201 research outputs found

    Time-Space Trade-offs for Triangulating a Simple Polygon

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    An s-workspace algorithm is an algorithm that has read-only access to the values of the input, write-only access to the output, and only uses O(s) additional words of space. We give a randomized s-workspace algorithm for triangulating a simple polygon P of n vertices, for any s up to n. The algorithm runs in O(n^2/s+n(log s)log^5(n/s)) expected time using O(s) variables, for any s up to n. In particular, the algorithm runs in O(n^2/s) expected time for most values of s

    A Time-Space Tradeoff for Triangulations of Points in the Plane

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    In this paper, we consider time-space trade-offs for reporting a triangulation of points in the plane. The goal is to minimize the amount of working space while keeping the total running time small. We present the first multi-pass algorithm on the problem that returns the edges of a triangulation with their adjacency information. This even improves the previously best known random-access algorithm

    Memory-Constrained Algorithms for Simple Polygons

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    A constant-workspace algorithm has read-only access to an input array and may use only O(1) additional words of O(logn)O(\log n) bits, where nn is the size of the input. We assume that a simple nn-gon is given by the ordered sequence of its vertices. We show that we can find a triangulation of a plane straight-line graph in O(n2)O(n^2) time. We also consider preprocessing a simple polygon for shortest path queries when the space constraint is relaxed to allow ss words of working space. After a preprocessing of O(n2)O(n^2) time, we are able to solve shortest path queries between any two points inside the polygon in O(n2/s)O(n^2/s) time.Comment: Preprint appeared in EuroCG 201

    Space-Time Trade-offs for Stack-Based Algorithms

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    In memory-constrained algorithms we have read-only access to the input, and the number of additional variables is limited. In this paper we introduce the compressed stack technique, a method that allows to transform algorithms whose space bottleneck is a stack into memory-constrained algorithms. Given an algorithm \alg\ that runs in O(n) time using Θ(n)\Theta(n) variables, we can modify it so that it runs in O(n2/s)O(n^2/s) time using a workspace of O(s) variables (for any so(logn)s\in o(\log n)) or O(nlogn/logp)O(n\log n/\log p) time using O(plogn/logp)O(p\log n/\log p) variables (for any 2pn2\leq p\leq n). We also show how the technique can be applied to solve various geometric problems, namely computing the convex hull of a simple polygon, a triangulation of a monotone polygon, the shortest path between two points inside a monotone polygon, 1-dimensional pyramid approximation of a 1-dimensional vector, and the visibility profile of a point inside a simple polygon. Our approach exceeds or matches the best-known results for these problems in constant-workspace models (when they exist), and gives the first trade-off between the size of the workspace and running time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first general framework for obtaining memory-constrained algorithms

    Approximate Euclidean shortest paths in polygonal domains

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    Given a set P\mathcal{P} of hh pairwise disjoint simple polygonal obstacles in R2\mathbb{R}^2 defined with nn vertices, we compute a sketch Ω\Omega of P\mathcal{P} whose size is independent of nn, depending only on hh and the input parameter ϵ\epsilon. We utilize Ω\Omega to compute a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate geodesic shortest path between the two given points in O(n+h((lgn)+(lgh)1+δ+(1ϵlghϵ)))O(n + h((\lg{n}) + (\lg{h})^{1+\delta} + (\frac{1}{\epsilon}\lg{\frac{h}{\epsilon}}))) time. Here, ϵ\epsilon is a user parameter, and δ\delta is a small positive constant (resulting from the time for triangulating the free space of P\cal P using the algorithm in \cite{journals/ijcga/Bar-YehudaC94}). Moreover, we devise a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm to answer two-point Euclidean distance queries for the case of convex polygonal obstacles.Comment: a few updates; accepted to ISAAC 201

    A New Balanced Subdivision of a Simple Polygon for Time-Space Trade-off Algorithms

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    We are given a read-only memory for input and a write-only stream for output. For a positive integer parameter s, an s-workspace algorithm is an algorithm using only O(s) words of workspace in addition to the memory for input. In this paper, we present an O(n^2/s)-time s-workspace algorithm for subdividing a simple polygon into O(min{n/s,s}) subpolygons of complexity O(max{n/s,s}). As applications of the subdivision, the previously best known time-space trade-offs for the following three geometric problems are improved immediately: (1) computing the shortest path between two points inside a simple n-gon, (2) computing the shortest path tree from a point inside a simple n-gon, (3) computing a triangulation of a simple n-gon. In addition, we improve the algorithm for the second problem even further