38 research outputs found

    Context-aware LDA: Balancing Relevance and Diversity in TV Content Recommenders

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    In the vast and expanding ocean of digital content, users are hardly satisfied with recommended programs solely based on static user patterns and common statistics. Therefore, there is growing interest in recommendation approaches that aim to provide a certain level of diversity, besides precision and ranking. Context-awareness, which is an effective way to express dynamics and adaptivity, is widely used in recom-mender systems to set a proper balance between ranking and diversity. In light of these observations, we introduce a recommender with a context-aware probabilistic graphi-cal model and apply it to a campus-wide TV content de-livery system named “Vision”. Within this recommender, selection criteria of candidate fields and contextual factors are designed and users’ dependencies on their personal pref-erence or the aforementioned contextual influences can be distinguished. Most importantly, as to the role of balanc-ing relevance and diversity, final experiment results prove that context-aware LDA can evidently outperform other al-gorithms on both metrics. Thus this scalable model can be flexibly used for different recommendation purposes

    Context-aware LDA: Balancing Relevance and Diversity in TV Content Recommenders

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    In the vast and expanding ocean of digital content, users are hardly satisfied with recommended programs solely based on static user patterns and common statistics. Therefore, there is growing interest in recommendation approaches that aim to provide a certain level of diversity, besides precision and ranking. Context-awareness, which is an effective way to express dynamics and adaptivity, is widely used in recom-mender systems to set a proper balance between ranking and diversity. In light of these observations, we introduce a recommender with a context-aware probabilistic graphi-cal model and apply it to a campus-wide TV content de-livery system named “Vision”. Within this recommender, selection criteria of candidate fields and contextual factors are designed and users’ dependencies on their personal pref-erence or the aforementioned contextual influences can be distinguished. Most importantly, as to the role of balanc-ing relevance and diversity, final experiment results prove that context-aware LDA can evidently outperform other al-gorithms on both metrics. Thus this scalable model can be flexibly used for different recommendation purposes

    The Importance of Context When Recommending TV Content: Dataset and Algorithms

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    Home entertainment systems feature in a variety of usage scenarios with one or more simultaneous users, for whom the complexity of choosing media to consume has increased rapidly over the last decade. Users' decision processes are complex and highly influenced by contextual settings, but data supporting the development and evaluation of context-aware recommender systems are scarce. In this paper we present a dataset of self-reported TV consumption enriched with contextual information of viewing situations. We show how choice of genre associates with, among others, the number of present users and users' attention levels. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of predicting chosen genres given different configurations of contextual information, and compare the results to contextless predictions. The results suggest that including contextual features in the prediction cause notable improvements, and both temporal and social context show significant contributions

    Intelligent techniques for recommender systems

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    This thesis focuses on the data sparsity issue and the temporal dynamic issue in the context of collaborative filtering, and addresses them with imputation techniques, low-rank subspace techniques and optimizations techniques from the machine learning perspective. A comprehensive survey on the development of collaborative filtering techniques is also included

    Exploiting distributional semantics for content-based and context-aware recommendation

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    During the last decade, the use of recommender systems has been increasingly growing to the point that, nowadays, the success of many well-known services depends on these technologies. Recommenders Systems help people to tackle the choice overload problem by effectively presenting new content adapted to the user¿s preferences. However, current recommendation algorithms commonly suffer from data sparsity, which refers to the incapability of producing acceptable recommendations until a minimum amount of users¿ ratings are available for training the prediction models. This thesis investigates how the distributional semantics of concepts describing the entities of the recommendation space can be exploited to mitigate the data-sparsity problem and improve the prediction accuracy with respect to state-of-the-art recommendation techniques. The fundamental idea behind distributional semantics is that concepts repeatedly co-occurring in the same context or usage tend to be related. In this thesis, we propose and evaluate two novel semantically-enhanced prediction models that address the sparsity-related limitations: (1) a content-based approach, which exploits the distributional semantics of item¿s attributes during item and user-profile matching, and (2) a context-aware recommendation approach that exploits the distributional semantics of contextual conditions during context modeling. We demonstrate in an exhaustive experimental evaluation that the proposed algorithms outperform state-of-the-art ones, especially when data are sparse. Finally, this thesis presents a recommendation framework, which extends the widespread machine learning library Apache Mahout, including all the proposed and evaluated recommendation algorithms as well as a tool for offline evaluation and meta-parameter optimization. The framework has been developed to allow other researchers to reproduce the described evaluation experiments and make new progress on the Recommender Systems field easierDurant l'última dècada, l'ús dels sistemes de recomanació s'ha vist incrementat fins al punt que, actualment, l'èxit de molts dels serveis web més coneguts depèn en aquesta tecnologia. Els Sistemes de Recomanació ajuden als usuaris a trobar els productes o serveis que més s¿adeqüen als seus interessos i preferències. Una gran limitació dels algoritmes de recomanació actuals és el problema de "data-sparsity", que es refereix a la incapacitat d'aquests sistemes de generar recomanacions precises fins que un cert nombre de votacions d'usuari és disponible per entrenar els models de predicció. Per mitigar aquest problema i millorar així la precisió de predicció de les tècniques de recomanació que conformen l'estat de l'art, en aquesta tesi hem investigat diferents maneres d'aprofitar la semàntica distribucional dels conceptes que descriuen les entitats que conformen l'espai del problema de la recomanació, principalment, els objectes a recomanar i la informació contextual. En la semàntica distribucional s'assumeix la següent hipotesi: conceptes que coincideixen repetidament en el mateix context o ús tendeixen a estar semànticament relacionats. Concretament, en aquesta tesi hem proposat i avaluat dos algoritmes de recomanació que fan ús de la semàntica distribucional per mitigar el problem de "data-sparsity": (1) un model basat en contingut que explota les similituds distribucionals dels atributs que representen els objectes a recomanar durant el càlcul de la correspondència entre els perfils d'usuari i dels objectes; (2) un model de recomanació contextual que fa ús de les similituds distribucionals entre condicions contextuals durant la representació del context. Mitjançant una avaluació experimental exhaustiva dels models de recomanació proposats hem demostrat la seva efectivitat en situacions de falta de dades, confirmant que poden millorar la precisió d'algoritmes que conformen l'estat de l'art. Finalment, aquesta tesi presenta una llibreria pel desenvolupament i avaluació d'algoritmes de recomanació com una extensió de la llibreria de "Machine Learning" Apache Mahout, àmpliament utilitzada en el camp del Machine Learning. La nostra extensió inclou tots els algoritmes de recomanació avaluats en aquesta tesi, així com una eina per facilitar l'avaluació experimental dels algoritmes. Hem desenvolupat aquesta llibreria per facilitar a altres investigadors la reproducció dels experiments realitzats i, per tant, el progrés en el camp dels Sistemes de Recomanació

    Deliverable D4.1 Specification of user profiling and contextualisation

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    This deliverable presents a comprehensive research of past work in the field of capturing and interpreting user preferences and context and an overview of relevant digital media-specific techniques, aiming to provide insights and ideas for innovative context-aware user preference learning and to justify the user modelling strategies considered within LinkedTV’s WP4. Based on this research and a study over the specific technical and conceptual requirements of LinkedTV, a prototypical design for profiling and contextualizing user needs in a linked media environment is specified