3,627 research outputs found

    Architecture design for distributed mixed-criticality systems based on multi-core chips

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    In vielen Anwendungsbereichen wie beispielsweise der Avionik, industriellen Kontrollsystemen und dem Gesundheitswesen gewinnen sogenannte Mixed-Criticality Systeme, in denen Anwendungen mit unterschiedlicher Wichtigkeit sowie unterschiedlichen sicherheitskritischen Anforderungen auf einer gemeinsamen Rechenplattform implementiert werden, immer größere Bedeutung. Die Hauptanforderung an solche Systeme ist ein modularer Sicherheitsnachweis, der eine unabhängige Zertifizierung von Anwendungen anhand der zugehörigen Sicherheitsebenen unterstützt. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen fehlt im Stand der Technik jedoch eine Mixed-Criticality Architektur für vernetzte Multi-Core-Chips mit Echtzeitunterstützung, Fehlereingrenzung und Sicherheit. Die Dissertation befasst sich mit dieser Problematik und bietet einen Lösungsansatz auf Basis von Architekturmodellen, selektiver Fehlertoleranz, Scheduling-Techniken und einer Simulationsarchitektur. Die Basis dieser Integration sind Mechanismen für die zeitliche und räumliche Partitionierung, die die Sicherheit der Anwendungen mit verschiedenen Kritikalitätsstufen sicherstellen, so dass keine gegenseitige Beeinflussung entsteht. Die zeitliche Partitionierung wird über den Einsatz von autonomer zeitlicher Kontrolle basierend auf einem zeitgesteuerten Schedule mit definierten Zeitpunkten aller Kommunikationsaktivitäten in Bezug auf eine globale Zeitbasis realisiert. Diese Zeitpunkte der periodischen Nachrichten verbessern die Vorhersehbarkeit und ermöglichen eine rigorose Fehlererkennung und Fehleranalyse. Zeitgesteuerte Schedules erleichtern zudem die Beherrschung der Komplexität von Fehlertoleranzmechanismen und die Erstellung analytischer Zuverlässigkeitsmodelle. Ferner wird eine Partitionierung der Netzwerkbandbreite verwendet um verschiedene Zeitmodelle (z.B. periodisch, sporadisch und aperiodisch) zu kombinieren. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die selektive Fehlertoleranz für Mixed-Criticality Systeme. Ein Hauptmerkmal der Fehlertoleranz in Kommunikationsprotokollen wie Time-Triggered Ethernet (TTEthernet) und ARINC 664 ist die Bereitstellung redundanter Kommunikationskanäle zwischen Netzwerkknoten über mehrere unabhängige Netzwerkkomponenten. Die Datenflüsse zwischen den Netzwerkknoten sind gegen Fehler der verschiedenen Netzwerkkomponenten, wie beispielsweise Links oder Switches, geschützt. Der Hauptnachteil replizierter Netzwerke in großen Systemen sind jedoch die zusätzlichen Kosten, insbesondere wenn die Netzwerke ihre Dienste für mehrere Subsysteme, nämlich nicht-sicherheitskritische und kritische Subsysteme, bereitstellen. Diese Arbeit stellt eine neuartige Systemarchitektur vor, welche die Redundanz in Mixed-Criticality Systemen basierend auf einer Ring-Topologie unterstützt. Diese Architektur erfüllt die Anforderung der sicherheitskritischen Systeme und ist gleichzeitig auch für nicht-sicherheitskritische Systeme wirtschaftlich einsetzbar. Das Hauptmerkmal der vorgeschlagenen Architektur ist die Fehlereingrenzung, so dass Fehler keinen Einfluss auf Subsysteme mit höherer Kritikalität aufweisen. Außerdem garantiert die vorgeschlagene Architektur die Bereitstellung von Nachrichten mit begrenzten Verzögerungen und begrenztem Jitter. Basierend auf den in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Architekturansätzen werden effiziente Scheduling-Algorithmen für große Mixed-Criticality Systeme mit verschiedenen Zeitmodellen eingeführt. Die Architekturmodelle werden auch mit Hilfe eines Simulations-Frameworks evaluiert, welches hierarchische Mixed-Criticality Systeme mit vernetzten Multi-Core-Chips unterstützt. Ferner wird dieses Framework verwendet um die vorgeschlagenen Scheduling-Algorithmen zu verifizieren. Diese Evaluation wird zudem um analytische Modelle der End-to-End-Kommunikation für verschiedene Kritikalitätsstufen ergänzt.In many domains such as avionics, industrial control, or healthcare there is an increasing trend to mixed-criticality systems, where applications of different importance and criticality are implemented on a shared computing platform. The major requirement of such a system is a modular safety case where each application is certified to the respective assurance level. A mixed-criticality architecture for networked multi-core chips with real-time support, fault isolation and security is missing in the state-of-the-art. In this dissertation, we advance the state-of-the-art by providing solutions to research gaps towards such an architecture for networked multi-core chips, which include the architecture models, selective fault-tolerance concepts, scheduling techniques, and a simulation framework. The foundations for this integration are mechanisms for temporal and spatial partitioning, to ensure that applications of different criticality levels are protected so they cannot influence each other. We establish temporal partitioning using autonomous temporal control based on a time-triggered schedule containing the instants of all message exchanges with respect to a global time base. The predetermined instants of the periodic messages improve predictability and enable rigorous error detection and fault isolation. The time-triggered schedules facilitate managing the complexity of fault-tolerance and analytical dependability models. In addition, we use network bandwidth partitioning to support different timing models (i.e., periodic, sporadic and aperiodic traffic). We introduce an architectural model for mixed-criticality systems based on networked multi-core chips, which describes both the physical system structure as well as a logical system structure of the application. Another contribution of the dissertation is a selective fault-tolerance concept for mixed-criticality systems. One of the key features of existing fault-tolerant communication protocols such as ac{TTEthernet} and ARINC 664 is providing redundant channels for the communication between nodes over multiple independent network components. The data flows between the nodes are protected against the failure of any network component such as a link or a switch. However, the main drawback of replicated networks in large systems is the extra cost, in particular, if the networks provide their services for non safety-critical subsystems alongside with the critical subsystems. We introduce a novel system architecture supporting redundancy in mixed-criticality systems based on a ring topology, which fulfills the requirements of high-critical systems while also being economically suitable for low-critical systems. The main characteristic of the proposed architecture is fault isolation so that a failure of a low-critical subsystem cannot reach subsystems of higher criticality. Moreover, the proposed architecture supports the delivery of messages with bounded delays and bounded jitter. Based on these contributions, we address the scheduling algorithms for large scale mixed-criticality systems where different criticality levels of the subsystem as well as high numbers of nodes and applications lead to a steady increase of the complexity of scheduling the events associated with such systems. The architecture models have also been evaluated using a simulation framework. This simulation framework is established for hierarchical mixed-criticality systems based on networked multi-core chips. Additionally, this framework is used to verify the proposed scheduling algorithms. This evaluation is accompanied by analytical models of end-to-end communication for different criticality levels

    Scheduling for Mixed-criticality Hypervisor Systems in the Automotive Domain

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    This thesis focuses on scheduling for hypervisor systems in the automotive domain. Current practices are primarily implementation-agnostic or are limited by lack of visibility during the execution of partitions. The tasks executed within the partitions are classified as event-triggered or time-triggered. A scheduling model is developed using a pair of a deferrable server and a periodic server per partition to provide low latency for event-triggered tasks and maximising utilisation. The developed approach enforces temporal isolation between partitions and ensures that time-triggered tasks do not suffer from starvation. The scheduling model was extended to support three criticality levels with two degraded modes. The first degraded mode provides the partitions with additional capacity by trading-off low latency of event-driven tasks with lower overheads and utilisation. Both models were evaluated by forming a case study using real ECU application code. A second case study was formed inspired from the Olympus Attitude and Orbital Control System (AOCS) to further evaluate the proposed mixed-criticality model. To conclude, the contributions of this thesis are addressed with respect to the research hypothesis and possible avenues for future work are identified

    Combined Scheduling of Time-Triggered Plans and Priority Scheduled Task Sets

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    © Owner/Author (2016). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, 36(1), 68-76, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/10.1145/2971571.2971580.[EN] Preemptive, priority-based scheduling on the one hand, and time-triggered scheduling on the other, are the two major techniques in use for development of real-time and embedded software. Both have their advantages and drawbacks with respect to the other, and are commonly adopted in mutual exclusion. In a previous paper, we proposed a software architecture that enables the combined and controlled execution of time-triggered plans and priority-scheduled tasks. The goal was to take advantage of the best of both approaches by providing deterministic, jitter-controlled execution of time-triggered tasks (e.g., control tasks), coexisting with a set of priority-scheduled tasks, with less demanding jitter requirements. In this paper, we briefly describe the approach, in which the time-triggered plan is executed at the highest priority level, controlled by scheduling decisions taken only at particular points in time, signalled by recurrent timing events. The rest of priority levels are used by a set of concurrent tasks scheduled by static or dynamic priorities. We also discuss several open issues such as schedulability analysis, use of the approach in multiprocessor architectures, usability in mixed-criticality systems and needed changes to make this approach Ravenscar compliant.This work has been partly supported by the Spanish Government’s project M2C2 (TIN2014-56158-C4-1-P-AR) and the European Commission’s project EMC2 (ARTEMIS-JU Call 2013 AIPP-5, Contract 621429).Real Sáez, JV.; Sáez Barona, S.; Crespo Lorente, A. (2016). Combined Scheduling of Time-Triggered Plans and Priority Scheduled Task Sets. Ada Letters. 36(1):68-76. https://doi.org/10.1145/2971571.2971580S6876361T. P. Baker and A. Shaw. The cyclic executive model and Ada. In Proceedings IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium 1988, Huntsville, Alabama, pages 120--129, 1988.P. Balbastre, I. Ripoll, J. Vidal, and A. Crespo. A Task Model to Reduce Control Delays. Real-Time Systems, 27(3):215--236, September 2004.A. Burns and R. Davis. Mixed Criticality Systems - A Review. Technical report, Depatment of Computer Science, University of York, 2013.A. Cervin. Integrated Control and Real-Time Scheduling. PhD thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, April 2003.R. Dobrin. Combining Offline Schedule Construction and Fixed Priority Scheduling in Real-Time Computer Systems. PhD thesis, Mälardalen University, 2005.S. Hong, X. Hu, and M. Lemmon. Reducing Delay Jitter of Real-Time Control Tasks through Adaptive Deadline Adjustments. In IEEE Computer Society, editor, 22nd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems -- ECRTS, pages 229--238, 2010.J. W. S. Liu. Real-Time Systems. Prentice-Hall Inc., 2000.J. Palencia and M. González-Harbour. Schedulability Analysis for Tasks with Static and Dynamic Offsets. In 9th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1998.M. J. Pont. The Engineering of Reliable Embedded Systems: LPC1769 edition. Number ISBN: 978-0-9930355-0-0. SafeTTy Systems Limited, 2014.J. Real and A. Crespo. Incorporating Operating Modes to an Ada Real-Time Framework. Ada Letters, 30(1):73--85, April 2010.J. Real, S. Sáez, and A. Crespo. Combining time-triggered plans with priority scheduled task sets. In M. Bertogna and L. M. Pinho, editors, Reliable Software Technologies -- Ada-Europe 2016, volume 9695 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, June 2016.S. Sáez, J. Real, and A. Crespo. An integrated framework for multiprocessor, multimoded real-time applications. In M. Brorsson and L. Pinho, editors, Reliable Software Technologies -- Ada-Europe 2012, volume 7308, pages 18--34. Springer-Verlag, June 2012.S. Sáez, J. Real, and A. Crespo. Implementation of Timing-Event Anities in Ada/Linux. Ada Letters, 35(1), April 2015.A. J. Wellings and A. Burns. A Framework for Real-Time Utilities for Ada 2005. Ada Letters, XXVII(2), August 2007

    Scheduling policies and system software architectures for mixed-criticality computing

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    Mixed-criticality model of computation is being increasingly adopted in timing-sensitive systems. The model not only ensures that the most critical tasks in a system never fails, but also aims for better systems resource utilization in normal condition. In this report, we describe the widely used mixed-criticality task model and fixed-priority scheduling algorithms for the model in uniprocessors. Because of the necessity by the mixed-criticality task model and scheduling policies, isolation, both temporal and spatial, among tasks is one of the main requirements from the system design point of view. Different virtualization techniques have been used to design system software architecture with the goal of isolation. We discuss such a few system software architectures which are being and can be used for mixed-criticality model of computation

    Utilization-Based Scheduling of Flexible Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Tasks

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    Mixed-criticality models are an emerging paradigm for the design of real-time systems because of their significantly improved resource efficiency. However, formal mixed-criticality models have traditionally been characterized by two impractical assumptions: once \textit{any} high-criticality task overruns, \textit{all} low-criticality tasks are suspended and \textit{all other} high-criticality tasks are assumed to exhibit high-criticality behaviors at the same time. In this paper, we propose a more realistic mixed-criticality model, called the flexible mixed-criticality (FMC) model, in which these two issues are addressed in a combined manner. In this new model, only the overrun task itself is assumed to exhibit high-criticality behavior, while other high-criticality tasks remain in the same mode as before. The guaranteed service levels of low-criticality tasks are gracefully degraded with the overruns of high-criticality tasks. We derive a utilization-based technique to analyze the schedulability of this new mixed-criticality model under EDF-VD scheduling. During runtime, the proposed test condition serves an important criterion for dynamic service level tuning, by means of which the maximum available execution budget for low-criticality tasks can be directly determined with minimal overhead while guaranteeing mixed-criticality schedulability. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the FMC scheme compared with state-of-the-art techniques.Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE Transaction on Computers (TC) on Sept-09th-201

    Reasoning About the Reliability of Multi-version, Diverse Real-Time Systems

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    This paper is concerned with the development of reliable real-time systems for use in high integrity applications. It advocates the use of diverse replicated channels, but does not require the dependencies between the channels to be evaluated. Rather it develops and extends the approach of Little wood and Rush by (for general systems) by investigating a two channel system in which one channel, A, is produced to a high level of reliability (i.e. has a very low failure rate), while the other, B, employs various forms of static analysis to sustain an argument that it is perfect (i.e. it will never miss a deadline). The first channel is fully functional, the second contains a more restricted computational model and contains only the critical computations. Potential dependencies between the channels (and their verification) are evaluated in terms of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. At the aleatory level the events ''A fails" and ''B is imperfect" are independent. Moreover, unlike the general case, independence at the epistemic level is also proposed for common forms of implementation and analysis for real-time systems and their temporal requirements (deadlines). As a result, a systematic approach is advocated that can be applied in a real engineering context to produce highly reliable real-time systems, and to support numerical claims about the level of reliability achieved

    A Benes Based NoC Switching Architecture for Mixed Criticality Embedded Systems

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    Multi-core, Mixed Criticality Embedded (MCE) real-time systems require high timing precision and predictability to guarantee there will be no interference between tasks. These guarantees are necessary in application areas such as avionics and automotive, where task interference or missed deadlines could be catastrophic, and safety requirements are strict. In modern multi-core systems, the interconnect becomes a potential point of uncertainty, introducing major challenges in proving behaviour is always within specified constraints, limiting the means of growing system performance to add more tasks, or provide more computational resources to existing tasks. We present MCENoC, a Network-on-Chip (NoC) switching architecture that provides innovations to overcome this with predictable, formally verifiable timing behaviour that is consistent across the whole NoC. We show how the fundamental properties of Benes networks benefit MCE applications and meet our architecture requirements. Using SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA), formal properties are defined that aid the refinement of the specification of the design as well as enabling the implementation to be exhaustively formally verified. We demonstrate the performance of the design in terms of size, throughput and predictability, and discuss the application level considerations needed to exploit this architecture
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