118 research outputs found

    Search Complexities for HTN Planning

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    Search Complexities for HTN Planning

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    Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning is the problem of decomposing an initial task into a sequence of executable steps. Often viewed as just a way to encode human knowledge to solve classical planning problems faster, HTN planning is more expressive than classical planning, even to the point of being undecidable in the general case. However, HTN planning is not just a way to solve planning problems faster, but is itself a search problem that can benefit from its own distinct search algorithms and heuristics. The dissertation examines the complexities of various HTN planning problem classes in order to motivate the development of heuristic search algorithms for HTN planning which are guaranteed to terminate on a large class of syntactically identifiable problems, as well as domain independent heuristics for those algorithms to use. This will allow HTN planning to be used in a number of areas where the solvability of a problem is in question, including during the initial development of a domain and for use in policy generation in non-deterministic planning environments. In particular, this dissertation analyzes two commonly used algorithms for HTN planning and describes the subsets of HTN problems that these algorithms terminate on. This allows us to discuss the run-times of these algorithms and com- pare the expressivity of the classes of problems they decide. We provide two new HTN algorithms which terminate on a strictly broader and more expressive set of HTN problems. We also analyze the complexity of delete-free HTN planning, an analogue to delete-free classical planning which is the base of many classical planning heuristics. We show that delete-free HTN planning is NP-complete, putting the existence of strict-semantics delete-relaxation-based HTN heuristics out of reach for practical purposes. Finally, we provide a translation of a large subset of HTN planning to classical planning, which allows us to use a classical planner as a surrogate for a heuristic HTN planner. Our experiments show that even small amounts and incomplete amounts of HTN knowledge, when translated into PDDL using our algorithm, can greatly improve a classical planner's performance

    Lilotane : A Lifted SAT-based Approach to Hierarchical Planning

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    One of the oldest and most popular approaches to automated planning is to encode the problem at hand into a propositional formula and use a Satisfiability (SAT) solver to find a solution. In all established SAT-based approaches for Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning, grounding the problem is necessary and oftentimes introduces a combinatorial blowup in terms of the number of actions and reductions to encode. Our contribution named Lilotane (Lifted Logic for Task Networks) eliminates this issue for Totally Ordered HTN planning by directly encoding the lifted representation of the problem at hand. We lazily instantiate the problem hierarchy layer by layer and use a novel SAT encoding which allows us to defer decisions regarding method arguments to the stage of SAT solving. We show the correctness of our encoding and compare it to the best performing prior SAT encoding in a worst-case analysis. Empirical evaluations confirm that Lilotane outperforms established SAT-based approaches, often by orders of magnitude, produces much smaller formulae on average, and compares favorably to other state-of-the-art HTN planners regarding robustness and plan quality. In the International Planning Competition (IPC) 2020, a preliminary version of Lilotane scored the second place. We expect these considerable improvements to SAT-based HTN planning to open up new perspectives for SAT-based approaches in related problem classes

    HTN-Like Solutions for Classical Planning Problems: An Application to BDI Agent Systems

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    In this paper we explore the question of what characterises a desirable plan of action and how such a plan could be computed, in the context of systems that already possess a certain amount of hierarchical domain knowledge. In contrast to past work in this setting, which focuses on generating low-level plans, losing much of the domain knowledge inherent in such systems, we argue that plans ought to be HTN-like or abstract, i.e., re-use and respect the user-supplied know-how in the underlying domain. In doing so, we recognise an intrinsic tension between striving for abstract plans but ensuring that unnecessary actions, not linked to the specific goal to be achieved, are avoided. We explore this tension by characterising the set of “ideal” abstract plans that are non-redundant but maximally abstract, and then develop a more limited yet feasible account in which a given (arbitrary) abstract plan is “specialised” into one such non-redundant plan that is as abstract as possible. We present an algorithm that can compute such specialisations, and analyse the theoretical properties of our proposal

    Temporal and Hierarchical Models for Planning and Acting in Robotics

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    The field of AI planning has seen rapid progress over the last decade and planners are now able to find plan with hundreds of actions in a matter of seconds. Despite those important progresses, robotic systems still tend to have a reactive architecture with very little deliberation on the course of the plan they might follow. In this thesis, we argue that a successful integration with a robotic system requires the planner to have capacities for both temporal and hierarchical reasoning. The former is indeed a universal resource central in many robot activities while the latter is a critical component for the integration of reasoning capabilities at different abstraction levels, typically starting with a high level view of an activity that is iteratively refined down to motion primitives. As a first step to carry out this vision, we present a model for temporal planning unifying the generative and hierarchical approaches. At the center of the model are temporal action templates, similar to those of PDDL complemented with a specification of the initial state as well as the expected evolution of the environment over time. In addition, our model allows for the specification of hierarchical knowledge possibly with a partial coverage. Consequently, our model generalizes the existing generative and HTN approaches together with an explicit time representation. In the second chapter, we introduce a planning procedure suitable for our planning model. In order to support hierarchical features, we extend the existing Partial-Order Causal Link approach used in many constraintbased planners, with the notions of task and decomposition. We implement it in FAPE (Flexible Acting and Planning Environment) together with automated problem analysis techniques used for search guidance. We show FAPE to have performance similar to state of the art temporal planners when used in a generative setting. The addition of hierarchical information leads to further performance gain and allows us to outperform traditional planners. In the third chapter, we study the usual methods used to reason on temporal uncertainty while planning. We relax the usual assumption of total observability and instead provide techniques to reason on the observations needed to maintain a plan dispatchable. We show how such needed observations can be detected at planning time and incrementally dealt with by considering the appropriate sensing actions. In a final chapter, we discuss the place of the proposed planning system as a central component for the control of a robotic actor. We demonstrate how the explicit time representation facilitates plan monitoring and action dispatching when dealing with contingent events that require observation. We take advantage of the constraint-based and hierarchical representation to facilitate both plan-repair procedures as well opportunistic plan refinement at acting time

    Autonomous science for an ExoMars Rover-like mission

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    In common with other Mars exploration missions, human supervision of Europe's ExoMars Rover will be mostly indirect via orbital relay spacecraft and thus far from immediate. The gap between issuing commands and witnessing the results of the consequent rover actions will typically be on the order of several hours or even sols. In addition, it will not be possible to observe the external environment at the time of action execution. This lengthens the time required to carry out scientific exploration and limits the mission's ability to respond quickly to favorable science events. To increase potential science return for such missions, it will be necessary to deploy autonomous systems that include science target selection and active data acquisition. In this work, we have developed and integrated technologies that we explored in previous studies and used the resulting test bed to demonstrate an autonomous, opportunistic science concept on a representative robotic platform. In addition to progressing the system design approach and individual autonomy components, we have introduced a methodology for autonomous science assessment based on terrestrial field science practice

    Automated Hierarchical, Forward-Chaining Temporal Planner for Planetary Robots Exploring Unknown Environments

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    The transition of mobile robots from a controlled environment towards the real-world represents a major leap in terms of complexity coming primarily from three different factors: partial observability, nondeterminism and dynamic events. To cope with them, robots must achieve some intelligence behaviours to be cost and operationally effective. Two particularly interesting examples of highly complex robotic scenarios are Mars rover missions and the Darpa Robotic Challenge (DRC). In spite of the important differences they present in terms of constraints and requirements, they both have adopted certain level of autonomy to overcome some specific problems. For instance, Mars rovers have been endowed with multiple systems to enable autonomous payload operations and consequently increase science return. In the case of DRC, most teams have autonomous footstep planning or arm trajectory calculation. Even though some specific problems can be addressed with dedicated tools, the general problem remains unsolved: to deploy on-board a reliable reasoning system able to operate robots without human intervention even in complex environments. This is precisely the goal of an automated mission planner. The scientific community has provided plenty of planners able to provide very fast solutions for classical problems, typically characterized by the lack of time and resources representation. Moreover, there are also a handful of applied planners with higher levels of expressiveness at the price of lowest performance. However, a fast, expressive and robust planner has never been used in complex robotic missions. These three properties represent the main drivers for the outcomes of the thesis. To bridge the gap between classical and applied planning, a novel formalism named Hierarchical TimeLine Networks (HTLN) combining Timeline and HTN planning has been proposed. HTLN has been implemented on a mission planner named QuijoteExpress, the first forward-chaining timeline planner to the best of our knowledge. The main idea is to benefit from the great performance of forward-chaining search to resolve temporal problems on the state-space. In addition, QuijoteExpress includes search enhancements such as parallel planning by division of the problem in sub-problems or advanced heuristics management. Regarding expressiveness, the planner incorporates HTN techniques that allow to define hierarchical models and solutions. Finally, plan robustness in uncertain scenarios has been addressed by means of sufficient plans that allow to leave parts of valid plans undefined. To test the planner, a novel lightweight, timeline and ROS-based executive named SanchoExpress has been designed to translate the plans into actions understandable by the different robot subsystems. The entire approach has been tested in two realistic and complementary domains. A cooperative multirover Mars mission and an urban search and rescue mission. The results were extremely positive and opens new promising ways in the field of automated planning applied to robotics
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