-dataset experiments. The obtained results prove the robustness of the proposed solution to more realistic and variable conditions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Artificial immune system and particle swarm optimization for electroencephalogram based epileptic seizure classification

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    Automated analysis of brain activity from electroencephalogram (EEG) has indispensable applications in many fields such as epilepsy research. This research has studied the abilities of negative selection and clonal selection in artificial immune system (AIS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to produce different reliable and efficient methods for EEG-based epileptic seizure recognition which have not yet been explored. Initially, an optimization-based classification model was proposed to describe an individual use of clonal selection and PSO to build nearest centroid classifier for EEG signals. Next, two hybrid optimization-based negative selection models were developed to investigate the integration of the AIS-based techniques and negative selection with PSO from the perspective of classification and detection. In these models, a set of detectors was created by negative selection as self-tolerant and their quality was improved towards non-self using clonal selection or PSO. The models included a mechanism to maintain the diversity and generality among the detectors. The detectors were produced in the classification model for each class, while the detection model generated the detectors only for the abnormal class. These hybrid models differ from each other in hybridization configuration, solution representation and objective function. The three proposed models were abstracted into innovative methods by applying clonal selection and PSO for optimization, namely clonal selection classification algorithm (CSCA), particle swarm classification algorithm (PSCA), clonal negative selection classification algorithm (CNSCA), swarm negative selection classification algorithm (SNSCA), clonal negative selection detection algorithm (CNSDA) and swarm negative selection detection algorithm (SNSDA). These methods were evaluated on EEG data using common measures in medical diagnosis. The findings demonstrated that the methods can efficiently achieve a reliable recognition of epileptic activity in EEG signals. Although CNSCA gave the best performance, CNSDA and SNSDA are preferred due to their efficiency in time and space. A comparison with other methods in the literature showed the competitiveness of the proposed methods

    Biomedical time series analysis based on bag-of-words model

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    This research proposes a number of new methods for biomedical time series classification and clustering based on a novel Bag-of-Words (BoW) representation. It is anticipated that the objective and automatic biomedical time series clustering and classification technologies developed in this work will potentially benefit a wide range of applications, such as biomedical data management, archiving, retrieving, and disease diagnosis and prognosis in the future