30 research outputs found

    An Iterative Soft Decision Based LR-Aided MIMO Detector

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    The demand for wireless and high-rate communication system is increasing gradually and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) is one of the feasible solutions to accommodate the growing demand for its spatial multiplexing and diversity gain. However, with high number of antennas, the computational and hardware complexity of MIMO increases exponentially. This accumulating complexity is a paramount problem in MIMO detection system directly leading to large power consumption. Hence, the major focus of this dissertation is algorithmic and hardware development of MIMO decoder with reduced complexity for both real and complex domain, which can be a beneficial solution with power efficiency and high throughput. Both hard and soft domain MIMO detectors are considered. The use of lattice reduction (LR) algorithm and on-demand-child-expansion for the reduction of noise propagation and node calculation respectively are the two of the key features of our developed architecture, presented in this literature. The real domain iterative soft MIMO decoding algorithm, simulated for 4 × 4 MIMO with different modulation scheme, achieves 1.1 to 2.7 dB improvement over Lease Sphere Decoder (LSD) and more than 8x reduction in list size, K as well as complexity of the detector. Next, the iterative real domain K-Best decoder is expanded to the complex domain with new detection scheme. It attains 6.9 to 8.0 dB improvement over real domain K-Best decoder and 1.4 to 2.5 dB better performance over conventional complex decoder for 8 × 8 MIMO with 64 QAM modulation scheme. Besides K, a new adjustable parameter, Rlimit has been introduced in order to append re-configurability trading-off between complexity and performance. After that, a novel low-power hardware architecture of complex decoder is developed for 8 × 8 MIMO and 64 QAM modulation scheme. The total word length of only 16 bits has been adopted limiting the bit error rate (BER) degradation to 0.3 dB with K and Rlimit equal to 4. The proposed VLSI architecture is modeled in Verilog HDL using Xilinx and synthesized using Synopsys Design Vision in 45 nm CMOS technology. According to the synthesize result, it achieves 1090.8 Mbps throughput with power consumption of 580 mW and latency of 0.33 us. The maximum frequency the design proposed is 181.8 MHz. All of the proposed decoders mentioned above are bounded by the fixed K. Hence, an adaptive real domain K-Best decoder is further developed to achieve the similar performance with less K, thereby reducing the computational complexity of the decoder. It does not require accurate SNR measurement to perform the initial estimation of list size, K. Instead, the difference between the first two minimal distances is considered, which inherently eliminates complexity. In summary, a novel iterative K-Best detector for both real and complex domain with efficient VLSI design is proposed in this dissertation. The results from extensive simulation and VHDL with analysis using Synopsys tool are also presented for justification and validation of the proposed works

    An Iterative Soft Decision Based LR-Aided MIMO Detector

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    The demand for wireless and high-rate communication system is increasing gradually and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) is one of the feasible solutions to accommodate the growing demand for its spatial multiplexing and diversity gain. However, with high number of antennas, the computational and hardware complexity of MIMO increases exponentially. This accumulating complexity is a paramount problem in MIMO detection system directly leading to large power consumption. Hence, the major focus of this dissertation is algorithmic and hardware development of MIMO decoder with reduced complexity for both real and complex domain, which can be a beneficial solution with power efficiency and high throughput. Both hard and soft domain MIMO detectors are considered. The use of lattice reduction (LR) algorithm and on-demand-child-expansion for the reduction of noise propagation and node calculation respectively are the two of the key features of our developed architecture, presented in this literature. The real domain iterative soft MIMO decoding algorithm, simulated for 4 × 4 MIMO with different modulation scheme, achieves 1.1 to 2.7 dB improvement over Lease Sphere Decoder (LSD) and more than 8x reduction in list size, K as well as complexity of the detector. Next, the iterative real domain K-Best decoder is expanded to the complex domain with new detection scheme. It attains 6.9 to 8.0 dB improvement over real domain K-Best decoder and 1.4 to 2.5 dB better performance over conventional complex decoder for 8 × 8 MIMO with 64 QAM modulation scheme. Besides K, a new adjustable parameter, Rlimit has been introduced in order to append re-configurability trading-off between complexity and performance. After that, a novel low-power hardware architecture of complex decoder is developed for 8 × 8 MIMO and 64 QAM modulation scheme. The total word length of only 16 bits has been adopted limiting the bit error rate (BER) degradation to 0.3 dB with K and Rlimit equal to 4. The proposed VLSI architecture is modeled in Verilog HDL using Xilinx and synthesized using Synopsys Design Vision in 45 nm CMOS technology. According to the synthesize result, it achieves 1090.8 Mbps throughput with power consumption of 580 mW and latency of 0.33 us. The maximum frequency the design proposed is 181.8 MHz. All of the proposed decoders mentioned above are bounded by the fixed K. Hence, an adaptive real domain K-Best decoder is further developed to achieve the similar performance with less K, thereby reducing the computational complexity of the decoder. It does not require accurate SNR measurement to perform the initial estimation of list size, K. Instead, the difference between the first two minimal distances is considered, which inherently eliminates complexity. In summary, a novel iterative K-Best detector for both real and complex domain with efficient VLSI design is proposed in this dissertation. The results from extensive simulation and VHDL with analysis using Synopsys tool are also presented for justification and validation of the proposed works

    VLSI decoding architectures: flexibility, robustness and performance

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    Stemming from previous studies on flexible LDPC decoders, this thesis work has been mainly focused on the development of flexible turbo and LDPC decoder designs, and on the narrowing of the power, area and speed gap they might present with respect to dedicated solutions. Additional studies have been carried out within the field of increased code performance and of decoder resiliency to hardware errors. The first chapter regroups several main contributions in the design and implementation of flexible channel decoders. The first part concerns the design of a Network-on-Chip (NoC) serving as an interconnection network for a partially parallel LDPC decoder. A best-fit NoC architecture is designed and a complete multi-standard turbo/LDPC decoder is designed and implemented. Every time the code is changed, the decoder must be reconfigured. A number of variables influence the duration of the reconfiguration process, starting from the involved codes down to decoder design choices. These are taken in account in the flexible decoder designed, and novel traffic reduction and optimization methods are then implemented. In the second chapter a study on the early stopping of iterations for LDPC decoders is presented. The energy expenditure of any LDPC decoder is directly linked to the iterative nature of the decoding algorithm. We propose an innovative multi-standard early stopping criterion for LDPC decoders that observes the evolution of simple metrics and relies on on-the-fly threshold computation. Its effectiveness is evaluated against existing techniques both in terms of saved iterations and, after implementation, in terms of actual energy saving. The third chapter portrays a study on the resilience of LDPC decoders under the effect of memory errors. Given that the purpose of channel decoders is to correct errors, LDPC decoders are intrinsically characterized by a certain degree of resistance to hardware faults. This characteristic, together with the soft nature of the stored values, results in LDPC decoders being affected differently according to the meaning of the wrong bits: ad-hoc error protection techniques, like the Unequal Error Protection devised in this chapter, can consequently be applied to different bits according to their significance. In the fourth chapter the serial concatenation of LDPC and turbo codes is presented. The concatenated FEC targets very high error correction capabilities, joining the performance of turbo codes at low SNR with that of LDPC codes at high SNR, and outperforming both current deep-space FEC schemes and concatenation-based FECs. A unified decoder for the concatenated scheme is subsequently propose

    Récepteur itératif pour les systèmes MIMO-OFDM basé sur le décodage sphérique : convergence, performance et complexité

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    Recently, iterative processing has been widely considered to achieve near-capacity performance and reliable high data rate transmission, for future wireless communication systems. However, such an iterative processing poses significant challenges for efficient receiver design. In this thesis, iterative receiver combining multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection with channel decoding is investigated for high data rate transmission. The convergence, the performance and the computational complexity of the iterative receiver for MIMO-OFDM system are considered. First, we review the most relevant hard-output and soft-output MIMO detection algorithms based on sphere decoding, K-Best decoding, and interference cancellation. Consequently, a low-complexity K-best (LCK- Best) based decoder is proposed in order to substantially reduce the computational complexity without significant performance degradation. We then analyze the convergence behaviors of combining these detection algorithms with various forward error correction codes, namely LTE turbo decoder and LDPC decoder with the help of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. Based on this analysis, a new scheduling order of the required inner and outer iterations is suggested. The performance of the proposed receiver is evaluated in various LTE channel environments, and compared with other MIMO detection schemes. Secondly, the computational complexity of the iterative receiver with different channel coding techniques is evaluated and compared for different modulation orders and coding rates. Simulation results show that our proposed approaches achieve near optimal performance but more importantly it can substantially reduce the computational complexity of the system. From a practical point of view, fixed-point representation is usually used in order to reduce the hardware costs in terms of area, power consumption and execution time. Therefore, we present efficient fixed point arithmetic of the proposed iterative receiver based on LC-KBest decoder. Additionally, the impact of the channel estimation on the system performance is studied. The proposed iterative receiver is tested in a real-time environment using the MIMO WARP platform.Pour permettre l’accroissement de débit et de robustesse dans les futurs systèmes de communication sans fil, les processus itératifs sont de plus considérés dans les récepteurs. Cependant, l’adoption d’un traitement itératif pose des défis importants dans la conception du récepteur. Dans cette thèse, un récepteur itératif combinant les techniques de détection multi-antennes avec le décodage de canal est étudié. Trois aspects sont considérés dans un contexte MIMOOFDM: la convergence, la performance et la complexité du récepteur. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions les différents algorithmes de détection MIMO à décision dure et souple basés sur l’égalisation, le décodage sphérique, le décodage K-Best et l’annulation d’interférence. Un décodeur K-best de faible complexité (LC-K-Best) est proposé pour réduire la complexité sans dégradation significative des performances. Nous analysons ensuite la convergence de la combinaison de ces algorithmes de détection avec différentes techniques de codage de canal, notamment le décodeur turbo et le décodeur LDPC en utilisant le diagramme EXIT. En se basant sur cette analyse, un nouvel ordonnancement des itérations internes et externes nécessaires est proposé. Les performances du récepteur ainsi proposé sont évaluées dans différents modèles de canal LTE, et comparées avec différentes techniques de détection MIMO. Ensuite, la complexité des récepteurs itératifs avec différentes techniques de codage de canal est étudiée et comparée pour différents modulations et rendement de code. Les résultats de simulation montrent que les approches proposées offrent un bon compromis entre performance et complexité. D’un point de vue implémentation, la représentation en virgule fixe est généralement utilisée afin de réduire les coûts en termes de surface, de consommation d’énergie et de temps d’exécution. Nous présentons ainsi une représentation en virgule fixe du récepteur itératif proposé basé sur le décodeur LC K-Best. En outre, nous étudions l’impact de l’estimation de canal sur la performance du système. Finalement, le récepteur MIMOOFDM itératif est testé sur la plateforme matérielle WARP, validant le schéma proposé

    Performance of turbo multi-user detectors in space-time coded DS-CDMA systems

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-123).In this thesis we address the problem of improving the uplink capacity and the performance of a DS-CDMA system by combining MUD and turbo decoding. These two are combined following the turbo principle. Depending on the concatenation scheme used, we divide these receivers into the Partitioned Approach (PA) and the Iterative Approach (IA) receivers. To enable the iterative exchange of information, these receivers employ a Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) detector as the first receiver stage

    Energy efficient design of an adaptive switching algorithm for the iterative-MIMO receiver

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    An efficient design dedicated for iterative-multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) receiver systems is now imperative in our world since data demands are increasing tremendously in wireless networks. This puts a massive burden on the signal processing power especially in small receiver systems where power sources are often shared or limited. This thesis proposes an attractive solution to both the wireless signal processing and the architectural implementation design sides of the problem. A novel algorithm, dubbed the Adaptive Switching Algorithm, is proven to not only save more than a third of the energy consumption in the algorithmic design, but is also able to achieve an energy reduction of more than 50% in terms of processing power when the design is mapped onto state-of-the-art programmable hardware. Simulations are based in MatlabTM using the Monte Carlo approach, where multiple additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading channels for both fast and slow fading environments were investigated. The software selects the appropriate detection algorithm depending on the current channel conditions. The design for the hardware is based on the latest field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) hardware from Xilinx R , specifically the Virtex-5 and Virtex-7 chipsets. They were chosen during the experimental phase to verify the results in order to examine trends for energy consumption in the proposed algorithm design. Savings come from dynamic allocation of the hardware resources by implementing power minimization techniques depending on the processing requirements of the system. Having demonstrated the feasibility of the algorithm in controlled environments, realistic channel conditions were simulated using spatially correlated MIMO channels to test the algorithm’s readiness for real-world deployment. The proposed algorithm is placed in both the MIMO detector and the iterative-decoder blocks of the receiver. When the final full receiver design setup is implemented, it shows that the key to energy saving lies in the fact that both software and hardware components of the Adaptive Switching Algorithm adopt adaptivity in the respective designs. The detector saves energy by selecting suitable detection schemes while the decoder provides adaptivity by limiting the number of decoding iterations, both of which are updated in real-time. The overall receiver can achieve more than 70% energy savings in comparison to state-of-the-art iterative-MIMO receivers and thus it can be concluded that this level of ‘intelligence’ is an important direction towards a more efficient iterative-MIMO receiver designs in the future

    Iterative Receiver Techniques for Data-Driven Channel Estimation and Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications

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    Wireless mobile communications were initially a way for people to communicate through low data rate voice call connections. As data enabled devices allow users the ability to do much more with their mobile devices, so to will the demand for more reliable and pervasive wireless data. This is being addressed by so-called 4th generation wireless systems based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems. Mobile wireless customers are becoming more demanding and expecting to have a great user experience over high speed broadband access at any time and anywhere, both indoor and outdoor. However, these promising improvements cannot be realized without an e±cient design of the receiver. Recently, receivers utilizing iterative detection and decoding have changed the fundamental receiver design paradigm from traditional separated parameter estimation and data detection blocks to an integrated iterative parameter estimator and data detection unit. Motivated by this iterative data driven approach, we develop low complexity iterative receivers with improved sensitivity compared to the conventional receivers, this brings potential benefits for the wireless communication system, such as improving the overall system throughput, increasing the macro cell coverage, and reducing the cost of the equipments in both the base station and mobile terminal. It is a challenge to design receivers that have good performance in a highly dynamic mobile wireless environment. One of the challenges is to minimize overhead reference signal energy (preamble, pilot symbols) without compromising the performance. We investigate this problem, and develop an iterative receiver with enhanced data-driven channel estimation. We discuss practical realizations of the iterative receiver for SISO-OFDM system. We utilize the channel estimation from soft decoded data (the a priori information) through frequency-domain combining and time-domain combining strategies in parallel with limited pilot signals. We analyze the performance and complexity of the iterative receiver, and show that the receiver's sensitivity can be improved even with this low complexity solution. Hence, seamless communications can be achieved with better macro cell coverage and mobility without compromising the overall system performance. Another challenge is that a massive amount of interference caused by MIMO transmission (spatial multiplexing MIMO) reduces the performance of the channel estimation, and further degrades data detection performance. We extend the iterative channel estimation from SISO systems to MIMO systems, and work with linear detection methods to perform joint interference mitigation and channel estimation. We further show the robustness of the iterative receivers in both indoor and outdoor environment compared to the conventional receiver approach. Finally, we develop low complexity iterative spatial multiplexed MIMO receivers for nonlinear methods based on two known techniques, that is, the Sphere Decoder (SD) method and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. These methods have superior performance, however, they typically demand a substantial increase in computational complexity, which is not favorable in practical realizations. We investigate and show for the first time how to utilize the a priori information in these methods to achieve performance enhancement while simultaneously substantially reducing the computational complexity. In our modified sphere decoder method, we introduce a new accumulated a priori metric in the tree node enumeration process. We show how we can improve the performance by obtaining the reliable tree node candidate from the joint Maximum Likelihood (ML) metric and an approximated a priori metric. We also show how we can improve the convergence speed of the sphere decoder (i.e., reduce the com- plexity) by selecting the node with the highest a priori probability as the starting node in the enumeration process. In our modified MCMC method, the a priori information is utilized for the firrst time to qualify the reliably decoded bits from the entire signal space. Two new robust MCMC methods are developed to deal with the unreliable bits by using the reliably decoded bit information to cancel the interference that they generate. We show through complexity analysis and performance comparison that these new techniques have improved performance compared to the conventional approaches, and further complexity reduction can be obtained with the assistance of the a priori information. Therefore, the complexity and performance tradeoff of these nonlinear methods can be optimized for practical realizations

    Proceedings of the 35th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux and the 4th joint WIC/IEEE Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Eindhoven, the Netherlands May 12-13, 2014

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    Compressive sensing (CS) as an approach for data acquisition has recently received much attention. In CS, the signal recovery problem from the observed data requires the solution of a sparse vector from an underdetermined system of equations. The underlying sparse signal recovery problem is quite general with many applications and is the focus of this talk. The main emphasis will be on Bayesian approaches for sparse signal recovery. We will examine sparse priors such as the super-Gaussian and student-t priors and appropriate MAP estimation methods. In particular, re-weighted l2 and re-weighted l1 methods developed to solve the optimization problem will be discussed. The talk will also examine a hierarchical Bayesian framework and then study in detail an empirical Bayesian method, the Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) method. If time permits, we will also discuss Bayesian methods for sparse recovery problems with structure; Intra-vector correlation in the context of the block sparse model and inter-vector correlation in the context of the multiple measurement vector problem

    Proceedings of the 35th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux and the 4th joint WIC/IEEE Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Eindhoven, the Netherlands May 12-13, 2014

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    Compressive sensing (CS) as an approach for data acquisition has recently received much attention. In CS, the signal recovery problem from the observed data requires the solution of a sparse vector from an underdetermined system of equations. The underlying sparse signal recovery problem is quite general with many applications and is the focus of this talk. The main emphasis will be on Bayesian approaches for sparse signal recovery. We will examine sparse priors such as the super-Gaussian and student-t priors and appropriate MAP estimation methods. In particular, re-weighted l2 and re-weighted l1 methods developed to solve the optimization problem will be discussed. The talk will also examine a hierarchical Bayesian framework and then study in detail an empirical Bayesian method, the Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) method. If time permits, we will also discuss Bayesian methods for sparse recovery problems with structure; Intra-vector correlation in the context of the block sparse model and inter-vector correlation in the context of the multiple measurement vector problem