769 research outputs found

    Clearing the Clouds: Extracting 3D information from amongst the noise

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    Advancements permitting the rapid extraction of 3D point clouds from a variety of imaging modalities across the global landscape have provided a vast collection of high fidelity digital surface models. This has created a situation with unprecedented overabundance of 3D observations which greatly outstrips our current capacity to manage and infer actionable information. While years of research have removed some of the manual analysis burden for many tasks, human analysis is still a cornerstone of 3D scene exploitation. This is especially true for complex tasks which necessitate comprehension of scale, texture and contextual learning. In order to ameliorate the interpretation burden and enable scientific discovery from this volume of data, new processing paradigms are necessary to keep pace. With this context, this dissertation advances fundamental and applied research in 3D point cloud data pre-processing and deep learning from a variety of platforms. We show that the representation of 3D point data is often not ideal and sacrifices fidelity, context or scalability. First ground scanning terrestrial LIght Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) models are shown to have an inherent statistical bias, and present a state of the art method for correcting this, while preserving data fidelity and maintaining semantic structure. This technique is assessed in the dense canopy of Micronesia, with our technique being the best at retaining high levels of detail under extreme down-sampling (\u3c 1%). Airborne systems are then explored with a method which is presented to pre-process data to preserve a global contrast and semantic content in deep learners. This approach is validated with a building footprint detection task from airborne imagery captured in Eastern TN from the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP), our approach was found to achieve significant accuracy improvements over traditional techniques. Finally, topography data spanning the globe is used to assess past and previous global land cover change. Utilizing Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, paired with the airborne preprocessing technique described previously, a model for predicting land-cover change from topography observations is described. The culmination of these efforts have the potential to enhance the capabilities of automated 3D geospatial processing, substantially lightening the burden of analysts, with implications improving our responses to global security, disaster response, climate change, structural design and extraplanetary exploration

    Deep Learning Methods for 3D Aerial and Satellite Data

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    Recent advances in digital electronics have led to an overabundance of observations from electro-optical (EO) imaging sensors spanning high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. This unprecedented volume, variety, and velocity is overwhelming our capacity to manage and translate that data into actionable information. Although decades of image processing research have taken the human out of the loop for many important tasks, the human analyst is still an irreplaceable link in the image exploitation chain, especially for more complex tasks requiring contextual understanding, memory, discernment, and learning. If knowledge discovery is to keep pace with the growing availability of data, new processing paradigms are needed in order to automate the analysis of earth observation imagery and ease the burden of manual interpretation. To address this gap, this dissertation advances fundamental and applied research in deep learning for aerial and satellite imagery. We show how deep learning---a computational model inspired by the human brain---can be used for (1) tracking, (2) classifying, and (3) modeling from a variety of data sources including full-motion video (FMV), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and stereo photogrammetry. First we assess the ability of a bio-inspired tracking method to track small targets using aerial videos. The tracker uses three kinds of saliency maps: appearance, location, and motion. Our approach achieves the best overall performance, including being the only method capable of handling long-term occlusions. Second, we evaluate the classification accuracy of a multi-scale fully convolutional network to label individual points in LiDAR data. Our method uses only the 3D-coordinates and corresponding low-dimensional spectral features for each point. Evaluated using the ISPRS 3D Semantic Labeling Contest, our method scored second place with an overall accuracy of 81.6\%. Finally, we validate the prediction capability of our neighborhood-aware network to model the bare-earth surface of LiDAR and stereo photogrammetry point clouds. The network bypasses traditionally-used ground classifications and seamlessly integrate neighborhood features with point-wise and global features to predict a per point Digital Terrain Model (DTM). We compare our results with two widely used softwares for DTM extraction, ENVI and LAStools. Together, these efforts have the potential to alleviate the manual burden associated with some of the most challenging and time-consuming geospatial processing tasks, with implications for improving our response to issues of global security, emergency management, and disaster response

    Approaches to three-dimensional reconstruction of plant shoot topology and geometry

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    There are currently 805 million people classified as chronically undernourished, and yet the World’s population is still increasing. At the same time, global warming is causing more frequent and severe flooding and drought, thus destroying crops and reducing the amount of land available for agriculture. Recent studies show that without crop climate adaption, crop productivity will deteriorate. With access to 3D models of real plants it is possible to acquire detailed morphological and gross developmental data that can be used to study their ecophysiology, leading to an increase in crop yield and stability across hostile and changing environments. Here we review approaches to the reconstruction of 3D models of plant shoots from image data, consider current applications in plant and crop science, and identify remaining challenges. We conclude that although phenotyping is receiving an increasing amount of attention – particularly from computer vision researchers – and numerous vision approaches have been proposed, it still remains a highly interactive process. An automated system capable of producing 3D models of plants would significantly aid phenotyping practice, increasing accuracy and repeatability of measurements

    Vegetation Detection and Classification for Power Line Monitoring

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    Electrical network maintenance inspections must be regularly executed, to provide a continuous distribution of electricity. In forested countries, the electrical network is mostly located within the forest. For this reason, during these inspections, it is also necessary to assure that vegetation growing close to the power line does not potentially endanger it, provoking forest fires or power outages. Several remote sensing techniques have been studied in the last years to replace the labor-intensive and costly traditional approaches, be it field based or airborne surveillance. Besides the previously mentioned disadvantages, these approaches are also prone to error, since they are dependent of a human operator’s interpretation. In recent years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platform applicability for this purpose has been under debate, due to its flexibility and potential for customisation, as well as the fact it can fly close to the power lines. The present study proposes a vegetation management and power line monitoring method, using a UAV platform. This method starts with the collection of point cloud data in a forest environment composed of power line structures and vegetation growing close to it. Following this process, multiple steps are taken, including: detection of objects in the working environment; classification of said objects into their respective class labels using a feature-based classifier, either vegetation or power line structures; optimisation of the classification results using point cloud filtering or segmentation algorithms. The method is tested using both synthetic and real data of forested areas containing power line structures. The Overall Accuracy of the classification process is about 87% and 97-99% for synthetic and real data, respectively. After the optimisation process, these values were refined to 92% for synthetic data and nearly 100% for real data. A detailed comparison and discussion of results is presented, providing the most important evaluation metrics and a visual representations of the attained results.Manutenções regulares da rede elétrica devem ser realizadas de forma a assegurar uma distribuição contínua de eletricidade. Em países com elevada densidade florestal, a rede elétrica encontra-se localizada maioritariamente no interior das florestas. Por isso, durante estas inspeções, é necessário assegurar também que a vegetação próxima da rede elétrica não a coloca em risco, provocando incêndios ou falhas elétricas. Diversas técnicas de deteção remota foram estudadas nos últimos anos para substituir as tradicionais abordagens dispendiosas com mão-de-obra intensiva, sejam elas através de vigilância terrestre ou aérea. Além das desvantagens mencionadas anteriormente, estas abordagens estão também sujeitas a erros, pois estão dependentes da interpretação de um operador humano. Recentemente, a aplicabilidade de plataformas com Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) tem sido debatida, devido à sua flexibilidade e potencial personalização, assim como o facto de conseguirem voar mais próximas das linhas elétricas. O presente estudo propõe um método para a gestão da vegetação e monitorização da rede elétrica, utilizando uma plataforma UAV. Este método começa pela recolha de dados point cloud num ambiente florestal composto por estruturas da rede elétrica e vegetação em crescimento próximo da mesma. Em seguida,múltiplos passos são seguidos, incluindo: deteção de objetos no ambiente; classificação destes objetos com as respetivas etiquetas de classe através de um classificador baseado em features, vegetação ou estruturas da rede elétrica; otimização dos resultados da classificação utilizando algoritmos de filtragem ou segmentação de point cloud. Este método é testado usando dados sintéticos e reais de áreas florestais com estruturas elétricas. A exatidão do processo de classificação é cerca de 87% e 97-99% para os dados sintéticos e reais, respetivamente. Após o processo de otimização, estes valores aumentam para 92% para os dados sintéticos e cerca de 100% para os dados reais. Uma comparação e discussão de resultados é apresentada, fornecendo as métricas de avaliação mais importantes e uma representação visual dos resultados obtidos

    Beyond Measurement: {E}xtracting Vegetation Height from High Resolution Imagery with Deep Learning

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    Measuring and monitoring the height of vegetation provides important insights into forest age and habitat quality. These are essential for the accuracy of applications that are highly reliant on up-to-date and accurate vegetation data. Current vegetation sensing practices involve ground survey, photogrammetry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and airborne light detection and ranging sensors (LiDAR). While these methods provide high resolution and accuracy, their hardware and collection effort prohibits highly recurrent and widespread collection. In response to the limitations of current methods, we designed Y-NET, a novel deep learning model to generate high resolution models of vegetation from highly recurrent multispectral aerial imagery and elevation data. Y-NET’s architecture uses convolutional layers to learn correlations between different input features and vegetation height, generating an accurate vegetation surface model (VSM) at 1×1 m resolution. We evaluated Y-NET on 235 km2 of the East San Francisco Bay Area and find that Y-NET achieves low error from LiDAR when tested on new locations. Y-NET also achieves an R2 of 0.83 and can effectively model complex vegetation through side-by-side visual comparisons. Furthermore, we show that Y-NET is able to identify instances of vegetation growth and mitigation by comparing aerial imagery and LiDAR collected at different times

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas

    NASA Tech Briefs, April 2011

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    Topics covered include: Amperometric Solid Electrolyte Oxygen Microsensors with Easy Batch Fabrication; Two-Axis Direct Fluid Shear Stress Sensor for Aerodynamic Applications; Target Assembly to Check Boresight Alignment of Active Sensors; Virtual Sensor Test Instrumentation; Evaluation of the Reflection Coefficient of Microstrip Elements for Reflectarray Antennas; Miniaturized Ka-Band Dual-Channel Radar; Continuous-Integration Laser Energy Lidar Monitor; Miniaturized Airborne Imaging Central Server System; Radiation-Tolerant, SpaceWire-Compatible Switching Fabric; Small Microprocessor for ASIC or FPGA Implementation; Source-Coupled, N-Channel, JFET-Based Digital Logic Gate Structure Using Resistive Level Shifters; High-Voltage-Input Level Translator Using Standard CMOS; Monitoring Digital Closed-Loop Feedback Systems; MASCOT - MATLAB Stability and Control Toolbox; MIRO Continuum Calibration for Asteroid Mode; GOATS Image Projection Component; Coded Modulation in C and MATLAB; Low-Dead-Volume Inlet for Vacuum Chamber; Thermal Control Method for High-Current Wire Bundles by Injecting a Thermally Conductive Filler; Method for Selective Cleaning of Mold Release from Composite Honeycomb Surfaces; Infrared-Bolometer Arrays with Reflective Backshorts; Commercialization of LARC (trade mark) -SI Polyimide Technology; Novel Low-Density Ablators Containing Hyperbranched Poly(azomethine)s; Carbon Nanotubes on Titanium Substrates for Stray Light Suppression; Monolithic, High-Speed Fiber-Optic Switching Array for Lidar; Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Power System; Spectroelectrochemical Instrument Measures TOC; A Miniaturized Video System for Monitoring Drosophila Behavior; Hydrofocusing Bioreactor Produces Anti-Cancer Alkaloids; Creep Measurement Video Extensometer; Radius of Curvature Measurement of Large Optics Using Interferometry and Laser Tracker n-B-pi-p Superlattice Infrared Detector; Safe Onboard Guidance and Control Under Probabilistic Uncertainty; General Tool for Evaluating High-Contrast Coronagraphic Telescope Performance Error Budgets; Hidden Statistics of Schroedinger Equation; Optimal Padding for the Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform; Spatial Query for Planetary Data; Higher Order Mode Coupling in Feed Waveguide of a Planar Slot Array Antenna; Evolutionary Computational Methods for Identifying Emergent Behavior in Autonomous Systems; Sampling Theorem in Terms of the Bandwidth and Sampling Interval; Meteoroid/Orbital Debris Shield Engineering Development Practice and Procedure; Self-Balancing, Optical-Center-Pivot, Fast-Steering Mirror; Wireless Orbiter Hang-Angle Inclinometer System; and Internal Electrostatic Discharge Monitor - IESDM