13 research outputs found

    More Legal Transformations for Locality

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    Distinguished paper award Commercial link : http://www.springerlink.de ALCHEMY/http://www.springer.comProgram transformations are one of the most valuable compiler techniques to improve data locality. However, restructuring compilers have a hard time coping with data dependences. A typical solution is to focus on program parts where the dependences are simple enough to enable any transformation. For more complex problems is only addressed the question of checking whether a transformation is legal or not. In this paper we propose to go further. Starting from a transformation with no guarantee on legality, we show how we can correct it for dependence satisfaction with no consequence on its locality properties. Generating code having the best locality is a direct application of this result

    Hierarchical overlapped tiling

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    Polyhedral-based data reuse optimization for configurable computing

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    On-the-fly tracing for data-centric computing : parallelization, workflow and applications

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    As data-centric computing becomes the trend in science and engineering, more and more hardware systems, as well as middleware frameworks, are emerging to handle the intensive computations associated with big data. At the programming level, it is crucial to have corresponding programming paradigms for dealing with big data. Although MapReduce is now a known programming model for data-centric computing where parallelization is completely replaced by partitioning the computing task through data, not all programs particularly those using statistical computing and data mining algorithms with interdependence can be re-factorized in such a fashion. On the other hand, many traditional automatic parallelization methods put an emphasis on formalism and may not achieve optimal performance with the given limited computing resources. In this work we propose a cross-platform programming paradigm, called on-the-fly data tracing , to provide source-to-source transformation where the same framework also provides the functionality of workflow optimization on larger applications. Using a big-data approximation computations related to large-scale data input are identified in the code and workflow and a simplified core dependence graph is built based on the computational load taking in to account big data. The code can then be partitioned into sections for efficient parallelization; and at the workflow level, optimization can be performed by adjusting the scheduling for big-data considerations, including the I/O performance of the machine. Regarding each unit in both source code and workflow as a model, this framework enables model-based parallel programming that matches the available computing resources. The techniques used in model-based parallel programming as well as the design of the software framework for both parallelization and workflow optimization as well as its implementations with multiple programming languages are presented in the dissertation. Then, the following experiments are performed to validate the framework: i) the benchmarking of parallelization speed-up using typical examples in data analysis and machine learning (e.g. naive Bayes, k-means) and ii) three real-world applications in data-centric computing with the framework are also described to illustrate the efficiency: pattern detection from hurricane and storm surge simulations, road traffic flow prediction and text mining from social media data. In the applications, it illustrates how to build scalable workflows with the framework along with performance enhancements

    What broke where for distributed and parallel applications — a whodunit story

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    Detection, diagnosis and mitigation of performance problems in today\u27s large-scale distributed and parallel systems is a difficult task. These large distributed and parallel systems are composed of various complex software and hardware components. When the system experiences some performance or correctness problem, developers struggle to understand the root cause of the problem and fix in a timely manner. In my thesis, I address these three components of the performance problems in computer systems. First, we focus on diagnosing performance problems in large-scale parallel applications running on supercomputers. We developed techniques to localize the performance problem for root-cause analysis. Parallel applications, most of which are complex scientific simulations running in supercomputers, can create up to millions of parallel tasks that run on different machines and communicate using the message passing paradigm. We developed a highly scalable and accurate automated debugging tool called PRODOMETER, which uses sophisticated algorithms to first, create a logical progress dependency graph of the tasks to highlight how the problem spread through the system manifesting as a system-wide performance issue. Second, uses this logical progress dependence graph to identify the task where the problem originated. Finally, PRODOMETER pinpoints the code region corresponding to the origin of the bug. Second, we developed a tool-chain that can detect performance anomaly using machine-learning techniques and can achieve very low false positive rate. Our input-aware performance anomaly detection system consists of a scalable data collection framework to collect performance related metrics from different granularity of code regions, an offline model creation and prediction-error characterization technique, and a threshold based anomaly-detection-engine for production runs. Our system requires few training runs and can handle unknown inputs and parameter combinations by dynamically calibrating the anomaly detection threshold according to the characteristics of the input data and the characteristics of the prediction-error of the models. Third, we developed performance problem mitigation scheme for erasure-coded distributed storage systems. Repair operations of the failed blocks in erasure-coded distributed storage system take really long time in networked constrained data-centers. The reason being, during the repair operation for erasure-coded distributed storage, a lot of data from multiple nodes are gathered into a single node and then a mathematical operation is performed to reconstruct the missing part. This process severely congests the links toward the destination where newly recreated data is to be hosted. We proposed a novel distributed repair technique, called Partial-Parallel-Repair (PPR) that performs this reconstruction in parallel on multiple nodes and eliminates network bottlenecks, and as a result, greatly speeds up the repair process. Fourth, we study how for a class of applications, performance can be improved (or performance problems can be mitigated) by selectively approximating some of the computations. For many applications, the main computation happens inside a loop that can be logically divided into a few temporal segments, we call phases. We found that while approximating the initial phases might severely degrade the quality of the results, approximating the computation for the later phases have very small impact on the final quality of the result. Based on this observation, we developed an optimization framework that for a given budget of quality-loss, would find the best approximation settings for each phase in the execution

    Code generation of array constructs for distributed memory systems

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    Programming for high-performance systems to fully utilize the potential of the computing system is a complex problem. This is particularly evident when programming distributed memory clusters containing multiple NUMA chips and GPUs on each node since it would require a complex combination of MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, OpenCL, etc to achieve high performance even for sequentially simplistic codes. Programs requiring high performance are usually painstakingly written by hand in C/C++ or Fortran using MPI+X to target these machines. This work presents a multi-layer code generation framework Vaani that takes a very high-level representation of computations and generates C+MPI code by transforming the input through a series of intermediate representations. The very high-level nature of the language greatly facilitates programming parallel systems. Additionally, the use of multiple representations provide a flexible and transparent venue for the user to interact and customize the transformation process to generate code suitable to the user and the target machine. Experimental evaluation shows that the current implementation of Vaani generates code that is competitive with handwritten codes and hand-optimized libraries

    Tiling Imperfectly-nested Loop Nests (REVISED)

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    Tiling is one of the more important transformations for enhancing locality of reference in programs. Tiling of perfectly-nested loop nests (which are loop nests in which all assignment statements are contained in the innermost loop) is well understood. In practice, most loop nests are imperfectly-nested, so existing compilers heuristically try to find a sequence of transformations that convert such loop nests into perfectly-nested ones but not always succeed. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to tiling imperfectly-nested loop nests. The key idea is to embed the iteration space of every statement in the imperfectly-nested loop nest into a special space called the product space. The set of possible embeddings is constrained so that the resulting product space can be legally tiled. From this set we choose embeddings that enhance data reuse. We evaluate the effectiveness of this approach for dense numerical linear algebra benchmarks, relaxation codes, and the tomcatv code from the SPEC benchmarks. No other single approach in the literature can tile all these codes automatically

    Iterative Compilation and Performance Prediction for Numerical Applications

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureAs the current rate of improvement in processor performance far exceeds the rate of memory performance, memory latency is the dominant overhead in many performance critical applications. In many cases, automatic compiler-based approaches to improving memory performance are limited and programmers frequently resort to manual optimisation techniques. However, this process is tedious and time-consuming. Furthermore, a diverse range of a rapidly evolving hardware makes the optimisation process even more complex. It is often hard to predict the potential benefits from different optimisations and there are no simple criteria to stop optimisations i.e. when optimal memory performance has been achieved or sufficiently approached. This thesis presents a platform independent optimisation approach for numerical applications based on iterative feedback-directed program restructuring using a new reasonably fast and accurate performance prediction technique for guiding optimisations. New strategies for searching the optimisation space, by means of profiling to find the best possible program variant, have been developed. These strategies have been evaluated using a range of kernels and programs on different platforms and operating systems. A significant performance improvement has been achieved using new approaches when compared to the state-of-the-art native static and platform-specific feedback directed compilers

    Cache based optimization of stencil computations : an algorithmic approach

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    We are witnessing a fundamental paradigm shift in computer design. Memory has been and is becoming more hierarchical. Clock frequency is no longer crucial for performance. The on-chip core count is doubling rapidly. The quest for performance is growing. These facts have lead to complex computer systems which bestow high demands on scientific computing problems to achieve high performance. Stencil computation is a frequent and important kernel that is affected by this complexity. Its importance stems from the wide variety of scientific and engineering applications that use it. The stencil kernel is a nearest-neighbor computation with low arithmetic intensity, thus it usually achieves only a tiny fraction of the peak performance when executed on modern computer systems. Fast on-chip memory modules were introduced as the hardware approach to alleviate the problem. There are mainly three approaches to address the problem, cache aware, cache oblivious, and automatic loop transformation approaches. In this thesis, comprehensive cache aware and cache oblivious algorithms to optimize stencil computations on structured rectangular 2D and 3D grids are presented. Our algorithms observe the challenges for high performance in the previous approaches, devise solutions for them, and carefully balance the solution building blocks against each other. The many-core systems put the scalability of memory access at stake which has lead to hierarchical main memory systems. This adds another locality challenge for performance. We tailor our frameworks to meet the new performance challenge on these architectures. Experiments are performed to evaluate the performance of our frameworks on synthetic as well as real world problems.Wir erleben gerade einen fundamentalen Paradigmenwechsel im Computer Design. Speicher wird immer mehr hierarchisch gegliedert. Die CPU Frequenz ist nicht mehr allein entscheidend für die Rechenleistung. Die Zahl der Kerne auf einem Chip verdoppelt sich in kurzen Zeitabständen. Das Verlangen nach mehr Leistung wächst dabei ungebremst. Dies hat komplexe Computersysteme zur Folge, die mit schwierigen Problemen aus dem Bereich des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens einhergehen um eine hohe Leistung zu erreichen. Stencil Computation ist ein häufig eingesetzer und wichtiger Kernel, der durch diese Komplexität beeinflusst ist. Seine Bedeutung rührt von dessen zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen und ingenieurstechnischen Anwendungen. Der Stencil Kernel ist eine Nächster-Nachbar-Berechnung von niedriger arithmetischer Intensität. Deswegen erreicht es nur einen Bruchteil der möglichen Höchstleistung, wenn es auf modernen Computersystemen ausgeführt wird. Es gibt im Wesentlichen drei Möglichkeiten dieses Problem anzugehen, und zwar durch cache-bewusste, cache-unbewusste und automatische Schleifentransformationsansätze. In dieser Doktorarbeit stellen wir vollständige cache-bewusste sowie cache-unbewusste Algorithmen zur Optimierung von Stencilberechnungen auf einem strukturierten rechteckigen 2D und 3D Gitter. Unsere Algorithmen erfüllen die Erfordernisse für eine hohe Leistung und wiegen diese sorgfältig gegeneinander ab. Das Problem der Skalierbarkeit von Speicherzugriffen führte zu hierarchischen Speichersystemen. Dies stellt eine weitere Herausforderung an die Leistung dar. Wir passen unser Framework dahingehend an, um mit dieser Herausforderung auf solchen Architekturen fertig zu werden. Wir führen Experimente durch, um die Leistung unseres Algorithmen auf synthetischen wie auch realen Problemen zu evaluieren