7 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Fuzzy Time Series Technique for Forecasting Univariate Data

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    In this paper a hybrid forecasting technique that integrates Cat Swarm optimization Clustering (CSO-C) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) forecasting is presented. In the three stages of FTS, CSO-C found application at the fuzzification module where its efficient capability in terms of data classification was utilized to neutrally divide the universe of discourse into unequal parts. Then, disambiguated fuzzy relationships were obtained using Fuzzy Set Group (FSG). In the final stage, PSO was adopted for optimization; by tuning weights assigned to fuzzy sets in a rule. This rule is a fuzzy logical relationship induced from FSG. The forecasting results showed that the proposed method outperformed other existing methods; using RMSE and MAPE as performance metrics. 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽

    The cross-association relation based on intervals ratio in fuzzy time series

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    The fuzzy time series (FTS) is a forecasting model based on linguistic values. This forecasting method was developed in recent years after the existing ones were insufficiently accurate. Furthermore, this research modified the accuracy of existing methods for determining and the partitioning universe of discourse, fuzzy logic relationship (FLR), and variation historical data using intervals ratio, cross association relationship, and rubber production Indonesia data, respectively. The modifed steps start with the intervals ratio to partition the determined universe discourse. Then the triangular fuzzy sets were built, allowing fuzzification. After this, the FLR are built based on the cross association relationship, leading to defuzzification. The average forecasting error rate (AFER) was used to compare the modified results and the existing methods. Additionally, the simulations were conducted using rubber production Indonesia data from 2000-2020. With an AFER result of 4.77%<10%, the modification accuracy has a smaller error than previous methods, indicating聽 very good forecasting criteria. In addition, the coefficient values of D1 and D2 were automatically obtained from the intervals ratio algorithm. The future works modified the partitioning of the universe of discourse using frequency density to eliminate unused partition intervals

    Triangular Fuzzy Time Series for Two Factors High-order based on Interval Variations

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    Fuzzy time series (FTS) firstly introduced by Song and Chissom has been developed to forecast such as enrollment data, stock index, air pollution, etc. In forecasting FTS data several authors define universe of discourse using coefficient values with any integer or real number as a substitute. This study focuses on interval variation in order to get better evaluation. Coefficient values analyzed and compared in unequal partition intervals and equal partition intervals with base and triangular fuzzy membership functions applied in two factors high-order. The study implemented in the Shen-hu stock index data. The models evaluated by average forecasting error rate (AFER) and compared with existing methods. AFER value 0.28% for Shen-hu stock index daily data. Based on the result, this research can be used as a reference to determine the better interval and degree membership value in the fuzzy time series.

    Multimodal forecasting methodology applied to industrial process monitoring

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    IEEE Industrial process modelling represents a key factor to allow the future generation of industrial manufacturing plants. In this regard, accurate models of critical signals need to be designed in order to forecast process deviations. In this work a novel multimodal forecasting methodology based on adaptive dynamics packaging and codification of the process operation is proposed. First, a target signal is decomposed by means of the Empirical Mode Decomposition in order to identify the characteristics intrinsic mode functions. Second, such dynamics are packaged depending on their significance and modelling complexity. Third, the operating condition of the considered process, reflected by available auxiliary signals, is codified by means of a Self-Organizing Map and presented to the modelling structure. The forecasting structure is supported by a set of ensemble ANFIS based models, each one focused on a different set of signal dynamics. The performance and effectiveness of the proposed method is validated experimentally with industrial data from a copper rod manufacturing plant and performance comparison with classical approaches. The proposed method improves performance and generalization versus classical single model approaches.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Contributions to industrial process condition forecasting applied to copper rod manufacturing process

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    Ensuring reliability and robustness of operation is one of the main concerns in industrial anufacturing processes , dueto the ever-increasing demand for improvements over the cost and quality ofthe processes outcome. In this regard , a deviation from the nominal operating behaviours implies a divergence from the optimal condition specification, anda misalignment from the nominal product quality, causing a critica! loss of potential earnings . lndeed, since a decade ago, the industrial sector has been carried out a significant effortAsegurar la fiabilidad y la robustez es uno de los principales objetivos en la monitorizaci贸n de los procesos industriales, ya que estos cada vez se encuentran sometidos a demandas de producci贸n m谩s elevadas a la vez que se deben bajar costes de fabricaci贸n manteniendo la calidad del producto final. En este sentido, una desviaci贸n de la operaci贸n del proceso implica una divergencia de los par谩metros 贸ptimos preestablecidos, lo que conlleva a una desviaci贸n respecto la calidad nominal del producto final, causando as铆 un rechazo de dicho producto y una perdida en costes para la empresa. De hecho, tanto es as铆, que desde hace m谩s de una d茅cada el sector industrial ha dedicado un esfuerzo considerable a la implantaci贸n de metodolog铆as de monitorizaci贸n inteligente. Dichos m茅todos son capaces extraer informaci贸n respecto a la condici贸n de las diferentes maquinarias y procesos involucrados en el proceso de fabricaci贸n. No obstante, esta informaci贸n extra铆da corresponde al estado actual del proceso. Por lo que obtener informaci贸n respecto a la condici贸n futura de dicho proceso representa una mejora significativa para poder ganar tiempo de respuesta para la detecci贸n y correcci贸n de desviaciones en la operaci贸n de dicho proceso. Por lo tanto, la combinaci贸n del conocimiento futuro del comportamiento del proceso con la consecuente evaluaci贸n de la condici贸n del mismo, es un objetivo a cumplir para la definici贸n de las nuevas generaciones de sistemas de monitorizaci贸n de procesos industriales. En este sentido, la presente tesis tiene como objetivo la propuesta de metodolog铆as para evaluar la condici贸n, actual y futura, de procesos industriales. Dicha metodolog铆a debe estimar la condici贸n de forma fiable y con una alta resoluci贸n. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se pretende extraer la informaci贸n de la condici贸n futura a partir de un modelado, basado en series temporales, de las se帽ales cr铆ticas del proceso, para despu茅s, en base a enfoques no lineales de preservaci贸n de la topolog铆a, fusionar dichas se帽ales proyectadas a futuro para conocer la condici贸n. El rendimiento y la bondad de las metodolog铆as propuestas en la tesis han sido validadas mediante su aplicaci贸n en un proceso industrial real, concretamente, con datos de una planta de fabricaci贸n de alambr贸n de cobre